Invasion Propaganda - Donald's Malicious Evil Invasion Branding Lie

They aren't seeking asylum.
True, they're being paid by Trump supporters to keep a manufactured "crisis" going.

Millions of illegal aliens isn't a crisis?
A "crisis" manufactured by Trump. If it's such a big problem, why is he sending operatives to pay the caravan to keep going?
Trump didn't allow millions of illegal aliens to come here over the last 30 years.
But he is pumping up this "crisis" for political gain. You can plainly see people getting paid in the photo. Who does extending this "crisis" help? Try being honest with yourself.

Liberals doing stupid things that end up helping Trump...….
Yep, that's me, always making stuff up:

6. Firm resettlement

If, prior to the applicant's arrival in the U.S., he or she entered into another nation with or, while in that nation, received an offer of permanent resident status, citizenship, or some other type of permanent resettlement, that person will be considered to have "firmly resettled." Subject to certain exceptions, individuals who may safely settle in another country will normally not qualify for asylum.

Ten Things You Must Know Before You File for Asylum | Lee & Garasia, LLC
Mexico's offer or temporary work permits and assistance do not meet your post regarding "6. Firm resettlement" and is why it is being rejected by most of the migrants.

They offer asylum so you have no idea what is included. Why would they offer asylum with no work or assistance? What are they supposed to do, let them stay and starve? Plus they don’t even have status when it comes to persecution. Those countries are the same today as they were 10 years ago.

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Mexico did not offer asylum. They offered work permits and temporary residence in rhe two most southern provinces. Migrants claim some who accepted rhe offer have already been deported. So. you are still just making stuff up.

When I get home I’ll post several links that show you’re wrong. They did offer asylum and nearly begged them to accept. They refused. That’s why it’s proof positive they were never looking for asylum in the first place, they were looking for a cheap excuse to sneak in this country.

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Even if your thesis has some alleged validity, it does not mean the migrants don't have the challenge to be made before a US Court. The court may decide your thesis is valid and deny asylum on the grounds you have alleged, or, they may invalidate your thesis and grant asylum ro the migrant applying.

They can still apply, but it's not legitimate given the circumstances. They use the application process to sneak into the country. After the detention period, they are free to come into the country until their hearing which can take up to three years. That was the Obama plan of Catch and Release. But even when the case is finally heard, they don't show up because they know their claim is bogus. They find some sanctuary city to hide in after that time.

What Trump announced now is that they can still apply, but can't enter the country. They will setup tent cities and they can wait in tents for a couple of years if that's what they want to do. So what's going to happen is those who insist on coming anyway will do so and hope the Democrats cry enough and the media follows the story. Like the last time, they are hoping the media pressure will force Trump to withdraw his plans and allow them into the country.
They aren't seeking asylum.
True, they're being paid by Trump supporters to keep a manufactured "crisis" going.

Millions of illegal aliens isn't a crisis?
A "crisis" manufactured by Trump. If it's such a big problem, why is he sending operatives to pay the caravan to keep going?
Trump didn't allow millions of illegal aliens to come here over the last 30 years.
But he is pumping up this "crisis" for political gain. You can plainly see people getting paid in the photo. Who does extending this "crisis" help? Try being honest with yourself.

When you can provide evidence of your claim, please post it because I would love to see that.
There still 7 or 8 hundred miles away, we can think of a lot of maybe's but the reality is this is blown out of proportion to create fear, I figure that over 350million Americans can handle any thing that a few thousand desperate unarmed people want.
We need a plan. Kidnapping their kids didn't seem to work very well. Not sure a tent village with three meals, clean water and a playground for the kids will deter them.
We need a plan. Kidnapping their kids didn't seem to work very well. Not sure a tent village with three meals, clean water and a playground for the kids will deter them.

So how many do you suppose will hang around for three or four years for their hearing? And when word gets back to these countries that this is how we will handle asylum claims, I guarantee you many less will try to do the same.
There still 7 or 8 hundred miles away, we can think of a lot of maybe's but the reality is this is blown out of proportion to create fear, I figure that over 350million Americans can handle any thing that a few thousand desperate unarmed people want.
What was it, 15 or 16 unarmed Muslims 17 years ago.
There still 7 or 8 hundred miles away, we can think of a lot of maybe's but the reality is this is blown out of proportion to create fear, I figure that over 350million Americans can handle any thing that a few thousand desperate unarmed people want.

