Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant death to America

Which of these were by Iran (Persia)???

Jews conquered the U.S.A long ago.... They used the dumb Goyim point blank.

I.E Jews pushed Liberalism to divide, and conquer America
or Jews pushed Neoconservatism to divide, and conquer America.
The last 3 presidents of the US were 2 Christians and one Muslim. No jews. Most of the SCOTUS are Christians. Doesn't look like much of a Jewish conquest.
Which of these were by Iran (Persia)???

Jews conquered the U.S.A long ago.... They used the dumb Goyim point blank.

I.E Jews pushed Liberalism to divide, and conquer America
or Jews pushed Neoconservatism to divide, and conquer America.
The last 3 presidents of the US were 2 Christians and one Muslim. No jews. Most of the SCOTUS are Christians. Doesn't look like much of a Jewish conquest.

AIPAC, Hollywood, and media are 3 Jewish dominated institutions among many which promote Zionism, and or Liberalism to the American masses, including the "Kosher" Presidents.
Not at all. While Hillary was kicking back with her supporters in California, a state she knew she had won, during the last few days of the election, Trump was out campaigning 20 hours a day in key swing states where he knew the margins were close.
What does that have to do with what I said ? >> "doesn't take away from Trump's good campaign policies, much of which have already been enacted."

His policies were good. Then and now. Period.
1.) So theocracy is leftist, sure.

2.) Jews have had some terrorists too,
A.) the Israeli Defense Forces like the Qana Massacre, Kafr Qasim Massacre, QIbya Massacre Khan Yunis Massacre, Al Dawayima Massacre, Rafah Massacre, or Safsaf Massacre.
B.) Irgun behind 60 targets most notable being the King David Hotel Bombing, Balad al-Shaykh Massacre, or Deir Yassin Massacre by also the Lehi .
C.) Lehi also committed the Cairo Haifa Train bombings,
D.) Jewish Defense League behind at least 15 terrorist attacks in just the U.S.A, some notable mentions include the JDL in killing Arab Palestinian civil rights activist Alex Oleh, or the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre by JDL member Baruch Goldstein.
E.) Lone-wolf Jewish terrorists, and terrorism like Ami Popper, Eden Natan Zada, Asher Weisgan, Zeev Sternhall, the Duma Arson Attack, and Yischai Schlissel, and the Kidnapping, 2-13 Beersheba shooting,and murder of Mohammad Abu Khdeir.

3.) So the New World Order thought up by crap-heads like the Jewish Warburg's, and Jewish Rothschild's is less of a threat? than Iran?
Explain, exactly?
The N.W.O = Commie anti cultural, anti-Human scums (Overall)
Iran might be primitive, but not so disgusting.

4.)You seem to be obsessed with 9/11 terrorism.
A.) Which 9/11 hijacker was Iranian?
B.)I'm quite certain some very nasty Jewish Communists in Eastern Europe, are far worse than Islamic terrorists.
C.) Jews might have less terrorism than Muslims, but what about Jews being more prevalent in gangsters, or organ traffickers, or sex slavery, kidnapping, pedophiles, prostitutes etc.

5.) So, Jews built Israel as a minority of the land against an Arab majority.
How Palestinians, Arabs aren't using self defense against Israeli Jewish colonists?
1. Yes, the theocracy of Iran IS very definitely leftist. Just look at the reaction of Democrats to Trump cancellation of US participation in the Iran deal. These fruitcakes are annoyed, and they support Iran and the deal.

2. I am not familiar with the many acts that you call Jewish terrorism, so I won't comment at this time, but what I said about true Muslims stands pat >> Fanatical terrorists.

3. Are the Jewish Warburg's, and Jewish Rothschild's working on the development of nuclear weapons ? Do they have an insane ideology that calls for killing everyone (infidels) other than themselves ? (as Muslims have been doing for 1400 years)

4. I'm concerned with all Muslim jihad, wherever/whoever it's coming from. And are nasty Jewish Communists in Eastern Europe, working on development of nuclear weapons, while having a suicidal mentality as Muslims in Iran do ? (thereby negating mutual deterrent)

5. Israel lived in the land they are in long before there was any such thing as Islam. They are who belongs there. Palestinians don't need to be where they are. Most Palestinians are in Jordan, which is their country, set forth by the British about 100 years ago.

