Iowa Republicans wince at Sarah Palin's $100K speaking fee

I think when Palin stepped down it was clear she was going to go on the speaking circuit and rake in the money. Probably books too.

If Palin or anyone else, regardless of political leaning, can get people to pay them that kind of money to speak, then more power to them.
Please show me where I said "But But Obama"......You will not be able to.
It was not me.
You outright lied.

Not sure what you are up to...but to post a link to your post that HAS THE LINK does nothing for me.

WHy are you making it seem that I did something I never did?

What is your angle here?
Did you not post this:

LMAO...spoken by a liberal who supports a president who has spent 26 days and/or nights at fundraisers while we have brave men and women waitring for him to decide if he should give them the support they need.

And HE is supposed ot be working for the people...not for his party's financial needs.

But please....continue with the hypocrisy.
Biden hasn't whored himself.

I can't wait til Palin runs for's going to be extremely amusing.

Nice deflection up the thread, btw.

I can't even imagine Sarah Palin running for President in this century, not after abandoning Alaska in her first term without a good reason i.e. health. Would anyone trust her to complete her first term? And then if she ran with a nincompoop like Biden, we'd all fear he'd end up as President!!!

Yes, I know that Palin/Biden would be separate tickets, but I'm just pointing out that we have not had great options as number two's lately.

There hasn't been a VP that had an ounce of class let alone ability to replace the President since maybe Dan Quayle and his abilities would be suspect to everyone on the left. The truth is we can't afford to loose a President with the shit they put in as running mates.


I do not know enough about Palin's overall foreign policy phiosophy yet to say I would or would not vote for her.

However, given a choice of a politician that runs for Senator and then diregards his/her responsibility as senator so he/she can run for Presidnet is, to me, more outrageous than running for Governor and then resigning to prepare for running for President.

At least Palin was responsible enough to give up her position to someone who will apply 100% of their time to it.

I cringe at ALL those that run for President while they are on our DIME as an elected official...and skirting thoise reponsibilities.

That was my FIRST complaint about McCain....and one reaon I did not want him on the GOP ticket.

Then she should have finished out her term, refused to run for re-election and then began preparing for a future Presidential run in my humble opinion. I don't really see a difference between the Senator, I suspect you meant Senator Clinton and the Governor.

Sarah Palin ran for VP while she was Governor of Alaska... on the Alaskan taxpayer's dime. After she failed in that bid she resigned her governorship. Had she resigned in order to run, I might agree with your point. As it was, she resigned after running.

Also, her foreign policy experience from what I can recall, was that she could look out her front porch and see Russia. :) Gotta hand it to her, she has more foreign policy experience than I do.

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Also, her foreign policy experience from what I can recall, was that she could look out her front porch and see Russia. :) Gotta hand it to her, she has more foreign policy experience than I do.


Actually, that was Tina Fey who said that in her spoof of Palin on SNL.
I can't even imagine Sarah Palin running for President in this century, not after abandoning Alaska in her first term without a good reason i.e. health. Would anyone trust her to complete her first term? And then if she ran with a nincompoop like Biden, we'd all fear he'd end up as President!!!

Yes, I know that Palin/Biden would be separate tickets, but I'm just pointing out that we have not had great options as number two's lately.

There hasn't been a VP that had an ounce of class let alone ability to replace the President since maybe Dan Quayle and his abilities would be suspect to everyone on the left. The truth is we can't afford to loose a President with the shit they put in as running mates.


I do not know enough about Palin's overall foreign policy phiosophy yet to say I would or would not vote for her.

However, given a choice of a politician that runs for Senator and then diregards his/her responsibility as senator so he/she can run for Presidnet is, to me, more outrageous than running for Governor and then resigning to prepare for running for President.

At least Palin was responsible enough to give up her position to someone who will apply 100% of their time to it.

I cringe at ALL those that run for President while they are on our DIME as an elected official...and skirting thoise reponsibilities.

That was my FIRST complaint about McCain....and one reaon I did not want him on the GOP ticket.

