Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft

Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
And you know that how? The ayatollah told you so?

Many times, but you haven't heard them, they are anti weapons of mass destruction.
If they are anti WMD, why have we been negotiating with them for 20 years to prove it. What are they...just big practical jokers? I suppose you don't believe they do IEDs either....tell that to our soldiers who are walking on steel legs.
Well that didn't take long.....Iran played Obungles and Kerry like a fiddle.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

In defiance of the international arms embargo, Iran last week placed an order with Moscow for a huge fleet of 100 Russian IL78 MKI tanker aircraft (NATO: Midas) for refueling its air force in mid-flight, thereby extending its range to 7,300 km. This is reported exclusively by DEBKAfile from its military and intelligence sources. The transaction runs contrary to the terms of the nuclear accord the six world powers and Iran signed in Vienna earlier this month.
These tanker planes can simultaneously refuel six to eight warplanes. Their acquisition brings Israel, 1.200km away – as well the rest of the Middle East - within easy range of Iranian aerial bombardment. It also puts Iran’s air force ahead of Israel’s in terms of the quantity and range of its refueling capacity.

Whereas opponents of the Vienna deal have warned that Tehran will spend the billions of dollars released by sanctions relief as a bonanza for fueling its campaigns of terror in the region, it turns out that Iran’s first post-accord purchase is a heavy investment in the rearmament and upgrade of its armed forces’ aggressive capabilities.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

Hey with the way Israel and the GOP talk I'd be building a nuke. They are allowed to spend their money anyway they want.
Hillary is the only one I've heard who has threatened to nuke Iran.

I'm not her fan either. I am for anyone who is anti war, no preemptive war or instigation. If the GOP's want war they should be the first on the battlefield, and no planes. Time to fight man to man, see the white of the eyes of the person your killing, ensuring its not an innocent civilian.
By that standard, maybe you could volunteer to be the next suicide bomber for Islam.
What do you get when you mix an Iranian with a Kamikaze?

Dead Israelis.....
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

In 2003 they quit and wanted to talk , bush and cheney said no so they started again to get attention. You know how a baby cries and only wants attention , what that is what they wanted. They finally got someone to listen to them and they got what they wanted , easing of sanctions and well we got what we wanted, no nuke Iran.
So you are saying Kerry, Obama and the rest have been totally played for suckers?
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

In 2003 they quit and wanted to talk , bush and cheney said no so they started again to get attention. You know how a baby cries and only wants attention , what that is what they wanted. They finally got someone to listen to them and they got what they wanted , easing of sanctions and well we got what we wanted, no nuke Iran.
So you are saying Kerry, Obama and the rest have been totally played for suckers?
No......I think they got exactly what they wanted. Anything goes wrong and they'll blame Bush.
As Dennis Praeger said today...MAD worked between the U.S. And the Soviet Union...neither wanted to be destroyed. Not so between Israel and Iran. One bomb will essentially destroy Israel. One bomb might kill 5 million Iranians. Iran would take that deal.
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb, and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb, and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

You actually think Iran isn't our enemy? Serious?
As Dennis Praeger said today...MAD worked between the U.S. And the Soviet Union...neither wanted to be destroyed. Not so between Israel and Iran. One bomb will essentially destroy Israel. One bomb might kill 5 million Iranians. Iran would take that deal.

Iran never attacked a country, and Israel created Hezbollah and Hamas, and since Lebanon and Gaza are allies along with Syria of Iran why should they not help them, we sure help our ally now, and then send money to adjoining nations to encourage them to behave towards Israel.
Obama has all but guaranteed a nuclear war in the M.E., which is what he wants. I wouldn't be surprised if he does something to set it off before he leaves office (IF he leaves office).
As Dennis Praeger said today...MAD worked between the U.S. And the Soviet Union...neither wanted to be destroyed. Not so between Israel and Iran. One bomb will essentially destroy Israel. One bomb might kill 5 million Iranians. Iran would take that deal.

