Iraq embassy under attack by Iran lead protests!

Trump has his very own Benghazi.

Will Mike Pompeo sit for an 11 hour House grilling, or is he not as strong as Hillary Clinton?
We lost an Ambassador, or are you showing off your low IQ again?
How do you like that shoe being on the other foot? Over 50 were killed in the 11 attacks on Gomer`s watch.
My shoes are just fine. So tell me, have we lost an Ambassador in Iraq? You know, like another Benghazi?
What does that matter?

And we didn’t lose an ambassador in Benghazi, dumbass.
And we didn’t lose an ambassador in Benghazi, dumbass.

Your AOC pic is perfect.
America's next move in Iraq should be to exit the country.

Even the puppet government we have set up wants us to leave. .. :cool:


I hope the President doesn't go to war with Iran over Iraq.

No more fighting other peoples wars!

Enough is enough!!
"BREAKING: The US Army’s 82nd Airborne Division’s alert brigade of 4,000 troops has been issued orders to deploy rapidly to Kuwait amid the unrest in Baghdad, three US defense officials told Fox News on Tuesday."
Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.

He already made his next move. He called the Iraqi's and demand they protect the embassy.


His next move is to send more troops to the middle east, after declaring their withdrawl as a campaign promise just a month ago.

The Pentagon just got that big $738 billion spending package, complete with their own space force.

Maybe he can ask the Kurds if they will help out.

I still say the CIA instigated this plot, Timing is way to convenient and there is no such thing as a coincidence
Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.

Yeah, this is actually news! I saw it on Reuters first thing this morning. Thanx for the thread.

Can't agree it's "obvious" Iran is behind it: they probably want us out because they want us out. We do sort of bomb them a lot; I can see the problem there. Out would be great with me: Iraq doesn't matter as much as Iran. They are quite ineffective. It's like South Vietnam and North Vietnam: why do we always ally with the weaker, less popular, ineffective part of the area??

But my first thought was that Trump pulled out the ambassador and all the staff in the face of THOUSANDS in angry crowds mixed with armed militia attacking the embassy. Unlike Hillary, he is not willing to lose another ambassador. It still makes me mad, that she and that Obama character just didn't bother to defend or save the embassy personnel in Libya at all -- just let them die, despite their pleading for days for help.

Trump does better.
I think you're probably being unfair to Obumble on that one.

Benghazi was a mere satellite diplomatic office... a consular office... while Baghdad holds the main embassy for the entire country.

And, we have considerably more assets to work with, deployed in Iraq, than we did in that $hithole called Libya at the time, right?

As well as more assets available in a capital city vs. those available in a provincial or regional center, eh?

Any such comparison seems a bit like apples-and-oranges to this observer.
They stole a US Embassy sign.

Destroyed some property.

I must of missed the part in the article where a US ambassador was sodomized and killed. Or the part about a YouTube video being the cause of the attacks.

Your thread isn’t worth a fuck.

You did miss the part where Ambassador Stevens was a close personal friend of Hillary Clinton. You also left out the part where Stevens was taken to the hospital by the Libyan military.

I'm sure Trump has a good excuse for his failure on the embassy security. He has an excuse for everything else.

And your response is interesting. This embassy was attacked by Shiites. The embassy in Libya was attacked by Sunnis.

Trump is calling on the Sunnis to protect the embassy. Not contractors.

Just a month ago, you were cheering cadet bone spurs on for abandoning the Kurds, and withdrew troops at the behest of a Muslim dictator in Turkey, to protect his hotel in Istanbul, pissing off the American troops there.

Which we found out didn't get withdrawn, but sent to Syria and Saudi Arabia, to protect ARAMCO oil interests.

Now he's sending more troops to Iraq to protect an embassy to cover up his own failure to protect it in the first place.

Just who's fucking side are you on, because it sure as hell isn't American troops.
Who's side are YOU on, Trump or Iran?
Crowd storms US Embassy compound in Baghdad, gunshots heard, report says
Iran clearly behind the attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad. The United States cannot let this stand. Small strikes to make them pay? Or is it time for the BIG move and eliminate the Iranian regime which has been a threat to world peace since 1979? If we invade Iran, certain elements in the country will see a surge of patriotism. Other parts of the country, the reformers, will welcome regime change. What to do? Hmmmmm? What would you do? I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway.

"I say it’s time to remove the regime. Eliminate a Russian/Syrian/ Chinese ally. Let’s knock a pillar out now. Just going to fight them later anyway."


now that iran and russia and china have a military alliance

the time to "do something" was 10 years ago, or 20....

it's too late now.

The "time to do something" was in 1945 when the US was the only country with the bomb. (hindsight)

we have merely waited around while countries that ADMIT they hate us and can NOT live on the same planet with us just keep getting stronger and more powerful.

and now the russians are in our backyard (venezuela) ((thanks trump))

all three of those countries disrespect us, mock us and push us around (plus n. korea)

trump APPLAUDS dictators and bullies

he MOCKS and ATTACKS our allies

and I live within the blast radius of a major city

I blame CONSERVATIVES for this mess!
Neither Russia nor China will go to war with the United States over a bunch of lunatics like the Iranian theocratic ruling class.
Easy. You KILL THE ATTACKERS. and make a point out of doing so....But leave we must so your people can go on killing their brothers since Shite and Sunni have been doing it for centuries....Even the Irish finally learned to mostly stop killing English!...

You're one of those people that wonders why they hate you so much.... right?


I'm wondering why we try to keep them alive after they did this to us.... if that had been Mecca, I am sure they would have responded with either our death, or die trying!...
Saudis did that. trump's BFFs.
No, ISIS and Bin Laen did that!
ISIS didn't exist yet...And OBL was Saudi. Don't you know anything?
Yes. Trump is a disgrace. And a weakling.

View attachment 297549
Yes. Trump is a disgrace. And a weakling.

View attachment 297549

You don't have a clue what happen, do you?

The Iranian back forces attacked American personal killing a contrator.

Trump kicked their ass for it.

Now the Iranian backed forces are attacking the embassy.

You can thank that piece of shit Obama for giving his Mullah buddies billions of dollars in cash to finance anti American terrorist attacks.

You Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless piece of Muslim loving affirmative action shit Obama. Shame! This shit that is going on now is a direct result of Obama's policies toward Iran.
"trump kicked their ass"? how did trump do that? An angry tweet?

Your idiocy is expected. Trump lets our soldiers fight, unlike the cowardly Obozo who put so many restrictions on our soldiers it wasn’t even funny. ISIS was just another Obozo caused problem that Trump had to clean up. Trump did not give a terrorist nation billions of dollars to prop them up either.
So, ISIS is gone now thanks to fat donnie? :71:

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