Invaded by an off-planet civilization

Thomas Deflo have you met Christophera? you two should get along great. you both seem to be in need of the same anti-psychotic medication.
Hi Supnod:

Our planet has been overtaken slowly for the past 2300 years. Reptilian humans don't have many nominal qualities, except for patience. Like a reptile animal sitting on a rock, they can wait.

By the end of the 20th century, reptilian people numerically dominated the Earth's population. 1960s demographic surge being caused by a peak in their artificial reproduction system . . .

The Reptilian races are 'terrestrial' and have been around for millions of years and have no plans for overtaking anybody. They are waiting for the anticipated "prophet" (Acts 3:22-23), who represents the incarnation of this entire universe (your father Adam), just like everybody else (Iranian, Jewish, Indian, Christian). Adam gave the Reptilian races their instructions NOT to interfere with the bearded races (sons of Noah = Eve = 'you are gods'), even before Eve was taken from his side (Gen. 2:7-17).

The Reptilian races run around in their spaceships looking for any evidence of the Messiah's return like 'he' (Adam) predicted thousands of years ago. Their technology is FAR advanced when compared to human technology today 'and' the aliens could have already enslaved everyone in this world a thousand times over IF that were there true intentions. No sir. The aliens remain in 'observer mode,' because they fear the rod of their father Adam; which you guys would not recognize if he came to this USMB Board to say "Boooo!" :0)

Jesus Christ is the "Man From Heaven/Above" (John 3:31) and your father Adam is "The Man of the Earth" (my thread).



i was just about to ask if terral believed this one also

too fucking funny
Keep your eyes open, here's what they really look like.

Enemy Mine

good movie
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The all seem to work in Marketing, Public relations, and I am sure most of the weirder politicians. Explains Waxman, Maxine Waters, and the fact that politicians score 30 points lower on civics quizes than the general population.
Thomas Deflo have you met Christophera? you two should get along great. you both seem to be in need of the same anti-psychotic medication.
is it just me, or have most of the troofers also chimed in on this one in agreement?
Let me motivate for resistance. First, reptilians emanated onto us. Projected ideas are accompanied by similar impressions that the former are actually ours.
This made us behave in a way which we never would. Ideas that the opposite is possible are immediately blocked. Imagine another civilization would do this to us.

Later, the reptilians probably destroyed Earth -- in 2004 as it seems -- which was our planet after all.

They replaced it with this hologram, in which civilizations are made to fall under their influence. Thermians are a race of former humanoids who are controlled by the reptilians. They provide us with the 'evil' holographic equipment built under the ground, where former enemies of the reptilians are tortured.
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Let me motivate for resistance. First, reptilians emanated onto us. Projected ideas are accompanied by similar impressions that the former are actually ours.
This made us behave in a way which we never would. Ideas that the opposite is possible are immediately blocked. Imagine another civilization would do this to us.

Later, the reptilians probably destroyed Earth -- in 2004 as it seems -- which was our planet after all.

They replaced it with this hologram, in which civilizations are made to fall under their influence. Thermians are a race of former humanoids who are controlled by the reptilians. They provide us with the 'evil' holographic equipment built under the ground, where former enemies of the reptilians are tortured.

replaced the earth with a hologram? i can walk outside and touch the earth. its not a hologram.
This kind of conspiracy only serves to distract from the real issues at hand. Thanks for subverting the feeble minded! Modern civilization is the only "alien" thing on this planet.
Our planet has been overtaken slowly for the past 2300 years. Reptilian humans don't have many nominal qualities, except for patience. Like a reptile animal sitting on a rock, they can wait.

By the end of the 20th century, reptilian people numerically dominated the Earth's population. 1960s demographic surge being caused by a peak in their artificial reproduction system.

The occupation is done above ground, where Reptilians wear so-called E.B.A.s – electronic body armour. E.B.A.s are tissues of holographic material based on a DNA imprint which look exactly like humans. These are replacements for bodysnatched humans. Most of China and the West are invaded by these artificial bodies. The rest of the presence is kept underground, in a network of tunnels and bases.

The Reptilian presence is typically ridiculed through media channels (TV series 'V', Galaxy Quest, D. Icke's books).

There is a way to fight the reptoid invasion.

  • Address the reptoid heart inside the EBA.
  • Ask the reptoid heart to be in touch with all other hearts like itself.
  • Ask it to tell the other hearts to become the opposite of light (de-photonize).
Addressing the heart can be done by monologue through your brain's speech center (right hemisphere).

It's worth it. After a while, there should be no more reptoid presence on Earth.

Hey... Tom Cruise.... Welcome to USMB!!

And no, I am not converting.
uh oh.....


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