Iowa Republicans wince at Sarah Palin's $100K speaking fee

If she can get that dollar amount for her services as a speaker... great... if not... who cares??

But at least the market for her services will determine whether she gets that pay or not

Oh... and already funny to see the obligatory 'But Boooooooooooooooooooshhhhhhhhhhh' post by one of the wingers... priceless

the point is she should be so greedy when she is trying to gain support if she is going to run for president.
Bush can get whatever he wants he isn't going to be running for office.

Sarah does not need the GOP, the GOP needs Sarah, as I stated in a previous post, 40% of Americans consider themselves conservatives, 20% liberals and the other 40% moderates, moderates will vote for fiscal conservatives. Palin has made it very clear that she will ONLY support CONSERVATIVE candidates no matter what PARTY they belong to. Americans want that, we are sick and tired of the tax and spend policies of both parties, they do not represent the great silent majority of this country. Palin rocks!!!! I can't wait until next Tuesday to see the results of the elections.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
LMAO....Biden is the VP and he gets mentioned less in 9 months than Palin does in a year.

Methinks you didn't fully think that one through.

I see....correction...

Biden gets mentioned less in a year than Palin did in 9 months....

But you get the point.

I did, but when I first read it, it didn't seem right either and my thoughts were along the line of Biden gets mention less in 9 months than Palin gets in a week. I was thinking a day for Palin, but I figured that was stretching things a little bit.

What is the big deal about a speaking fee when other politicians charge $5000 for a plate at one of their fundraisers or basketball stars get millions for <clearing throat> putting a ball into a basket.
Methinks you didn't fully think that one through.

I see....correction...

Biden gets mentioned less in a year than Palin did in 9 months....

But you get the point.

I did, but when I first read it, it didn't seem right either and my thoughts were along the line of Biden gets mention less in 9 months than Palin gets in a week. I was thinking a day for Palin, but I figured that was stretching things a little bit.


actually, Manifold was 100% correct. I posted without putting much thougt into it
The $100,000 speach fee she is charging is just a nicer way to snub the GOP. They did nothing for her, so why should she do anything for them.

She does not need them anyway, she has the full attention of the conservatives in this country and according to the polls they make up a whopping 40% of the population while you libs, or the new name you call yourselves, progressives, only make up 20%.

40% of the country says they're conservative? lol, yeah if you count the guys like John McCain who call themselves conservatives.
What is the big deal about a speaking fee when other politicians charge $5000 for a plate at one of their fundraisers or basketball stars get millions for <clearing throat> putting a ball into a basket.

The big deal is the fact that it is Palin.

She scares the hell out of them.
I see....correction...

Biden gets mentioned less in a year than Palin did in 9 months....

But you get the point.

I did, but when I first read it, it didn't seem right either and my thoughts were along the line of Biden gets mention less in 9 months than Palin gets in a week. I was thinking a day for Palin, but I figured that was stretching things a little bit.


actually, Manifold was 100% correct. I posted without putting much thougt into it

We all make typos.

It was evident what you meant, I just didn't intend on pointing out that there was a difference between what you typed and what was evident that you meant.

And the point of this thread is....... ?????????????????

To vent their fears of Sara Palin.

Amazing how they have more to say about Palin than they do about Obama.

LMAO....Biden is the VP and he gets mentioned less in 9 months than Palin does in a year.

Why would we be afraid of Palin?

Only you would now....

But peoplke spew hate toward those they fear.

People do not spew anything to those they hate. They say they hate it and move on.
I like Palin threads because the more we talk about her the greater the likelihood that she runs for President.

Run Sarah, run!

Plus it is funny to see the creative excuses her supporters come up with to excuse her behavior.
[ame=]YouTube - "Money" - Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey[/ame]
What is the big deal about a speaking fee when other politicians charge $5000 for a plate at one of their fundraisers or basketball stars get millions for <clearing throat> putting a ball into a basket.

The big deal is the fact that it is Palin.

She scares the hell out of them.

Repeating it over and over again wont make it true.

It's funny how the rightwing herd thinks that's a killer comeback isn't it??
To vent their fears of Sara Palin.

Amazing how they have more to say about Palin than they do about Obama.

LMAO....Biden is the VP and he gets mentioned less in 9 months than Palin does in a year.

Why would we be afraid of Palin?

Only you would now....

But peoplke spew hate toward those they fear.People do not spew anything to those they hate. They say they hate it and move on.

I guess that explains all that conservative 'spewing' towards Obama, the Clintons, Pelosi, the Democratic party, all these years.

What is the big deal about a speaking fee when other politicians charge $5000 for a plate at one of their fundraisers or basketball stars get millions for <clearing throat> putting a ball into a basket.

The big deal is the fact that it is Palin.

She scares the hell out of them.

Repeating it over and over again wont make it true.

They use that line because deep down they know they fucked up big time jumping on the bandwagon of this airhead before they realized how truly useless she was, but in traditional rightwing fashion they can't admit they were wrong, or concede that the left is and was absolutely right about Palin.
What is the big deal about a speaking fee when other politicians charge $5000 for a plate at one of their fundraisers or basketball stars get millions for <clearing throat> putting a ball into a basket.

The big deal is the fact that it is Palin.

She scares the hell out of them.

Repeating it over and over again wont make it true.

you mean like Obama saying over and over again that we're heading into a depression if you don't elect him.

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