Iran never attacked a country, and Israel created Hezbollah and Hamas, and since Lebanon and Gaza are allies along with Syria of Iran why should they not help them, we sure help our ally now, and then send money to adjoining nations to encourage them to behave towards Israel.

It amazes me people say Israel created Hezbollah, Bush created ISIS, etc. They create themselves out of hate. Call it what it is, they have waged war for centuries, this is nothing new
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb, and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

You actually think Iran isn't our enemy? Serious?

Not unless the US goes back on their word. Do you think the P5 and German and the IAEA are stupid. Saudi Arabia is so jealous, so is Israel and it wants a coup in Syria and Lebanon, and SA doesn't not want Iraq to be stable. We can't go on with one ally , Israel which really offers us nothing but headaches. Is Israel the 51st state, if not why are we taking care of them? They are sucking us for money, try to control our government, and want us to sacrifice American men in another war, which the banks love and the capitalist as they make money off of war.
Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb, and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

You actually think Iran isn't our enemy? Serious?

Not unless the US goes back on their word. Do you think the P5 and German and the IAEA are stupid. Saudi Arabia is so jealous, so is Israel and it wants a coup in Syria and Lebanon, and SA doesn't not want Iraq to be stable. We can't go on with one ally , Israel which really offers us nothing but headaches. Is Israel the 51st state, if not why are we taking care of them? They are sucking us for money, try to control our government, and want us to sacrifice American men in another war, which the banks love and the capitalist as they make money off of war.

Let me help you out....they are fucking chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA".....helloooooooo!!!!!!!!
As Dennis Praeger said today...MAD worked between the U.S. And the Soviet Union...neither wanted to be destroyed. Not so between Israel and Iran. One bomb will essentially destroy Israel. One bomb might kill 5 million Iranians. Iran would take that deal.

Iran never attacked a country, and Israel created Hezbollah and Hamas, and since Lebanon and Gaza are allies along with Syria of Iran why should they not help them, we sure help our ally now, and then send money to adjoining nations to encourage them to behave towards Israel.

It amazes me people say Israel created Hezbollah, Bush created ISIS, etc. They create themselves out of hate. Call it what it is, they have waged war for centuries, this is nothing new

Oh you Zionist believe all the propaganda. No little one, they are not building a nuke, even so , Israel has them.
Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb, and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

You actually think Iran isn't our enemy? Serious?

Not unless the US goes back on their word. Do you think the P5 and German and the IAEA are stupid. Saudi Arabia is so jealous, so is Israel and it wants a coup in Syria and Lebanon, and SA doesn't not want Iraq to be stable. We can't go on with one ally , Israel which really offers us nothing but headaches. Is Israel the 51st state, if not why are we taking care of them? They are sucking us for money, try to control our government, and want us to sacrifice American men in another war, which the banks love and the capitalist as they make money off of war.

Let me help you out....they are fucking chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA".....helloooooooo!!!!!!!!

Yes some of the radicals in the streets but not the leaders. Man you believe all the stories. We have radials here that are yelling bomb Iran. Helloooooo!!!

I'll tell ya, Iran has been patient, since 1980 the sanctions started and became stronger and stronger , how many years, and I'm quit shocked they don't have a nuke.
As Dennis Praeger said today...MAD worked between the U.S. And the Soviet Union...neither wanted to be destroyed. Not so between Israel and Iran. One bomb will essentially destroy Israel. One bomb might kill 5 million Iranians. Iran would take that deal.

Iran never attacked a country, and Israel created Hezbollah and Hamas, and since Lebanon and Gaza are allies along with Syria of Iran why should they not help them, we sure help our ally now, and then send money to adjoining nations to encourage them to behave towards Israel.

It amazes me people say Israel created Hezbollah, Bush created ISIS, etc. They create themselves out of hate. Call it what it is, they have waged war for centuries, this is nothing new

Not building nukes? What's the Obama deal for then? Why are we bribing them to stop doing what it is you say isn't happening anyway?

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb, and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

You actually think Iran isn't our enemy? Serious?

