Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America

For some reason I don’t give a darn about anything you post.
I doubt I’m not the only poster here who feels such concerning you.

Thousands of Jews fled through Iran during WW2.

Menachem Begin was released from a Gulag due to Polish Wladyslaw Sikorski's negotiation with Soviets.

Menachem Begin fled through Iran under the Polish Corps II (Wladyslaw Ander's Army) which was fighting the Nazis, he with approx 6,000 Jews abandoned Europe's Jews in the Nazi German Holocaust, to abandon the Polish Corps II fighting the Nazis, so Menachem Begin the Jew could join the Jewish Irgun terrorists in Palestine / Israel which the Irgun killed Brits in the King David Hotel, and Deir Yassin Massacre against Palestinians.

So, without Poland, or Iran Menachem Begin your beloved Founding Father of Israel wouldn't have survived, or helped Israel?

Yet, all Israel has been is an anti-Polish, and anti-Iranian monstrosity.
Persia has a long history. Sometimes sordid, sometimes enlightened. During the time you're speaking of, Persia was enlightened. 25 years later Persia was taken over by zealots and now is a sordid time in their history.

How many Jews live in Iran today?

Actually there are a lot of Jews living in Iran and they have never been molested, some decided to leave when the Iranian Revolution began in 1979, now approx 30,000 Jews are in Iran it is the largest contingent of Jews in the Middle East outside of Israel.

I am sure that there is Propaganda crap on the Internets by hysterical fanatics who want everyone to think that Iran is literally throwing it's 30,000 Jews off rooftops or whatever, but the actuality is that according to interviews with Iran's Jewish Community they seem to be happy in Iran and want to stay in Iran.

Here are some articles where Jews in Iran are interviewed, in the below one they say they feel safe and secure living in Iran, one of them even says that Israel has offered them money to go and live in Israel but they prefer to stay in Iran:

Iran's Jews on life inside Israel's 'enemy state'

List of synagogues in Iran:

List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia

Here is another article, this includes the below:

"Since Iranian president Rouhani took office, Jews say they have been heartened by the support they’ve received. His government agreed to allow Jewish schools to be closed on Saturdays to mark Shabbat, the day of rest. Rouhani also allocated the equivalent of $400,000 to a Jewish charity hospital in Tehran and invited the country’s only Jewish lawmaker to accompany him to the United Nations General Assembly in New York last year."

Here is the full article containing many pictures and it illustrates that they can peacefully co-exist in mutual respect:

Jewish community in Iran: all you need to know - Real Iran
Jews have
lived in Iran for something like 3000 years but were denied the possibility of taking
their property----(movable)

When are you Jewish / Israeli A-holes going to pay Palestine for the property they lost?

You shitheads go around with your hands open looking for Money for property lost in Poland, Iran, Hungary, Russia, Germany etc. etc.

Hey, A-holes, when the f*ck is your hypocritical, dishonest tribe going to pay the Palestinians the same way for the property they lost to your Jewish Israel? How about that one?

This is why much of the World hates your guts.

when are you going to grow a brain, sobie-------btw-----your fellow filth never paid for the
lives and property of my cousins. My hubbie was born in an islamo Nazi shit hole----
in which his community had lived since LONG BEFORE YOUR "god" ---the filthy rapist pig
of Arabia was born-------neither he nor I have ever gotten a dime for the theft of HIS
country by the scum of Arabia.. From where do you get your information-----the mosque
or your catechism whore?
Lucy stupidity "Show us that it has happened or it's NOT happened, post links I can post many links to show that there is NO evidence at all that ANY Syrian Christians have been taken in by Israel"

My son joined the US Navy a few years ago-----his best mate friend was a SYRIAN CHRISTIAN----of whom he was a bit jealous---"He speaks Hebrew better than do I" ------the kid's whole family
was in Israel. The kid described his father as "MORE LIKUD THAN NETANYAHU"----"He
sees no reason to have any arabs (that means muslims when Syrian Christians talk to jews---
they usually call themselves Assyrians) in Israel AT ALL. Wiki is not place to learn what
is going on ANYWHERE-----speak to ex-pats. Speak to Yemenis to know about the conflict
there, Speak to SIKHS to know what is going on in PUNJAB (hint---muslims are killing
them in the Pakistani part of the province of Punjab) Any questions of Jews from Iran---feel
free to ask-------I will forward it to my "niece-in-law"

You, and your ilk are the most intellectually dishonest on this forum, and in general.

