Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America

The US can't be trusted.
The US should not be trusted by people whom the US cannot trust. We shouldn't be trusted by our enemies. Sounds like YOU are one of them.
They piss and moan about Obama's legacy being dismantled and fall silent about the fact Iran never signed the agreement.

This is the sort of bullshit diplomacy American undertook by the Obama/sKerry regime.

Run again in 2020 sKerry.
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Looks like we’re headed for yet another war in the middle east.

Lets see, we first went in in 1992, then again in 2001 and haven’t left yet. Next year, the new recruits into the Military will not have been born when the war started.

And now we’re well on the path to starting a new front with Iran who will turn it into a jihad…
When has Iran stopped making war against the US and our allies? Commie tool.
Someone in Iran burns the US Flag and chants death to America and in other News water is wet.
All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for idiots to mock information.

I wonder if you'd respond so stupidly if a government burned a cross, hung a noose and chanted, death to nig----.
hell not even a month ago they were warming up.
Iraqis set fire to US flag in protest of Syria strikes

Iran marks anniversary of U.S. Embassy takeover with anti-American rallies, flag burnings

teach their kids young:
Children raised to hate America: Shocking picture of boy holding a gun during anti-US riot in Lebanon | Daily Mail Online

but now suddenly - trump is the reason there is no stability over there.

first, it was not an agreement with the US, it was with obama. we *should not* have a president making these types of deals outside of our normal processes. that was HUGELY wrong of obama to do so. if we ever want to be a "united" states of america again we need to act as such.

we're a long long ways from that happening.
The US can't be trusted.

Trusted by whom, the largest supporter of state terrorism on planet Earth? Are you arguing that the Iranians can be trusted?
Calm’s Penelope.
She’s not supposed to make sense.

Perhaps you should tell irosie to calm down instead, derailing another thread with her Hate Speech, ranting hysterically and barely coherently about EVERYONE she hates, WTF she gives you Jews a bad name, as a Jew you should reign in the insane ones like irosie when they start vomiting their filth, she is a TOTAL BIGOT hates Catholics, Christians, Muslims, hates EVERYONE.
She gets a know.
It’s not my style.
It exist by POLACK logic >>>>> Israel has killed 100,000 by existing,

So, the Jewish Virtual Library is wrong?

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict
What's your point? That Israel will stomp Arab/muslim aggressors who attack them? That's as it should be.

If Israel has a right to defend it's self as "Colonists" then Palestine has a right to defend it's self as "Colonial prey"
And Lebanon has a right to defend itself against Syria.
Looks like we’re headed for yet another war in the middle east.

Lets see, we first went in in 1992, then again in 2001 and haven’t left yet. Next year, the new recruits into the Military will not have been born when the war started.

And now we’re well on the path to starting a new front with Iran who will turn it into a jihad…
When has Iran stopped making war against the US and our allies? Commie tool.

Okay, name the last American killed by an Iranian and when that happened.
The US can't be trusted.
. Yeah.Obutthole got us into it. But now America is on the right track. the Donald shitcanned that agreement pronto.

W Bush played the bigger role in helping Iran to expand.

Saddam Hussein a veteran against Iran.

Saddam Hussein a Sunni strongman over a Shiite majority Iraq, next to a Shiite majority Iran.

Saddam Hussein's fall, helped Shiite Iran to spread it's influences into Shiites of the West like Iraq, and Syrian Shiites being propped up by Iran, which would've otherwise been stopped by Sunni Strongman Saddam Hussein.

Oh, why did stupid Neocon Anglos like W Bush, and stupid NeoconJews like Wolfowitz get rid of Saddam Hussein?
It exist by POLACK logic >>>>> Israel has killed 100,000 by existing,

So, the Jewish Virtual Library is wrong?

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict
What's your point? That Israel will stomp Arab/muslim aggressors who attack them? That's as it should be.

If Israel has a right to defend it's self as "Colonists" then Palestine has a right to defend it's self as "Colonial prey"
And Lebanon has a right to defend itself against Syria.

Indeed, Lebanon can defend itself from Syria, just like Palestinians should've had a state following the Ottoman Turk Colonialism of Palestine.
Oh, why did stupid Neocon Anglos like W Bush, and stupid NeoconJews like Wolfowitz get rid of Saddam Hussein?
You should be asking why a stupid negro allowed Muslim extremism to take root after all our hard work.

Obama the Anglo - Negro, and Israel the Jews both did support the side aligned with ISIS.

I do believe ISIS is indirectly their fault.

However, W Bush the Anglo , and Wolfowitz the Jew played a much bigger role.

The collapse of Saddam Hussein, helped both ISIS, and Iran to spread into an Iraq in basic anarchy.

Now that ISIS Sunni influences has retreated, the Iranian Shiite influences have strengthened.

This is what's going on, Shiite influences propped up by Iran are being empowered in Syria, now that ISIS is dwindling.
Obama shifted America's foreign policy to being friendly towards the genocidal maniac Iranian Jihadists and alienated our ally Israel.
Left Wingers just seem to be attracted to evil.
Oh, why did stupid Neocon Anglos like W Bush, and stupid NeoconJews like Wolfowitz get rid of Saddam Hussein?
You should be asking why a stupid negro allowed Muslim extremism to take root after all our hard work.

You aware that up to 200,000 Iraqi Refugees flooded into White countries due to the Anglo Bush's, and their feral Chimp spasms in Iraq?
It exist by POLACK logic >>>>> Israel has killed 100,000 by existing,

So, the Jewish Virtual Library is wrong?

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict
What's your point? That Israel will stomp Arab/muslim aggressors who attack them? That's as it should be.

If Israel has a right to defend it's self as "Colonists" then Palestine has a right to defend it's self as "Colonial prey"
And Lebanon has a right to defend itself against Syria.

Indeed, Lebanon can defend itself from Syria, just like Palestinians should've had a state following the Ottoman Turk Colonialism of Palestine.
You’re real funny.
The Lebanese who managed to escape to Israel want Israel to invade Lebanon.
But since you’ve never met any of them living in Israel, you wouldn’t know the facts on the ground.
So, the Jewish Virtual Library is wrong?

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict
What's your point? That Israel will stomp Arab/muslim aggressors who attack them? That's as it should be.

If Israel has a right to defend it's self as "Colonists" then Palestine has a right to defend it's self as "Colonial prey"
And Lebanon has a right to defend itself against Syria.

Indeed, Lebanon can defend itself from Syria, just like Palestinians should've had a state following the Ottoman Turk Colonialism of Palestine.
You’re real funny.
The Lebanese who managed to escape to Israel want Israel to invade Lebanon.
But since you’ve never met any of them living in Israel, you wouldn’t know the facts on the ground.

So because there's Lebanese people who support Israel to invade Lebanon, therefor Israel didn't steal from and exterminate the Palestinians?

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