Iranian Commander Killed in Airstrike

Guess he got his 72 virgins.

Just one is all he can handle.



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Iranian people used to be cool.

But their mullahs and their idiot theocracy has ruined that place. The government (the mullahs and ayatollahs of that idiot theocracy) is now a main voice of hate and evil on Earth.
We ought to “accidentally” cause a minor nuclear air burst over Tehran. Then we can watch their turbans glow!
Iran is a paper tiger.
Yet, they're supplying Russia and their proxies with cheap unmanned flying vehicles that are problematic to us and our allies.
I think that Biden should find several billions of dollars and fly them to Iran. in the middle of the night.
Think maybe that will help?
You know those super powerful (non nuclear) bombs that can blow the tops off of mountains? Things like:


Deep penetration bunker busters designed to take out heavily protected facilities used by fuckers like the Iranian government and military to protect their nuclear weapon crafting operations?

I say that we provide some to Israel for their exclusive use in Iran.

The choice of targets is more limited than these:

But I believe we and the Israelis can fine tune the target selection locations.

Alternatively, I’d be ok with a strike or more from us on the most crucial bunker locations. Very top secret hush hush operation with all kinds of plausible deniability. 😎

Fuck Iran.

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