Investors cheer record-setting year on Wall St

If Republicans cheered Wall Street's worth doubling under a GOP administration while millions of people gave up and just left the job market and weren't even being counted as unemployed anymore, Democrats would be bashing Republicans hard for that.

But today Democrats are singing the praises of the rich getting richer and the income gap getting wider.

It's hilarious.

The homeless children aren't hilarious.

But liberals are.

The phrase "Made in China" makes investors wealthy but destroys the middle class.

This explains the cleavage between Main/Wall Street. In 1980 we accelerated a structure that freed capital to seek cheaper labor in freedom hating nation,s but we still delivered lavish subsidies, tax breaks and regulatory favors to these traitors who fund Fox and Rush so that they can distract morons with the culture war.

In short: we allowed the wealthy to achieve dynastic wealth by cannibalizing the American middle and lower classes (as the corporations in their portfolio shifted production to Communist China)

So when ANYONE tells this liberal that he should be happy that Obama is taking care of the wealthy private sector as the middle class dies, than I say .... FO
If Republicans cheered Wall Street's worth doubling under a GOP administration while millions of people gave up and just left the job market and weren't even being counted as unemployed anymore, Democrats would be bashing Republicans hard for that.

But today Democrats are singing the praises of the rich getting richer and the income gap getting wider.

It's hilarious.

The homeless children aren't hilarious.

But liberals are.

The phrase "Made in China" makes investors wealthy but destroys the middle class.

This explains the cleavage between Main/Wall Street. In 1980 we accelerated a structure that freed capital to seek cheaper labor in freedom hating nation,s but we still delivered lavish subsidies, tax breaks and regulatory favors to these traitors who fund Fox and Rush so that they can distract morons with the culture war.

In short: we allowed the wealthy to achieve dynastic wealth by cannibalizing the American middle and lower classes (as the corporations in their portfolio shifted production to Communist China)

So when ANYONE tells this liberal that he should be happy that Obama is taking care of the wealthy private sector as the middle class dies, than I say .... FO

I'm not telling any liberals they should be happy about it. I'm mocking them for being happy about it. Tell the OP to FO.
If Republicans cheered Wall Street's worth doubling under a GOP administration while millions of people gave up and just left the job market and weren't even being counted as unemployed anymore, Democrats would be bashing Republicans hard for that.

But today Democrats are singing the praises of the rich getting richer and the income gap getting wider.

It's hilarious.

The homeless children aren't hilarious.

But liberals are.

The phrase "Made in China" makes investors wealthy but destroys the middle class.

This explains the cleavage between Main/Wall Street. In 1980 we accelerated a structure that freed capital to seek cheaper labor in freedom hating nation,s but we still delivered lavish subsidies, tax breaks and regulatory favors to these traitors who fund Fox and Rush so that they can distract morons with the culture war.

In short: we allowed the wealthy to achieve dynastic wealth by cannibalizing the American middle and lower classes (as the corporations in their portfolio shifted production to Communist China)

So when ANYONE tells this liberal that he should be happy that Obama is taking care of the wealthy private sector as the middle class dies, than I say .... FO

I'm not telling any liberals they should be happy about it. I'm mocking them for being happy about it. Tell the OP to FO.

Who said I was happy? I posted it and you got your back up about it. Calm down :lol:
How could you possibly get that out of what she wrote??
The point is that Dems are big honking hypocrites, cheering the very same thing they would be booing if it happened under Republicans.

That you don't have a consistent measure of economic improvement, what a "liberal" and a Democrat are for or against.

That is the point. The point is, your perception of reality is unstable, dependent on how you feel rather than objective measures.

By definition, Democrates are "liberals" and are for wealth distribution, against Wall Street, for welfare and SNAP that feeds homeless children.

By definitions, Republicans are conservative, against wealth distribution, for Wall Street success, against welfare and SNAP.

By definition, anyone that praises Wall Street success is there for a conservative.

That is how they are consistently measured and portrayed by conservatives on this board.

Apparently, the measures are that anyone that believes in taxes, wealth redistribution, SNAP, welfare, etc is a liberal Democrat.

There can't be any "hypocricy" because by definition, they aren't liberal Democrats if they measure economic improvement by Wall Street success.

So, again, what the F is the OP talking about?

Looks like the measure of "liberal" and Democrat is entirely arbitrary.

The reason you don't get it is because you are not capable of objective measures.
Seeing as the OP and others seem to be a bit confused, here are a number of posts that define how liberals think. They are provided by people that consider themselves not liberal, either liberatarian or conservative.

There are more if you look for them.

See, this is how objective measures work. First, you define the measure of what the object of interest is. Such as "liberals", "Democrats", etc.

Then you use that measure to identify the objects. Having identified the objects of interest based on the measure that was defined, then you can determine if there are other characteristics that they have in common.

And there in lies the problem.

"liberals" and "democrats" cannot be first identified by characteristics like "hate wealthy people", "like welfare", "believe in government run education", "like taxes", and "don't consider the stock market as a measure of economic success" then take people that don't meet those qualifications and call them "liberals" and "Democrats".

If you're going to use "dislike Wall Steet" as an identifying characteristic, then anyone that likes Wall Street is, by your definition, not a "liberal" or "Democrat".

The even more absurd issue on this whole lack of capacity to measure reality is the taking the "any of the above" as a measure which then puts pretty much everyone into the group except a few that don't match the criteria. Unfortunately, the "all of the above" is an issue to as then nobody fits the criteria.

Rather, what seems to be the stupid proccess is that of basically lumping anyone that fits the criteria of "I don't like them", deciding the are "liberals", Democrats, or the like, then arbitrarily attributing any or all of the "I don't like that" criteria to all of them.

What it comes down to is basically ingroup/outgroup thinking along with overgeneralization and a lack of precision.
How could you possibly get that out of what she wrote??
The point is that Dems are big honking hypocrites, cheering the very same thing they would be booing if it happened under Republicans.

Another simple point is that a group of people cannot be "hypocritical". And individual can.

Other wise, if Mr. Smith was a registered Republican and Mrs. Smith was a registered Democrat, the the Smith family would be "hypocritical". That is simple absurdity.
2013 was a good year for tech companies especially social media. But next year will see rise of messaging apps such as whatsapp and wechat

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