Iran's economy has crashed.

Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
/——/ Oh really? Invading our Embassy wasn’t an act of war, or are you too young to remember that?

Invading the embassy was getting rid of the country that was backing The Shah of Iran.

You brought that on yourselves. You kept that murdering despot in power for 40 years.To the Iranians, you are the evil Satan.
The country's misery index ratings are approaching that of Venezuela.........Inflation through the roof.........and massive reduction on oil production.

The Sanctions have brought Iran to it's knees...........why the current acts of desperation.

Take a look.

Iran's 'Misery Index' Up As Production And Oil Exports Crash

The sad news is that economic pressure never seems to work on dictators as they are the last ones to feel the pain. Fed by the propaganda, instead of revolting against their leaders, many Iranians will just blame and hate America more.
That is always the catch 22..............but the leaders there are evil..............and the youth want that to end there.....................

In comparison............I'm sure there were many good people in Germany in WWII.............but it's War..........that's just the way it is.

I hope the people there can throw the radicals in charge out.........but I think that will be a disaster.................

It's NOT Iran behaving like Germany in WW2, it's actually the USA.

Nazi Germany invaded one after another.
NOT like Iran,
but much like the USA.

There's definitely something in the Anglo-Saxon bloodlines that makes them love the power of looting & shooting.

No surprise, Anglos & Saxons are are the main bloodlines in America & they are usually violent predators just like you.
That's a crock.................we don't want War there............the ones selling the weapons do...........If they'd stop their terrorism and Islam would dominate the world crap none of this would have happened.

I showed a video.......doubt you watched it...........terror attacks around the globe leading up to 9/11........yeah the dang region is so innocent. They want Islam to dominate the world and this has been going on since Mohamed. That is their purpose and goal. Does that mean the average joe there likes it. Nope. As I said before and you didn't listen my sister dated a guy once from Iran. Wasn't a bad person but driven out by the Dark side of Islam that rules there now. Under the Shah they were more Westernized and the Religious Nutbags there weren't in charge.

All they have to do is stop supporting terrorism..............prove that the Nukes aren't being built and stop their starting crap in the region......and this ends..........The sanctions end............but they refuse because they are on a MISSION FROM FULFILL THE PROPHECY.........


Iran under the Shah

You are the ones selling the weapons. The USA is promoting war with Iran. Iran got rid of their nukes.
They don't have Nukes......and we aim to make sure they don't for as long as we can. Their leaders want them.........and will stop at nothing until they get them. That crappy little deal Obama made only gave them money and more advanced tech to speed up the process. They can't do it now because.........well...........they are broke and and under STAGFLATION.

The day they threw the Shah from power was the worst thing they ever did. And that little revolution has evolved into what we see today.

Yes the weapons manufacturers are making money.......not just ours but all of them...........I don't like that anymore than you do.
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.
Expectedly, leftist America-Haters do double duty as a mouthpiece for terrorists.
Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.
/——/ Oh really? Invading our Embassy wasn’t an act of war, or are you too young to remember that?

Invading the embassy was getting rid of the country that was backing The Shah of Iran.

You brought that on yourselves. You kept that murdering despot in power for 40 years.To the Iranians, you are the evil Satan.
/——/ Jimma Carter kicked the Shaw out and brought the Ayatollah Smella Kinda Gamey out of exile and put him in power.
is it an act of war to attack an embassy?
Best Answer
For a country to attack another country's embassy within their own borders is the diplomatic equivalent of a gang-rape. There is no acceptable reason for it. It is most certainly an act of war.
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.

You are an ignorant bigot.
No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.
Muslim problem.... they created it. They can live under it. Fuckem

Iran & Russia hasn't done anything more than your USA & Israel has done.

You're sending an appalling message, one where the USA & Israel do what they want,
then Iran & Russia have to walk on egg shells.
Russia influence in the region for a long time has been one of self interest............same as ours.........

They have supported any who would be a thorn in our ass...............not as bad now but during the cold war was much worse.......

To Russia this is about money there...........selling whomever........and a port in the Med...........

Iran is a theology from hell.............with the Shah even though he's been demonized...........the people of Iran had Freedoms much like modern western nations..........Women could drive.........could go to the beach.......wear bikini's..........etc..............Under the is RIGID RELIGIOUS CONTROL.

The people there........are quite Frankly FED UP...........

Iran & Russia might be bad,
they certainly didn't cause millions dead by Wars in the Middle-East like USA Neocons have, and apparently want to continue, because
they want more & more blood, never ending blood.

Your avatar supports my estimation of your IQ....

Is that a POW hat you have on?

Or is it some kind of bull shit put down?
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.

You are an ignorant bigot.

You are an ignorant war mongering maniac.
Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.
Muslim problem.... they created it. They can live under it. Fuckem

Iran & Russia hasn't done anything more than your USA & Israel has done.