Then she should have finished out her term, refused to run for re-election and then began preparing for a future Presidential run in my humble opinion. I don't really see a difference between the Senator, I suspect you meant Senator Clinton and the Governor.

Sarah Palin ran for VP while she was Governor of Alaska... on the Alaskan taxpayers dime. After she failed in that bid she resigned her governorship. Had she resigned in order to run, I might agree with your point. As it was, she resigned after running.

Also, her foreign policy experience from what I can recall, was that she could look out her front porch and see Russia. :) Gotta hand it to her, she has more foreign policy experience than I do.


Running for President means the is a soplid 2 year campaign.

A VP is usually picked 2 months before the election...and need to drop off the position held ofr 2 months before a replacement is found (assuming the VP is on the winning ticket).

For someone like Obama, Clinton, McCain, et al to run for senator...and then a year and a half into their term to say "thanks, but I have better things to do and I refuse to resign my seat just in case I lose my presidential bid" is wrong....

Like I least Palin did not say to the ALaskans..."I am going to be on the road, and you are my back up plan".

Instead, she resigned and let someone fill her shoes.
Also, her foreign policy experience from what I can recall, was that she could look out her front porch and see Russia. :) Gotta hand it to her, she has more foreign policy experience than I do.


Actually, that was Tina Fey who said that in her spoof of Palin on SNL.

You are right, I forgot about that... so I guess we have an equal amount of foreign policy experience. ;)

Running for President means the is a soplid 2 year campaign.

A VP is usually picked 2 months before the election...and need to drop off the position held ofr 2 months before a replacement is found (assuming the VP is on the winning ticket).

For someone like Obama, Clinton, McCain, et al to run for senator...and then a year and a half into their term to say "thanks, but I have better things to do and I refuse to resign my seat just in case I lose my presidential bid" is wrong....

Like I least Palin did not say to the ALaskans..."I am going to be on the road, and you are my back up plan".

Instead, she resigned and let someone fill her shoes.

Don't get me wrong, Sarah Palin is as deserving as the next candidate... but the chances of me voting for anyone who places either a (R) or a (D) after their names and runs for Preident in the near future are questionable, if not negligible, if not non-existant.

Both parties have lost my support. I trust neither any longer.

You are right, I forgot about that... so I guess we have an equal amount of foreign policy experience. ;)


Could be. I think she did say Russia was visible from some remote parts of Alaska. Not necessarily as foreign policy experience per se. But there's little doubt she lacked experience. Obama lacked it as well, though to me that's not necessarily a deciding factor. The Obama admin has done some things that show their lack of experience imo, such as engaging Fox news in some kind of pissing contest and probably driving up their ratings, but on the whole I think if the President has the right political philosophy and can surround himself or herself with good, experienced people, then the President's personal experience in foreign policy or other areas isn't that great a factor.
Also, her foreign policy experience from what I can recall, was that she could look out her front porch and see Russia. :) Gotta hand it to her, she has more foreign policy experience than I do.


Actually, that was Tina Fey who said that in her spoof of Palin on SNL.

You are right, I forgot about that... so I guess we have an equal amount of foreign policy experience. ;)


Actually...I know how much foreign policy experience she has...none. So do MANY that run for President.

How much did Obama have? Any?

I said...I do not know enough about her foreign policy PHILOSOPHY to make a judgement call on her.

But as for experience? Most dont have any now that I think back to the many campaigns I have lived through.
can someone explain the lefts infatuation with sara palin.....because i don't get it....

She is a politician that came across as "one of the people"....but she is a staunch it scared the shit out of the liberals.

And she still does.

ANd I love it.
The $100,000 speach fee she is charging is just a nicer way to snub the GOP. They did nothing for her, so why should she do anything for them.

She does not need them anyway, she has the full attention of the conservatives in this country and according to the polls they make up a whopping 40% of the population while you libs, or the new name you call yourselves, progressives, only make up 20%.

