Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America

Obama shifted America's foreign policy to being friendly towards the genocidal maniac Iranian Jihadists and alienated our ally Israel.
Left Wingers just seem to be attracted to evil.

I'd like to hear how Israel is in any way or form anymore of an Ally than Iran, or how Israel in recent years has in any way or form been less of a genocidal maniac regime than Iran, eh?
How about you prove a positive as opposed to asking others to prove a negative?

Iran helped Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews escape Nazis, and Soviets.

Israel helped?

Israel helped exterminate Palestinians?

Israel helped kill Americans in the U.S.S Liberty bombing?

Israel helped Salomon Morel the Jewish Commie mass murderer?

Israel helped Mondrowitz the Jewish Rabbi pedo from Brooklyn?

Israel helped Ludwig Fainberg of the Russian Mafia escape justice?
For some reason I don’t give a darn about anything you post.
I doubt I’m not the only poster here who feels such concerning you.
Obama shifted America's foreign policy to being friendly towards the genocidal maniac Iranian Jihadists and alienated our ally Israel.
Left Wingers just seem to be attracted to evil.

I'd like to hear how Israel is in any way or form anymore of an Ally than Iran, or how Israel in recent years has in any way or form been less of a genocidal maniac regime than Iran, eh?
How about you prove a positive as opposed to asking others to prove a negative?

Iran helped Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews escape Nazis, and Soviets.

Israel helped?

Israel helped exterminate Palestinians?

Israel helped kill Americans in the U.S.S Liberty bombing?

Israel helped Salomon Morel the Jewish Commie mass murderer?

Israel helped Mondrowitz the Jewish Rabbi pedo from Brooklyn?

Israel helped Ludwig Fainberg of the Russian Mafia escape justice?
For some reason I don’t give a darn about anything you post.
I doubt I’m not the only poster here who feels such concerning you.

I'm going to need some ice for that burn.

But, seriously, what has Israel helped in comparison to Iran?
Obama shifted America's foreign policy to being friendly towards the genocidal maniac Iranian Jihadists and alienated our ally Israel.
Left Wingers just seem to be attracted to evil.

I'd like to hear how Israel is in any way or form anymore of an Ally than Iran, or how Israel in recent years has in any way or form been less of a genocidal maniac regime than Iran, eh?
How about you prove a positive as opposed to asking others to prove a negative?

Iran helped Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews escape Nazis, and Soviets.

Israel helped?

Israel helped exterminate Palestinians?

Israel helped kill Americans in the U.S.S Liberty bombing?

Israel helped Salomon Morel the Jewish Commie mass murderer?

Israel helped Mondrowitz the Jewish Rabbi pedo from Brooklyn?

Israel helped Ludwig Fainberg of the Russian Mafia escape justice?
For some reason I don’t give a darn about anything you post.
I doubt I’m not the only poster here who feels such concerning you.

Eh, I for one, appreciate Polish dude's posts. (except when he goes down the rabbit hole of skull sizes and all that)
Obama shifted America's foreign policy to being friendly towards the genocidal maniac Iranian Jihadists and alienated our ally Israel.
Left Wingers just seem to be attracted to evil.

I'd like to hear how Israel is in any way or form anymore of an Ally than Iran, or how Israel in recent years has in any way or form been less of a genocidal maniac regime than Iran, eh?
How about you prove a positive as opposed to asking others to prove a negative?

Iran helped Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews escape Nazis, and Soviets.

Israel helped?

Israel helped exterminate Palestinians?

Israel helped kill Americans in the U.S.S Liberty bombing?

Israel helped Salomon Morel the Jewish Commie mass murderer?

Israel helped Mondrowitz the Jewish Rabbi pedo from Brooklyn?

Israel helped Ludwig Fainberg of the Russian Mafia escape justice?
For some reason I don’t give a darn about anything you post.
I doubt I’m not the only poster here who feels such concerning you.

Thousands of Jews fled through Iran during WW2.

Menachem Begin was released from a Gulag due to Polish Wladyslaw Sikorski's negotiation with Soviets.

Menachem Begin fled through Iran under the Polish Corps II (Wladyslaw Ander's Army) which was fighting the Nazis, he with approx 6,000 Jews abandoned Europe's Jews in the Nazi German Holocaust, to abandon the Polish Corps II fighting the Nazis, so Menachem Begin the Jew could join the Jewish Irgun terrorists in Palestine / Israel which the Irgun killed Brits in the King David Hotel, and Deir Yassin Massacre against Palestinians.

