Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

No I'm not stupid. I just don't see things the way you do.

I don't hate Jews the way you do.

I do see the Muslims as more of a threat on the horizon like you don't.

Just hope neither of us are around when the shit really hits the fan where the Muslims are concerned.

THe shit is only hitting the fan because the Zionists threw the shit and the Oil Companies turned on the fan.

Tell me, how much involvement did we have in the Middle East before 1948?

Not much. It wasn't our problem.

Then we kept getting involved in stuff that really, really doens't concern us.
No I'm not stupid. I just don't see things the way you do.

I don't hate Jews the way you do.

I do see the Muslims as more of a threat on the horizon like you don't.

Just hope neither of us are around when the shit really hits the fan where the Muslims are concerned.

THe shit is only hitting the fan because the Zionists threw the shit and the Oil Companies turned on the fan.

Tell me, how much involvement did we have in the Middle East before 1948?

Not much. It wasn't our problem.

Then we kept getting involved in stuff that really, really doens't concern us.

Before 1948?? Whole different world then.

The Oil Companies made the Arabs rich. Once they got the oil out everything was nationalized and the Arabs got rich. The same Arabs who would like to take over the world.

As for the Jews? Guess taking back their homeland is shit to you. Last I heard they had UN approval for taking back their homeland.

Oh and the Muslims will be everybody's problem if they get their way.
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When people wake up and realize that Islam is just nazism then the final solution will be unleashed.

Islam is no better or no worse than any other belief in Magic Sky Fairies.

And thew worst genocides have been perpetrated by people who called themselves 'CHristians".

Bull. Islam is murdering people all over the planet. Your hatred of God has seared your intellect.
When people wake up and realize that Islam is just nazism then the final solution will be unleashed.

Islam is no better or no worse than any other belief in Magic Sky Fairies.

And thew worst genocides have been perpetrated by people who called themselves 'CHristians".

Bull. Islam is murdering people all over the planet. Your hatred of God has seared your intellect.

Yup. Apparantly Joe has forgotten just how many people the Muslims scumsuckers have killed and will continue to kill all over the world.

He better hope they don't land in his neighborhood.

Now how did that happen?? Perhaps Palestinie was occupied by the Jews before the Arabs??

Did a little reading.

In 1930, Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam arrived in Palestine from Syria and organised and established the Black Hand,...

Seems the Jews were already in Palestine and being killed.

Oh wait. I forgot. You hate Jews and could care less if they were being murdered. Never Mind.

Oh and I do believe Palestine was called Palistine it was called Canaan and was homes of the Jews.

Are you just fucking stupid?

Of course, the Palestinians saw that the British were trying to colonize their country with European Jews and of course, they were against it.

However, not a whole lot of Europe's Jews were falling for the scam, because very few of them emigrated between 1920 when the British stole Palestine from the Ottoman empire and 1945 when the War ended.

After the war, yeah, a whole bunch of them immigrated, and it was a terrible idea.

So they were after the British and just killed all those Jews for the hell of it? Seems to me those Jews had been living there for quite a while since they had farms, orchards and lives.

Guess I know who's stupid and it ain't me jack.
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Oldstyle, you don't act like Rockefeller act hardcore far right to the bone. Rockies had no problem with solid business regulation, corporate welfare, and the social agenda.

Not much from you about pro-choice, same sex marriage, gun control, agnosticism. I'm pro-choice. I have zero problem with same sex marriage.

I have been a Ford Republican since Jack Ford and I were at university together. I believe in abortion after 20 weeks only for rape, incest, and health/life of the mother. I am for the 2d Amendment, understanding that it is not an absolute right. I am Christian. Worked for the party at various times in Utah and Texas and Louisiana at times over the years.

You are going to need to step up here to convince people what you say you are. I think you are lying.
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What is a "Ford Republican"? Seriously...Google Ford Republican and then Google Rockefeller Republican and see what you come up with! The truth don't bullshit very well, Jake! Now you've changed your tune to your having "worked" for the Party at various times while before you were claiming that you were a "leader" in the Party? I don't even know who "Jack Ford" is...

Yet you have the gall to say that "I" need to step up and convince people I am what I say I am? You're amusing, Jakey...
What is a "Ford Republican"? Seriously...Google Ford Republican and then Google Rockefeller Republican and see what you come up with! The truth don't bullshit very well, Jake! Now you've changed your tune to your having "worked" for the Party at various times while before you were claiming that you were a "leader" in the Party? I don't even know who "Jack Ford" is...

Yet you have the gall to say that "I" need to step up and convince people I am what I say I am? You're amusing, Jakey...
So? Fakey is relegated to parsing his partisan stupidity? Gotta laugh. Starkey is a fraud.
What is a "Ford Republican"? Seriously...Google Ford Republican and then Google Rockefeller Republican and see what you come up with! The truth don't bullshit very well, Jake! Now you've changed your tune to your having "worked" for the Party at various times while before you were claiming that you were a "leader" in the Party? I don't even know who "Jack Ford" is...