You say over, and over against Israel has a right to defend it's self from Palestine, or Iran, and the U.S.A also has a right to defend Israel against Iran.

The facts are if the U.S.A can defend Israel militarily, then Palestine is not only defending it's self from vicious colonists who have oppressed, and killed them, but then Iran coming to defend Palestine is no different than the scenario you support of the U.S.A coming to defend Israel.

It's all about getting yours at all costs.

All you people care about is yourselves, no honesty, nothing but garbage.

Even look at your anti-Polish propaganda where you blame Polish victims of Auschwitz as the main Perps, just because you hope it's true.

What a foul disgusting display, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

wrong again -----islamo-Nazi-polack-------"MAIN PERPS" ?? nope--the main perps were
the islamo Nazis--------not the polish pigs------the polish pigs just helped
Thousands of Jews fled through Iran during WW2.

Menachem Begin was released from a Gulag due to Polish Wladyslaw Sikorski's negotiation with Soviets.

Menachem Begin fled through Iran under the Polish Corps II (Wladyslaw Ander's Army) which was fighting the Nazis, he with approx 6,000 Jews abandoned Europe's Jews in the Nazi German Holocaust, to abandon the Polish Corps II fighting the Nazis, so Menachem Begin the Jew could join the Jewish Irgun terrorists in Palestine / Israel which the Irgun killed Brits in the King David Hotel, and Deir Yassin Massacre against Palestinians.

So, without Poland, or Iran Menachem Begin your beloved Founding Father of Israel wouldn't have survived, or helped Israel?

Yet, all Israel has been is an anti-Polish, and anti-Iranian monstrosity.
Persia has a long history. Sometimes sordid, sometimes enlightened. During the time you're speaking of, Persia was enlightened. 25 years later Persia was taken over by zealots and now is a sordid time in their history.

How many Jews live in Iran today?

Actually there are a lot of Jews living in Iran and they have never been molested, some decided to leave when the Iranian Revolution began in 1979, now approx 30,000 Jews are in Iran it is the largest contingent of Jews in the Middle East outside of Israel.

I am sure that there is Propaganda crap on the Internets by hysterical fanatics who want everyone to think that Iran is literally throwing it's 30,000 Jews off rooftops or whatever, but the actuality is that according to interviews with Iran's Jewish Community they seem to be happy in Iran and want to stay in Iran.

Here are some articles where Jews in Iran are interviewed, in the below one they say they feel safe and secure living in Iran, one of them even says that Israel has offered them money to go and live in Israel but they prefer to stay in Iran:

Iran's Jews on life inside Israel's 'enemy state'

List of synagogues in Iran:

List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia

Here is another article, this includes the below:

"Since Iranian president Rouhani took office, Jews say they have been heartened by the support they’ve received. His government agreed to allow Jewish schools to be closed on Saturdays to mark Shabbat, the day of rest. Rouhani also allocated the equivalent of $400,000 to a Jewish charity hospital in Tehran and invited the country’s only Jewish lawmaker to accompany him to the United Nations General Assembly in New York last year."

Here is the full article containing many pictures and it illustrates that they can peacefully co-exist in mutual respect:

Jewish community in Iran: all you need to know - Real Iran
Jews have
lived in Iran for something like 3000 years but were denied the possibility of taking
their property----(movable)

When are you Jewish / Israeli A-holes going to pay Palestine for the property they lost?