Not unless the US goes back on their word. Do you think the P5 and German and the IAEA are stupid. Saudi Arabia is so jealous, so is Israel and it wants a coup in Syria and Lebanon, and SA doesn't not want Iraq to be stable. We can't go on with one ally , Israel which really offers us nothing but headaches. Is Israel the 51st state, if not why are we taking care of them? They are sucking us for money, try to control our government, and want us to sacrifice American men in another war, which the banks love and the capitalist as they make money off of war.

Let me help you out....they are fucking chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA".....helloooooooo!!!!!!!!

Yes some of the radicals in the streets but not the leaders. Man you believe all the stories. We have radials here that are yelling bomb Iran. Helloooooo!!!

I'll tell ya, Iran has been patient, since 1980 the sanctions started and became stronger and stronger , how many years, and I'm quit shocked they don't have a nuke.

You were saying? You can't possibly be this uninformed.

Iran’s supreme leader rallied his country to endorse the ongoing nuclear negotiations with the US — while at the same time shouting, “Death to America!” along with the unruly crowd.

Ayatollah Khamenei addressed the rowdy mob and derided the sanctions against his country, demanding they be removed at once and not gradually, the Times of Israel reported.

“Sanctions must be lifted immediately,” Khamenei told the crowd.

When the congregation broke out with an impromptu “Death to America” chant, Khamenei couldn’t help but chime in.

“Of course, yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure,” he said.

The supreme leader then went into a litany of perceived abuses by the US and other world powers.

Iran s supreme leader screams Death to America amid ongoing nuclear talks New York Post
Well that didn't take long.....Iran played Obungles and Kerry like a fiddle.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

In defiance of the international arms embargo, Iran last week placed an order with Moscow for a huge fleet of 100 Russian IL78 MKI tanker aircraft (NATO: Midas) for refueling its air force in mid-flight, thereby extending its range to 7,300 km. This is reported exclusively by DEBKAfile from its military and intelligence sources. The transaction runs contrary to the terms of the nuclear accord the six world powers and Iran signed in Vienna earlier this month.
These tanker planes can simultaneously refuel six to eight warplanes. Their acquisition brings Israel, 1.200km away – as well the rest of the Middle East - within easy range of Iranian aerial bombardment. It also puts Iran’s air force ahead of Israel’s in terms of the quantity and range of its refueling capacity.

Whereas opponents of the Vienna deal have warned that Tehran will spend the billions of dollars released by sanctions relief as a bonanza for fueling its campaigns of terror in the region, it turns out that Iran’s first post-accord purchase is a heavy investment in the rearmament and upgrade of its armed forces’ aggressive capabilities.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

Debkafile = Mossad Disinformation

You Anti-Semite!
SassyIrishLass, post: 11929212, member: 18937"]
As Dennis Praeger said today...MAD worked between the U.S. And the Soviet Union...neither wanted to be destroyed. Not so between Israel and Iran. One bomb will essentially destroy Israel. One bomb might kill 5 million Iranians. Iran would take that deal.

Iran never attacked a country, and Israel created Hezbollah and Hamas, and since Lebanon and Gaza are allies along with Syria of Iran why should they not help them, we sure help our ally now, and then send money to adjoining nations to encourage them to behave towards Israel.

It amazes me people say Israel created Hezbollah, Bush created ISIS, etc. They create themselves out of hate. Call it what it is, they have waged war for centuries, this is nothing new

What do you mean bribing them. They never wanted the bomb, and they know no one wanted them to have the bomb, we didn't give them anything, lifted sanctions on them that we have no right to place and we return their frozen accounts. We can't be enemies with the whole world because of Israel and SA.

You actually think Iran isn't our enemy? Serious?

Not unless the US goes back on their word. Do you think the P5 and German and the IAEA are stupid. Saudi Arabia is so jealous, so is Israel and it wants a coup in Syria and Lebanon, and SA doesn't not want Iraq to be stable. We can't go on with one ally , Israel which really offers us nothing but headaches. Is Israel the 51st state, if not why are we taking care of them? They are sucking us for money, try to control our government, and want us to sacrifice American men in another war, which the banks love and the capitalist as they make money off of war.

