Iowa Caucus Thread

Maybe Schumer ought to request a delay in the final impeachment vote until after the exact cause of the problem with the Iowa caucus is determined!
Lol, some democrats need to form a committee to investigate themselves...
There is no doubt about the following

Low IQ Joe got PASTED and likely finished with ZERO delegates
the DNC wanted Low IQ Joe to win
Bernie likely did win
Mayor Pete declared victory with the results still IN THE CLOSET
Klobuchar likely did "better than expected" and the DNC didn't like that either
Democrats can never, ever be trusted about anything
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.
Testing on a small scale is always different than a full scale launch that handles thousands of simultaneous users. Shit happens. They are sorting it out. No need to have a hissy fit
We tested software that was used on commercial jets. No biggy when Boeing failed to catch bugs and sent hundreds of people plummeting to their deaths. Their working on it, right?
Oh, you’re right, dead people totally compares to a delayed vote count. Great point.
The dead are voting in Iowa right now. We’ll hear the final tally maybe tomorrow.
I heard the app was pre programmed to show Hillary winning.

The app was written by Dr. Michael Mann, the author of the "hockey stick" algorithm, which returned a hockey stick temp chart regardless of the data it was fed....
though the results coming in are late and only a small % of votes are confirmed it looks like Joe may not even reach the 15% threshold ! the impeachment of Donald Trump has put a lot of negative attention on Biden and institutional government corruption ! once again the dems have attacked Trump and suffered for it ! while Trump gets stronger their good ole boy career politician Biden has been damaged !

Really! I thought they all got participation trophies.
I thought Biden was the front runner??

Guess not. LOL
LOLOL, the dims are beyond dumb. Trump was so afraid he had Ukraine investigate his son...oh wait Biden is a joke and his son made millions on a shady deal.....Democrats are hilarious.
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.
Testing on a small scale is always different than a full scale launch that handles thousands of simultaneous users. Shit happens. They are sorting it out. No need to have a hissy fit
We tested software that was used on commercial jets. No biggy when Boeing failed to catch bugs and sent hundreds of people plummeting to their deaths. Their working on it, right?
Oh, you’re right, dead people totally compares to a delayed vote count. Great point.
The dead are voting in Iowa right now. We’ll hear the final tally maybe tomorrow.
The dead? Huh? What are you talking about?

3pm today is when they are announcing the results I think
It's a game to take away from the SOTU tonight. The sh-- stains will do anything to take away from Trump. Now that idiot Schiff is saying Trump will sell Alaska to Russia.
Its gotta be, right?

Dimms are not really this fucking incompetent, are they?
Democrats use the "Stupid Defense" because its always feasible.

But this is a bit much.

1st the big poll the night before is cancelled because 1 person claims Buttjugs wasn't included.

2nd the app fails.

3rd the telephone fails.

4th the backup telephone fails.

So now they're going to release 1/2 of the results later today.

You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to smell a dead fish.
Despite the salivating talking heads on 24/7 "news," the actual story about the Democrats' Iowa caucus "fiasco" is simply interfere with President Trump's SOTU speech tonight. The results are known, but they will be leaked out immediately before the President's speech in order to reduce his viewing audience and deprive him from commenting on them, especially if Bernie Sanders wins.

This is just another act in the Democrats' continuous political theater, which is their substitute for actual governance. How long will the Charlie Browns keep trying to kick their imaginary football?
Serious question... where do you get this crap from?!
Its gotta be, right?

Dimms are not really this fucking incompetent, are they?
Democrats use the "Stupid Defense" because its always feasible.

But this is a bit much.

1st the big poll the night before is cancelled because 1 person claims Buttjugs wasn't included.

2nd the app fails.

3rd the telephone fails.

4th the backup telephone fails.

So now they're going to release 1/2 of the results later today.

You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to smell a dead fish.
And something smells like bleach bit.
Democratic Iowa Ballot Managers Deciding Who Wins Delegates With Coin Tosses

OMG, this is hilarious.....the lefties are so clueless...….wow!!!!!

I would love to see Bernie lose a coin toss, because his supporters will lose their sh!t

So you would rather waste the time to do another runnoff with the candidates? What then, more coin tosses? It's over, it's done. Now it's time to hit the Convention Floor where it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
The habitual liar vs the sperm swallower. Nice choice leaving out the loser of the 2016 Demoncrap Primary because it was rigged back then, just like it is rigged this year. Bernie supporters have said , they will vote for President Trump if he Bernie isnt elected....Can you live with those people's decision? Or will you call them names?

And this time around, how many Republicans will vote for the Democrat Nomination as well? It's all not one sided, cupcake. It's a new ballgame.
Except you're wrong. NO CONSERVATIVE will vote for the loons in your party.

Personally I think it's great that so many in your party are so willfully blind that you can't see when you're being cheated and misled. It ensures that yall are too stupid to fix it

There you go again. If someone is not 100% lockstepped behind the insane man child, they are a Democrat, Commie or Socialist. Could it be we just want to teach our children and grand children to be better people?
The problem is those people scoff at Trump, but then back the democrats, who are faaaaaaaaaaar's not even close and that's how we know you're full of it.
It's a game to take away from the SOTU tonight. The sh-- stains will do anything to take away from Trump. Now that idiot Schiff is saying Trump will sell Alaska to Russia.
If anything, Trump would sell California and get rid of Pelosi in one shot.

Win, win for the rest of us.
prolly not enough iowa threads for senile idiots ..... 50-75 more should get them through lunch hour.
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.
Testing on a small scale is always different than a full scale launch that handles thousands of simultaneous users. Shit happens. They are sorting it out. No need to have a hissy fit
We tested software that was used on commercial jets. No biggy when Boeing failed to catch bugs and sent hundreds of people plummeting to their deaths. Their working on it, right?
Oh, you’re right, dead people totally compares to a delayed vote count. Great point.
The dead are voting in Iowa right now. We’ll hear the final tally maybe tomorrow.
The dead? Huh? What are you talking about?

3pm today is when they are announcing the results I think
And Russians.
Democratic Iowa Ballot Managers Deciding Who Wins Delegates With Coin Tosses

OMG, this is hilarious.....the lefties are so clueless...….wow!!!!!

I would love to see Bernie lose a coin toss, because his supporters will lose their sh!t

So you would rather waste the time to do another runnoff with the candidates? What then, more coin tosses? It's over, it's done. Now it's time to hit the Convention Floor where it really counts with Warren and Mayor Pete tied.
Funny as a "republican" you care so much about the democrats and their process, I think it's hilarious, you are serious about it...….that was easy to expose you. And what runoff? how about doing the don't have to win a majority, do you even know how these things work?
well it's pretty obvious iowa doesn't know.

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