Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft

Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb
What universe are you living in? Never wanted the bomb?

and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.
Giving them back what was withheld due to UN sanctions is plenty considering you claim they weren't building a nuke and have no intention of doing so now. It makes our dealings with them completely pointless so consider what you claim. And we are hardly enemies of the whole world. Just Iran, N Korea and Muslim terrorists, primarily.
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Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb
What universe are you living in? Never wanted the bomb?

and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

Nuclear weapons are against Islaam.

I guess marxist media never bothered mentioning that to you, huh?
Well that didn't take long.....Iran played Obungles and Kerry like a fiddle.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

In defiance of the international arms embargo, Iran last week placed an order with Moscow for a huge fleet of 100 Russian IL78 MKI tanker aircraft (NATO: Midas) for refueling its air force in mid-flight, thereby extending its range to 7,300 km. This is reported exclusively by DEBKAfile from its military and intelligence sources. The transaction runs contrary to the terms of the nuclear accord the six world powers and Iran signed in Vienna earlier this month.
These tanker planes can simultaneously refuel six to eight warplanes. Their acquisition brings Israel, 1.200km away – as well the rest of the Middle East - within easy range of Iranian aerial bombardment. It also puts Iran’s air force ahead of Israel’s in terms of the quantity and range of its refueling capacity.

Whereas opponents of the Vienna deal have warned that Tehran will spend the billions of dollars released by sanctions relief as a bonanza for fueling its campaigns of terror in the region, it turns out that Iran’s first post-accord purchase is a heavy investment in the rearmament and upgrade of its armed forces’ aggressive capabilities.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

Yes...they are going to use them for peaceful energy production.....errrr...or something........
Eric Arthur Blair
And we are hardly enemies of the whole world. Just Iran, N Korea and Muslim terrorists, primarily.

Of course Israel and the US govt are the enemies of the rest of the world. What universe are you living in?
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb
What universe are you living in? Never wanted the bomb?

and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

Nuclear weapons are against Islaam.

I guess marxist media never bothered mentioning that to you, huh?
Tell that to Pakistan. You are a never ending source of misinformation and disinformation.
Iran is NOT an existential threat. Only the delusional paranoid would think of a country that hasn't attacked anyone in 270 years as an existential threat. is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism and has used it's clients to attack Israel ceaselessly.
But those are only Jews, right? Who cares?

Yes only Jews with nukes, tanks, Iron Domes and the best manned and unmanned planes money can buy, along with a few subs fitted with nukes. The same ones that bulldoze homes in the middle of the night and walk around with rifles shooting at kids who throw stones. Those poor helpless Jews.
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.
Eric Arthur Blair
And we are hardly enemies of the whole world. Just Iran, N Korea and Muslim terrorists, primarily.

Of course Israel and the US govt are the enemies of the rest of the world. What universe are you living in?
Your posts are filled with the rantings of an anti Semitic clown. I hardly accept your view of reality.
Eric Arthur Blair
And we are hardly enemies of the whole world. Just Iran, N Korea and Muslim terrorists, primarily.

Of course Israel and the US govt are the enemies of the rest of the world. What universe are you living in?
Your posts are filled with the rantings of an anti Semitic clown. I hardly accept your view of reality.

Right back at you...Your posts are filled with the rantings of an anti Semitic. I hardly accept your view of reality.


I bet you REALLY hate jews like those above, doncha?

Go ahead, admit it! We all know you do.
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb
What universe are you living in? Never wanted the bomb?

and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

Nuclear weapons are against Islaam.

I guess marxist media never bothered mentioning that to you, huh?
Tell that to Pakistan. You are a never ending source of misinformation and disinformation.

SOMEBODY sure is. But, not me, shill.
Eric Arthur Blair
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.

BOO HOO, poor zionist jews.

Play the victim much?
Eric Arthur Blair
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.

I can't imagine why anyone would hate anyone else that has a religion that allows them to have sex with children.


Can you?
Iran is NOT an existential threat. Only the delusional paranoid would think of a country that hasn't attacked anyone in 270 years as an existential threat. is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism and has used it's clients to attack Israel ceaselessly.
But those are only Jews, right? Who cares?

Yes only Jews with nukes, tanks, Iron Domes and the best manned and unmanned planes money can buy, along with a few subs fitted with nukes. The same ones that bulldoze homes in the middle of the night and walk around with rifles shooting at kids who throw stones. Those poor helpless Jews.
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.

