Iran Opens Fire. Obama Keeps Quiet

I had a feeling that the administration was keeping events that might be adverse out of the news before the election. Here is some confirmation of it.
Iran issues warning after targeting U.S. drone - Yahoo! News
The Iranians fired on an American drone prior to the election. But the administration covered it up until afterwards. Perhaps the evidence that Obama's policy on Iran is a total failure and sure to get us entangled in a war would have made a difference. Perhaps not. But between that and all the sudden news about a fiscal cliff that everyone has known for 6 months or more I am a little skeptical.

You digress. What he should have done is invade China and start the third world war. That would have been as close to a legitimate reason as Bush invading Iraq because Saddam Hussein tried to assassinate his daddy in 1993. Not to worry..........that little staged episode only cost the United States a trillion dollars and about 4500 young American lives plus 35,000 seriously wounded. That doesn't even count the tens of thousands who have come home with PTSD:

(Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Symptoms -

LBJ cost us over 59,000 american lives....while you're reminiscing you hack.
they fired and missed a drone

This is the country we're supposed to be worried about? :lol:

When are the CONS going to recognize that IT'S ABOUT THE ECONOMY, STUPID?

We've got fiscal cliff coming up and all they can talk about is Iran, Benghazi and gay marriage!!! :eusa_eh:
The US military has satellites that spy on nations also, then a drone is sent for close up observations, nothing new, we spy on the world and the world spies on us. Before the age of flight, you had people that were spies.

Missing the point.
Why wasn't this released right after it happened rather than waiting 5 days until after the election?

Because we have a corrupt administration conspiring with a corrupt media to only tell the news they thought would enhance Barry's image.

Thaqt's what the Americans voted for so that's what they deserve. Don't waste your sympathy on Americans.
they fired and missed a drone

This is the country we're supposed to be worried about? :lol:

When are the CONS going to recognize that IT'S ABOUT THE ECONOMY, STUPID?

We've got fiscal cliff coming up and all they can talk about is Iran, Benghazi and gay marriage!!! :eusa_eh:

join hands and lets jump off the cliff. I want to see what the bottom looks like.
At least obama is consistent. He ignored the attack on Benghazi and he'll ignore this too. If obama was president on 9/11/01, he would have ignored that attack too.

It's not about the economy. The democrats are in charge. The economy is doing just what democrats want it to do.

What a pile of Washington droppings!

Come on!

Did we frighten some poor little Iranian" drone away from wherever it may have been?

And send it back to its base with its cute litle twin or quad tail tucked tightly behind it?

Or did it have one of those new "now you can't see me" sheilds that concealed it as soon as it saw us coming
and thus avoided being blown to hell before the Ayatollah could get the word?

Or that Panetta has been saving Petagon dollars by only allowing our fighters only bwo bursts to down an enemy flyer?

Or did we really fire twice at a slow moving drone without downing it?

Or did our skilled and oh-so-brave American pilot, knowing that planes have a life of their own, just couldn't bring her/himself to take the life of a drone, Iranian. or not?

Do we need Ocham's razor or lex parsimonus or whatever to tell us that the story of

"The Drone we Couldn't Down"

is nothing but another
dose of hatred
sought to be aministered by another
Hilarian lie
told by a pentagon protstitute's paper?

I don't know about what you are hearing about the election today, but what I am hearing is filled with sullen resentment upon the part of those who voted for Obama and who, try though they may, cannot find even a wisp of beneficial change on the horizon.


p.s.: Ask yourself what we would do if Iran positioned a drone within surveillance range of the US. Your answer?
they fired and missed a drone

This is the country we're supposed to be worried about? :lol:

When are the CONS going to recognize that IT'S ABOUT THE ECONOMY, STUPID?

We've got fiscal cliff coming up and all they can talk about is Iran, Benghazi and gay marriage!!! :eusa_eh:

O ran from the economy like it was the plague and continues to do so. You're mining in a very thin seam.
The US military has satellites that spy on nations also, then a drone is sent for close up observations, nothing new, we spy on the world and the world spies on us. Before the age of flight, you had people that were spies.

Missing the point.
Why wasn't this released right after it happened rather than waiting 5 days until after the election?

Because we have a corrupt administration conspiring with a corrupt media to only tell the news they thought would enhance Barry's image.


Anybody who pays one iota of attention to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh has to be nuts to make such a statement.
Missing the point.
Why wasn't this released right after it happened rather than waiting 5 days until after the election?

Because we have a corrupt administration conspiring with a corrupt media to only tell the news they thought would enhance Barry's image.


Anybody who pays one iota of attention to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh has to be nuts to make such a statement.

So where's the mainstream interest in getting to the bottom of Benghazi?
The US military has satellites that spy on nations also, then a drone is sent for close up observations, nothing new, we spy on the world and the world spies on us. Before the age of flight, you had people that were spies.

Missing the point.
Why wasn't this released right after it happened rather than waiting 5 days until after the election?

It was never released to the media. It was leaked.
It really bugs the kooks when they fail so hard at manufacturing phony foreign policy crises.
I had a feeling that the administration was keeping events that might be adverse out of the news before the election. Here is some confirmation of it.
Iran issues warning after targeting U.S. drone - Yahoo! News
The Iranians fired on an American drone prior to the election. But the administration covered it up until afterwards. Perhaps the evidence that Obama's policy on Iran is a total failure and sure to get us entangled in a war would have made a difference. Perhaps not. But between that and all the sudden news about a fiscal cliff that everyone has known for 6 months or more I am a little skeptical.

Please don't tell me you are unaware that key Republicans in Congress were also informed of the incident on the same day.

Speaking of keeping quiet, why are you not screaming over the Republicans?

Hmmm...maybe there are reasons the matter was kept quiet that have fuck-all to do with the election...

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I had a feeling that the administration was keeping events that might be adverse out of the news before the election. Here is some confirmation of it.
Iran issues warning after targeting U.S. drone - Yahoo! News
The Iranians fired on an American drone prior to the election. But the administration covered it up until afterwards. Perhaps the evidence that Obama's policy on Iran is a total failure and sure to get us entangled in a war would have made a difference. Perhaps not. But between that and all the sudden news about a fiscal cliff that everyone has known for 6 months or more I am a little skeptical.

Please don't tell me you are unaware that key Republicans in Congress were also informed of the incident on the same day.

Speaking of keeping quiet, why are you not screaming over the Republicans?

Hmmm...maybe there are reasons the matter was kept quiet that have fuck-all to do with the election...

It isn't the job of the GOP to leak classified information. That's what the Obama Administration is for.
Yeah, maybe it was some super secret thing the rest of us peons arent privy to. Or maybe it was just as I said and Obama was afraid that an incident like that would reveal the total failure of his foreign policy.
Because we have a corrupt administration conspiring with a corrupt media to only tell the news they thought would enhance Barry's image.


Anybody who pays one iota of attention to Fox News and Rush Limbaugh has to be nuts to make such a statement.

So where's the mainstream interest in getting to the bottom of Benghazi?

It's not a mainstream interest!

Only the vendictive, non forgiving, self serving, bible thumping, right wing pricks have extra interest. It was a case of people in a dangerous foreign country who had drawn hazardous duty pay each month they had been there being in the wrong place at the right time. Those people weren't ignorant....especially those who have capabilities to fill any kind of position at a world level. When they agree to live in a place like that it's dangerous and all of them knew that. You the hundred thousand plus young Americans in Iraq 4500 of which didn't make it back alive. You people can't have it both least while I'm reading your bullshit you can't.
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