Iran Opened Silos: Dozens of Ballistic Missiles Ready to Launch - Israel's Submarine Fleet With Nuclear Missiles Sailed


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
The Iranian Guards Aerospace

The Iranian Guards Aerospace Force put the ballistic missile command on high alert.

According to Iranian sources, the Iranian Guard Air Force is set to conduct a major ballistic missile exercise near Qom.

Photos and videos show Iran moving dozens of ballistic missiles to launch sites. Ballistic missiles are coming out of the bowels - literally - of Iran's mountains.

Ballistic missiles were spotted moving along a highway south of Tehran, the capital of Iran.

No one knows yet if Iran will launch a missile as a warning, however the city of Qom "looks" towards Iraq and Israel.

Meanwhile, Iranian state media claim that Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, has asked the Qatari Defense Minister to deny the USAF the use of the Al-Udeid Air Base near Doha.

Qatar, according to the Iranian agency, is evaluating Iran's request!

What could possibly go wrong?

Israel's fleet of nuclear-armed submarines set sail​

The Israel Defense Forces reportedly deployed its submarine fleet amid rising tensions with Iran and Hezbollah.

Doron Kadosh, a journalist associated with the IDF's Galei Tzakhal (military radio), reported that Israel has begun deploying its submarine fleet across the region as part of its preparations for possible combat scenarios, particularly in response to growing concerns that related to Iran and Hezbollah.

Although it was not said where Israel's submarines are deployed, according to previous IDF exercises, nuclear-capable submarines are deployed in the Eastern Mediterranean, Arabian Sea and Red Sea.

Israel's submarine fleet serves as a critical component of the country's military capabilities. These submarines provide Israel with a powerful and versatile tool to safeguard its national security interests in both defensive and offensive capabilities.

A Dolphin submarine reportedly carries up to sixteen torpedoes and missiles. The five Dolphin-class submarines represent Israel's "ace up its sleeve".

What could possibly go wrong?
The Iranian Guards Aerospace

The Iranian Guards Aerospace Force put the ballistic missile command on high alert.

According to Iranian sources, the Iranian Guard Air Force is set to conduct a major ballistic missile exercise near Qom.

Photos and videos show Iran moving dozens of ballistic missiles to launch sites. Ballistic missiles are coming out of the bowels - literally - of Iran's mountains.

Ballistic missiles were spotted moving along a highway south of Tehran, the capital of Iran.

No one knows yet if Iran will launch a missile as a warning, however the city of Qom "looks" towards Iraq and Israel.

Meanwhile, Iranian state media claim that Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, has asked the Qatari Defense Minister to deny the USAF the use of the Al-Udeid Air Base near Doha.

Qatar, according to the Iranian agency, is evaluating Iran's request!

What could possibly go wrong?

If they were to launch nukes at each other?
The trouble with saber rattling is that you have to expose your sabers. Few countries, and NONE in the Middle East have Israel's capability of obliterating targets. And if they launch against Israel, the U.S. might very well get involved, since "we" are just itching for an excuse to bomb the bastards (Iran) into the stone age.
The trouble with saber rattling is that you have to expose your sabers. Few countries, and NONE in the Middle East have Israel's capability of obliterating targets. And if they launch against Israel, the U.S. might very well get involved, since "we" are just itching for an excuse to bomb the bastards (Iran) into the stone age.
They are probably well aware of that but we don´t know how strong their religious zealotry is in reality.
They are probably well aware of that but we don´t know how strong their religious zealotry is in reality.
Well we do know that the people are at odds with their government. Much like Iraqi citizens were not allowed to have any say in their government either.

For all of Sadaam's faults...he actually protected the Christians and Jews in his nation. He generously funded all types ofschools, academic and true medical resof schools,

Iran is similar in a lots of ways
While the government promotes Sharia Law everyone has satellite TV and internet. They are very much desiring of losing the burka and beards.

Once upon a time Iran was almost indistinguishable from any modern European city.
And there's a huge desire amongst the people to return to that lifestyle.

But they are sheep in many ways. They are uninterested in fighting their own government. They also don't want to face the repercussions of all the terrorists who will lose their funding.

So they do nothing.
The Iranian Guards Aerospace

The Iranian Guards Aerospace Force put the ballistic missile command on high alert.

According to Iranian sources, the Iranian Guard Air Force is set to conduct a major ballistic missile exercise near Qom.

Photos and videos show Iran moving dozens of ballistic missiles to launch sites. Ballistic missiles are coming out of the bowels - literally - of Iran's mountains.

Ballistic missiles were spotted moving along a highway south of Tehran, the capital of Iran.

No one knows yet if Iran will launch a missile as a warning, however the city of Qom "looks" towards Iraq and Israel.

Meanwhile, Iranian state media claim that Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, has asked the Qatari Defense Minister to deny the USAF the use of the Al-Udeid Air Base near Doha.

Qatar, according to the Iranian agency, is evaluating Iran's request!

