Iraq Deputy PM blames 2003 occupation on country's state now

First off, leftist hero Bob Woodward has just decreed that Bush DID NOT LIE prior to the invasion and had in fact, asked Tenet not to fabricate anything to gin up support. I can almost hear the crestfallen progs reading this readying their claims that the man who "got Nixon" has sold out. :lol:

Further, the Iraqi army could hardly NOT be broken up at the end of hostilities. Without going into too much detail, that army has little in common with US or european military forces...they often left their units and walked home for some family event, had to be talked into following orders, and spent most of their time sleeping or laying around.

As to militias joining the new national army, since the beginning of time that's how armies were raised....including our own Revolutionary and Civil wars...right up to WW2 where whole fraternities and football teams signed up. They were quickly dispersed into other units as were the Iraqis.

OP is a total FAIL. :rolleyes-41:

Don't you just love the bullshit that the left throws at us over "OMG we broke up the Iraqi army" and that's why we have this mess in Iraq.

Like should we have kept Hitler's SS? So that Germany could remain peaceful?


It's that crazy. I know. To keep the peace in Japan we should have allowed the Emperor's army to keep on keeping on.

Geeze louise the left has lost their freaking minds.
George W. Bush was the decider for what in Iraq, Porker, and everything since then has flowed from his flawed vision.
The only democrat who chickened out of invading Iraq (Chappaquiddick Teddy) is now dead. The rest of those sorry bastards are still alive and kicking and the flawed vision was all over their sorry asses, Jakey boy.
Only Bush could say let's go. It's on him.

Are you saying President Bush never needed the Congress's approval?
Immaterial. He was the one who pulled the trigger. No one else could do it.

If you recall, many of our usual allies did not believe Ws assertion about WMD. Remember "American Fries" that the W administration's pushed. Turns out the French were was cooked intelligence.

France like Canada was mired knee deep in the UN oil for food scandal.

THAT'S why they did not join in the war effort. My own Prime Minister's son in law was freaking involved.

Hence the last thing Chretien wanted to do was to invade Iraq.
Don't you just love the bullshit that the left throws at us over "OMG we broke up the Iraqi army" and that's why we have this mess in Iraq.

Like should we have kept Hitler's SS? So that Germany could remain peaceful?


It's that crazy. I know. To keep the peace in Japan we should have allowed the Emperor's army to keep on keeping on.

Geeze louise the left has lost their freaking minds.

:lol: They're trying to stay faithful to the boy-idiot in the WH and blaming Bush instead of the creep-show Willy Jeff Clinton is routine. After WW2 there were German units called "wolf packs" who gave us fits in the countryside. They were finally hunted down and murdered.
Iraq Deputy PM Ramadi surprised all of us -

Like many analyzing how Iraq has gotten to this point, al-Mutlaq pointed at least in part to the American decision to disband the Iraqi military after its 2003 invasion, and send droves of suddenly disaffected -- and military-trained -- Sunnis into the streets.

"First you should not dissolve the Iraqi army, and the Americans did dissolve the Iraqi army.

"And then, we said since you have already decided to dissolve the Iraqi army, now you have to build a national army, which is not sectarian, which is a professional army.

"But unfortunately, the army was built in a way that the militias was entered in it, and also it was not built on a national basis, but on a sectarian one," he said.

"Unfortunately, the withdrawal was not in a responsible way. So the occupation was wrong, and the withdrawal was wrong also. Both of them are wrong steps, which led to what we are now. Now we have to act immediately."

He is exactly right. The nation building theory of the Bush administration was both wrong and mislead, because they never understood the secular nature of Iraq.
These people are clearly liberals and are throwing the blame onto Bush, now that it is presidential election season...
First off, leftist hero Bob Woodward has just decreed that Bush DID NOT LIE prior to the invasion and had in fact, asked Tenet not to fabricate anything to gin up support. I can almost hear the crestfallen progs reading this readying their claims that the man who "got Nixon" has sold out. :lol:

Further, the Iraqi army could hardly NOT be broken up at the end of hostilities. Without going into too much detail, that army has little in common with US or european military forces...they often left their units and walked home for some family event, had to be talked into following orders, and spent most of their time sleeping or laying around.

