Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

LMAO your a hoot Joe.

If the Isreali's get overrun then you'll be happy. Of course We'll have more johadists ready to kill us. Jihadist's who love Sharia Law and want to take things back the the 8th century.

I'm sure that will make you even happier.

Yep. We have space aliens in america. They are called left wing loons who think everyone is wonderful and their utopia is on the horizon.

Yep. Your a hoot Joe.

You see, here's the thing. I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's interest for my interest.

Israel gets wiped out, most of the world will cheer. Then the Arabs will go back to fighting over who owns watering holes.

Hey, did you hear about that big Jihadist attack on Japan?


Of course you didn't. Japan doesn't support Israel, doesn't invade middle eastern countries, and doesn't get involved in their problems.

Japan isn't surrounded by Muslims. You sound like you support the destruction of Israel.
From what I've been reading the Muslims would like to take over the world. They want it all. They want Sharia law everywhere and things turned back to when they actually ruled the world. They have big ambitions.

How long do you think it would take them to attack anyone and everyone who isn't Muslim if they had the power to do so??

As for Japan. They haven't attacked anyone since WWII. They don't want to be involved in any war anywhere with anyone. They now think war is abhorrant and one wonders if they would bother to defend themselves if they were attacked.

Hope your wife likes Sharia Law.
LMAO your a hoot Joe.

If the Isreali's get overrun then you'll be happy. Of course We'll have more johadists ready to kill us. Jihadist's who love Sharia Law and want to take things back the the 8th century.

I'm sure that will make you even happier.

Yep. We have space aliens in america. They are called left wing loons who think everyone is wonderful and their utopia is on the horizon.

Yep. Your a hoot Joe.

You see, here's the thing. I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's interest for my interest.

Israel gets wiped out, most of the world will cheer. Then the Arabs will go back to fighting over who owns watering holes.

Hey, did you hear about that big Jihadist attack on Japan?


Of course you didn't. Japan doesn't support Israel, doesn't invade middle eastern countries, and doesn't get involved in their problems.

Japan isn't surrounded by Muslims. You sound like you support the destruction of Israel.

Yup. He hates the Jews and seems to have a problem realizing what scum sucking murderers the Muslims are. He also doesn't seem to realize that those Muslims want to take over the world. Hell. How many Muslims are in America right now?
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You see, here's the thing. I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's interest for my interest.

Israel gets wiped out, most of the world will cheer. Then the Arabs will go back to fighting over who owns watering holes.

Hey, did you hear about that big Jihadist attack on Japan?


Of course you didn't. Japan doesn't support Israel, doesn't invade middle eastern countries, and doesn't get involved in their problems.

Japan isn't surrounded by Muslims. You sound like you support the destruction of Israel.

Yup. He hates the Jews and seems to have a problem realizing what scum sucking murderers the Muslims are. He also doesn't seem to realize that those Muslims want to take over the world. Hell. How many Muslims are in America right now?
Open borders are more than Mexicans coming here.

Japan isn't surrounded by Muslims. You sound like you support the destruction of Israel.

I am all for the destruction of the Zionist Entity.

I will celebrate the day it is driven into the sea.

Because flipping off the whole world because you think a Magic Sky Fairy promised you a strip of desert is Darwinian in it's stupidity.

Maybe after Israel is wiped out, people might start asking very sensible questions like, "Maybe there isn't a God."

Now, going back to my point. The only reason why Israel is "surrounded by Muslims" is because they all moved from Europe to Palestine and took their land.

It's not like they were sitting their minding their own business.

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From what I've been reading the Muslims would like to take over the world. They want it all. They want Sharia law everywhere and things turned back to when they actually ruled the world. They have big ambitions.

How long do you think it would take them to attack anyone and everyone who isn't Muslim if they had the power to do so??

As for Japan. They haven't attacked anyone since WWII. They don't want to be involved in any war anywhere with anyone. They now think war is abhorrant and one wonders if they would bother to defend themselves if they were attacked.

Hope your wife likes Sharia Law.

You describe the Caliphate.
From what I've been reading the Muslims would like to take over the world. They want it all. They want Sharia law everywhere and things turned back to when they actually ruled the world. They have big ambitions.

Um, yeah. Here's the thing. Islam controls less land than it did 500 years ago. Maybe instead of "reading", you should actually talk to some real Muslims instead of just regurgitating whatever shit you heard on Faux News.

How long do you think it would take them to attack anyone and everyone who isn't Muslim if they had the power to do so??

Um, probably never. Most Muslims probably just want to get on with their lives.

Again, we are the ones who keep sticking our noses into their business.

As for Japan. They haven't attacked anyone since WWII. They don't want to be involved in any war anywhere with anyone. They now think war is abhorrant and one wonders if they would bother to defend themselves if they were attacked.

They seem perfectly willing to mix it up with China over some crappy little Islands.

Hope your wife likes Sharia Law.

You know what, the Muslims are on their side of the world. And they aren't bothering me a bit.

DO you know what does bother me. Getting screwed on a daily basis by big corporations because you stupid Christian fucks keep voting in Republicans because they be right with Jesus.

Yup. He hates the Jews and seems to have a problem realizing what scum sucking murderers the Muslims are. He also doesn't seem to realize that those Muslims want to take over the world. Hell. How many Muslims are in America right now?

Not that many and most of them are pretty well behaved.

I'm frankly a lot more worried that some gun nut might start shooting a place up because we let them have guns.

I have no use for ANY religion. But our problem in the MIddle East is we get involved with fights that have nothing to do with us.

Case in point. You guys want us to save the Shi'ite government (Allied to Iran, which is our enemy) against ISIS, which is funded by the Saudis and the Qataris, who are supposedly our friends. Meanwhile the Zionists wanted us to topple Assad a few months back in Syria, which would have left ISIS in charge of ALL of Syria, and not just the part they control now.

