Iran And State Sponsored Terrorism

That's why there's a Wikipedia article devoted to that ...

It's not just the Saudis paying for all this ... and it's not like the US plays fair ... it's war ...

They do it all over the world.

Sometimes we even have a president who removes sanctions from them and sends them pallets of cash, just so they can murder more American soldiers around the world.
Remember that Obama's Father was a Moslem

Obama was a two-faced liar. He praised and appeased Muslims out of one side of his mouth, then murdered innocent civilians with drone strikes, and destabilized the entire Middle East out of the other.

We only had Iraq and Afghanistan to deal with before he and Clinton got power. Then their incompetence caused radical Islamic fundamentalism to spread to Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya. I will always give those two credit for the foundation of ISIS as a Caliphate.
Those here who apologize for our country’s embrace of totally barbaric Arab Sunni Gulf Oil shiekdom dictatorships like that of the butcher Crown Prince MBS in Saudi Arabia, yet demonize Russian-supported Syria and Persian Shia theocratic Iran, are simply providing cover for bloody U.S. imperialism in the Middle East. They follow the lead of the would-be U.S. empire builders: Wall Street, the MIC, the oil conglomerates and Petroleum-dollar bribed politicians in both parties. Zionists of course are deeply linked up with this unholy U.S.-led “coalition” as well.

No need to make Assad or the Iranians out to be democrats or heroes to see the naked and thoroughly reactionary role of the U.S. in all its pointless and destructive wars and interventions in this part of the world.

As for “terrorism,” the U.S. and its allies have brought terrorism and war to the Middle East too many times to even mention. The U.S. even officially admits, in one of the documents provided by the OP above:

“Iran’s use of terrorism has changed dramatically since the 1980s. Most importantly from a U.S. point of view, Iran appears not to target Americans directly ... and in Iraq some groups with links to Iran have fought with coalition forces.... Tehran also dramatically cut back on operations in Europe and the Gulf states since the early 1990s.... In the mid-1990s, Iran’s then President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani engineered a rapprochement with the Arabian Gulf states.... Taken together, these three shifts represent a dramatic change ...”

But despite NO Iranian involvement EVER in ANY terrorism against U.S. citizens or soldiers in North America — unlike Sunni Saudis and other Arab extremists (remember 9/11!) — and despite abiding by the internationally agreed to JCPOA terms, the U.S. Trump administration unilaterally tore up the JCPOA and introduced deadly sanctions, even imposing outrageous “secondary sanctions” against European and Chinese companies seeking to trade with Iran (and Syria), while assassinating Iranian leaders, soldiers and sympathizers.

A more balanced position on Arab-Persian and Sunni-Shia issues in the Middle East is crucially needed, as too is an end to U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen. The despots of the Middle East deserve no support, but free trade must be allowed so that Iranians and Syrians can rebuild their countries. That is also the fastest way to help the people of the region to win back their fundamental human rights.
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