Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft

Iran is NOT an existential threat. Only the delusional paranoid would think of a country that hasn't attacked anyone in 270 years as an existential threat. is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism and has used it's clients to attack Israel ceaselessly.
But those are only Jews, right? Who cares?

Yes only Jews with nukes, tanks, Iron Domes and the best manned and unmanned planes money can buy, along with a few subs fitted with nukes. The same ones that bulldoze homes in the middle of the night and walk around with rifles shooting at kids who throw stones. Those poor helpless Jews.
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.

I think you mean the Palestinians are just suppose to take it, the jews flocked in like a swam of bees and displaced the people living there and daily it has been a nightmare. Did you really think the Palestinians would welcome thousands of Jews coming in stealing their land? Still stealing it and now has a fence around Gaza and putting one in the West Bank. Oh by the way, Hezbollah is mainly funded by Africa and Latin America.
People who actually rely on facts realize that the UN Partition Plan of 1947 (Resolution 181) gave both the Israelis and Palestinian their own land to call their own and to inhabit.
Israel said thanks, and formed a democracy that turned their desert scrub land into a vibrant thriving nation.

The Palestinians said never and set about making the business of their being
killing Jews and driving them all into the sea. The Palestinians were stateless cast offs with no land of their own (not legally anyway) until the UN gifted them
with their own territory and anyone displaced by the UN was given other land
as compensation for something, once again, they never really owned.

By the way "Hezbollah was conceived by Muslim clerics and funded by Iran following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and was primarily formed to offer resistance to the Israeli occupation".
Ayatollah Tells Air Force We Enriched Uranium 20 Commanders Death to America Death to England Death to Israel
Did the BBC happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right?
Iran is purchasing 100 eventual targets for us after they break the deal. Of course only after they buy some weapons, and get the 160 BILLION.


This deal is a complete JOKE.

Where do you FIND this unsourced, unlinked, HATE drivel?
Eric Arthur Blair
People who actually rely on facts

You mean people whose job it is (like yours is) to post propaganda, don't you?

Tell us again why we should feel sorry for Israel: the nation of pedophiles?

Iran is NOT an existential threat. Only the delusional paranoid would think of a country that hasn't attacked anyone in 270 years as an existential threat. is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism and has used it's clients to attack Israel ceaselessly.
But those are only Jews, right? Who cares?

Yes only Jews with nukes, tanks, Iron Domes and the best manned and unmanned planes money can buy, along with a few subs fitted with nukes. The same ones that bulldoze homes in the middle of the night and walk around with rifles shooting at kids who throw stones. Those poor helpless Jews.
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.

I think you mean the Palestinians are just suppose to take it, the jews flocked in like a swam of bees and displaced the people living there and daily it has been a nightmare. Did you really think the Palestinians would welcome thousands of Jews coming in stealing their land? Still stealing it and now has a fence around Gaza and putting one in the West Bank. Oh by the way, Hezbollah is mainly funded by Africa and Latin America.

It was Jewish land long before the nomads arrived. What the hell is a Palestinian anyway? Never in history has there been a country called Palestine.

The jews left in about 500 bc and only around 44,000 returned from Babylon when Cyrus said they could and even with the Persian money they never fully rebuilt the temple. They also were not monotheistic till the Persian influence either. The Romans name the land Palestinia (something like that) Hebrews never really got along with each other and fought among themselves even, according to the Hebrew Bible. The Ashkenazis are not from the Levant area.

Like it or not the Palestinians most likely are the original Canaanites, and became Muslims and have stayed there for centuries. Only a handful of Jews lived in Jerusalem in 1900, the Zionist movement begun in 1850 and they sent the poor jews to build roads and dig wells, as the wealthy Jews would not want to live there.
State dept. commenting on it.

Did the State dpt happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right? is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism and has used it's clients to attack Israel ceaselessly.
But those are only Jews, right? Who cares?

Yes only Jews with nukes, tanks, Iron Domes and the best manned and unmanned planes money can buy, along with a few subs fitted with nukes. The same ones that bulldoze homes in the middle of the night and walk around with rifles shooting at kids who throw stones. Those poor helpless Jews.
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.

I think you mean the Palestinians are just suppose to take it, the jews flocked in like a swam of bees and displaced the people living there and daily it has been a nightmare. Did you really think the Palestinians would welcome thousands of Jews coming in stealing their land? Still stealing it and now has a fence around Gaza and putting one in the West Bank. Oh by the way, Hezbollah is mainly funded by Africa and Latin America.

It was Jewish land long before the nomads arrived. What the hell is a Palestinian anyway? Never in history has there been a country called Palestine.

The jews left in about 500 bc and only around 44,000 returned from Babylon when Cyrus said they could and even with the Persian money they never fully rebuilt the temple. They also were not monotheistic till the Persian influence either. The Romans name the land Palestinia (something like that) Hebrews never really got along with each other and fought among themselves even, according to the Hebrew Bible. The Ashkenazis are not from the Levant area.

Like it or not the Palestinians most likely are the original Canaanites, and became Muslims and have stayed there for centuries. Only a handful of Jews lived in Jerusalem in 1900, the Zionist movement begun in 1850 and they sent the poor jews to build roads and dig wells, as the wealthy Jews would not want to live there.

You're daffy
State dept. commenting on it.

Did the State dpt happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right?

The State Dept. doesn't have anyone to translate it themselves...................

State dept. commenting on it.

Did the State dpt happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right?

The State Dept. doesn't have anyone to translate it themselves...................