As to militias joining the new national army, since the beginning of time that's how armies were raised....including our own Revolutionary and Civil wars...right up to WW2 where whole fraternities and football teams signed up. They were quickly dispersed into other units as were the Iraqis.

OP is a total FAIL. :rolleyes-41:

Don't you just love the bullshit that the left throws at us over "OMG we broke up the Iraqi army" and that's why we have this mess in Iraq.

Like should we have kept Hitler's SS? So that Germany could remain peaceful?


It's that crazy. I know. To keep the peace in Japan we should have allowed the Emperor's army to keep on keeping on.

Geeze louise the left has lost their freaking minds.

When you have to mention Hitler, you fail
Don't you just love the bullshit that the left throws at us over "OMG we broke up the Iraqi army" and that's why we have this mess in Iraq.

Like should we have kept Hitler's SS? So that Germany could remain peaceful?


It's that crazy. I know. To keep the peace in Japan we should have allowed the Emperor's army to keep on keeping on.

Geeze louise the left has lost their freaking minds.

:lol: They're trying to stay faithful to the boy-idiot in the WH and blaming Bush instead of the creep-show Willy Jeff Clinton is routine. After WW2 there were German units called "wolf packs" who gave us fits in the countryside. They were finally hunted down and murdered.
Wolf Packs was used for submarine warfare strategy...
France like Canada was mired knee deep in the UN oil for food scandal.

THAT'S why they did not join in the war effort. My own Prime Minister's son in law was freaking involved.

Hence the last thing Chretien wanted to do was to invade Iraq.

The french in particular were some of Saddam's best buds...they continued to sneak arms and munitions into him after Desert Storm, including some biological and chemical agents. They continuously tipped off his RG during the UN weapon inspections and were finally fed wrong information, caught passing it along, and put out of the loop.
Iraq Deputy PM Ramadi surprised all of us -

Like many analyzing how Iraq has gotten to this point, al-Mutlaq pointed at least in part to the American decision to disband the Iraqi military after its 2003 invasion, and send droves of suddenly disaffected -- and military-trained -- Sunnis into the streets.

"First you should not dissolve the Iraqi army, and the Americans did dissolve the Iraqi army.

"And then, we said since you have already decided to dissolve the Iraqi army, now you have to build a national army, which is not sectarian, which is a professional army.

"But unfortunately, the army was built in a way that the militias was entered in it, and also it was not built on a national basis, but on a sectarian one," he said.

"Unfortunately, the withdrawal was not in a responsible way. So the occupation was wrong, and the withdrawal was wrong also. Both of them are wrong steps, which led to what we are now. Now we have to act immediately."

He is exactly right. The nation building theory of the Bush administration was both wrong and mislead, because they never understood the secular nature of Iraq.

Good grief. Every fucked up analysis that lays out..."in the beginning there was GW Bush..." and makes a bizarre historical analysis beginning with his term in office is FUBAR'D.

It's idiotic. It's off the charts stupid. It's moronic.

Hell's bells if one knows their history and one wants to point at an individual in the past who truly messed up and created the mess that is modern day Iraq, blame freaking Churchill.

If one truly understood history, they would look to the demise of the Ottoman Empire at at the end of WW I:

The Middle East and the West WWI and Beyond NPR

But that is for historians, today we need to act pragmatically, and putting American troops on the ground in the Middle East is foolish. It's so easy to be an armchair QB on Monday morning, since so many of us are but so few have any idea what would have been better - even with hindsight - given the world Obama inherited.

If the mandates post WW I established the kindling, the first war in Iraq created the fuel, and the occupation of Iraq under bush provided the fire.

Now the voter needs to evaluate, what do we want to do now. For the voter will decide after listening to those who want to be the next POTUS, and who will be voting in The Congress in the H. of Rep. our future policies.

More money into the Military-Industrial Complex, less into pressing domestic needs? Or vice versa? What are our priorities as citizens, and do they conflict with the wants of Wall Street? Those are the issues.
France like Canada was mired knee deep in the UN oil for food scandal.