What could possibly go wrong?
Elections have consequences…this is what happens when you elect soft on terrorist, pro Hamas presidents like xiden and his demafacist
The trouble with saber rattling is that you have to expose your sabers. Few countries, and NONE in the Middle East have Israel's capability of obliterating targets. And if they launch against Israel, the U.S. might very well get involved, since "we" are just itching for an excuse to bomb the bastards (Iran) into the stone age.
Wouldn't be too sure of that.
They are probably bluffing. And hopefully.
They have the sheer numbers.

They could storm Israel with unarmed savages and they’d be able to overtake it. Imagine what they will do when they all have AK-47s and some light vehicle support. Well I guess we don’t need to imagine, we saw how easy it was on Oct 7th since Israel has its entire population disarmed.
Well we do know that the people are at odds with their government. Much like Iraqi citizens were not allowed to have any say in their government either.

For all of Sadaam's faults...he actually protected the Christians and Jews in his nation. He generously funded all types ofschools, academic and true medical resof schools,

Iran is similar in a lots of ways
While the government promotes Sharia Law everyone has satellite TV and internet. They are very much desiring of losing the burka and beards.

Once upon a time Iran was almost indistinguishable from any modern European city.
And there's a huge desire amongst the people to return to that lifestyle.

But they are sheep in many ways. They are uninterested in fighting their own government. They also don't want to face the repercussions of all the terrorists who will lose their funding.

So they do nothing.
The problem is that this is not entirely true. A huge share of the population still supports the theocracy.
They have the sheer numbers.

They could storm Israel with unarmed savages and they’d be able to overtake it. Imagine what they will do when they all have AK-47s and some light vehicle support. Well I guess we don’t need to imagine, we saw how easy it was on Oct 7th since Israel has its entire population disarmed.
I believe the Iranian military is not to be underestimated. They just have no means to start a war in Israel. Iraq and Syria certainly don´t want that and we can even question that Iran wants that. Syria has certainly a highly professional army when it comes to combat groups like Hamas but they lack the means to fight the IDF. And they are not interested, but they owe Hisbollah military assistance since they helped out in their war, so they won´t act if groups fire some missiles. The official Syrian action was to call on the US and the entire West to stop the Israeli reaction, nothing else. Iraq also won´t allow Iran the transit. That would make them a war party. The best way is to realize that Israel is just as legit as their countries are.
The Iranian Guards Aerospace

The Iranian Guards Aerospace Force put the ballistic missile command on high alert.

According to Iranian sources, the Iranian Guard Air Force is set to conduct a major ballistic missile exercise near Qom.

Photos and videos show Iran moving dozens of ballistic missiles to launch sites. Ballistic missiles are coming out of the bowels - literally - of Iran's mountains.

Ballistic missiles were spotted moving along a highway south of Tehran, the capital of Iran.

No one knows yet if Iran will launch a missile as a warning, however the city of Qom "looks" towards Iraq and Israel.

Meanwhile, Iranian state media claim that Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, has asked the Qatari Defense Minister to deny the USAF the use of the Al-Udeid Air Base near Doha.

Qatar, according to the Iranian agency, is evaluating Iran's request!

What could possibly go wrong?
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The problem is that this is not entirely true. A huge share of the population still supports the theocracy.
Well of course there's a large contingent that do. Nothing is universally true when dealing with people. (So obvious it's a given)
So exactly what is your point?



The Iranian Guards Aerospace

The Iranian Guards Aerospace Force put the ballistic missile command on high alert.

According to Iranian sources, the Iranian Guard Air Force is set to conduct a major ballistic missile exercise near Qom.

Photos and videos show Iran moving dozens of ballistic missiles to launch sites. Ballistic missiles are coming out of the bowels - literally - of Iran's mountains.

Ballistic missiles were spotted moving along a highway south of Tehran, the capital of Iran.

No one knows yet if Iran will launch a missile as a warning, however the city of Qom "looks" towards Iraq and Israel.

Meanwhile, Iranian state media claim that Major General Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, has asked the Qatari Defense Minister to deny the USAF the use of the Al-Udeid Air Base near Doha.

Qatar, according to the Iranian agency, is evaluating Iran's request!

What could possibly go wrong?
So this must be why Obama killed his chef!
What could possibly go wrong?
Israel would only use those nukes as a counter strike if they felt they were about to suffer the same fate nationally that they suffered on 10/7 on a small scale. Having a second strike nuclear capability will keep anyone from casually trying to destroy the only nation state of the Jews. IOW, if they see the world wants them to burn again, they'll by god not burn alone, this time...
Well of course there's a large contingent that do. Nothing is universally true when dealing with people. (So obvious it's a given)
So exactly what is your point?
If they are right, there will be changes at some point:

However, the pressure put on Iran does not yield the desired results, it slows the process of modernization down at least because with the sanctions the Mullahs have a joker and they know how to play it. I guess, serious negotiations may help. But that is all void in the current process of blockbuilding where Iran will be on Russia´s and China´s side. So I am all for a quick termination of the Palestinian autonomy including Hamas. The one-state solution. If there is no more conflict inside of Israel, that will calm the waves after a period of anger in the Muslim world. Just do it and it is over. Or else we need to seriously discuss an Israeli autonomy zone in each Muslim country, lol.

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