We are handling it just fine. Trump is doing a great job with the limitations that he has.
Being from NY, I've been aware of trump since he built that skating rink. He bragged about getting it done 'ahead of schedule, and under budget'. A lie he still likes to use for every project. Of course, 'under budget' is easy when you screw your contractors.

He had several failed casinos...a feat in and of itself. He declared bankruptcy...a word that he can't seem to allow to pass through his lips..after daddy stopped funding his failures. He was 'forgiven' almost $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of those defaults.

We could all be billionaires if we defaulted on $1 billion in debt...couldn't we? He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, because his father created a real estate empire using taxpayer dollars.

The vast majority of trump branded businesses/products were neither run by, or managed by trump. The scandalous ones (trump University) were, but the other gross failures were not.

The Trump Organization is the collective name for a group of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump, the current U.S. President, is the sole or principal owner.[4] Approximately 250 entities use the Trump name.[5][6] Donald Trump's grandmother and father founded the organization in 1923 as E. Trump & Son, and it was led from 1971 to 2017 by Donald, who renamed the company around 1973.

The Trump Organization - Wikipedia
I see. So by 'reading' you mean you go to Wiki for your information. trump Organization is a business that has many enterprises under its umbrella. Hundreds of trump named businesses have nothing to do with trump, save for the money they used to pay him for his name.

As already mentioned, trump's grandfather started the business, and left it in the lap of his wife when he died. trump's father became a real estate tycoon by using taxpayer money to build housing. trump the lesser renamed the business later.
Whereas you cite 500 businesses that he owns, that is a gross fabrication. trump Organization has many irons in the fire. Fewer and fewer as his name becomes more toxic.

Don't you know how to read? It plainly states Trump owned at least 500 businesses, and the Trump name was given to an additional 250 other businesses.

Furthermore do you see those red numbers by the sentences? Those are called hyperlinks. If you click on those, it takes you to the sources Wikipedia got their information from.

I like to think so. How about you?
trump Organization has many business entities under its umbrella. We can nitpick the minutia. For instance, he has a separate entity for paying off hookers and the likes. Same for the women/girls he raped.

trump University was another. Along with a laundry list of other failed ventures...many of which only bore his name with him having little or nothing to do with day to day operations.

He was handed tens of millions of dollars when he was still a child. If you're citing his accident of birth as some sort of business acumen, then I can understand your hero worship. You're easily impressed.

All his businesses are under one name as my link already explained. And what business does he have to payoff hookers? I anxiously await credible proof of that.

And yes, Trump worked for his father for several years. He inherited money on top of what he EARNED. Trump turned those million into hundreds of millions and by his own admission, turned that into billions. If you think it’s so easy to double, triple, or more than quadruple money, then try it sometime with any amount of money yourself.

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I'll type it slower this time:

trump defaulted on nearly $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of his bankruptcies. He was 'forgiven' that debt, which is why he can say the he never declared bankruptcy.

We'll all be billionaires as soon as we get the opportunity to default on $1 billion in debt.

Of course, we haven't discussed the fact that the doesn't pay his contractors.

I said 'hookers'. I meant porn stars. My bad.
Michael Cohen’s hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, explained

October 17, 2016: The Trump Organization’s Cohen created Essential Consultants LLC, as a vehicle to quietly pay hush money to Daniels.
The Trump Organization is the collective name for a group of approximately 500 business entities of which Donald Trump, the current U.S. President, is the sole or principal owner.[4] Approximately 250 entities use the Trump name.[5][6] Donald Trump's grandmother and father founded the organization in 1923 as E. Trump & Son, and it was led from 1971 to 2017 by Donald, who renamed the company around 1973.

The Trump Organization - Wikipedia
I see. So by 'reading' you mean you go to Wiki for your information. trump Organization is a business that has many enterprises under its umbrella. Hundreds of trump named businesses have nothing to do with trump, save for the money they used to pay him for his name.

As already mentioned, trump's grandfather started the business, and left it in the lap of his wife when he died. trump's father became a real estate tycoon by using taxpayer money to build housing. trump the lesser renamed the business later.
Whereas you cite 500 businesses that he owns, that is a gross fabrication. trump Organization has many irons in the fire. Fewer and fewer as his name becomes more toxic.

