Iraq: ISIS attacks Ramadi, provincial capital of al-Anbar

The city is now in full control of ISIS. Despite alleged airstrikes by the US-led "anti-terror" coalition against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the terror group seems to be very vital and motived.


"The Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) has captured their third provincial capital in Iraq and Syria after launching a strategic offensive at the city of Al-Ramadi that resulted in the complete withdrawal of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and local militias (Badr Brigades and tribal fighters from the Al-‘Anbar Province) from this front in western Iraq.

ISIS solidified their control over the imperative city of Al-Ramadi after they stormed the Iraqi Army’s 8th Brigade Base at the eastern flank, where they engaged the remaining ISF soldiers entrenched inside the base before their positions were on the verge of being overrun by the enemy combatants from the west.

Video footage from the Iraqi Army’s 8th Brigade Base confirmed that all of the remaining ISF soldiers withdrew from their final positions inside the city of Al-Ramadi; thus conceding defeat to the swarming ISIS militants at another provincial capital in Iraq.

Two weeks ago, ISIS boasted pictures from the Deir Ezzor Governorate (eastern Syria) that depicted the graduation of almost 2,000 new fighters they prepared for battle in both Syria and Iraq; this was followed up with a number of offensives in the Al-Hasakah, Homs, and Deir Ezzor Governorates in Syria and their offensive at Al-Ramadi in the Al-‘Anbar Governorate."

Breaking ISIS Captures Provincial Capital of Al- Anbar
The surest way for Isis to be destroyed is for it to contain itself in a geographic area. This group absolutely cannot stand up against a modern army.
The surest way for Isis to be destroyed is for it to contain itself in a geographic area. This group absolutely cannot stand up against a modern army.
It can. Fighting ISIS and other terror groups means fighting war robots without mortal fear. You need tough guys like those of the Syrian army to fight such terrorists. The soldiers of our modern armies would simply run away, leaving their equipment to the terrorists. This happened in Iraq, where the Iraqi army fights the battle for its own country´s soil.
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The Iraqi Army is not a good example of a modern army.
Watch the reaction to the following statement.
The Isis forces, on a battlefield against the French Army (for example), would be annihilated.
We are talking 'hypotheticals'. In a head-to-head battle, the outcome would be beyond doubt.
The French Army does not throw down its weapons and run. For example, its peace keeping forces stationed at a bridge in what was Yugoslavia once had some of its fellows kidnapped by hostile forces. Their comrades stormed across the span under fire to regain the men, inflicting casualties on the enemy.
Iraq I, CHAD and elsewhere have also showed their efficiency.
We are talking 'hypotheticals'. In a head-to-head battle, the outcome would be beyond doubt.
The French Army does not throw down its weapons and run. For example, its peace keeping forces stationed at a bridge in what was Yugoslavia once had some of its fellows kidnapped by hostile forces. Their comrades stormed across the span under fire to regain the men, inflicting casualties on the enemy.
Iraq I, CHAD and elsewhere have also showed their efficiency.
Just was just an example. When 800 ISIS fighters storm French positions, they will run away.

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