Iran or Israel: The Democrat Party Has Chosen

Far Left & Left will NEVER side with Colonialist oppressor whites ( Israel)

Far Left & Left will NEVER side with Colonialist oppressor whites ( Israel)

What a stupid post.

Freedom House is a widely respected non-partisan organization that publishes annual reports on the state of freedom around the world.

They rate the state of freedom on a scale of 1-7, with 1 being most free.

According to the latest Freedom House data, released this past January, in the area of "political rights", Israel rates a 1. On "civil liberties", Israel gets a 2.

And Israel's Arab neighbors? On "political rights", Egypt ranks 6, Jordan 5, Syria 7, and Lebanon 5. On "civil liberties", Egypt ranks 5, Jordan 5, Syria 6, and Lebanon 4.

Oil rich Saudi Arabia, to whose king the President of the United States bowed deeply at the waist, ranks 7 in "political rights" and 6 in "civil liberties."

Freedom House also reports on freedom of the press. Of 18 countries in the Middle Eastern/North African area, they report only one country with a free press. Israel. Eleven of these countries have no free press, including Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. Egypt and Lebanon are rated partly free.
'Not as planned' I meant in the context when Russian bases in Syria were handed to pro-Iranian proxies. So, I want to underline that I don't know whether those reports were true

The Middeterannean is a vast region. Basically, with friendly regime in Syria and their proxes in Lebanon, Iran already has military presence there.

First, Your objectivity is refreshing on a social board.
I tend to be more categorical sharing observations,
but it's no less a personal opinion.

Of course, can't say with any certainty about the ground situation,
what was given to whom, if at all. In the context of planning,
I don't think such moves were ever taken out of equation.

As for presence, there're 2 main Iranian fronts,
one in Yemen against Saudi Arabia,
and one in Syria against Israel.

Others it's like Israeli Mossad presence everywhere.
As for Lebanon, it will remain an open sky for IAF.
But while we're discussing our opinons...

First, Your objectivity is refreshing on a social board.
I tend to be more categorical sharing observations,
but it's no less a personal opinion.

Of course, can't say with any certainty about the ground situation,
what was given to whom, if at all. In the context of planning,
I don't think such moves were ever taken out of equation.

As for presence, there're 2 main Iranian fronts,
one in Yemen against Saudi Arabia,
and one in Syria against Israel.

Others it's like Israeli Mossad presence everywhere.
As for Lebanon, it will remain an open sky for IAF.
But while we're discussing our opinons...

The policy of Turkey in their neighbourhood is basically the same as Russia's one. Intimidation and pushing their sphere by force.
The policy of Turkey in their neighbourhood is basically the same as Russia's one. Intimidation and pushing their sphere by force.

But what about the wider regional trajectory, do You see Iran and Turkey joining under
Russian leadership, or rather Russia opting for a Turkish buffer zone,
in Syria away from Iranian activity and its implications?
But what about the wider regional trajectory, do You see Iran and Turkey joining under
Russian leadership, or rather Russia opting for a Turkish buffer zone,
in Syria away from Iranian activity and its implications?
I don't know, I am far from being an expert on the Middle East. From my point of view, neither Iran nor Turkey view Russia as a potential leader in their alliance.

The situation there is too complex for me to make any predictions. I think the best solution is to create a safety zone around the Gulf monarchies and Israel and let that trio struggle with one another in other parts of the region.
I don't know, I am far from being an expert on the Middle East. From my point of view, neither Iran nor Turkey view Russia as a potential leader in their alliance.

The situation there is too complex for me to make any predictions. I think the best solution is to create a safety zone around the Gulf monarchies and Israel and let that trio struggle with one another in other parts of the region.

Sounds rational to me.
There're certain cultural spheres,
with their own regional boundaries.

Maybe it's better they come to terms within their regions,
to function globally in more stable and natural order,
before paving into agreements with major empires.

This brings us back directly to the question
about the reliability of US foreign policy,
and meaning for the involved nations.
But what about the wider regional trajectory, do You see Iran and Turkey joining under
Russian leadership, or rather Russia opting for a Turkish buffer zone,
in Syria away from Iranian activity and its implications?
just the thought of a ---RUSSIA/TURKEY/SYRIA
trajectory-----NAUSEATES ME. (somehow
lebanon INSHALLAH ---seems to be emerging
from the mire
just the thought of a ---RUSSIA/TURKEY/SYRIA
trajectory-----NAUSEATES ME. (somehow
lebanon INSHALLAH ---seems to be emerging
from the mire

There's no Syria or Lebanon, forget about it.
Syria is barely a vassal, and Lebanon can't
pay for the paper to print its name.

