Iowa Caucus Thread

Zero Reason to Release just 60% OF The Results. They need to wait until they have all of it in.

How do you assign Delegates based on 60% of the vote?


The Democrats really screwed the pooch this year. If you like your caucus, you can keep your caucus.

As it stands right now...

The DNC does not want Bernie to win

No doubt about that. I wonder how much Bloomberg paid the DNC to rig this shitshow?


Ben Carson accused Ted Cruz's campaign of winning the caucuses using dishonest tactics, such as falsely telling caucus-goers that Carson had dropped out in order to get them to switch their votes to Cruz.

Donald Trump also accused Cruz of "stealing" the Iowa caucuses through fraud.
We’re talking about a counting App.

Bernie was winning in first place, they say that Creepy Joe was I think in third or fourth place and so not to be shocked that they are probably stealing this off Bernie AGAIN like in 2016 and when the result announced Creepy Joe in number one place and possibly Pete Buttfucker in second place.
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


The Repubs had less than 32,000 people show up, the Dems had over 100,000 show up.
Does anyone else think it's strange that the company that wrote the caucus app has ties to Buttigieg, and he's leading everyone else in the count? If he does win the final count, that will confirm my suspicion.


"Shadow Inc. was launched by ACRONYM, a nonprofit corporation founded in 2017 by Tara McGowan, a political strategist who runs companies aimed at promoting Democratic candidates and priorities. McGowan, 34, is married to Michael Halle, a senior strategist for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, which records show has also paid Shadow Inc. $42,500 for software."

Maker of glitchy Iowa caucus app has Democratic Party ties
We can now expect Fox News to start reporting that Mayor Pete is responsible for starting the AIDS epidemic.

Also, this just in. Pete Buttigieg was seen by Rudy Giulian throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic and Rudy has the affidavits to prove it.
We can now expect Fox News to start reporting that Mayor Pete is responsible for starting the AIDS epidemic.

Also, this just in. Pete Buttigieg was seen by Rudy Giulian throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic and Rudy has the affidavits to prove it.

I knew about the AIDS, but the puppies thing is news to me.

Can YOU count the number of Democrat Iowa Caucus attendees in this photo WITHOUT an APP?

If you CAN, you are smarter than the Democratic party / DNC!


Well there you go right there. You've hit the nail square on the head. Most democrats simply can't count that high. Once they've run out of fingers and toes, they're done.
And most republicans after the count, still think they had the biggest crowd on inaugural day, in all human history. And most rednecks like yourself still think the planet gives a fuck about you, when brown is on the horizon!!

^^^ Racist Hag gonna Race Bait ^^^

Ben Carson accused Ted Cruz's campaign of winning the caucuses using dishonest tactics, such as falsely telling caucus-goers that Carson had dropped out in order to get them to switch their votes to Cruz.

Donald Trump also accused Cruz of "stealing" the Iowa caucuses through fraud.
We’re talking about a counting App.

Bernie was winning in first place, they say that Creepy Joe was I think in third or fourth place and so not to be shocked that they are probably stealing this off Bernie AGAIN like in 2016 and when the result announced Creepy Joe in number one place and possibly Pete Buttfucker in second place.
If they make an announcement of some big win or something in the next few hours then it was all a sham to take away from the SOTU address.
Uhhh, Volodymyr? You got anything on Buttigieg?

Trump doesn't need any more on anyone. The 2020 election is over, Trump wins, no matter how much the democrats squirm.
Chris Matthews is right, Trump won. No thrill up his leg in 2020.
Does anyone else think it's strange that the company that wrote the caucus app has ties to Buttigieg, and he's leading everyone else in the count? If he does win the final count, that will confirm my suspicion.


"Shadow Inc. was launched by ACRONYM, a nonprofit corporation founded in 2017 by Tara McGowan, a political strategist who runs companies aimed at promoting Democratic candidates and priorities. McGowan, 34, is married to Michael Halle, a senior strategist for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign, which records show has also paid Shadow Inc. $42,500 for software."

Maker of glitchy Iowa caucus app has Democratic Party ties
Aren't these Shillarys people too.
what the fuck is going on in Iowa?


there's something going on, folks! there's a conspiracy to make Bernie lose!

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