So, without Poland, or Iran Menachem Begin your beloved Founding Father of Israel wouldn't have survived, or helped Israel?

Yet, all Israel has been is an anti-Polish, and anti-Iranian monstrosity.
You Neocons aren't really right-Wingers anyways
"You neocons"? Sorry, WRONG. But then, I consider the source -- an admitted National SOCIALIST.

They love throwing "neocon" out there.

I hate Neo-Conservatives, there is nothing Conservative about them in actuality they are the opposite of Conservative, they have only one policy which is Perpetual War, they have no interest in anything except banging the war drums, the Neo-Conservatives ARE a big section of The Swamp, they are human filth they should be destroyed. People should read about Neo-Conservatives and what they support and represent.

Pat Buchanan described the Neo-Conservatives accurately when he said their philosophy is "Globalist, Interventionist and for Open Borders", so they are 100% the OPPOSITE of what Mainstream Conservatism is supposed to be against, we are Anti-Globalist, Anti-Interventionist and Anti-Open Borders, I am more of a Paleoconservative, the Neo-Conservatives want Permanent Regime Change primarily in a handful of Middle Eastern nations, this in turn would result in Perpetual War, they stand for a Global Unilateralism that the majority of peoples are totally against.

The Neo-Conservatives essentially used September 11th to seize control of America's Middle Eastern Foreign Policy, America got hijacked by these Radical Extremists the Neo-Conservatives and they have had you in continuous War Zones for nearly 16 years now, if they get their way you will be in Perpetual War Without End that is until someone just pushes the nuclear button.

I recommend you read a book about Neo-Conservatism written by Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke, Clarke is from The Cato Institute, together they wrote a book in 2004 "America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order"

You Neocons aren't really right-Wingers anyways
"You neocons"? Sorry, WRONG. But then, I consider the source -- an admitted National SOCIALIST.

They love throwing "neocon" out there.

I am a Right-Wing Conservative and I say there is nothing Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives, they have more in common with the Marxists from which their Movement was born from this, in the sense that like their Marxist Forefathers they advocate Permanent Revolution, don't let the Conservative in their name blind you, for example the Right-Wing party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats and there is nothing Liberal or Democrat about them.
You Neocons aren't really right-Wingers anyways
"You neocons"? Sorry, WRONG. But then, I consider the source -- an admitted National SOCIALIST.

They love throwing "neocon" out there.

I am a Right-Wing Conservative and I say there is nothing Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives, they have more in common with the Marxists from which their Movement was born from this, in the sense that like their Marxist Forefathers they advocate Permanent Revolution, don't let the Conservative in their name blind you, for example the Right-Wing party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats and there is nothing Liberal or Democrat about them.

The ironic kicker here is that Iran is way more right wing than Israel.

Israel is way more pro-Gay, Israel is way more pro-Feminism, Israel is more pro abortion, Israel is more pro-Prostitute, Israel is easier on drug offenders, Israel is more anti-Jesus Christ, and Israel has higher Taxes in comparison to Iran.
So, the Jewish Virtual Library is wrong?

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict
What's your point? That Israel will stomp Arab/muslim aggressors who attack them? That's as it should be.

If Israel has a right to defend it's self as "Colonists" then Palestine has a right to defend it's self as "Colonial prey"
And Lebanon has a right to defend itself against Syria.

When did Syria attack Lebanon? The situation is that Lebanon has a right to defend itself, so does Syria, Israel and Iran, they all have a right to defend themselves if they get attacked, we cannot say that A if attacked has a right to defend itself, but if B is attacked they don't have a right to defend themselves, either they all have a right to defend themselves or none of them have a right to defend themselves, this is not a situation where cherry picking can be advocated.
Syria didn’t attack; Syria walked in like the Germans did with France.
Lebanon was a vacation resort and not prepared for war with a neighbor.

Sorry I thought you meant that Syria recently attacked Lebanon, you refer to during the Lebanese Civil War in 1976, Syria did leave in I think 2005, of course the Syrians were asked to get involved in 1976 by the Maronites the Lebanese Christians because the Islamist Fundamentalists were targeting them for death, the Maronites also feared getting attacked by the Leftists and the Palestinians in Lebanon, so Syria was invited in by the Maronites to protect the Lebanese Christians, that's essentially the reason Syria went in in 1976.
You Neocons aren't really right-Wingers anyways
"You neocons"? Sorry, WRONG. But then, I consider the source -- an admitted National SOCIALIST.

They love throwing "neocon" out there.

