Iran throws Hamas under the bus

Google will tell me what you think Apartheid is?



Favoritism to Arabs over Jews – discriminatory in:

  • Academia
  • Employment
  • Approaches to Jewish vs Muslim holidays / customs.
  • Court cases
  • Evacuating illegal posts
  • Land issues as a whole
  • Treatment by law enforcement
  • Jail treatment


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Favoritism to Arabs over Jews – discriminatory in:

  • Academia
  • Employment
  • Approaches to Jewish vs Muslim holidays / customs.
  • Court cases
  • Evacuating illegal posts
  • Land issues as a whole
  • Treatment by law enforcement
  • Jail treatment
well, that is all fine and dandy but i asked lesh, who i was conversing with

it is nice of you to answer for lesh but how do you know what lesh thinks??
Look it up jackass troll
troll, you know my questions and comments to you are always followed up with fact that proves you are always wrong. That is not trolling.

Your posts, on the other hand, are nothing less than trolling and flaming

did I call you a jackass in our latest exchange? NO

Now I get to point out that your about as dumb as the fly on the ass of a jackass
I would love a bus to slowly drive back and forth over Hamas.

Two weeks into the war, it is evident that Israeli policy towards Hamas and the Palestinian Authority over the past 16 years, particularly under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been an abject failure.

Iran has said, although they provide Hamas with hundreds of millions of dollars a year to destroy Israel, they will not intervene in the conflict because they said Hamas did not tell them about the attack beforehand.


Translation, Iran is not ready to directly take on Israel and the US without a WMD, in addition to Russia and China ready to do the same.

Just give them a little more time.

The article then goes on to say that a 2 state solution is now more likely. Really? What would that look like? It would look like the people of Gaza re-electing another terrorist group to represent them that is also funded by Iran to destroy Israel.

I really have a hard time believing anything IRAN says at all. Maybe believe the opposite of what they say.
once Iran gets a nuke, things on this planet will change drastically. The entire free world should be doing everything possible to prevent this from happening.
Hamas did not support the Iranian intervention in the Syrian Civil War. It is not controlled by Iran, and indeed both have very different interests. Most financial support to Hamas has long come from the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood via Qatar or from skimmed off international humanitarian aid — with the Netanyahu government’s agreement.

Hezbollah and of course Iran supported Assad. Assad’s core regime base was a minority group — the early Shia breakaway sect of Alawites. Assad’s regime was never a religious cult but a secular originally Baathist, dictatorship. Sunni extremists hated his dictatorship, but they lost the terrible Civil War. Throughout it, the Shia Iranians and Shia Hezbollah felt it their duty to defend the Assad regime. Hamas did not. During the war their own external leadership moved to Qatar.

The Iranian regime talks up the line that the U.S. and Israel are the big and little “Satans,” but in fact the Iranian leadership is not fully in agreement on policy issues towards either. It was especially divided in the past when it looked like the multinational JCPOA nuclear agreements might lead to the end of sanctions. But those days ended after Trump unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA, the extremist Mullahs re-solidified their dictatorship … and yet still Iran has no bomb.

Here is an article on reported re-emerging, if perhaps not quite so serious as earlier, divisions in the Iranian leadership. We should remember Iran has already entered into better relations with its old arch enemy Sunni Saudi Arabia (a change in part brokered by Chinese diplomacy):

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White House 'Concerned' At Reports of Israel Using White Phosphorus In Lebanon Attack.

ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE, Dec 11 (Reuters) - The United States is concerned about reports Israel used U.S.-supplied white phosphorus munitions in an October attack in southern Lebanon, White House spokesperson John Kirby said on Monday.

"We've seen the reports. Certainly concerned about that. We'll be asking questions to try to learn a little bit more," Kirby told reporters on Air Force One.

Kirby said white phosphorus has a "legitimate military utility" for illumination and producing smoke to conceal movements.

It is a violation of the Geneva Convention to use Phosphorus on Civilian Targets. We have seen Israel is more than willing to kill as many civilians as they can in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

I trust the IDF as far as I can throw them. They have no problem innocent civilians. I hope Washington is take seriously.
Here is the other Iran proxy

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