Don't you know how to read? It plainly states Trump owned at least 500 businesses, and the Trump name was given to an additional 250 other businesses.

Furthermore do you see those red numbers by the sentences? Those are called hyperlinks. If you click on those, it takes you to the sources Wikipedia got their information from.

I like to think so. How about you?
trump Organization has many business entities under its umbrella. We can nitpick the minutia. For instance, he has a separate entity for paying off hookers and the likes. Same for the women/girls he raped.

trump University was another. Along with a laundry list of other failed ventures...many of which only bore his name with him having little or nothing to do with day to day operations.

He was handed tens of millions of dollars when he was still a child. If you're citing his accident of birth as some sort of business acumen, then I can understand your hero worship. You're easily impressed.

All his businesses are under one name as my link already explained. And what business does he have to payoff hookers? I anxiously await credible proof of that.

And yes, Trump worked for his father for several years. He inherited money on top of what he EARNED. Trump turned those million into hundreds of millions and by his own admission, turned that into billions. If you think it’s so easy to double, triple, or more than quadruple money, then try it sometime with any amount of money yourself.

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I'll type it slower this time:

trump defaulted on nearly $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of his bankruptcies. He was 'forgiven' that debt, which is why he can say the he never declared bankruptcy.

We'll all be billionaires as soon as we get the opportunity to default on $1 billion in debt.

Of course, we haven't discussed the fact that the doesn't pay his contractors.

I said 'hookers'. I meant porn stars. My bad.
Michael Cohen’s hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, explained

October 17, 2016: The Trump Organization’s Cohen created Essential Consultants LLC, as a vehicle to quietly pay hush money to Daniels.

When did Trump ever say he never declared bankruptcy? It's on record. Personally? No he didn't. No business man does because they incorporate. When you incorporate, you are not personally responsible for debt in your business. Most every business does that.
A convoy or caravan or movement of people is moving through Mexico towards the American border. Could be called any of those things, but it is not an invasion.

Who says, you? They are going to sent packing.
I see. So by 'reading' you mean you go to Wiki for your information. trump Organization is a business that has many enterprises under its umbrella. Hundreds of trump named businesses have nothing to do with trump, save for the money they used to pay him for his name.

As already mentioned, trump's grandfather started the business, and left it in the lap of his wife when he died. trump's father became a real estate tycoon by using taxpayer money to build housing. trump the lesser renamed the business later.
Whereas you cite 500 businesses that he owns, that is a gross fabrication. trump Organization has many irons in the fire. Fewer and fewer as his name becomes more toxic.

Don't you know how to read? It plainly states Trump owned at least 500 businesses, and the Trump name was given to an additional 250 other businesses.

Furthermore do you see those red numbers by the sentences? Those are called hyperlinks. If you click on those, it takes you to the sources Wikipedia got their information from.

I like to think so. How about you?
trump Organization has many business entities under its umbrella. We can nitpick the minutia. For instance, he has a separate entity for paying off hookers and the likes. Same for the women/girls he raped.

trump University was another. Along with a laundry list of other failed ventures...many of which only bore his name with him having little or nothing to do with day to day operations.

He was handed tens of millions of dollars when he was still a child. If you're citing his accident of birth as some sort of business acumen, then I can understand your hero worship. You're easily impressed.

All his businesses are under one name as my link already explained. And what business does he have to payoff hookers? I anxiously await credible proof of that.

And yes, Trump worked for his father for several years. He inherited money on top of what he EARNED. Trump turned those million into hundreds of millions and by his own admission, turned that into billions. If you think it’s so easy to double, triple, or more than quadruple money, then try it sometime with any amount of money yourself.

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I'll type it slower this time:

trump defaulted on nearly $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of his bankruptcies. He was 'forgiven' that debt, which is why he can say the he never declared bankruptcy.

We'll all be billionaires as soon as we get the opportunity to default on $1 billion in debt.

Of course, we haven't discussed the fact that the doesn't pay his contractors.

I said 'hookers'. I meant porn stars. My bad.
Michael Cohen’s hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, explained

October 17, 2016: The Trump Organization’s Cohen created Essential Consultants LLC, as a vehicle to quietly pay hush money to Daniels.