I think you mean the Palestinians are just suppose to take it, the jews flocked in like a swam of bees and displaced the people living there and daily it has been a nightmare. Did you really think the Palestinians would welcome thousands of Jews coming in stealing their land? Still stealing it and now has a fence around Gaza and putting one in the West Bank. Oh by the way, Hezbollah is mainly funded by Africa and Latin America.
Iran is NOT an existential threat. Only the delusional paranoid would think of a country that hasn't attacked anyone in 270 years as an existential threat. is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism and has used it's clients to attack Israel ceaselessly.
But those are only Jews, right? Who cares?

Yes only Jews with nukes, tanks, Iron Domes and the best manned and unmanned planes money can buy, along with a few subs fitted with nukes. The same ones that bulldoze homes in the middle of the night and walk around with rifles shooting at kids who throw stones. Those poor helpless Jews.
The Jews are hardly helpless and would have disappeared from the face of the earth back in the late 1940's if their cut throat neighbors had their way.
Israel is the only nation on the face of the earth that's just supposed to sit there and take it as their Palestinian neighbors (funded and armed by Iran)
do their best to wipe them out as per their Jew hating so called religion.

I think you mean the Palestinians are just suppose to take it, the jews flocked in like a swam of bees and displaced the people living there and daily it has been a nightmare. Did you really think the Palestinians would welcome thousands of Jews coming in stealing their land? Still stealing it and now has a fence around Gaza and putting one in the West Bank. Oh by the way, Hezbollah is mainly funded by Africa and Latin America.

It was Jewish land long before the nomads arrived. What the hell is a Palestinian anyway? Never in history has there been a country called Palestine.
Hey Eric Arthur Blair?

Please explain to us why anyone should feel any sympathy for you and your pedophiles R us people?

It was Jewish land long before the nomads arrived. What the hell is a Palestinian anyway? Never in history has there been a country called Palestine.

No, it wasn't. But, you're welcome to quote the part of the Bible you THINK makes it "jewish only" land. Btw? You sure are slow. How old were you when you got your GED?

And, ... You sound like that UGLY dyke, Golda Meir. LMAO
Ayatollah Tells Air Force We Enriched Uranium 20 Commanders Death to America Death to England Death to Israel

The audience of Air Force commanders and other personnel responded to this with a chant, according to an English-language transcript produced by BBC Worldwide Monitoring and available through Nexis.

“Allah Akbar [God is great],” they chanted, according to the BBC transcript. “Khamenei is the leader. Death to the enemies of the leadership. Death to America. Death to England. Death to hypocrites. Death to Israel.”

n his speech last month to his Air Force commanders, Ayatollah Khamenei first stressed that he supported a nuclear deal that is “workable.” He then went on to praise Iran’s achievement in enriching uranium to the 20 percent level and hailed the construction of the Arak reactor and the Fordo uranium enrichment facilty.

“I want to say that first of all, I consent to an agreement that is workable,” said the ayatollah, according to the translation of his speech posted on his official website. “Of course, I do not mean a bad agreement. The Americans constantly repeat, 'We believe that making no agreement is better than making a bad one.' We too have the same opinion. We too believe that making no agreement is better than making an agreement that is to the disadvantage of national interests, one that leads to the humiliation of the great and magnificent people of Iran.”

In mentioning that the Arak and Fordo facilities had been closed—which was done as part of the temporary agreement (or “Joint Plan of Action”) that Iran made with the United States, France, the United Kingdom, German, Russia and China, the ayatollah stressed that these facilities were closed “for now”---according to the translation posted on his own website.

"In any case," he said, "the Iranian side stopped this because negotiations required it. The Iranians have closed the Arak Factory--which was a very great achievement and a very important innovation in the area of technology--for now. They have closed--for now--Fordo which is one of the best innovations made by our domestic forces for the sake of ensuring the security of our centrifuges. They have achieved so many great tasks. Therefore, the Iranian side has acted in a reasonable way. It has acted according to the requirements of negotiation."

Toward the end of his speech, the ayatollah indicated that his over-arching goal is to have sanctions lifted from Iran.

“Everything that is done is for the sake of taking the weapon and option of sanctions away from the enemy's hands,” he said.

At this point in the BBC transcript of the speech, the audience of Iranian Air Force commanders and other personnel repeated the chant they had made earlier in the speech: “Allah Akbar. Khamenei is the Leader. Death to the enemies of the leadership. Death to America. Death to England. Death to hypocrites. Death to Israel.”
Iran is purchasing 100 eventual targets for us after they break the deal. Of course only after they buy some weapons, and get the 160 BILLION.


This deal is a complete JOKE.

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