IRAN: Senior Cleric Urges Handing Down More Amputation Sentences


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't know what's with all these chopping off limbs in the Muslim world. Can't they just send people to jail.

IRAN: Senior Cleric Urges Handing Down More Amputation Sentences
Saturday, 23 May 2015 21:04


NCRI - A high ranking Iranian cleric who is the representative of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader in a Hormozgan province (southern Iran) has called for more inhumane punishment of hand amputations to be carried out.

Ghulam Ali Naeem Abadi, who regularly speaks at the state-organized weekly Friday Prayers sermon in the city of Bandar Abbas, said on Wednesday in city of Mashhad: “If the hands of a few of those who commit thievery in the society be cut off, they would set as examples for the others and security will be restored.”

“When the security would be restored in the society with amputating a few finger, why such punishments are not being implemented?” he asked.

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IRAN Senior Cleric Urges Handing Down More Amputation Sentences

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