Iran Replaces US Dollar with the Euro in Oil Sales


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
As Obama kisses mullah ass, They continue their war on America


Obama paid 100 billion in jizya and ransom and what did we get? Another sharp kick in America’s teeth.

Iran replaces the US dollar with Euro and other foreign currencies in oil sales requiring the customers to pay euros for Iranian oil.

Tehran, Feb 6, IRNA – Iran decided to replace dollar with euro and other foreign currencies in oil sales requiring the customers to pay euros for Iranian oil.

Iran Replaces US Dollar with the Euro in Oil Sales | Pamela Geller
This has been on the cards for years.

This topic is then usually accompanied by some apocalyptic prediction of American economic collapse.
Yeah, Hussein and Kerry sure did screw the pooch on this one. This is why i like Trump a bit. He wouldn't have negotiated such a terrible deal for the U.S. Hussein and Kerry should be fired over this one.
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This has been on the cards for years.

This topic is then usually accompanied by some apocalyptic prediction of American economic collapse.

Obama Kerry help our advisories that's the bottom line
As Obama kisses mullah ass, They continue their war on America


Obama paid 100 billion in jizya and ransom and what did we get? Another sharp kick in America’s teeth.

Iran replaces the US dollar with Euro and other foreign currencies in oil sales requiring the customers to pay euros for Iranian oil.

Tehran, Feb 6, IRNA – Iran decided to replace dollar with euro and other foreign currencies in oil sales requiring the customers to pay euros for Iranian oil.

Iran Replaces US Dollar with the Euro in Oil Sales | Pamela Geller

In the grand scheme of things, this is akin to a Las Vegas bet by the Iranians.

1. America will revert to what she once was, or

2. America will continue to transform into what Obama has decided she should be.

They bet the latter.

TRANSLATION ----> Iran just voted with part of their economic power, that the Democrats hold the White House.
The poor Iranians ain't gonna get much for their oil.....Not much at all....So I doubt they celebrate for long..
Iran's oil will sit in storage like everybody else's during the current glut so I don't give a crap who's currency they use. Kerry is a fraud and a coward and the mullah's gave him the same haircut we voters gave him in 2004. The tragedy of all this is Barack Hussein could have helped the Iranians throw out the freaks running their country in 2009 but sat on his bony black ass while the government Quds beat the shit out of the rebels. A lousy 500 shotguns inserted into the slums of Tehran could have turned the tide and yet he did nothing.
The poor Iranians ain't gonna get much for their oil.....Not much at all....So I doubt they celebrate for long..

Thats temporary condition oil will eventually go back up in price
The poor Iranians ain't gonna get much for their oil.....Not much at all....So I doubt they celebrate for long..

Thats temporary condition oil will eventually go back up in price
Not for a while....Until then, Nixon era oil export ban is over for US oil and Texass sweet crude is selling at the same price as Brent sweet crude oil.........premium prices that set the price fer other oil grades...
The poor Iranians ain't gonna get much for their oil.....Not much at all....So I doubt they celebrate for long..

Thats temporary condition oil will eventually go back up in price
Not for a while....Until then, Nixon era oil export ban is over for US oil and Texass sweet crude is selling at the same price as Brent sweet crude oil.........premium prices that set the price fer other oil grades...

Not if Obama can help it. we've got another year of this terrorist supporting moron. Hopefully we wont get the witch who gave us the new Libya along with Obama

The Euro?

As in, that same Euro that has been so near collapse, since the Greek crisis unfolded?

That Euro?

Bbbwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha !!!
Reagan wanted Qaddafi dead, so Oblama had him killed...
I wonder if Obama will convert this 1.7 billion in tax payer money to euros when he gives it to Iran?:dunno:

Congress Moves to Block Payment to Iran of $1.7 Billion in Taxpayer Funds

The funds that are being transferred back to Iran are not taxpayer funds. They were Iranian funds and assets seized by the United States when sanctions were imposed.
Do you people read?..... interest paid for by American tax payers

The United States is to repay Iran a $400 million debt and $1.3 billion in interest dating to the Islamic revolution, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday.