LOL...Norman Finkelstein is the self hating nut job who had to get a job in Turkey teaching his tin foiled crud because no one wants his psychotic
anti Jew babble here. He is absolutely discredited.
The people that cite Finkelstein should be proof of that.
Josh Earnest is right. The US is not the only one involved in this deal. We must put our trust in those who were at the table , involved in the talks for 4 years and the IAEA, which is not even allowed in Israel. They are not idiots. The GOP Presidential candidates do sound like idiots though. Besides, if Iran wants a nuke, Iran will get a nuke. Really there is not more the US can do at this point. I'm not sure if you noticed, but we do not have many friends out there.
State dept. commenting on it.

Did the State dpt happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right?

The State Dept. doesn't have anyone to translate it themselves...................

LOL...Norman Finkelstein is the self hating nut job who had to get a job in Turkey teaching his tin foiled crud because no one wants his psychotic
anti Jew babble here. He is absolutely discredited.
The people that cite Finkelstein should be proof of that.

Sure they can't stand the truth. They hate everyone who does not bow down to them. If your not PRO Israel your an no good anti semite.
State dept. commenting on it.

Did the State dpt happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right?

The State Dept. doesn't have anyone to translate it themselves...................

LOL...Norman Finkelstein is the self hating nut job who had to get a job in Turkey teaching his tin foiled crud because no one wants his psychotic
anti Jew babble here. He is absolutely discredited.
The people that cite Finkelstein should be proof of that.
Went right over your head that the State Dept or the Pentagon can't translate the speech for didn't it.

OOPs directed at wrong poster. Should have went to Bobby.
Last edited:
State dept. commenting on it.

Did the State dpt happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right?

The State Dept. doesn't have anyone to translate it themselves...................

LOL...Norman Finkelstein is the self hating nut job who had to get a job in Turkey teaching his tin foiled crud because no one wants his psychotic
anti Jew babble here. He is absolutely discredited.
The people that cite Finkelstein should be proof of that.

You have it backwards. MEMRI it self is discredited...all thanks to Finklestein, I might add.

You know who else is discredited? You Talmudist, Zionist, Jews are.


Pleas explain to us why anyone should feel sorry for your pedophile culture?
Josh Earnest is right. The US is not the only one involved in this deal. We must put our trust in those who were at the table , involved in the talks for 4 years and the IAEA, which is not even allowed in Israel. They are not idiots. The GOP Presidential candidates do sound like idiots though. Besides, if Iran wants a nuke, Iran will get a nuke. Really there is not more the US can do at this point. I'm not sure if you noticed, but we do not have many friends out there. Iran does.

We have enough friends and clout to have enforced sanctions against Iran for years and years. Since Obama and Kerry (the Batman and Robin of feckless diplomacy) have committed us to a deal where we can only inspect when and where Iran wants us to I agree Iran will get their bomb.

And, therefore, Obama has guaranteed that the next president (or the one after him) will be forced into dropping bunker buster bombs on Iranian bomb processing sites to avoid the menace of the theocratic morons in Tehran
sparking a nuclear exchange with the Saudis, Israelis, or, with their ballistic missiles, Europe or us. Is that what you like about the deal?
Josh Earnest is right. The US is not the only one involved in this deal. We must put our trust in those who were at the table , involved in the talks for 4 years and the IAEA, which is not even allowed in Israel. They are not idiots. The GOP Presidential candidates do sound like idiots though. Besides, if Iran wants a nuke, Iran will get a nuke. Really there is not more the US can do at this point. I'm not sure if you noticed, but we do not have many friends out there. Iran does.

We have enough friends and clout to have enforced sanctions against Iran for years and years. Since Obama and Kerry (the Batman and Robin of feckless diplomacy) have committed us to a deal where we can only inspect when and where Iran wants us to I agree Iran will get their bomb.

And, therefore, Obama has guaranteed that the next president (or the one after him) will be forced into dropping bunker buster bombs on Iranian bomb processing sites to avoid the menace of the theocratic morons in Tehran
sparking a nuclear exchange with the Saudis, Israelis, or, with their ballistic missiles, Europe or us.

Explain to us why anyone should have any sympathy for your culture of child molesters?

State dept. commenting on it.

Did the State dpt happen to mention the translation was done by MEMRI which is a Mossad Disinformation outfit?

Norman Finkelstein Exposes
MEMRI As Mossad OpMEMRI Is A 'Propaganda Machine,' Expert Says And
Why You Need To Know About Them

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides daily English translations of film and print media stories originating in Arabic, Iranian and Turkish media.
It also furnishes original analysis of cultural, political and religious trends in the Middle East.

It sends its daily postings to every news outlet in the United States and Europe, in addition to politicians and cultural leaders.

And it's free, which makes it a Godsend for journalists, editors and policy analysts.

But according to its critics, it is also a dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.

"They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis," Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine, told InFocus. "They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like."

Norman Finkelstein Exposes MEMRI As Mossad Op

Let me guess? Now you're going to pretend you have never heard of MEMRI or the Mossad and You're going to whine about alleged anti-semitism, right?

The State Dept. doesn't have anyone to translate it themselves...................

LOL...Norman Finkelstein is the self hating nut job who had to get a job in Turkey teaching his tin foiled crud because no one wants his psychotic
anti Jew babble here. He is absolutely discredited.
The people that cite Finkelstein should be proof of that.

Sure they can't stand the truth. They hate everyone who does not bow down to them. If your not PRO Israel your an no good anti semite.
Norman Finkelstein can only find a job in Turkey because his "truths" suit them just fine and are, without exception, anti Israel and anti Jew in all cases.
He's got real mental issues and he's thoroughly linked with Holocaust denier, David Irving.
You are judged by the company you keep. David Irving - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Last edited:

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