When did Trump ever say he never declared bankruptcy? It's on record. Personally? No he didn't. No business man does because they incorporate. When you incorporate, you are not personally responsible for debt in your business. Most every business does that.
I'm typing as slowly as I can, but I'll slow it down even more for you.

Because his credit was so lousy, he had PERSONAL guarantees of almost $1 Billion on his loans. He was 'forgiven' that PERSONAL guarantee by the banks when he 'restructured' his debt.

You claimed to have been well read on trump. Wiki won't tell you what you need to know if you want to qualify for these big discussions. Try a real source of information for a change.

These individuals said the banks agreed to forgive Trump’s personal liabilities in exchange for his help in selling the properties. The proceeds of the sales would then be split among the banks.

All you need to know about your role model

Trump bankers question his portrayal of financial comeback
Don't you know how to read? It plainly states Trump owned at least 500 businesses, and the Trump name was given to an additional 250 other businesses.

Furthermore do you see those red numbers by the sentences? Those are called hyperlinks. If you click on those, it takes you to the sources Wikipedia got their information from.

I like to think so. How about you?
trump Organization has many business entities under its umbrella. We can nitpick the minutia. For instance, he has a separate entity for paying off hookers and the likes. Same for the women/girls he raped.

trump University was another. Along with a laundry list of other failed ventures...many of which only bore his name with him having little or nothing to do with day to day operations.

He was handed tens of millions of dollars when he was still a child. If you're citing his accident of birth as some sort of business acumen, then I can understand your hero worship. You're easily impressed.

All his businesses are under one name as my link already explained. And what business does he have to payoff hookers? I anxiously await credible proof of that.

And yes, Trump worked for his father for several years. He inherited money on top of what he EARNED. Trump turned those million into hundreds of millions and by his own admission, turned that into billions. If you think it’s so easy to double, triple, or more than quadruple money, then try it sometime with any amount of money yourself.

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I'll type it slower this time:

trump defaulted on nearly $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of his bankruptcies. He was 'forgiven' that debt, which is why he can say the he never declared bankruptcy.

We'll all be billionaires as soon as we get the opportunity to default on $1 billion in debt.

Of course, we haven't discussed the fact that the doesn't pay his contractors.

I said 'hookers'. I meant porn stars. My bad.
Michael Cohen’s hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, explained

October 17, 2016: The Trump Organization’s Cohen created Essential Consultants LLC, as a vehicle to quietly pay hush money to Daniels.

When did Trump ever say he never declared bankruptcy? It's on record. Personally? No he didn't. No business man does because they incorporate. When you incorporate, you are not personally responsible for debt in your business. Most every business does that.
I'm typing as slowly as I can, but I'll slow it down even more for you.

Because his credit was so lousy, he had PERSONAL guarantees of almost $1 Billion on his loans. He was 'forgiven' that PERSONAL guarantee by the banks when he 'restructured' his debt.

You claimed to have been well read on trump. Wiki won't tell you what you need to know if you want to qualify for these big discussions. Try a real source of information for a change.

These individuals said the banks agreed to forgive Trump’s personal liabilities in exchange for his help in selling the properties. The proceeds of the sales would then be split among the banks.

All you need to know about your role model

Trump bankers question his portrayal of financial comeback

Who said he's my role model? Did you read the last paragraph of your link? It said the banks did not collect 100% of the money owed, but left out the part of how much they did collect.

Trump bounced back several years later, and once again became wealthy. While you might want to think a recession only affected Trump, it affected a lot of businesses at the time. Trump is only transcending because of his name and now position in our government.
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.
The National Sentinel--Where media credibility made a comeback.Where media credibility has been reborn.

Elected Democrats and their party propaganda wing, the “establishment media,” have portrayed the thousands of mostly Central American migrants traipsing towards the United States as harmless, poor individuals escaping violence and political persecution in their home countries.

No doubt that most of them are poor, but there are questions about whether they’re really being persecuted, whether they’re really in danger, and whether many of them are who they say they are.

Over the weekend, Fox News reporter Griff Jenkins, who is traveling with one of the caravans, interviewed a man called “Jose” who says he wants to come to the U.S. Actually, he said he wants to get back into the United States. He’s been deported before, so that makes him a criminal already.