US to pay Iran $1.7 bn in debt and interest: Kerry
Do you people read?..... interest paid for by American tax payers

The United States is to repay Iran a $400 million debt and $1.3 billion in interest dating to the Islamic revolution, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday.

US to pay Iran $1.7 bn in debt and interest: Kerry

Do you?

Did you read your very own link?

Kerry said the claim was in the amount of a $400 million trust fund used by Iran to purchase military equipment from the United States prior to the break in diplomatic ties, plus $1.3 billion in interests.​

This number wasn't magically plucked out of the air because Kerry and Obama are evul librals!

Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran bought military equipment from the United States. The funds Iran used to buy the equipment was placed in a trust fund controlled by the US. After the revolution, the United States government - understandably - stiffed Iran. Those funds - Iran's money - sat there.

But perhaps you don't understand how international finance works. The $400 million wasn't stacked sky high in a vault in $5 bills. It was invested in US government debt. $1.3 billion interest on $400 million is a compounded rate of interest of 4.6%, which approximates the rate of interest paid on Treasury securities since 1979.

That is their money that we owed them.
Well I guess that's reason enough for the DOW to drop about 300 pts tomorrow....
I guess that's gonna be tomorrow's reason.
I wonder if Obama will convert this 1.7 billion in tax payer money to euros when he gives it to Iran?:dunno:

Congress Moves to Block Payment to Iran of $1.7 Billion in Taxpayer Funds

The funds that are being transferred back to Iran are not taxpayer funds. They were Iranian funds and assets seized by the United States when sanctions were imposed.

Your op is not correct and neither is this.

Why do you fools blindly believe crap? It's not as though you don't know better.

Bet you'll vote against your country again, won't you. If you RWNJ traitors get their way, Iran will get all the nukes the Repubs promised them.

I'm so sick of the open treason from RWs.

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Do you people read?..... interest paid for by American tax payers

The United States is to repay Iran a $400 million debt and $1.3 billion in interest dating to the Islamic revolution, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday.

US to pay Iran $1.7 bn in debt and interest: Kerry

Do you?

Did you read your very own link?

Kerry said the claim was in the amount of a $400 million trust fund used by Iran to purchase military equipment from the United States prior to the break in diplomatic ties, plus $1.3 billion in interests.​

This number wasn't magically plucked out of the air because Kerry and Obama are evul librals!

Before the Islamic Revolution, Iran bought military equipment from the United States. The funds Iran used to buy the equipment was placed in a trust fund controlled by the US. After the revolution, the United States government - understandably - stiffed Iran. Those funds - Iran's money - sat there.

But perhaps you don't understand how international finance works. The $400 million wasn't stacked sky high in a vault in $5 bills. It was invested in US government debt. $1.3 billion interest on $400 million is a compounded rate of interest of 4.6%, which approximates the rate of interest paid on Treasury securities since 1979.

That is their money that we owed them.

I understand we shouldn't be paying interest to terrorist nations. Maybe some of that money should be given to American Victims of Iranian sponsored terrorism? we don't owe them shit. But kiss terrorist if it makes you feel good....idiot :slap:
I wonder if Obama will convert this 1.7 billion in tax payer money to euros when he gives it to Iran?:dunno:

Congress Moves to Block Payment to Iran of $1.7 Billion in Taxpayer Funds

The funds that are being transferred back to Iran are not taxpayer funds. They were Iranian funds and assets seized by the United States when sanctions were imposed.

Your op is not correct and neither is this.

Why do you fools blindly believe crap? It's not as though you don't know better.

Bet you'll vote against your country again, won't you. If you RWNJ traitors get their way, Iran will get all the nukes the Repubs promised them.

I'm so sick of the open treason from RWs.

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Prove it clown

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