Iowa Caucus Thread

Names for Pete Buttigieg our eight year old president is considering for his Twitter horde:

Mayor Buttboy

Pedo Pete

Crooked Pete

Little Pete

Crazy Pete

Baby Pete
Prog voters will come to their senses at some point. Klobaucher and Booker removed themselves for the venom thrown at Kavanaugh. That was a disgrace. You can't trust something like that going into the White House. They sounded like Harry Reid on a good day.
This isn't the end of the democratic party. The BS that's going on in IA, is just part of their rigging to keep Sanders out of the spotlight. The RNC did the same thing in 2012. Confuse the situation long enough for people to stop caring.
By the time the actual results come in, NH, NV and SC will have already had their primaries/Caucuses, and IA won't even matter.

The DNC just doesn't want Sanders. Which is why he's not being discussed on CNN or MSNBC as a front runner, unless they just have to.
No, the rnc didn’t. They don’t hold caucuses.

The RNC announced that Romney won. Then weeks later they claimed that Santorum won. Then weeks later again, turns out that Ron Paul won.

I think you're missing the point. Both parties will rig, lie or cheat when the results aren't who they want it to be.

Holy hell, the RNC rigged sooo many state and local conventions in 2012, just to keep Ron Paul from getting any more supporters. So much so that in NV, they banned the official RNC party, and created another with a different unelected chairperson. All because the first one had so many Ron Paul supporters.
Ron Paul 2012 presidential campaign - Wikipedia
RealClearPolitics - 2012 Republican Delegates

What does the last RNC convention have to do with anything we're talking about?

You brought it up, dear. Not me.

you said-

Holy hell, the RNC rigged sooo many state and local conventions in 2012, just to keep Ron Paul from getting any more supporters


Shadow seems to be a lil shadowy

With former hillary employees and current butplug ones to

Left wingers are retards theyll rig anything for thier guy to win
Republicans in Iowa had record turnout and promptly reports the results.

The stupid Democrats had mediocre turnout and screwed the reporting up.

The Democrats want to be in charge of the government.


The Repubs had less than 32,000 people show up, the Dems had over 100,000 show up.

Wouldn't be expected? The Dems candidate is up in the air, Trump was going to win no matter what.
Those who voted for Buttplug want their vote back.
Watch Iowa Caucus Voter Find Out Pete Buttigieg is Gay
One person. One very ignorant person.

See, this is the problem. You view it as ignorance yet people feel they can have their own beliefs as long as they don't impose on others. Yet, you feel obligated to tell them their view is ignorant.

This is the elitist position. You know better than everyone else and if they disagree and have a different view point then they are ignorant.

Sounds more like you are ignorant and intolerant to boot.
I still hope that either the Commie or the Fake Indian win the nomination.

Trump will destroy them in a 1 to 1 debate,

It would be great comical entertainment. .. :thup: .. :lol: :lol:

(the Queer or Mr Magoo wouldn't be as much fun)
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Butt Gig will Never Be President. No real man, and no real woman will vote for him.

Homosexuals repulse most normal people.

We can now expect Fox News to start reporting that Mayor Pete is responsible for starting the AIDS epidemic.

Also, this just in. Pete Buttigieg was seen by Rudy Giulian throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic and Rudy has the affidavits to prove it.
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