Muslims wouldn't be a problem for the West, if not for internal problems, like Liberals, Jews, and Capitalists (The 3 stooges)

Why should I consider Iran as a bigger issue than those 3 stooges?
AIPAC, Hollywood, and media are 3 Jewish dominated institutions among many which promote Zionism, and or Liberalism to the American masses, including the "Kosher" Presidents.
So what ? There's lobbying groups for thousands of different groups and causes. What else is new ? That Jews have a few too, doesn't constitute a conquest of America. Give us a break.
Muslims wouldn't be a problem for the West, if not for internal problems, like Liberals, Jews, and Capitalists (The 3 stooges)

Why should I consider Iran as a bigger issue than those 3 stooges?
FALSE! Muslims have been a problem for the West for 1400 years, as well as much of the East (they killed 80 Million Hindus and 10 million Buddhists). They also slaughtered 120 Million Africans. They are the worst abomination the world has ever known, and they're still at it.

1.) Theocracy = Conservatism, no?

2.) Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet, while Jews believe Jesus is boiling in excrement in the Jewish Hell.

3.) So, Jews like Soros, Rothschild's, Kissinger, etc. don't want a World domination?

4.) So, the Jewish Talmud isn't a disgusting book, like the Quran?

5.) Israel is peaceful? How? By exterminating nearly 100,000 Arabs since it began?
1. No.

2. What Muslims and Jews believe about Jesus, doesn't change what true Muslims are. Fanatical terrorists.

3. I oppose anybody's idea of world domination, but I don't see the people you mentioned knocking down tall buildings, and gunning down people in Obama's gun-free zones.

4. Don't know about the Jewish Talmud. Jews aren't knocking down tall buildings either.

5. Extermination, or defense ?

Regarding the Talmud----I am no expert----but know a little. Feel free to ask questions.
Jesus of Nazareth quoted the Talmud LOTS
I have read the "" OT "" and the "" NT "" What point are you so desperately
struggling to make, penny, dear?
There is no point, and the "Penny" is probably actually Mohammed.

oh gee------I read the Koran too. LONG AGO----in fact about 50 years ago.
When I read the Koran-----I believe most people in the USA nevah heard of that
book.--------as far as I can evaluate "penny"------I may be very wrong-----she probably
nevah heard of it until recently either.. As far as I can evaluate "penny" ----she nevah
read much of anything
Muslims wouldn't be a problem for the West, if not for internal problems, like Liberals, Jews, and Capitalists (The 3 stooges)

Why should I consider Iran as a bigger issue than those 3 stooges?
FALSE! Muslims have been a problem for the West for 1400 years, as well as much of the East (they killed 80 Million Hindus and 10 million Buddhists). They also slaughtered 120 Million Africans. They are the worst abomination the world has ever known, and they're still at it.

View attachment 192857

1.) Israel has killed 100,000 by existing, and risks WW3.

2.) Karl Marx was of a Jewish heritage, 100 million killed under his philosophy.

3.) In the early - mid 1930's the NKVD was more Jewish than Russian, that Jew Matvei Berman ran the Gulag, the Jew Genrikh Yagoda ran the NKVD, as well Jew Lazar Kaganovich organized the Holodomor terror famine..

That's the height of terror, perhaps 15 - 30 million killed there.

4.) In the mid - late 1800's Benjamin Disraeli a Jew played a big role in British politics under the most brutal period of British rule, he dehumanized the Irish, who were killed by about 1 million in the Irish Potato Famine genocide as Britain stole their food.

As Disraeli the Jew was Prime Minister his first time about 1.5 million Indians were starved to death at the Rajputana Famine, then again his second time as PM
5 - 10 million Indians were starved to death in the Great Famine of 1876 - 1878., as his British Empire stole their food.

Disraeli also supported the genocide of 1 million, or so Bulgarians, in the Bulgarian horrors he promoted by propping up Ottoman Turks

Disraeli also supported war, conquest, and genocide of Zulu, and Afghanis.

5.)Jewish Julius Popper orchestrated the Selk'nam Genocide where this Native American tribe was exterminated.

6.) 400,000 - 500,000 Poles died in Post WW2 Soviet era, where many Jews founded, and exterminated Polish people like Jakub Berman, Roman Romkowski, Salomon Morel, Jozef Rozanski, Hillary Minc, Piotr Smietanski and Roman Zambrowski.

7.) 10,000 - 30,000 died in Fidel Castro's Cuba, Fidel Castro had a Jewish heritage, and was propped up by Jewish Ricardo Wolf.

