Iowa Caucus Thread


If somebody (let me think of who....)...

...really wanted to divide the Democratic start 'em off with hard feelings and suspicion...

Making this app screw up would be the ideal way...wouldn't it....

I wonder who would do such a thing?

Any ideas?

T'wasn't me spake Cankles!

Maybe Schumer ought to request a delay in the final impeachment vote until after the exact cause of the problem with the Iowa caucus is determined!
Despite the salivating talking heads on 24/7 "news," the actual story about the Democrats' Iowa caucus "fiasco" is simply interfere with President Trump's SOTU speech tonight. The results are known, but they will be leaked out immediately before the President's speech in order to reduce his viewing audience and deprive him from commenting on them, especially if Bernie Sanders wins.

This is just another act in the Democrats' continuous political theater, which is their substitute for actual governance. How long will the Charlie Browns keep trying to kick their imaginary football?
If the speculation is correct that the dem elite is conspiring against bernie a second time I cant see any good outcome for the democrats with or without bernie as the nominee

the smart money in washington thinks he will lose to trump

but if they deny him the nomination the party will be split
It’s just another way to muddy the waters for SOTU and the drastically waning interest in the impeachment vote. Dems gotta keep themselves front and center via scummy shit.
The Democrats just announced that they would release PARTIAL results from the Iowa Caucus TOMORROW AT 5PM.

Hawkeye State Dems set time to announce 'majority' of results from botched caucuses

Does it REALLY take the DNC that long now to rig the Primary and come up with scripted Results?

How many snowflakes ACTUALLY believe the DNC (now run by Hillary) was unable to count people sitting / standing underneath Candidates' names on signs without an App from a company called 'SHADOW' Hillary is connected to?


Iowa Dem party blames caucus fiasco on ‘coding issue,’ vows to release results in afternoon
What you mean is Bloomberg does not want little people to have protection from violent criminals that he has

He has guards with firearms around him 24/7/365

Again, gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

We have met the enemy, and he is us.
thanks for letting the world know you are unarmed and defenseless !:1peleas::abgg2q.jpg:
They know the results, they just don't like them.

Another Dimwinger Clusterfuck.:21:
She refused to LEAD by voting no against the Impeachment

That's completely wrong. She showed tremendous leadership by backing away from her own party's nuttiness. All the Dems who "fell in line" with the strong armed BS of the House leadership were the "followers." Tulsi has a spine, and she showed it.

Heck, the best evidence to date of Tulsi's leadership is the attacks on her by Hillary.

If Hillary attacks a Democrat, it is likely because that Democrat has something Hillary does not, like

good looks
Democrats make the Keystone Kops look organized.

Results for Iowa caucuses delayed as state Democratic Party finds 'inconsistencies'

"The app is the issue, and the hotline is smoked," said Joe Galasso, a volunteer in charge of new registrations for Waukee Precinct 2, in Dallas County. A source familiar with the process said the backup phone line was "a disaster."

Another source was more blunt: "The app is f---ing up," said a senior aide to one of the campaigns, who asked not to be identified. "Can't trust the numbers coming in."

Testing something to see if it works is beyond their IQ.
Testing on a small scale is always different than a full scale launch that handles thousands of simultaneous users. Shit happens. They are sorting it out. No need to have a hissy fit
We tested software that was used on commercial jets. No biggy when Boeing failed to catch bugs and sent hundreds of people plummeting to their deaths. Their working on it, right?
Oh, you’re right, dead people totally compares to a delayed vote count. Great point.
So 30 more hours to reveal 10 minutes of info.
Yeah, I want those ratios running my life
I feel badly for the political activists who spend those countless hours trying to garner the votes of Iowans, only to learn at the last minute that their time and effort was wasted. By the time the dust settles on this fiasco nobody will care who the reported "winner" is, because the results will be irreparably compromised.

Why [the fuck] do "we" grant this relatively irrelevant state such political power every four years? Iowa is no more representative of the American Democrat party than is Nancy Pelosi's brain-dead district in California.
San Franshitco is prototypical of the dem party politic !

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