You're sending an appalling message, one where the USA & Israel do what they want,
then Iran & Russia have to walk on egg shells.
Russia influence in the region for a long time has been one of self interest............same as ours.........

They have supported any who would be a thorn in our ass...............not as bad now but during the cold war was much worse.......

To Russia this is about money there...........selling whomever........and a port in the Med...........

Iran is a theology from hell.............with the Shah even though he's been demonized...........the people of Iran had Freedoms much like modern western nations..........Women could drive.........could go to the beach.......wear bikini's..........etc..............Under the is RIGID RELIGIOUS CONTROL.

The people there........are quite Frankly FED UP...........

Iran & Russia might be bad,
they certainly didn't cause millions dead by Wars in the Middle-East like USA Neocons have, and apparently want to continue, because
they want more & more blood, never ending blood.

Your avatar supports my estimation of your IQ....

Is that a POW hat you have on?

Or is it some kind of bull shit put down?

Many of my family were in the US Armed Forces, some killed, or wounded.

While, I do respect the troops.

I don't respect the maniacs like you who put them in harms way, duh.
Sanctions are a clear act of war, a war Iran didn't start.

Iran is a Nation that supports State Sponsored Terrorism.

The Sanctions are well deserved.

The USA is the main force to mass murder in the Mid-East.

Boy the Globalists sure have you Anglo-Saxon savages wrapped around their fingers.
You are all OCD about Terrorists, meanwhile YOU & YOU ILK have killed millions in wars + proxy wars in the Mid-East.

You are the scum of Humanity.
Just plain dumb, ignorant, and violent bestial brutes.
It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.

You are an ignorant bigot.

You are an ignorant war mongering maniac.

Rave on you idiot......

Show me one single post I have made that supports your charge....

You can't because you are Full of Shit...

Skip to number 1................Stoned to death if they find out a woman had sex outside of marriage......and marrying a 9 year old is legal there if it is found they have reached puberty.

It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.

You are an ignorant bigot.

You are an ignorant war mongering maniac.

Rave on you idiot......

Show me one single post I have made that supports your charge....

You can't because you are Full of Shit...

You are for Sanctions upon Iran, so it's most certain that you're for provoking an Iran.
Iran is far more peaceful than the USA, or it's allies like Israel, and Saudis.
The country's misery index ratings are approaching that of Venezuela.........Inflation through the roof.........and massive reduction on oil production.

The Sanctions have brought Iran to it's knees...........why the current acts of desperation.

Take a look.

Iran's 'Misery Index' Up As Production And Oil Exports Crash

Yes sanctions work so well. Russia will be leaving Ukraine any day now.

Cuba will be coming around any day now.

North Korea will give up its dictatorship any day now.

I’m sure Iran will be calling tomorrow.
Oh.......such a wonderful leadership in Iran..............


The day the Mullahs of Iran are thrown out of power would be the best thing that ever happened to the country since the Shah.

Their people are revolting because they are SICK OF IT..........They are sick of the Morality showed a long finger nail. Iran is run by a bunch of 7th Century mentality MENTAL MIDGETS.

It's a shame that the people have to suffer so much.

No, it really isn't.

These stupid fucks have had CENTURIES to stop living like barbarians and to stop electing or allowing leaders to lead them down the path of 14th century losers.

Lie in the bed you made

Yeah, it really is.

Not everybody is responsible.

Like for example, I shouldn't be held responsible for the USA Neocon mass murders, just because of a lot of very primitive doofs
especially Southerners tend to support such ideals.
Expectedly, leftist America-Haters do double duty as a mouthpiece for terrorists.

Hardly, I hate scum of the Earth, and a lot of Americans unfortunately fit that bill, especially Protestant Americans & Kosher Americans.

Hardly, I'm no Leftist,

I didn't want the Islamic refugees here,
that every Islamic terrorist was living in the USA.

But, you & your Neocons bombed & waged war causing more refugees in the MENA countries.

You're certainly not very bright, or sane.

You're a mouth piece for the Globalists.

They want you to think mass murdering Right-Wing Islamist Nationalists like Iran who are relatively peaceful is so urgent, meanwhile,
the USA has murdered millions in the Mid-East.

Why? Obviously to benefit the Globalists.

BTW, Terrorists are so hated by Globalists, because they hate the idea of people fighting back against government.
there's that the Globalists are mostly Kosher & they want dumb f*cks like you to kill or be killed for the Zion.
The country's misery index ratings are approaching that of Venezuela.........Inflation through the roof.........and massive reduction on oil production.

The Sanctions have brought Iran to it's knees...........why the current acts of desperation.

Take a look.

Iran's 'Misery Index' Up As Production And Oil Exports Crash

Yes sanctions work so well. Russia will be leaving Ukraine any day now.

Cuba will be coming around any day now.

North Korea will give up its dictatorship any day now.

I’m sure Iran will be calling tomorrow.
How are they going to buy shit without the money......huh........

They are broke and screwed financially now...........but thanks for playing.

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