I am a Right-Wing Conservative and I say there is nothing Conservative about the Neo-Conservatives, they have more in common with the Marxists from which their Movement was born from this, in the sense that like their Marxist Forefathers they advocate Permanent Revolution, don't let the Conservative in their name blind you, for example the Right-Wing party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats and there is nothing Liberal or Democrat about them.

The ironic kicker here is that Iran is way more right wing than Israel.

Israel is way more pro-Gay, Israel is way more pro-Feminism, Israel is more pro abortion, Israel is more pro-Prostitute, Israel is easier on drug offenders, Israel is more anti-Jesus Christ, and Israel has higher Taxes in comparison to Iran.

That is Tel Aviv more than anything else, Tel Aviv is full of the Leftists who support the same Agenda as Leftists everywhere do.
EG. A lot of other nations are not happy that The Donald was elected American President, would it therefore be acceptable thinking for all those nations to invade America to do Regime Change because they didn't want The Donald winning the election?
The leftists are praying for it. In fact, they've been working feverishly to overthrow our election since November.

Thus far I'm more anti-Obama, and anti-W Bush than anti-Trump.

However, if Trump goes to war with Iran, then I think Obama's better, absolutely.

You Neocons aren't really right-Wingers anyways, you follow the philosophy of a Jewish former Communist Irving Kristol who supported Black civil rights, and prayed on the inferior intelligence of a bunch of run of the mill WASP Hicks especially down South to love Israel.

"However, if Trump goes to war with Iran"

IMHO if The Donald does that he will lose a tremendous amount of support from the Base that voted for him, who will he keep with him only the Religious Right and those who are Warmongers, there is no appetite in general for another war, not after Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and of course America has been in the Afghan Quagmire now for a continuous 17 years, it began October 7, 2001, America has been stuck in Afghanistan for nearly TWENTY YEARS and has basically NOTHING to show for it only dead American soldiers, The Taliban are still there, have regrouped years ago and control half of Afghanistan, the President of Afghanistan is called the Mayor of Kabul this because he has little control outside of Kabul, they still are having several massive suicide attacks every week, the Opium Poppyfields are doing better business than ever before, so all in all a disaster Afghanistan is no better now than it was before America invaded it 17 years ago, considering after 17 years America has not been able to get Afghanistan under some normal Non-Islamist control how do they expect to get Iran under control, considering Iran is probably a lot more sophisticated than the general Ragheads who are the Afghans.
ironic kicker here is that Iran is way more right wing than Israel.
And herein lies the problem.
You don't even know how to define the "right."

Right wing n America has an entirely different meaning than it does in Europe.

In Europe, BOTH are big government Progressives.

In America, right = Individual above the he State. Left = State above the individual.

As a National SOCIALIST, you support an all powerful State because you despise the People. You think they need a nanny for every aspect of their lives.
ironic kicker here is that Iran is way more right wing than Israel.
And herein lies the problem.
You don't even know how to define the "right."

Right wing n America has an entirely different meaning than it does in Europe.

In Europe, BOTH are big government Progressives.

In America, right = Individual above the he State. Left = State above the individual.

As a National SOCIALIST, you support an all powerful State because you despise the People. You think they need a nanny for every aspect of their lives.

- Point #1.
The U.S.A spent 48% of the entire World's military budget.
The U.S.A spends far more on Military, and about as much on Healthcare as Europe.
Explain who's more for "Big Government"?

- Point #2.
The U.S.A discriminates against White males in Affirmative Action, unlike Europe.
The U.S.A has more Illegal immigrants, Multicultural Diversity, Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, abortion, and Gay rights than a bunch of European states.
Explain how the U.S.A is more for traditional White Christian values AKA Conservative than Europe?

Oh, BTW Israel also has National Healthcare like Europe. (Opps)
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ironic kicker here is that Iran is way more right wing than Israel.
And herein lies the problem.
You don't even know how to define the "right."

Right wing n America has an entirely different meaning than it does in Europe.

In Europe, BOTH are big government Progressives.

In America, right = Individual above the he State. Left = State above the individual.

As a National SOCIALIST, you support an all powerful State because you despise the People. You think they need a nanny for every aspect of their lives.

Israel is point blank more Liberal than Iran, in just about every category.

Israel is the Liberal state with Nukes threatening Right Wing Iran with no Nukes.

National Socialists are more right wing than Neocons.

You might claim to be anti- Liberal, but everything you promote is pro-Liberal.

