Investigation Into Conservative Hero Bolsonaro Recommends Mass Homicide Charges


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"A Brazilian Senate investigation into President Jair Bolsonaro concluded the president's lax Covid policies led to the deaths of more than 300,000 people, according to The New York Times, with the report recommending the president be imprisoned and charged with mass homicide as a result. The report, which is set to be publicly released on Wednesday, claims Bolsonaro let Covid ravage the country's population as part of a failed effort to reach herd immunity.

Bolsonaro continuously claimed Covid is nothing more than "a little flu." -- he also eschewed many of the basic public health guidelines medical experts recommend to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Bolsonaro's approval ratings have plummeted throughout the pandemic, the country is second in the world in terms of deaths, behind only the United States."

This is can you possibly have an investigation into how people in power responded to a pandemic?? Especially if how those in power responded was actually the correct response....Luckily, Bolsonaro's party is in power, so these recommendations for criminal charges will go nowhere...but the people of Brazil should be awarding Bolsonaro for being right about this whole Covid hoax from the beginning.....

As it has been said for the 100th time, the best way to deal with this is by ignoring it and gaining herd immunity, not by vaccines, not by masks, lockdowns and all of that crap...If you are healthy, you have nothing to worry about...if you aren't healthy, the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer for your bad the end of the day, you may have a couple of people who matter die; but the numbers of people who die aren't worth all of the crap we have been forced to deal with....sounds harsh, but Conservatism isn't for the weak.
..Brazil is a shithole anyway ......I've been there--twice ...Rio and the rural areas ...they've changed their currency many times because of the problems
You could fill a book with all the murders, rapes and disappearances in South America. Genocide is nothing there.

"A Brazilian Senate investigation into President Jair Bolsonaro concluded the president's lax Covid policies led to the deaths of more than 300,000 people, according to The New York Times, with the report recommending the president be imprisoned and charged with mass homicide as a result. The report, which is set to be publicly released on Wednesday, claims Bolsonaro let Covid ravage the country's population as part of a failed effort to reach herd immunity.

Bolsonaro continuously claimed Covid is nothing more than "a little flu." -- he also eschewed many of the basic public health guidelines medical experts recommend to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Bolsonaro's approval ratings have plummeted throughout the pandemic, the country is second in the world in terms of deaths, behind only the United States."

This is can you possibly have an investigation into how people in power responded to a pandemic?? Especially if how those in power responded was actually the correct response....Luckily, Bolsonaro's party is in power, so these recommendations for criminal charges will go nowhere...but the people of Brazil should be awarding Bolsonaro for being right about this whole Covid hoax from the beginning.....

As it has been said for the 100th time, the best way to deal with this is by ignoring it and gaining herd immunity, not by vaccines, not by masks, lockdowns and all of that crap...If you are healthy, you have nothing to worry about...if you aren't healthy, the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer for your bad the end of the day, you may have a couple of people who matter die; but the numbers of people who die aren't worth all of the crap we have been forced to deal with....sounds harsh, but Conservatism isn't for the weak.
He actually exceeded tRump's body count. Pretty impressive.
Sounds to me like the pharma companies and globalist are pissed because they ain't selling enough vaccines to lower Brazil's overall population enough for them.

Death rate per population of the elderly increases are probably playing a big role in the increase of the death rate.

Brazil popu chart death rate.PNG

According to IBGE (2014a), the national population was composed in 1950 of 2.6 million seniors representing about 4.9% of the population. In 2020, the elderly population is already 30.1 million representing about 14.3% of the population.

The elderly in Brazil: demographic transition, profile, and ...​

Brazil's life expectancy is just a few years shorter than the US life expectancy.


The United Nations estimate a global average life expectancy of 72.6 years for 2019 – the global average today is higher than in any country back in 1950. According to the UN estimates the country with the best health in 1950 was Norway with a life expectancy of 72.3 years.

Life Expectancy - Our World in Data​


"A Brazilian Senate investigation into President Jair Bolsonaro concluded the president's lax Covid policies led to the deaths of more than 300,000 people, according to The New York Times, with the report recommending the president be imprisoned and charged with mass homicide as a result. The report, which is set to be publicly released on Wednesday, claims Bolsonaro let Covid ravage the country's population as part of a failed effort to reach herd immunity.

