Iowa Caucus Was A Total Mess. Voter Fraud Was Rampant

This made me laugh....

It's get more blatant every damn year. Until the PEOPLE speaks up about it they'll continue on their merry way of SCREWING us out of OUR VOTES
No wonder the sane 90% of America laughs at the hard right lunacy.
Jake, I'm not saying there was voter fraud, but don't you think it was a little weird that the results of several precincts (90?) simply 'disappeared' for 'a while'?

Don't you think that cramming a bunch of people in a room and holding an election by 'raising hands' is susceptible to possible 'error'? And when did 'Hey, who wants a recount' become the procedure for when an election is in question?

It's not a question of 'sanity' as much as it is of 'common sense'. The goal should be to have the most transparent election possible and to eliminate any and all PERCEPTIONS of wrong-doing.

Just sayin'....
Talk about common sense all you want, but if you want to allege fraud, come up with solid evidence.
The precinct captains wearing Hillary shirts and Bernie shirts wouldn't ever cheat for the people they support, would they? The winners were decided by how many people you have at the polls, not by how many votes you got. The way they run these things is criminal.

Talk about common sense all you want, but if you want to allege fraud, come up with solid evidence.
Ok, the results of 90 precincts disappeared for a while. That is fact. Wrongdoing? YES - the results were not handled properly.

In Polk County there was a clear question regarding the validity of the count, and the decision for a recount was improperly handled by the idiot running the process who attempted to sway the decision by declaring a recount would not effect the number of delegates, making faces, and rolling his eyes...he went on to add that HE DID NOT KNOW THAT TO BE FACT. He then went on to hold the bogus 'Hey, who wants a recount' bs. Highly improper!

I understand your being defensive but not your being unreasonable / refusal to acknowledge the possibility of fraud that might have gone on.

Had this been the Presidential election, Trump (for example) winning over Hillary in this fashion followed by the half-ass 'Who wants a recount', Liberals would be screaming and throwing dynamite - it would be 'Florida Part 2'!

It doesn't matter that 'it's only Iowa'. These are the 'rehearsals' for the big election. It is important that you get it right EVERY time because the voting process - your right to vote and that vote to count - matters.

You know me - I'm not a Hillary or Bernie Sanders supporter, so I don't give a damn about either one or the 'politics' in this situation. I care about the PROCESS and that it gets done right. What that video shows was not a process done right.

Ya don't have to change the outcome. Acknowledge the problem and make sure it gets fixed / isn't repeated. That's all I am saying.
I am not defensive only objective.

Give me solid proof of wrong doing.
The precinct captains wearing Hillary shirts and Bernie shirts wouldn't ever cheat for the people they support, would they? The winners were decided by how many people you have at the polls, not by how many votes you got. The way they run these things is criminal.

Clintons and voter fraud, two pees in the same pod.
Clinton Iowa Caucus EXPOSED! Caught Committing VOTER FRAUD (Video)

"So basically in the caucus they have to hand count everyone depending on what side they’re sitting on. Well when it came time to do the second count the numbers were off. The first vote breakdown was like this
FIRST VOTE: 215 Sanders 210 Clinton 26 O’Malley 8 Undecided 459 TOTAL

And this is the SECOND Vote: 232 Clinton 224 Sanders 456 Total

So somehow they lost 3 people but Clinton’s vote went up by 14.

So basically what had happened was Hillary’s team didn’t take the time to do a full recount instead she just added the new people who joined the second vote. Which clearly wasn’t an accurate count."

Lalalalalala ... Nothing to see here....move along.....lalalalalala

There's your hard evidence, Jake, not that you will acknowledge it.
"It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." -- Dem Party Philosophy first set forth by Progressive Founding Father "Uncle" Joe Stalin

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