Iran will be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, restrictions removed

I think is a forgone conclusion that Iran will develop a bomb, and threaten Israel with it, though North Korea already has a bomb - so it would just add another nation to the list that has self-annihilation fantasies.

What this would actually do is make Iran the preeminate power in the middle one would be able to screw with them because of the fear of them using a nuke against any military would also force the other oil producing nations to kowtow to Iran...or risk having their oil fields nuked.....and of course they are going to use a nuke on Israel.......

You mean they would be the equivalent of Israel now? Israel has nukes , not Iran.

But Israel is not a psycho, murderous regime bent on mass murder.....Iran is, and they fund, and support terrorism all around the world.......
I think is a forgone conclusion that Iran will develop a bomb, and threaten Israel with it, though North Korea already has a bomb - so it would just add another nation to the list that has self-annihilation fantasies.

What this would actually do is make Iran the preeminate power in the middle one would be able to screw with them because of the fear of them using a nuke against any military would also force the other oil producing nations to kowtow to Iran...or risk having their oil fields nuked.....and of course they are going to use a nuke on Israel.......

You mean they would be the equivalent of Israel now? Israel has nukes , not Iran.

But Israel is not a psycho, murderous regime bent on mass murder.....Iran is, and they fund, and support terrorism all around the world.......

Israel's government has been psycho since inception. Not a fan.
An agreement delivered by a decade of democrat lies trying to tell us Iran didn't want and wouldn't build warheads.
Although this is not good news, JROC, please keep this one thing in mind. Actually two. First? God is in full control. Always. God is in full control of the future of Israel. Not man. Not some rogue pagan god worshipping nation with nuclear weapons. GOD OF ISRAEL - THE ONE TRUE GOD - IS IN CONTROL.

Second. Every single time the enemy came against Israel she got some blessing out of it. When Haman wanted to destroy the Jews in Persia - he and his ten sons ended up on the gallows and the Jews were greatly blessed - Mordecai and Esther too - and out of it? Came Purim.

When WWII was planned by Rome and the Vatican used Hitler to wipe out the Jews (and they were plotting next to wipe out the Protestant Christians) the result was Israel reborn and the Jews returned to their homeland. When the 6 day war happened - the result was the Jews widened their borders and received the Temple Mount back (although they gave the control back to the Arabs and didn't drive the pagan foreigners / inhabitants out of the land then and they should have ) and so we see every time that there is some harm attempted against Israel - the end result is something good comes out of it and so we shall not be in any concern about what will come as we already know the prophets have spoken the oracles of God concerning Israel and she shall prevail against her enemies.

So once again - God is in full control.
Iran is the only who will be smiling at the terms of this new Obama "deal" with Iran


Sources involved in the nuclear talks in Geneva report what the contours of the deal with Iran will look like. According to these outlines, strict restrictions will be imposed on uranium enrichment, while Iran will still be allowed to keep thousands of centrifuges. After a decade, many of the restrictions will be removed.

During the first phase - the initial ten years - Iran would be allowed to operate 6,500 centrifuges, a much higher number than that set by the United States as an initial target, at a low level and under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Most of the enriched uranium produced by Iran will either be sent outside its borders or will need to go through a change of composition and will therefore be allowed to be kept. At the end of the decade Iran will be allowed to operate 3,500 additional centrifuges - a larger number than currently being operated.

Obama will immediately lift some of the economic sanctions on Iran through a presidential executive action. The remainder of the sanctions will be suspended but not completely removed, until Iran could prove that it is complying with the terms of the agreement. A number of additional, less significant, sanctions will remain in effect until the US Congress will act to remove them permanently.

Israel News - AP This is the agreement formulating with Iran - JerusalemOnline

Better than the alternatives. Do nothing and they'll get nuclear weapons. Do something involving military force and you'll postpone it a couple years maybe but only strengthen their resolve and they'll eventually get nuclear weapons.

Keep the pressure on the sanctions where working and could have been stiffened even further. Get rid of the mullahs and Iran could be a thriving democracy.

Change from without never works. Look how 9/11 united the country. Same thing'd happen if a country attacked Iran. You'd only unite them.
Yeah, like the A-Bomb united Japan?
Although this is not good news, JROC, please keep this one thing in mind. Actually two. First? God is in full control. Always. God is in full control of the future of Israel. Not man. Not some rogue pagan god worshipping nation with nuclear weapons. GOD OF ISRAEL - THE ONE TRUE GOD - IS IN CONTROL.