1.) Individualism is akin to Liberalism. I.E judge Blacks, Gays, Jews, Muslims, illegal immigrants, terrorists, Neocons etc. as "Individuals"

2.) Capitalism sells out to Liberalism it demands cheap labor immigration, that's why the Capitalist Chamber of Commerce demands Illegal immigrants, that's why Russia, and the rest of the East Bloc has been flooded with immigrants since the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

3.) Jews push for Liberalism 9 times out of 10.
So they push Liberalism ahead.
Especially considering 1/2 of Democrat money is contributed by Jews.

4.) Democracy pushes forward Liberalism too, it allows idiots to push forward Liberal values by the vote.
Yes, this explains why countries with more Democracy histories like say the UK, or Netherlands, are in far worse shape than say Hungary, or Poland with a lot of Authoritarian histories.

5.) Israel over Iran, which is pushing forward Liberalism too.

Because while it maybe true that Israel proportionately has only slightly less Terrorism in it's history than Iran.

Israel however, has had way more organ trafficking, prostitutes, sex slaves, drug traffickers, Commies etc. etc. than Iran by a wide margin.

Israel has legalized Prostitution, Gay Marriage, and Gay Pride parades, how about Iran?

Israel is the Liberal state with Nukes threatening Right Wing Iran with no Nukes.
ironic kicker here is that Iran is way more right wing than Israel.
And herein lies the problem.
You don't even know how to define the "right."

Right wing n America has an entirely different meaning than it does in Europe.

In Europe, BOTH are big government Progressives.

In America, right = Individual above the he State. Left = State above the individual.

As a National SOCIALIST, you support an all powerful State because you despise the People. You think they need a nanny for every aspect of their lives.
ironic kicker here is that Iran is way more right wing than Israel.

As a National SOCIALIST, you support an all powerful State because you despise the People. You think they need a nanny for every aspect of their lives.

How is Iran more my enemy than say your beloved U.S.A South?

Personally I'm more tired of you Neocon f*ckin Hicks, than Iranians.

U.S.A South = garbage like Lyndon Johnson killer of nearly 60,000 Americans in Vietnam, and supporter of Affirmative Action against White males like me.

U.S.A South = garbage like W Bush killer of nearly 6,0000 Americans in Iraq, and Afghanistan, and supporter of illegal Mexicans, and Islamic refugees.

U.S.A South = Stealing our Northern tax dollars not once, not twice, but thrice.... Once in your higher welfare needs as "Individuals" Second in your higher welfare needs as "States" and third "In paying for your massive military, and war"

U.S.A South = Took a bunch of our NYC region jobs, because you cut your taxes, and in return we have to pay for your increased welfare.

U.S.A South = History of discrimination, and sometimes killings of Catholics like myself, and my family.

U.S.A South = Millions of Blacks being established here, because Southerners wanted a Black population who, would do your dirty work, and then your Blacks came here & Messed up Northern cities.
If Israel has a right to defend it's self as "Colonists" then Palestine has a right to defend it's self as "Colonial prey"
And Lebanon has a right to defend itself against Syria.

Indeed, Lebanon can defend itself from Syria, just like Palestinians should've had a state following the Ottoman Turk Colonialism of Palestine.
You’re real funny.
The Lebanese who managed to escape to Israel want Israel to invade Lebanon.
But since you’ve never met any of them living in Israel, you wouldn’t know the facts on the ground.

You left out the Syrian Christians that escaped to Israel

When did this happen? Do you have a link to any articles about Syrian Christians escaping to Israel? I have not heard about this situation and I have just Googled Syrian Christians escape to Israel and I have not found one article about this apparent happening.

personal communications-----and those of my son. I did not get the information from the
Obama shifted America's foreign policy to being friendly towards the genocidal maniac Iranian Jihadists and alienated our ally Israel.
Left Wingers just seem to be attracted to evil.

I'd like to hear how Israel is in any way or form anymore of an Ally than Iran, or how Israel in recent years has in any way or form been less of a genocidal maniac regime than Iran, eh?
How about you prove a positive as opposed to asking others to prove a negative?

Iran helped Polish Catholics, and Polish Jews escape Nazis, and Soviets.

Israel helped?

Israel helped exterminate Palestinians?

Israel helped kill Americans in the U.S.S Liberty bombing?

Israel helped Salomon Morel the Jewish Commie mass murderer?

Israel helped Mondrowitz the Jewish Rabbi pedo from Brooklyn?

Israel helped Ludwig Fainberg of the Russian Mafia escape justice?
For some reason I don’t give a darn about anything you post.
I doubt I’m not the only poster here who feels such concerning you.