THAT'S why they did not join in the war effort. My own Prime Minister's son in law was freaking involved.

Hence the last thing Chretien wanted to do was to invade Iraq.

The french in particular were some of Saddam's best buds...they continued to sneak arms and munitions into him after Desert Storm, including some biological and chemical agents. They continuously tipped off his RG during the UN weapon inspections and were finally fed wrong information, caught passing it along, and put out of the loop.

And for icing on the cake Kofi Annan's son Kojo was involved in the oil for food scandal so there is no doubt that the UN and other countries that were playing footsies with the maniac didn't want Hussein messed with because they were profiting from their relationship with him.
Are you saying President Bush never needed the Congress's approval?
Immaterial. He was the one who pulled the trigger. No one else could do it.

The same bunch of SOBs that were raving mad idiots about Clinton NOT PULLING THE TRIGGER voted for this JOINT RESOLUTION OF CONGRESS virtually telling Bush to INVADE IRAQ. You are ONE STUPID, LYING sumbitch Jakey boy.


(a) Authorization.--The President is authorized to use the Armed
Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and
appropriate in order to--
(1) defend the national security of the United States
against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and
(2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council
resolutions regarding Iraq.

The signers didn't just happen to sign this document in the process of scratching their asses you dumb son of a bitch.
Porker is full of pig shit. Bush is the trigger for everything that happened. Now the Sunni army will not fight their co-religionists in Iraq. Bring our troops home, send Porker and the rest of the neo-cons and their families into permanent exile in Iraq.
And as Bush said in the video, while it is absolutely meaningful to criticize his conduct of the war, it is TOTALLY FUCKING IRRESPONSIBLE to place phony blame as to HOW THAT WAR BEGAN. That's what you're doing dimocrats. Get over it pricks.

Porker is full of pig shit. Bush is the trigger for everything that happened. Now the Sunni army will not fight their co-religionists in Iraq. Bring our troops home, send Porker and the rest of the neo-cons and their families into permanent exile in Iraq.

Starkey, you are one dumb LYING asshole. TYPICAL DIMOCRAT.
The neo-cons like Porker will have
Porker is full of pig shit. Bush is the trigger for everything that happened. Now the Sunni army will not fight their co-religionists in Iraq. Bring our troops home, send Porker and the rest of the neo-cons and their families into permanent exile in Iraq.

Starkey, you are one dumb LYING asshole. TYPICAL DIMOCRAT.
I am a Republican, and you are far right reactionary neo-con butt hole. You guys will accept the responsibility for the failure. We will make sure you do. Then there will be a reckoning for the neo-cons.
Iraq Deputy PM Ramadi surprised all of us -

Like many analyzing how Iraq has gotten to this point, al-Mutlaq pointed at least in part to the American decision to disband the Iraqi military after its 2003 invasion, and send droves of suddenly disaffected -- and military-trained -- Sunnis into the streets.

"First you should not dissolve the Iraqi army, and the Americans did dissolve the Iraqi army.

"And then, we said since you have already decided to dissolve the Iraqi army, now you have to build a national army, which is not sectarian, which is a professional army.

"But unfortunately, the army was built in a way that the militias was entered in it, and also it was not built on a national basis, but on a sectarian one," he said.

"Unfortunately, the withdrawal was not in a responsible way. So the occupation was wrong, and the withdrawal was wrong also. Both of them are wrong steps, which led to what we are now. Now we have to act immediately."

He is exactly right. The nation building theory of the Bush administration was both wrong and mislead, because they never understood the secular nature of Iraq.
And as a moronic dumb ass liberal you believe that.

The country is in the state its in because it's people are cowards. A trait they share with most progressives
The neo-cons like Porker will have
Starkey, you are one dumb LYING asshole. TYPICAL DIMOCRAT.
I am a Republican, and you are far right reactionary neo-con butt hole. You guys will accept the responsibility for the failure. We will make sure you do. Then there will be a reckoning for the neo-cons.

Starkey, you are a fucking Republican about like I'm a pig. You're shot through and through with Obama's lies and make your shit up as you go.

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