Yet you have the gall to say that "I" need to step up and convince people I am what I say I am? You're amusing, Jakey...
So? Fakey is relegated to parsing his partisan stupidity? Gotta laugh. Starkey is a fraud.

Have you EVER seen Jake argue a conservative viewpoint, T? For him to declare that he's a moderate Republican is laughable. What's the deal with the liberals on this board that think claiming to be a conservative lends credence to their liberal viewpoint? I might be one of the more moderate conservatives on the board because of my views on abortion, same sex marriage and gun control but in Jake's mind I'm still a hard right extremist because I think Barack Obama doesn't have a clue what he's doing.

Before 1948?? Whole different world then.

The Oil Companies made the Arabs rich. Once they got the oil out everything was nationalized and the Arabs got rich. The same Arabs who would like to take over the world.

As for the Jews? Guess taking back their homeland is shit to you. Last I heard they had UN approval for taking back their homeland.

Oh and the Muslims will be everybody's problem if they get their way.

Hey, I j ust checked for you. There isn't a Jihadist hiding under your bed. There isn't one in your closet, either.

Now for the UN, the UN Has also passed 43 resolutions calling on the Zionists to stop abusing the Palestinians. You really can't have it both ways on the UN.
What is a "Ford Republican"? Seriously...Google Ford Republican and then Google Rockefeller Republican and see what you come up with! The truth don't bullshit very well, Jake! Now you've changed your tune to your having "worked" for the Party at various times while before you were claiming that you were a "leader" in the Party? I don't even know who "Jack Ford" is...

Yet you have the gall to say that "I" need to step up and convince people I am what I say I am? You're amusing, Jakey...

Jack Ford is Gerald Ford's son.

But, yeah, the fact is that the crazy that has infected the GOP has driven a lot of people off.

It's why you only cleared 50% in a presidential election once in the last 22 years.
When people wake up and realize that Islam is just nazism then the final solution will be unleashed.

Islam is no better or no worse than any other belief in Magic Sky Fairies.

And thew worst genocides have been perpetrated by people who called themselves 'CHristians".

Bull. Islam is murdering people all over the planet. Your hatred of God has seared your intellect.

There is no God, and Christians have more blood on their hands trying to please the Imaginary Sky Fairy than Muslims do.

Muslims are killing people who are fucking with them.

So we should stop fucking with them.
Islam is no better or no worse than any other belief in Magic Sky Fairies.

And thew worst genocides have been perpetrated by people who called themselves 'CHristians".

Bull. Islam is murdering people all over the planet. Your hatred of God has seared your intellect.

There is no God...
Thank you for your feedback.

Unfortunately for you, most people on the face of the planet believe otherwise.

Unfortunately for you, most of the ceremonies and rituals practiced by your government have a religious component to them.

...and Christians have more blood on their hands...
Christendom has not engaged in large-scale warfare attributable to religion in a very long time; for most of that you have to go back in time, many centuries.

...trying to please the Imaginary Sky Fairy than Muslims do...
Islam is engaged in such warfare as we speak.

Worse, their belief-system was founded by a bloodthirsty tyrant, demagogue, pedophile and bigamist, and their founder has given them permission to kill in the name of their godhead, and to lie to nonbelievers.

Christianity, and its founder, are on a higher plane of spirituality and thought, and its core teachings serve as a Reset Button whenever that belief system strays too far from its core.

As to there being a Magic Sky Fairy, well, you may very well be right.

It's just that as you lie on your deathbed, years from now, you have nothing to hope-for or look forward to, even though - unable to help yourself - you will call upon God to come to your aid, in your last sentient moments before the darkness closes in.


...Muslims are killing people who are fucking with them...

As well as enormous numbers of others whose only fault is to believe differently than they do.

Islam - the last extant mainstream Spiritual Tyranny on the face of the planet.

...So we should stop fucking with them.
Nahhhhhh... they need occasional bitch-slapping, to be reminded of who they're fucking with.
What is a "Ford Republican"? Seriously...Google Ford Republican and then Google Rockefeller Republican and see what you come up with! The truth don't bullshit very well, Jake! Now you've changed your tune to your having "worked" for the Party at various times while before you were claiming that you were a "leader" in the Party? I don't even know who "Jack Ford" is...

Yet you have the gall to say that "I" need to step up and convince people I am what I say I am? You're amusing, Jakey...

Jack Ford is Gerald Ford's son.

But, yeah, the fact is that the crazy that has infected the GOP has driven a lot of people off.

It's why you only cleared 50% in a presidential election once in the last 22 years.

So Gerald Ford's son "Jack" is the leader of some sort of moderate wing of the Party like Nelson Rockefeller was? That's news to me...I've never even heard of the guy!

As for the GOP being "crazy"? I keep hearing that refrain from you liberals...yet the GOP keeps electing moderates to run for President and the Democrats keep electing those from the far left to run for President. How is it that the GOP is "crazy" and the Dems are "sane"?:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol::badgrin::badgrin::lol:
So Gerald Ford's son "Jack" is the leader of some sort of moderate wing of the Party like Nelson Rockefeller was? That's news to me...I've never even heard of the guy!