Thousands of Jews fled through Iran during WW2.

Menachem Begin was released from a Gulag due to Polish Wladyslaw Sikorski's negotiation with Soviets.

Menachem Begin fled through Iran under the Polish Corps II (Wladyslaw Ander's Army) which was fighting the Nazis, he with approx 6,000 Jews abandoned Europe's Jews in the Nazi German Holocaust, to abandon the Polish Corps II fighting the Nazis, so Menachem Begin the Jew could join the Jewish Irgun terrorists in Palestine / Israel which the Irgun killed Brits in the King David Hotel, and Deir Yassin Massacre against Palestinians.

So, without Poland, or Iran Menachem Begin your beloved Founding Father of Israel wouldn't have survived, or helped Israel?

Yet, all Israel has been is an anti-Polish, and anti-Iranian monstrosity.
Persia has a long history. Sometimes sordid, sometimes enlightened. During the time you're speaking of, Persia was enlightened. 25 years later Persia was taken over by zealots and now is a sordid time in their history.

How many Jews live in Iran today?
And Lebanon has a right to defend itself against Syria.

Indeed, Lebanon can defend itself from Syria, just like Palestinians should've had a state following the Ottoman Turk Colonialism of Palestine.
You’re real funny.
The Lebanese who managed to escape to Israel want Israel to invade Lebanon.
But since you’ve never met any of them living in Israel, you wouldn’t know the facts on the ground.

You left out the Syrian Christians that escaped to Israel

When did this happen? Do you have a link to any articles about Syrian Christians escaping to Israel? I have not heard about this situation and I have just Googled Syrian Christians escape to Israel and I have not found one article about this apparent happening.

personal communications-----and those of my son. I did not get the information from the

"personal communications-----and those of my son. I did not get the information from the

You hate Christians, you have posted a TON of vile and hateful rants about your hate of Christians and especially Roman Catholics, but you like NO Christians from your ugly rants you are the type who would be happy every time you hear of Christians being slaughtered, you have never posted anything at this forum that illustrates you have anything but total HATE and VENOM for Christians and Christianity.

I could say it was personally communicated to me that a group of Green Martians have taken refuge twenty kms away and someone could say to me well how do you know this I have heard not a thing in the news and I could say well you know it's not in the news because this was personally communicated to me and NOBODY else and then the other person would say something like what horsecrap and I'd say yes.

If it happened it would be IN the news, what is IN the news is that the majority of Syrian Christians are STILL in Syria, LOL Syrian Christians escaping to Israel. Show us that it has happened or it's NOT happened, post links I can post many links to show that there is NO evidence at all that ANY Syrian Christians have been taken in by Israel.

These Christians United For Israel, they have a rambling article telling everyone to pray for the Syrian Christians, they also say that that the MAJORITY of Syrian Christians are STILL in Syria, there is no mention of ANY Syrian Christians being taken in by Israel and if one group would shout it from the rooftops that Israel was taking in Syrian Christians it would be this Christians United For Israel crowd.

Pray for Syrian Christian Refugees Fleeing Terrorists and Civil War | Christians United for Israel

The below is just one article that shows that Syrians are fleeing EVERYWHERE, a whole list of nations are mentioned and Israel is not one of them.

Syrian people fight for survival as multiple powers face off

Again another article about Syrian Christians, again mentioning many nations, again Israel is not one of them, from the below article it says that the Syrian Christians who have escaped Syria they have been taken in by Lebanon and Egypt.

The New Exodus: Christians Flee ISIS in the Middle East

Again another article about Syrian Christians, this time it mentions the ones who have escaped have gone to Christian communities in Iraq and again Lebanon is mentioned and again Israel is not mentioned as having taken in any Syrian Christians.

Syrian Christian refugees feel fortunate to have fled Islamic State
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Your Neocon wars against Muslims are getting tiresome.

You only created Islamic refugees, have only been killing America's soldiers, and of course borderline genocide on Muslims in some cases.
Ever hear of Jihad ?

Name a single terrorist incident on U.S.A soil, where that Islamic terrorist wasn't living in the U.S.a, or touring the U.S.A?
No answer from our wife cheating Ike yet?
Lucy is lying-----I have disputed the "New Testament" -----I have never stated that I hate
Christians. That which is HISTORICALLY TRUE is that features of the New Testament
SPECIFICALLY support hatred and even murder of jews ----especially with the idiotic
DEICIDE MYTH which is historically full of holes

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