You are right, I forgot about that... so I guess we have an equal amount of foreign policy experience. ;)


Could be. I think she did say Russia was visible from some remote parts of Alaska. Not necessarily as foreign policy experience per se. But there's little doubt she lacked experience. Obama lacked it as well, though to me that's not necessarily a deciding factor. The Obama admin has done some things that show their lack of experience imo, such as engaging Fox news in some kind of pissing contest and probably driving up their ratings, but on the whole I think if the President has the right political philosophy and can surround himself or herself with good, experienced people, then the President's personal experience in foreign policy or other areas isn't that great a factor.

Absolutely agree.

I mentioned the "Russia from my front porch" comment more as a joke. I didn't mean that part to be taken literally or that it was her "only" foreign policy experience.

President Obama's "inexperience" is not so much of an issue with me. I have many issues with the way politicians are taking this country, for instance, I am dead set against the government entering the health insurance business; but his "inexperience" in foreign affairs has not seemed to hurt us. If it weren't for some of the large steps towards socialism that he is advocating, I'd rate him fairly high as a President, so far. But then we are dealing with those steps...

can someone explain the lefts infatuation with sara palin.....because i don't get it....

She is a politician that came across as "one of the people"....but she is a staunch it scared the shit out of the liberals.

And she still does.

ANd I love it.

They are so damn scared of her, that they can't get off of the subject of Palin. Even the libs on this board are drawn to every thread posted about her. If I am not interested in someone, I don't even open the thread. I am indifferent, that's not the case with Palin and it is scaring the be-jesus out of the libs everywhere. It's sure fun to watch.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
You are right, I forgot about that... so I guess we have an equal amount of foreign policy experience. ;)


Could be. I think she did say Russia was visible from some remote parts of Alaska. Not necessarily as foreign policy experience per se. But there's little doubt she lacked experience. Obama lacked it as well, though to me that's not necessarily a deciding factor. The Obama admin has done some things that show their lack of experience imo, such as engaging Fox news in some kind of pissing contest and probably driving up their ratings, but on the whole I think if the President has the right political philosophy and can surround himself or herself with good, experienced people, then the President's personal experience in foreign policy or other areas isn't that great a factor.

What exactly whould you have rated him
Absolutely agree.

I mentioned the "Russia from my front porch" comment more as a joke. I didn't mean that part to be taken literally or that it was her "only" foreign policy experience.

President Obama's "inexperience" is not so much of an issue with me. I have many issues with the way politicians are taking this country, for instance, I am dead set against the government entering the health insurance business; but his "inexperience" in foreign affairs has not seemed to hurt us. If it weren't for some of the large steps towards socialism that he is advocating, I'd rate him fairly high as a President, so far. But then we are dealing with those steps...


This is not a sarcastic question...nor is it a set up...

But putting what seems to me a very socialistic agenda...
And putting aside his speeches about what he WILL do.....much of what he is finding is impossible to many of us already knew such as closing GITMO...

What exactly would you say he has done to get that "farily high" rating you would have given him (sans the socialistic agenda)?
can someone explain the lefts infatuation with sara palin.....because i don't get it....

She is a politician that came across as "one of the people"....but she is a staunch it scared the shit out of the liberals.

And she still does.

ANd I love it.

They are so damn scared of her, that they can't get off of the subject of Palin. Even the libs on this board are drawn to every thread posted about her. If I am not interested in someone, I don't even open the thread. I am indifferent, that's not the case with Palin and it is scaring the be-jesus out of the libs everywhere. It's sure fun to watch.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

I happen to despise Biden. Not sure why...but I do not like his arrogant approach...and I do not like his overall demeanor. I guess I see him as your poster boy politician.

But that being said, I have never posted about him...until now but just to make a point.

ANd HE is more relevant to me as my VP than Palin is to ANYONE.

