Iraq Deputy PM blames 2003 occupation on country's state now

FakeyJakey envies the right despite being a flaming liberal. He dreams of one day being a responsible conservative but alas he is just a lowly fraud
Yup, those Dems actually thought W was telling them the truth. A recovering alcoholic will say anything for a drink...

How about that non-recovered alcoholic, murderer, lousy drunk driver who left the scene of his girlfriend's DEATH? Hit and run. He hit the water, got himself out and left her to drown. Chappaquiddick Teddy. And speaking of goddamn liars...I give you...

Hillary...What difference does it make....jpg


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Starkey, you are a fucking Republican about like I'm a pig. You're shot through and through with Obama's lies and make your shit up as you go.

Shaky Jake once told me he was a Special Forces instructor of mine at RECONDO Nha Trang. Pay no attention to anything he says....typical prog POS.
Porker is full of pig shit. Bush is the trigger for everything that happened. Now the Sunni army will not fight their co-religionists in Iraq. Bring our troops home, send Porker and the rest of the neo-cons and their families into permanent exile in Iraq.

Nobody has used the term "neo-con" in years. Curious how a neo-communist like you reverts to old catch-phrases.....wasn't it Harry Truman who invented "nation building" by rebuilding japan and west germany with our tax dollars?
Starkey, you are a fucking Republican about like I'm a pig. You're shot through and through with Obama's lies and make your shit up as you go.

Shaky Jake once told me he was a Special Forces instructor of mine at RECONDO Nha Trang. Pay no attention to anything he says....typical prog POS.

Yeah, I present evidence of what I claim and that lying asshole has N-O-T-H-I-N-G except "I,m a Republican". What a fucking dork.

Nobody has used the term "neo-con" in years. Curious how a neo-communist like you reverts to old catch-phrases.....wasn't it Harry Truman who invented "nation building" by rebuilding japan and west germany with our tax dollars?

Yeah, I would respond with neo-dim but there is NOTHING neo about these communist bastard dimocrats. They've been commies since FDR's reign and then Lyndon Johnson sealed the deal with his "I'll have the nig*ers voting communist for the next 200 years".
The only democrat who chickened out of invading Iraq (Chappaquiddick Teddy) is now dead. The rest of those sorry bastards are still alive and kicking and the flawed vision was all over their sorry asses, Jakey boy.
Only Bush could say let's go. It's on him.

Are you saying President Bush never needed the Congress's approval?
Immaterial. He was the one who pulled the trigger. No one else could do it.

If you recall, many of our usual allies did not believe Ws assertion about WMD. Remember "American Fries" that the W administration's pushed. Turns out the French were was cooked intelligence.

France like Canada was mired knee deep in the UN oil for food scandal.

THAT'S why they did not join in the war effort. My own Prime Minister's son in law was freaking involved.

Hence the last thing Chretien wanted to do was to invade Iraq.

They did not believe W. Simple as that....
Porker is full of pig shit. Bush is the trigger for everything that happened. Now the Sunni army will not fight their co-religionists in Iraq. Bring our troops home, send Porker and the rest of the neo-cons and their families into permanent exile in Iraq.

Starkey, you are one dumb LYING asshole. TYPICAL DIMOCRAT.

Porker is following the script of the "party of morals."
Yup, those Dems actually thought W was telling them the truth. A recovering alcoholic will say anything for a drink...

How about that non-recovered alcoholic, murderer, lousy drunk driver who left the scene of his girlfriend's DEATH? Hit and run. He hit the water, got himself out and left her to drown. Chappaquiddick Teddy. And speaking of goddamn liars...I give you...

View attachment 41706

He is dead......Next...?

Nobody has used the term "neo-con" in years. Curious how a neo-communist like you reverts to old catch-phrases.....wasn't it Harry Truman who invented "nation building" by rebuilding japan and west germany with our tax dollars?

Yeah, I would respond with neo-dim but there is NOTHING neo about these communist bastard dimocrats. They've been commies since FDR's reign and then Lyndon Johnson sealed the deal with his "I'll have the nig*ers voting communist for the next 200 years".

Porkers extraordinary morals are coming to the surface again.....

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