8.) Bela Kun a Communist of Hungary of Jewish origins killed 10,000's of thousands of prisoners.

8.) Lenin, and Trotsky the 2 leaders of the Russian Revolution had Jewish heritages, the main financiers were Jews like Jacob Schiff, Warburg, Otto Kahn, etc. as a result 5 - 15 million were killed as a result.

9.) Jewish Lehman brothers financed much of the cotton trade (Slavery) of Blacks in the U.S.A South.

11.) Jewish Ghetto Police (Jewish Nazi collaborators) took part in helping to have exterminated perhaps millions of Jews to the Nazis.
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' | Daily Mail Online
Iranian politicians set US flag on fire in parliament, chant 'Death to America' and accuse Trump of lacking 'mental capacity to deal with issues' following President's pullout of nuclear deal

Well , they're prepping for the false flag. MSM gets yah prepped without yah knowing that's what's taking place.
or maybe they're just blowing crap out of their poopers..

Dam Clinton and Obama hell Bush is probably involved with it too gotta distract, another 911 would work lol they plot so well . Not this time though because too many ppl pay attention..

Oh well it's a fun ramble......... HAHAH.
I suppose there is some point to this thread???
First you say you aren't parroting rwnj talking points.

Then you post this, which is straight up rwnj talking points.
So we shouldn't speak the truth, when it is congruent to what you call rwnj talking points ? Fact is, the overwhelming majority of those points are NOT nut job. They are the TRUTH. Simple as that.

And if you deny the truth, then you're just parroting left wing nut job talking points, of which there are MANY.

So here's YOUR challenge >>

1. I said Jews aren't knocking down tall buildings, and gunning down people in Obama's gun-free zones. Do you say they are ?

2. I said true Muslims are fanatical terrorists. Do you deny that ?

3. What I posted (which you call "
straight up rwnj talking points") is actually pure HISTORY. So whatever you don't like about history, you just call it a rwnj talking point, and then expect/require people to not speak about it ? Is that your game ? If so, it's a pretty dumb, and flimsy one.

You don't get to change HISTORY, according to your liking. If you go around calling the Muslim conquests I listed >> "rwnj talking points", that just goes to show how nut job your brainwashing is.
Your opinion is noted, and dismissed as to bent by talking heads to be salvageable.

Have a nice day.
First you say you aren't parroting rwnj talking points.

Then you post this, which is straight up rwnj talking points.
So we shouldn't speak the truth, when it is congruent to what you call rwnj talking points ? Fact is, the overwhelming majority of those points are NOT nut job. They are the TRUTH. Simple as that.

And if you deny the truth, then you're just parroting left wing nut job talking points, of which there are MANY.

So here's YOUR challenge >>

1. I said Jews aren't knocking down tall buildings, and gunning down people in Obama's gun-free zones. Do you say they are ?

2. I said true Muslims are fanatical terrorists. Do you deny that ?

3. What I posted (which you call "
straight up rwnj talking points") is actually pure HISTORY. So whatever you don't like about history, you just call it a rwnj talking point, and then expect/require people to not speak about it ? Is that your game ? If so, it's a pretty dumb, and flimsy one.

You don't get to change HISTORY, according to your liking. If you go around calling the Muslim conquests I listed >> "rwnj talking points", that just goes to show how nut job your brainwashing is.
Your opinion is noted, and dismissed as to bent by talking heads to be salvageable.

Have a nice day.

crepitus dear-------did you mean TOO BENT ??? The fact of the GLORIOUS AGE OF
ISLAMIC CONQUESTS------is very important to muslims. In fact the barbaric and successful
invasions, pillages, murders, rapes and enslavements --PROVES THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM and
the favor of the rape endorser in Jannah
They were shouting "death to America" long before we pulled out of the deal. It's why we should never have gotten into that rotten deal in the first place.
Yeah. To the Iranian Ayatollahs, chanting "Death to America," is like breathing. It's almost imbedded into their DNA.
No one here can authoritatively speak for 'Iran' and say the U.S. is hated there by anything like a majority of its people. If there is resentment against America, anyone rational must admit that participating in the 1953 overthrow of Iran's government had to play in the sentiment. Interfering to such an extent in a sovereign nation is guaranteed to engender bad feeling. The puppet Shah and accompanying repression certainly didn't ameliorate the situation. If we can't comprehend that, there will never be a genuine dialog and reasonable resolution.

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