Iran moves to slaughter 15,000 protestors.

Both sets are political prisoners.

Pretty similar really.
Only if you're a total pussy. 😄

Please guy, keep telling us all how you're terrified of Joe Biden. :laughing0301: About how worried you are dark Brandon is going to sneak into your home at night and snuff you out.
No, but Biden is taking notes and eying the J6 political prisoners.
Are you Soy Boys really comparing the J6 convicts to protesters facing execution in Iran? :laughing0301:


Nah, you are equating J6 with an actual insurrection.

You wish your progressive statist betters would have the balls to go after opponents like the Iranians do, you would jerk off to it.
The actual report below is important news. It is not b.s. like the OP that blames and links Biden and Democrats to the horrific religious fanatics running Iran.

It doesn’t give insight on why the religious fanatics who run the Iranian state have now decided to free these prisoners. Indeed, it may be because they think the situation has calmed down and they have more control now, or to gain needed support.

Whatever terrible sh*t is happening in the world, never pay attention to lunatic MAGAnuts like the originator of this OP — they are either Trump cultists or simply idiots who will blame everything on Biden and Democrats. They actually resemble an American version of the obsessed “patriotic” Shia religious fanatics in Iran.

Indeed, these “Make America Great Again” lunatics more and more openly oppose “America,” including our laws, our democracy, and our Constitution — which their cult leader has even suggested might need to be terminated so he could illegally be installed back in power.

In a move that has democrats seething with jealousy over how to handle protestors, Iran has voted to simply kill them all.

Iranian lawmakers have, in recent days, called for strict punishments for the protesters who have been arrested. On Monday, CNN reported that a letter signed by 227 members of the Iranian parliament urged that the protesters be given harsh punishment that “would serve as a good lesson in the shortest possible time.”

“Now, the public, even protesters who are not supportive of riots, demand from the judiciary and security institutions to deal with the few people who have caused disturbances in a firm, deterrent, and legal manner,” Iranian government spokesman Masoud Setayeshi said, according to Reuters.

On Tuesday, parliament did just that, voting to impose the death penalty on all protesters in custody as a “hard lesson” for all rebels. The majority in favor of the penalty was considerable, 227 out of the 290 total members, matching the number of lawmakers who signed the letter.}

The murder of 15,000 peaceful protestors would constitute a holocaust.

While I don't support war, a complete blockade against Iran to shut down ALL commerce is warranted, as well as severing their connection to the internet.

Isolate these monsters.
Iran Ebull ! Merikkastan Freedumb !
The harsh sanctions against Saddam’s Iraq when Clinton was in office were overwhelmingly supported by Republicans, did not kill “500,000” children, and of course was later dramatically escalated to open invasion of the country by the Republican Administration under Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld using the false “WMD” excuse.

The history of errors committed by Uncle Sam in the Middle East is the history of bipartisan U.S. foreign policy, a policy moreover originally supported by most of the U.S. population (certainly not by me!) — and especially by most thoughtless “patriotic” Republicans.

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