Bolsonaro continuously claimed Covid is nothing more than "a little flu." -- he also eschewed many of the basic public health guidelines medical experts recommend to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Bolsonaro's approval ratings have plummeted throughout the pandemic, the country is second in the world in terms of deaths, behind only the United States."

This is can you possibly have an investigation into how people in power responded to a pandemic?? Especially if how those in power responded was actually the correct response....Luckily, Bolsonaro's party is in power, so these recommendations for criminal charges will go nowhere...but the people of Brazil should be awarding Bolsonaro for being right about this whole Covid hoax from the beginning.....

As it has been said for the 100th time, the best way to deal with this is by ignoring it and gaining herd immunity, not by vaccines, not by masks, lockdowns and all of that crap...If you are healthy, you have nothing to worry about...if you aren't healthy, the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer for your bad the end of the day, you may have a couple of people who matter die; but the numbers of people who die aren't worth all of the crap we have been forced to deal with....sounds harsh, but Conservatism isn't for the weak.
Wow...not looking good for Joey Xiden....way more have died under his watch....more then we lost all of 2020, and THAT"S WITH A VACCINE.....he's reckless disregard for American life with his policies on the border of allowing untested, unvaccinated illegals to move across the country, the DNC's 2020 campaign of spreading doubt about the vaccine....are starting to show true criminal intent behind these deaths....

If Xiden and his band of Dembot cultist were in Brazil, they could be looking at very long prison sentences.
Clearly not one person who answered this thread, including the host, have never been to Brazil, know anyone in Brazil, or have really any idea of what happened there, that so many died of covid.

And most of all, do not know anything about Bolsonaro to be calling him a hero.

By all means keep spreading what is not true, about the vaccine, masks, the border etc.

That is how the Republicans have been working in the USA, and that is exactly the example Bolsonaro has been following which has led to more people catching the virus, and worst of all, dying from it.

And it was the RNC, and not the DNC, which spread doubts about the vaccine, but never mind because as long as the Republicans in Congress and others are vaccinated and do not need to encourage their districts to do the same.........all is well, right?
Other dickhead leaders should consider the murders in Brazil. Trump,De Santis,Johnson they all have blood on their hands.

TRUMP gave Biden the vaccine and Biden screwed things up resulting in more people dying on his watch....
TRUMP gave Biden the vaccine and Biden screwed things up resulting in more people dying on his watch....

Trump did not work on the vaccines and the companies were already working on them, it is their duty to find an antidote to the virus. No matter who the President is. And so they did.

Let us not forget the "There is no virus here, and all will be back to normal by April 2019" and other Trump sayings in order to keep businesses open, which kept people not safe. And.....the there is no need to wear masks which kept happening since February 2019.

And all the Trump rallies. After one of them, unmasked Herman Caine caught the virus and died. How about when Trump had an open garden party to present the next Supreme Judge Bennet? How many were unmasked and how many caught the virus for being unmasked?

But this is about Bolsonaro, who followed verbatim what Trump did, with equal deadly consequences for those especially poor, and those who chose to believe in him.
Good for him. That's the truth.
More than a little flu but SARS has been around for a long time and so have common colds and flu. This is a first that is well known to be lab initiated to cause super injury in those who are already immune compromised.

With that noted I do still believe Bolsonaro is doing the best by his people in not allowing this crap to wipe out his entire country via vaccine or allowing natural immunity to come forth. Thirty-six percent of the population there is vaccinated and they also have issues with the vaccinated dying from variants.
Brazil is having the same issues as the US with Trump. Government inaction

Please do an actual research on how Brazilians feel on how the virus has been handled, and especially what the virus is.

Trump did not work on the vaccines and the companies were already working on them, it is their duty to find an antidote to the virus. No matter who the President is. And so they did.

Let us not forget the "There is no virus here, and all will be back to normal by April 2019" and other Trump sayings in order to keep businesses open, which kept people not safe. And.....the there is no need to wear masks which kept happening since February 2019.

And all the Trump rallies. After one of them, unmasked Herman Caine caught the virus and died. How about when Trump had an open garden party to present the next Supreme Judge Bennet? How many were unmasked and how many caught the virus for being unmasked?

But this is about Bolsonaro, who followed verbatim what Trump did, with equal deadly consequences for those especially poor, and those who chose to believe in him.
Wow are you indoctrinated. Christ.

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