You shitheads go around with your hands open looking for Money for property lost in Poland, Iran, Hungary, Russia, Germany etc. etc.

Hey, A-holes, when the f*ck is your hypocritical, dishonest tribe going to pay the Palestinians the same way for the property they lost to your Jewish Israel? How about that one?

This is why much of the World hates your guts.

when are you going to grow a brain, sobie-------btw-----your fellow filth never paid for the
lives and property of my cousins. My hubbie was born in an islamo Nazi shit hole----
in which his community had lived since LONG BEFORE YOUR "god" ---the filthy rapist pig
of Arabia was born-------neither he nor I have ever gotten a dime for the theft of HIS
country by the scum of Arabia.. From where do you get your information-----the mosque
or your catechism whore?

You Jews think that you don't owe Palestinians money for property lost, but everybody else owes Jews money for property lost.

Selfish, dirty, stinking hypocrites.
Persia has a long history. Sometimes sordid, sometimes enlightened. During the time you're speaking of, Persia was enlightened. 25 years later Persia was taken over by zealots and now is a sordid time in their history.

How many Jews live in Iran today?

Actually there are a lot of Jews living in Iran and they have never been molested, some decided to leave when the Iranian Revolution began in 1979, now approx 30,000 Jews are in Iran it is the largest contingent of Jews in the Middle East outside of Israel.

I am sure that there is Propaganda crap on the Internets by hysterical fanatics who want everyone to think that Iran is literally throwing it's 30,000 Jews off rooftops or whatever, but the actuality is that according to interviews with Iran's Jewish Community they seem to be happy in Iran and want to stay in Iran.

Here are some articles where Jews in Iran are interviewed, in the below one they say they feel safe and secure living in Iran, one of them even says that Israel has offered them money to go and live in Israel but they prefer to stay in Iran:

Iran's Jews on life inside Israel's 'enemy state'

List of synagogues in Iran:

List of synagogues in Iran - Wikipedia

Here is another article, this includes the below:

"Since Iranian president Rouhani took office, Jews say they have been heartened by the support they’ve received. His government agreed to allow Jewish schools to be closed on Saturdays to mark Shabbat, the day of rest. Rouhani also allocated the equivalent of $400,000 to a Jewish charity hospital in Tehran and invited the country’s only Jewish lawmaker to accompany him to the United Nations General Assembly in New York last year."

Here is the full article containing many pictures and it illustrates that they can peacefully co-exist in mutual respect:

Jewish community in Iran: all you need to know - Real Iran
Jews have
lived in Iran for something like 3000 years but were denied the possibility of taking
their property----(movable)

When are you Jewish / Israeli A-holes going to pay Palestine for the property they lost?

You shitheads go around with your hands open looking for Money for property lost in Poland, Iran, Hungary, Russia, Germany etc. etc.

Hey, A-holes, when the f*ck is your hypocritical, dishonest tribe going to pay the Palestinians the same way for the property they lost to your Jewish Israel? How about that one?

This is why much of the World hates your guts.

when are you going to grow a brain, sobie-------btw-----your fellow filth never paid for the
lives and property of my cousins. My hubbie was born in an islamo Nazi shit hole----
in which his community had lived since LONG BEFORE YOUR "god" ---the filthy rapist pig
of Arabia was born-------neither he nor I have ever gotten a dime for the theft of HIS
country by the scum of Arabia.. From where do you get your information-----the mosque
or your catechism whore?

You Jews think that you don't owe Palestinians money for property lost, but everybody else owes Jews money for property lost.

Selfish, dirty, stinking hypocrites.

how long, Polack Pig, have you imagined that you "know" what people
THINK? Such a claim is a clear sign of psychosis------check Kaplan's
textbook of psychiatry
it wasn't even a flag was it - but a print out OF the flag?

they sure showed us.

also - many of our allies in the middle east are happy as hell trump did this. yet, nothing from our own press presenting all sides, huh?
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.

and, nutbar?

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