Wonder what THAT tells us.
You are right, I forgot about that... so I guess we have an equal amount of foreign policy experience. ;)


Could be. I think she did say Russia was visible from some remote parts of Alaska. Not necessarily as foreign policy experience per se. But there's little doubt she lacked experience. Obama lacked it as well, though to me that's not necessarily a deciding factor. The Obama admin has done some things that show their lack of experience imo, such as engaging Fox news in some kind of pissing contest and probably driving up their ratings, but on the whole I think if the President has the right political philosophy and can surround himself or herself with good, experienced people, then the President's personal experience in foreign policy or other areas isn't that great a factor.

Absolutely agree.

I mentioned the "Russia from my front porch" comment more as a joke. I didn't mean that part to be taken literally or that it was her "only" foreign policy experience.

President Obama's "inexperience" is not so much of an issue with me. I have many issues with the way politicians are taking this country, for instance, I am dead set against the government entering the health insurance business; but his "inexperience" in foreign affairs has not seemed to hurt us. If it weren't for some of the large steps towards socialism that he is advocating, I'd rate him fairly high as a President, so far. But then we are dealing with those steps...


I think that you are confused with what the comedian "Tina Fey" says to whatt Palin says. That's the problem Fey looks very much like Palin and many people who do not pay attention truly do confuse what Palin says as to what Fey said on SNL.

Obama's inexperience should be of an extreme importance to you. We are at war, we are losing in Afghanistan and he is sitting on his hands while the general he appointed is screaming for help and our troops are dying over there. Palin would have sent the additional troops, Obama is too busy campaigning AGAIN, for Corzine and Deeds. RIDICULOUS.
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Could be. I think she did say Russia was visible from some remote parts of Alaska. Not necessarily as foreign policy experience per se. But there's little doubt she lacked experience. Obama lacked it as well, though to me that's not necessarily a deciding factor. The Obama admin has done some things that show their lack of experience imo, such as engaging Fox news in some kind of pissing contest and probably driving up their ratings, but on the whole I think if the President has the right political philosophy and can surround himself or herself with good, experienced people, then the President's personal experience in foreign policy or other areas isn't that great a factor.

What exactly whould you have rated him
Absolutely agree.

I mentioned the "Russia from my front porch" comment more as a joke. I didn't mean that part to be taken literally or that it was her "only" foreign policy experience.

President Obama's "inexperience" is not so much of an issue with me. I have many issues with the way politicians are taking this country, for instance, I am dead set against the government entering the health insurance business; but his "inexperience" in foreign affairs has not seemed to hurt us. If it weren't for some of the large steps towards socialism that he is advocating, I'd rate him fairly high as a President, so far. But then we are dealing with those steps...


This is not a sarcastic question...nor is it a set up...

But putting what seems to me a very socialistic agenda...
And putting aside his speeches about what he WILL do.....much of what he is finding is impossible to many of us already knew such as closing GITMO...

What exactly would you say he has done to get that "farily high" rating you would have given him (sans the socialistic agenda)?

Nothing but smile and that is why he would deserve a fairly high rating. Other President's should have tried the same thing.

What exactly whould you have rated him
Absolutely agree.

I mentioned the "Russia from my front porch" comment more as a joke. I didn't mean that part to be taken literally or that it was her "only" foreign policy experience.

President Obama's "inexperience" is not so much of an issue with me. I have many issues with the way politicians are taking this country, for instance, I am dead set against the government entering the health insurance business; but his "inexperience" in foreign affairs has not seemed to hurt us. If it weren't for some of the large steps towards socialism that he is advocating, I'd rate him fairly high as a President, so far. But then we are dealing with those steps...


This is not a sarcastic question...nor is it a set up...

But putting what seems to me a very socialistic agenda...
And putting aside his speeches about what he WILL do.....much of what he is finding is impossible to many of us already knew such as closing GITMO...

What exactly would you say he has done to get that "farily high" rating you would have given him (sans the socialistic agenda)?

Nothing but smile and that is why he would deserve a fairly high rating. Other President's should have tried the same thing.


Interesting. Personality. Very interesting.
You may be on to something there.

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