As for the GOP being "crazy"? I keep hearing that refrain from you liberals...yet the GOP keeps electing moderates to run for President and the Democrats keep electing those from the far left to run for President. How is it that the GOP is "crazy" and the Dems are "sane"?:l:

Excuse me, when did you nominate a "Moderate"?

Romney wasn't moderate. Neither was Dubya. Neither was Dole. Maybe, Maybe McCain was, (and he put in the worst performance) but he spent so much time sucking up to the Crazies most people forgot that. (The capper was when he said he wouldn't vote for his own immigration bill.)

Your definition of Moderate seems to fall under the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. If they lose or govern disastrously, then they weren't a "Real" conservative.

It bears repeating. In 2012 you guys nominated a guy who thought he was wearing Magic Underwear, and he was the least crazy guy you had, but he wasn't "Moderate".

...So we should stop fucking with them.
Nahhhhhh... they need occasional bitch-slapping, to be reminded of who they're fucking with.

that works well if you are willing to have your kids come back in body bags to "fuck with them".

I'm not.

They've made it clear. They are willing to strap bombs to themselves to get back at us.

Are we willing to make the same sacrifices?

I'm not. NOt for cheaper oil, and not so the fucking Zionists can play "The Magic Sky Fairy loves me best."

Christendom has not engaged in large-scale warfare attributable to religion in a very long time; for most of that you have to go back in time, many centuries.

Are you fucking kidding me? What did German Soldiers wear on their belt buckles when they were overrunning Europe during Two World Wars? "Gott mit Uns" - "God's With Us!"

British Christians nearly completely exterminated Australian Aborigines in the 19th century. American Christians did a number on Native Americans. "When the White Man came here, he had the bible and we had the land. Now we have the bible and they have the land."

Meanwhile, Islam controls less of the world than they did in 1500.

It's just that as you lie on your deathbed, years from now, you have nothing to hope-for or look forward to, even though - unable to help yourself - you will call upon God to come to your aid, in your last sentient moments before the darkness closes in.

No, I won't. Trust me, I want nothing to with a God who drowns babies, and calls himself "Good".

...So we should stop fucking with them.
Nahhhhhh... they need occasional bitch-slapping, to be reminded of who they're fucking with.

that works well if you are willing to have your kids come back in body bags to "fuck with them".

I'm not.

They've made it clear. They are willing to strap bombs to themselves to get back at us.

Are we willing to make the same sacrifices?

I'm not. NOt for cheaper oil, and not so the fucking Zionists can play "The Magic Sky Fairy loves me best."
Your venom for your own kind and your own culture and its own religious underpinnings seems quite extraordinary, and, shall we say, atypical.

As to the rest - stop it - you're scaring the womenfolk. :lol:

Christendom has not engaged in large-scale warfare attributable to religion in a very long time; for most of that you have to go back in time, many centuries.

Are you fucking kidding me? What did German Soldiers wear on their belt buckles when they were overrunning Europe during Two World Wars? "Gott mit Uns" - "God's With Us!"
You deliberately confuse the presumptuous and (church-) unauthorized secular suggestion of religious complicity, with a casus belli that could be held up as an example of religious motivation for large-scale warfare.


Now, if the German leadership had said: "We are embarking upon this war because this is what God wants of us" - and if that was the primary and broadly accepted casus belli - then, you would have a case for large-scale religiously-motivated warfare within Christendom in recent times - which, of course, you don't.

Besides, what does Christians acting against the core teachings of their Founder have to do with religiously-motivated large-scale warfare in recent times?

British Christians nearly completely exterminated Australian Aborigines in the 19th century.
What does Christians acting against the core teachings of their Founder have to do with religiously-motivated large-scale warfare in recent times?

American Christians did a number on Native Americans. "When the White Man came here, he had the bible and we had the land. Now we have the bible and they have the land.
What does Christians acting against the core teachings of their Founder have to do with religiously-motivated large-scale warfare in recent times?


When Christians engage in warfare they are acting in direct opposition to the teachings of their Founder.

When Muslims engage in warfare they are acting in accordance with the teachings of their Founder.

Huge frigging difference.

Meanwhile, Islam controls less of the world than they did in 1500.

The less, the better.

Then again, Islam has been asleep, under the European and Turkish colonial yokes, for several hundred yeas, but is now free of those, and is re-discovering and re-awakening its martial spirit.

That makes it dangerous once again.

Not a danger to be feared, but a danger to be manfully confronted, and contained.

It's just that as you lie on your deathbed, years from now, you have nothing to hope-for or look forward to, even though - unable to help yourself - you will call upon God to come to your aid, in your last sentient moments before the darkness closes in.

No, I won't. Trust me, I want nothing to with a God who drowns babies, and calls himself 'Good'.
We won't know the actual answer to that until your time comes.
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