Does anyone account with them?
There's no Syria or Lebanon, forget about it.
Syria is barely a vassal, and Lebanon can't
pay for the paper to print its name.

Does anyone account with them?
Lebanon seems to me to have a chance to recover
once Iran and Syria IMPLODE
Sounds rational to me.
There're certain cultural spheres,
with their own regional boundaries.

Maybe it's better they come to terms within their regions,
to function globally in more stable and natural order,
before paving into agreements with major empires.

This brings us back directly to the question
about the reliability of US foreign policy,
and meaning for the involved nations.
The main flaw of the US foreign policy is its dependency on four years cycle. I mean the presidential elections there when a new administration can completely or partially reverse from some track settled by the previous one.

But nevertheless, the US is the only country who can challenge China globally and some regional alliances are impossible without it. The Middle East is one of them. You can't expect the Arab monarchies to sustain their security without the US.
What a stupid post.

Freedom House is a widely respected non-partisan organization that publishes annual reports on the state of freedom around the world.

They rate the state of freedom on a scale of 1-7, with 1 being most free.

According to the latest Freedom House data, released this past January, in the area of "political rights", Israel rates a 1. On "civil liberties", Israel gets a 2.

And Israel's Arab neighbors? On "political rights", Egypt ranks 6, Jordan 5, Syria 7, and Lebanon 5. On "civil liberties", Egypt ranks 5, Jordan 5, Syria 6, and Lebanon 4.

Oil rich Saudi Arabia, to whose king the President of the United States bowed deeply at the waist, ranks 7 in "political rights" and 6 in "civil liberties."

Freedom House also reports on freedom of the press. Of 18 countries in the Middle Eastern/North African area, they report only one country with a free press. Israel. Eleven of these countries have no free press, including Jordan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. Egypt and Lebanon are rated partly free.
So let me get this straight , YOU THINK THE Far Left & Left & & The Gang of Pro Arab Pro Palestinian Wenches in the US House Support Israel ( The White Colonialist Oppressors & its Apartheid style Government ) ?????
So let me get this straight , YOU THINK THE Far Left & Left & & The Gang of Pro Arab Pro Palestinian Wenches in the US House Support Israel ( The White Colonialist Oppressors & its Apartheid style Government ) ?????

You didn't get anything straight.

It appears you never do.
You didn't get anything straight.

It appears you never do.
As a Practitioner of Judaism (And Supporter of Israel) I can give my opinion that the Far Left & Left in America is Hostile towards Israel ( The Tiny Jewish State )
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As a Practitioner of Judaism I can give my opinion that the Far Left & Left in America is Hostile towards Israel ( The Tiny Jewish State )

Can you provide any quote of mine that purveys the opposite view?

Have you always had this problem with reading English?
Can you provide any quote of mine that purveys the opposite view?

Have you always had this problem with reading English?
I said that exact thing ( and you said Stupid Post ) Rather than saying that may be true but this thread is about Geopolitical issues involving Lebanon Syria Turkey Jordan Egypt & Russia .
I said that exact thing ( and you said Stupid Post ) Rather than saying that may be true but this thread is about Geopolitical issues involving Lebanon Syria Turkey Jordan Egypt & Russia .

Please articulate your postition more clearly, and if I concur, I will offer an apology.

What, exactly, did you say in that post????
Please articulate your postition more clearly, and if I concur, I will offer an apology.

What, exactly, did you say in that post????
Thread is about how Democrat Party ( American Far Left & Left ) have Chosen Sides ( And not chosen Israel ) so I replied that I concur that Far Left & Left & Democrats in America have "Major Issues" with Israel ( The Tiny Jewish State) and you said my premise was "Stupid"
Thread is about how Democrat Party ( American Far Left & Left ) have Chosen Sides ( And not chosen Israel ) so I replied that I concur that Far Left & Left & Democrats in America have "Major Issues" with Israel ( The Tiny Jewish State) and you said my premise was "Stupid"
With deep and heartfelt apologies......I certainly agree.

I've been there, and look forward to visiting again......although six hours in a plane is not my fav.

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