Investigate the Comer Crime Family!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
A suspicious loan of $200,000? Where is the documentation? It's time to investigate!


James Comer, Like Joe Biden, Also Paid His Brother $200K

This is crazy, James Comer did exactly what Biden did.

Biden became a multi-millionaire farming, Comer became a multi-millionaire farming

Biden gave a 200k loan to his brother, because they farmed together, Comer did the exact same thing with his brother.
Did the money Comer's brother repaid him originate in China from a company directly connected to the Communist Chinese government?

Does the DB have bank records showing that the money Biden's brother paid DIRECTLY to the Big Guy started in China?

Do any of you ever read any "news" beyond the Daily Beast and MSNBC?
You literally can’t make up this stuff. The reality of the GOP is far more bizarre than fiction.
Actually a loan isn't the standard, it's the tip of the iceberg. Let's see where Biden's billions came from when he never had a real job.
BREAKING: Republican House Oversight Committee a Chairman James Comer is humiliatingly exposed as it's revealed that he engaged in EXACTLY the kind of "shady business practices" that he has repeatedly accused Joe Biden of.

You really can't make this up...

Comer, who is the chairman of the powerful House Oversight Committee, was repaid $200,000 by brother. He has been relentlessly attacking Biden for doing similar transactions with his brother James Biden.

Comer wants the American people to believe that Biden's allegedly "troubling" interactions with his brother — which happened while he was a private citizen removed from the halls of power — are proof of corruption.

The rank irony is that when Comer did his transactions he was still in power as an official in charge of overseeing agricultural policy. This is psychological projection on a whole other level.

Comer "channeled extra money to his brother, seemingly from nothing" to the tune of $200,000 shuttled through a deeply suspicious shell company. On top of that, he engaged in so-called "land swaps" and requested favorable tax treatment.

At the time, Comer was on the House Agricultural Committee which crafts legislation setting farm policy and authorizing billions in federal programs. He owned a family farm, constituting an absurd conflict of interest.

According to Campaign Legal Centre senior ethics counsel Delaney Marsco, there is a distinct possibility that Comer was working to "game a personal business advantage" from his political power.

"Conflicts of interest can occur when members serve on committees overseeing industries in which they are heavily invested or in which their business interests are intertwined," said Marsco. "Voters have a right to know that lawmakers are using their considerable power in the interest of the public, not to game a personal business advantage."

The hypocrisy is staggering to say nothing of the possible criminality. Comer should resign in disgrace.

May be an image of 2 people and the Oval Office


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