Invasion Propaganda - Donald's Malicious Evil Invasion Branding Lie


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.
Fat people like Donald are scared they will run out of room and Big Macs if more people come here..
A convoy or caravan or movement of people is moving through Mexico towards the American border. Could be called any of those things, but it is not an invasion.
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Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

From Wiki:

In the 20th and 21st centuries, questions arose regarding the effectiveness of the invasion strategy in neutralizing non-state combatants, a type of warfare sometimes referred to as "fourth generation warfare". In this case, one or more combatant groups are controlled not by a centralized state government but by independent leadership, and these groups may be made up of civilians, foreign agents, mercenaries, politicians, religious leaders, and members of the regular military. These groups act in smaller numbers, are not confined by borders, and do not necessarily depend on the direct support of the state. Groups such as these are not easily defeated by straightforward invasion, or even constant occupation; the country's regular army may be defeated, the government may be replaced, but asymmetric warfare on the part of these groups can be continued indefinitely.[12] Because regular armed forces units do not have the flexibility and independence of small covert cells, many believe that the concept of a powerful occupying force actually creates a disadvantage.[13]

An opposing theory holds that, in response to extremist ideology and unjust governments, an invasion can change the government and reeducate the people, making prolonged resistance unlikely and averting future violence. This theory acknowledges that these changes may take time—generations, in some cases—but holds that immediate benefits may still be won by reducing membership in, and choking the supply lines of, these covert cells. Proponents of the invasion strategy in such conflicts maintain the belief that a strong occupying force can still succeed in its goals on a tactical level, building upon numerous small victories, similar to a war of attrition.

Contemporary debate on this issue is still fresh; neither side can claim to know for certain which strategies will ultimately be effective in defeating non-state combatants. Opponents of the invasion strategy point to a lack of examples in which occupying or
peacekeeping forces have met with conclusive success.[15] They also cite continuing conflicts such as Northern Ireland, Israel, Chechnya, and Iraq, as well as examples which they claim ultimately proved to be failures, such as Lebanon, and Afghanistan. Supporters of the invasion strategy hold that it is too soon to call those situations failures, and that patience is needed to see the plan through. Some say that the invasions themselves have, in fact, been successful, but that political opponents[16] and the international media[17] skew the facts for sensationalism or political gain.
Well I call thousands looking to get across our border an invasion even if other don't.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

Call them what they are..a horde of vermin
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

Call them what they are..a horde of vermin

There is no need to start name calling.

In fact, in war innocent civilians are routinely put in the line of fire for propaganda purposes.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

They aren't seeking asylum.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

Call them what they are..a horde of vermin

There is no need to start name calling.

In fact, in war innocent civilians are routinely put in the line of fire for propaganda purposes.

You post as you wish and I will also. How's that?
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

Call them what they are..a horde of vermin

There is no need to start name calling.

In fact, in war innocent civilians are routinely put in the line of fire for propaganda purposes.

You post as you wish and I will also. How's that?

All righty then.

It is just my opinion that such talk hurts our cause is all.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

Call them what they are..a horde of vermin

There is no need to start name calling.

In fact, in war innocent civilians are routinely put in the line of fire for propaganda purposes.

You post as you wish and I will also. How's that?

All righty then.

It is just my opinion that such talk hurts our cause is all.

I saw the video of these people and their antics....vermin is being kind
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

Call them what they are..a horde of vermin

There is no need to start name calling.

In fact, in war innocent civilians are routinely put in the line of fire for propaganda purposes.

You post as you wish and I will also. How's that?

All righty then.

It is just my opinion that such talk hurts our cause is all.

I saw the video of these people and their antics....vermin is being kind

Ok then, label thousands of people vermin.

That is up to you but there is no need to do so.

All you have to do is identify harmful elements to make a point, not label the entire group.
Call them what they are..a horde of vermin

There is no need to start name calling.

In fact, in war innocent civilians are routinely put in the line of fire for propaganda purposes.

You post as you wish and I will also. How's that?

All righty then.

It is just my opinion that such talk hurts our cause is all.

I saw the video of these people and their antics....vermin is being kind

Ok then, label thousands of people vermin.

That is up to you

Yeah it run along and attempt to chastise someone who cares
They aren't seeking asylum.
True, they're being paid by Trump supporters to keep a manufactured "crisis" going.

Trump is good at casting the narrative. Democrats gave him the opening to exploit. They are wrong on illegal immigration. He is making them pay for it.
If they were seeking asylum from their country they could do so at a country that borders theirs. They would not be tearing down fences, they would be requesting entry.

See the difference.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.

Are we talking about the first 10,000+ group? The second 4,000+ group? Or the more recent 3rd that's building up? So when would you deem it an invasion? As I keep asking you bleeding hearts, when is it enough?
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.
Ever since he descended the gaudy, gilded escalator, he's been employing the Goebbels' method of propaganda. At first, we all laughed. Funny how history has a habit of coming back to bite us in the ass.

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