But that’s not all. Jose is wanted for attempted murder – in his words, a third-degree felony.

You read that right.

He says he wants to come back into the U.S. to seek a “pardon,” but the chances of that happening are about as remote as the chances of Barack Obama admitting his was the most corrupt administration in U.S. history.
I like to think so. How about you?
trump Organization has many business entities under its umbrella. We can nitpick the minutia. For instance, he has a separate entity for paying off hookers and the likes. Same for the women/girls he raped.

trump University was another. Along with a laundry list of other failed ventures...many of which only bore his name with him having little or nothing to do with day to day operations.

He was handed tens of millions of dollars when he was still a child. If you're citing his accident of birth as some sort of business acumen, then I can understand your hero worship. You're easily impressed.

All his businesses are under one name as my link already explained. And what business does he have to payoff hookers? I anxiously await credible proof of that.

And yes, Trump worked for his father for several years. He inherited money on top of what he EARNED. Trump turned those million into hundreds of millions and by his own admission, turned that into billions. If you think it’s so easy to double, triple, or more than quadruple money, then try it sometime with any amount of money yourself.

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I'll type it slower this time:

trump defaulted on nearly $1 billion in personal debt as part of one of his bankruptcies. He was 'forgiven' that debt, which is why he can say the he never declared bankruptcy.

We'll all be billionaires as soon as we get the opportunity to default on $1 billion in debt.

Of course, we haven't discussed the fact that the doesn't pay his contractors.

I said 'hookers'. I meant porn stars. My bad.
Michael Cohen’s hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, explained

October 17, 2016: The Trump Organization’s Cohen created Essential Consultants LLC, as a vehicle to quietly pay hush money to Daniels.

When did Trump ever say he never declared bankruptcy? It's on record. Personally? No he didn't. No business man does because they incorporate. When you incorporate, you are not personally responsible for debt in your business. Most every business does that.
I'm typing as slowly as I can, but I'll slow it down even more for you.

Because his credit was so lousy, he had PERSONAL guarantees of almost $1 Billion on his loans. He was 'forgiven' that PERSONAL guarantee by the banks when he 'restructured' his debt.

You claimed to have been well read on trump. Wiki won't tell you what you need to know if you want to qualify for these big discussions. Try a real source of information for a change.

These individuals said the banks agreed to forgive Trump’s personal liabilities in exchange for his help in selling the properties. The proceeds of the sales would then be split among the banks.

All you need to know about your role model

Trump bankers question his portrayal of financial comeback

Who said he's my role model? Did you read the last paragraph of your link? It said the banks did not collect 100% of the money owed, but left out the part of how much they did collect.

Trump bounced back several years later, and once again became wealthy. While you might want to think a recession only affected Trump, it affected a lot of businesses at the time. Trump is only transcending because of his name and now position in our government.
I noticed many new people on the border most Liberal progressives. They seem to be run up the post on a negative beat. Thanks for posting, I had the same results
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.

Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.
Trump simply used an accurate label, and America hating scum like you can't stand it.
Last edited:
Perhaps the most malicious evil lie promoted by Trump is his branding of destitute Central Americans seeking asylum as refugees in America as an invasion.

There is no invasion. The claim is a simple effort of using the word invasion to instill fear and visions of hoards of criminals coming to American to rape a pillage.
Trump's propaganda lie is suspected of being a major cause of the worst domestic terrorist attack on Jews in American history.

There is no invasion coming. Invasion is just the label and lie used by Trump to influence an election.
Trump sinply used an accurate label, and America hating scum like you can't stand it.
Thanks for the bump. Let's keep the invasion lie up front and in rhe active posts on the first page. With your help, we can do it.
Call them what they are..a horde of vermin

There is no need to start name calling.

In fact, in war innocent civilians are routinely put in the line of fire for propaganda purposes.

You post as you wish and I will also. How's that?

All righty then.

It is just my opinion that such talk hurts our cause is all.

I saw the video of these people and their antics....vermin is being kind

Ok then, label thousands of people vermin.

That is up to you but there is no need to do so.

All you have to do is identify harmful elements to make a point, not label the entire group.

Absolutely there is a need. Wouldn't be a deplorable asshole without it.

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