Second. Every single time the enemy came against Israel she got some blessing out of it. When Haman wanted to destroy the Jews in Persia - he and his ten sons ended up on the gallows and the Jews were greatly blessed - Mordecai and Esther too - and out of it? Came Purim.

When WWII was planned by Rome and the Vatican used Hitler to wipe out the Jews (and they were plotting next to wipe out the Protestant Christians) the result was Israel reborn and the Jews returned to their homeland. When the 6 day war happened - the result was the Jews widened their borders and received the Temple Mount back (although they gave the control back to the Arabs and didn't drive the pagan foreigners / inhabitants out of the land then and they should have ) and so we see every time that there is some harm attempted against Israel - the end result is something good comes out of it and so we shall not be in any concern about what will come as we already know the prophets have spoken the oracles of God concerning Israel and she shall prevail against her enemies.

So once again - God is in full control.

Well then he ought to take Israel away from the Israelites again because they are acting ungodly.
By getting any kind of delaying deal, I'd think their hoping the democractic movement will have more time to put more pro-west leaders into power who'd cancel it altogether. That's the best tactic.

We are back to the hope and change tactic. LMFAO!
Better than the alternatives. Do nothing and they'll get nuclear weapons. Do something involving military force and you'll postpone it a couple years maybe but only strengthen their resolve and they'll eventually get nuclear weapons.

Obozo has no intention of stopping the Iran program so it's up to the IDF. They should behead the Iranian government and hit those sites with tactical need to bunker-buster them if you radiate the entrances. Iran wants to play with fire? the IDF won't hesitate. Only our renewed air presence in Iraq is stopping them...only route they can take and refuel to get back home....Barry would order them shot down because he's a muslim piece of shit.
Change from without never works. Look how 9/11 united the country. Same thing'd happen if a country attacked Iran. You'd only unite them.

You leftist cowards are all for letting Iran get the bomb...whatever Dear Leader says you parrot....fact is most Iranians HATE the mullahs....
Obozo has no intention of stopping the Iran program so it's up to the IDF. They should behead the Iranian government and hit those sites with tactical need to bunker-buster them if you radiate the entrances.

Except that Israeli intelligence shows that they aren't building a bomb. So simply advocating their murder because they are Iranian is a bit, well, evil / radical of you.
Obama trusts the islamonazis of Iran.:uhh:

Group: Iran Operating Top Secret ‘Parallel Nuclear Program’

Findings come as Obama administration inches closer to nuke deal


An Iranian dissident group known for exposing key aspects of Iran’s secret nuclear work claims it now has evidence of “an active and secret parallel nuclear program” operated by Tehran.

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), also known as the MEK, said in areport released Tuesday it has found concrete evidence of an “underground top-secret site currently used by the Iranian regime for research and development with advanced centrifuges for uranium enrichment,” according to a copy of the findings.

The NCRI, an Iranian opposition group, is known for making big reveals about clandestine nuclear work in Tehran, though its findings have been disputed in the past.

In its latest report, which comes as nuclear negotiations between Iran and the West hit a critical juncture, the NCRI presents evidence of a clandestine nuclear site in Tehran that has continued to perform advanced nuclear research in the enrichment of uranium, the key component in a bomb.

The NCRI claims to have found over a decade-long investigation that the secret military site has been covered up by Tehran under the guise of an Intelligence Ministry center, according to the report.

Group Iran Operating Top Secret Parallel Nuclear Program Washington Free Beacon
The 'attack to prevent' thinking is probably what comes from growing up with tv where disputes were fixed in 30 or 60 minutes via gunplay. In the real world, it doesn't work quite the same way. :)

Yes it does. Israel attacked Iraq to prevent them from obtaining a nuke.

And guess what? It worked beautifully.

And I highly suspect Israel has the plans laid out to attack Iran if they feel the need to. And Iran won't do a damn thing about it because they'd get their ass kicked if they did.
The 'attack to prevent' thinking is probably what comes from growing up with tv where disputes were fixed in 30 or 60 minutes via gunplay. In the real world, it doesn't work quite the same way. :)

Yes it does. Israel attacked Iraq to prevent them from obtaining a nuke.

And guess what? It worked beautifully.

Difference there was Iraq had one site to attack. Iran has well over 100 and more we don't know about. Time for a Israeli type strike was 30 years ago. Far too late now.
Change from without never works. Look how 9/11 united the country. Same thing'd happen if a country attacked Iran. You'd only unite them.

You leftist cowards are all for letting Iran get the bomb...whatever Dear Leader says you parrot....fact is most Iranians HATE the mullahs....

Easy to talk tough from your living room. When you're talking about putting other people in harm's way, your first obligation is not to do so.

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