Let me help you out....they are fucking chanting "DEATH TO AMERICA".....helloooooooo!!!!!!!!

Yes some of the radicals in the streets but not the leaders. Man you believe all the stories. We have radials here that are yelling bomb Iran. Helloooooo!!!

I'll tell ya, Iran has been patient, since 1980 the sanctions started and became stronger and stronger , how many years, and I'm quit shocked they don't have a nuke.

You were saying? You can't possibly be this uninformed.

Iran’s supreme leader rallied his country to endorse the ongoing nuclear negotiations with the US — while at the same time shouting, “Death to America!” along with the unruly crowd.

Ayatollah Khamenei addressed the rowdy mob and derided the sanctions against his country, demanding they be removed at once and not gradually, the Times of Israel reported.

“Sanctions must be lifted immediately,” Khamenei told the crowd.

When the congregation broke out with an impromptu “Death to America” chant, Khamenei couldn’t help but chime in.

“Of course, yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure,” he said.

The supreme leader then went into a litany of perceived abuses by the US and other world powers.

Iran s supreme leader screams Death to America amid ongoing nuclear talks New York Post[/QUOTE]


You goyim believe ANYTHING from our media and
Mossad Disinformationists!
Well that didn't take long.....Iran played Obungles and Kerry like a fiddle.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

In defiance of the international arms embargo, Iran last week placed an order with Moscow for a huge fleet of 100 Russian IL78 MKI tanker aircraft (NATO: Midas) for refueling its air force in mid-flight, thereby extending its range to 7,300 km. This is reported exclusively by DEBKAfile from its military and intelligence sources. The transaction runs contrary to the terms of the nuclear accord the six world powers and Iran signed in Vienna earlier this month.
These tanker planes can simultaneously refuel six to eight warplanes. Their acquisition brings Israel, 1.200km away – as well the rest of the Middle East - within easy range of Iranian aerial bombardment. It also puts Iran’s air force ahead of Israel’s in terms of the quantity and range of its refueling capacity.

Whereas opponents of the Vienna deal have warned that Tehran will spend the billions of dollars released by sanctions relief as a bonanza for fueling its campaigns of terror in the region, it turns out that Iran’s first post-accord purchase is a heavy investment in the rearmament and upgrade of its armed forces’ aggressive capabilities.

Iran buys 100 Russian refueling aircraft for its air force to reach any point in the Mid East

Hey with the way Israel and the GOP talk I'd be building a nuke. They are allowed to spend their money anyway they want.
Hillary is the only one I've heard who has threatened to nuke Iran.

I'm not her fan either. I am for anyone who is anti war, no preemptive war or instigation. If the GOP's want war they should be the first on the battlefield, and no planes. Time to fight man to man, see the white of the eyes of the person your killing, ensuring its not an innocent civilian.
By that standard, maybe you could volunteer to be the next suicide bomber for Islam.


When was the last Israeli staged ah..."suicide bombing" ?


As Dennis Praeger said today...MAD worked between the U.S. And the Soviet Union...neither wanted to be destroyed. Not so between Israel and Iran. One bomb will essentially destroy Israel. One bomb might kill 5 million Iranians. Iran would take that deal.

Iran never attacked a country, and Israel created Hezbollah and Hamas, and since Lebanon and Gaza are allies along with Syria of Iran why should they not help them, we sure help our ally now, and then send money to adjoining nations to encourage them to behave towards Israel.

Yeah.....and they call the Bingo games at Hillcrest Baptist church every Wednesday night.
They are building a nuke.....duh

Who was? Israel?

Israel builds nukes every day.

Israel detonates one of their nukes every so often...Syria, Yemen, Bali...New York City.
They are building a nuke.....duh

Who was? Israel?

Israel builds nukes every day.

Israel detonates one of their nukes every so often...Syria, Yemen, Bali...New York City.

Dude, don't be tagging me in your comments. I have no use for an anti Semitic asshole

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