Before they were our mortal enemies, Saddam and Bin Laden were both guys the CIA vouched for.

There really, really has to be a point where you step back and say, "This doesn't involve us, and there are no good guys over there."

Japan isn't surrounded by Muslims. You sound like you support the destruction of Israel.

I am all for the destruction of the Zionist Entity.

I will celebrate the day it is driven into the sea.

Because flipping off the whole world because you think a Magic Sky Fairy promised you a strip of desert is Darwinian in it's stupidity.

Maybe after Israel is wiped out, people might start asking very sensible questions like, "Maybe there isn't a God."

Now, going back to my point. The only reason why Israel is "surrounded by Muslims" is because they all moved from Europe to Palestine and took their land.

It's not like they were sitting their minding their own business.

Now how did that happen?? Perhaps Palestinie was occupied by the Jews before the Arabs??

Did a little reading.

In 1930, Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam arrived in Palestine from Syria and organised and established the Black Hand, an anti-Zionist and anti-British militant organisation. He recruited and arranged military training for peasants and by 1935 he had enlisted between 200 and 800 men. The cells were equipped with bombs and firearms, which they used to kill Zionist settlers in the area, as well as engaging in a campaign of vandalism of the settlers-planted trees and British constructed rail-lines.[18] In November 1935, two of his men engaged in a firefight with a Palestine police patrol hunting fruit thieves and a policeman was killed. Following the incident, British police launched a manhunt and surrounded al-Qassam in a cave near Ya'bad. In the ensuing battle, al-Qassam was killed.[18]

The death of al-Qassam in 1936 generated widespread outrage in the Arab community. Huge crowds accompanied Qassam's body to his grave in Haifa. A few months later, in April 1936, the Arab national general strike broke out. The strike lasted until October 1936, instigated by the Arab Higher Committee, headed by Amin al-Husseini. During the summer of that year, thousands of Jewish-farmed acres and orchards were destroyed, Jewish civilians were attacked and killed, and some Jewish communities, such as those in Beisan and Acre, fled to safer areas.(Gilbert 1998, p. 80) The violence abated for about a year while the British sent the Peel Commission to investigate.(Khalidi 2006, pp. 87–90)

Seems the Jews were already in Palestine and being killed.

Oh wait. I forgot. You hate Jews and could care less if they were being murdered. Never Mind.

Oh and I do believe Palestine was called Palistine it was called Canaan and was homes of the Jews.
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"Sorry, guys, Bush and Cheney sent you over there to protect the family oil business. Too bad you didn't figure that one out in time. Most of us saw that Saddam's WMD thing as a shuck. Oh, and we are trying to fix the VA that the Republicans gutted in order to pass tax cuts for Bush and Cheney's families too.
You see, here's the thing. I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's interest for my interest.

Israel gets wiped out, most of the world will cheer. Then the Arabs will go back to fighting over who owns watering holes.

Hey, did you hear about that big Jihadist attack on Japan?


Of course you didn't. Japan doesn't support Israel, doesn't invade middle eastern countries, and doesn't get involved in their problems.

Japan isn't surrounded by Muslims. You sound like you support the destruction of Israel.

Yup. He hates the Jews and seems to have a problem realizing what scum sucking murderers the Muslims are. He also doesn't seem to realize that those Muslims want to take over the world. Hell. How many Muslims are in America right now?

Too many. Bricks and Bats Day is coming.

Japan isn't surrounded by Muslims. You sound like you support the destruction of Israel.

I am all for the destruction of the Zionist Entity.

I will celebrate the day it is driven into the sea.

Because flipping off the whole world because you think a Magic Sky Fairy promised you a strip of desert is Darwinian in it's stupidity.

Maybe after Israel is wiped out, people might start asking very sensible questions like, "Maybe there isn't a God."

Now, going back to my point. The only reason why Israel is "surrounded by Muslims" is because they all moved from Europe to Palestine and took their land.

It's not like they were sitting their minding their own business.

Okay, I see your point. Have fun.
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Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

Thanks for your service.

And um..don't aren't going back.

We had no sane and defensible reason for going into Iraq in 2003.

And, once we had won the war, we had no business trying to Nation-Build (again!).

We should have just walked away.

Any government we left behind was certain to evaporate within a few years after our departure.

These people enjoy killing each other - it's a regional and religious pastime.

If we had smashed Saddam, then simply walked away, rather than hanging-about for years, with surges, etc...

These people would have begun killing each other sooner...

That's the only difference...

But, sooner or later, they go back to killing each other...

The sun rises in the east...

The sun sets in the west...

Sunni and Shia kill each other on a mega-scale, when left to their own devices...

All of it rock-solid and demonstrable fact...

We could have saved ourselves several thousand casualties and a trillion dollars by letting them begin killing each other in 2003, rather than 2014...
Obama should tell the Iraqi vets that he is changing the national symbol from the Bald Eagle to a skunk because a skunk is half black, half white, and everything it touches stinks.

Now how did that happen?? Perhaps Palestinie was occupied by the Jews before the Arabs??

Did a little reading.

In 1930, Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam arrived in Palestine from Syria and organised and established the Black Hand,...

Seems the Jews were already in Palestine and being killed.

Oh wait. I forgot. You hate Jews and could care less if they were being murdered. Never Mind.

Oh and I do believe Palestine was called Palistine it was called Canaan and was homes of the Jews.

Are you just fucking stupid?

Of course, the Palestinians saw that the British were trying to colonize their country with European Jews and of course, they were against it.

However, not a whole lot of Europe's Jews were falling for the scam, because very few of them emigrated between 1920 when the British stole Palestine from the Ottoman empire and 1945 when the War ended.

After the war, yeah, a whole bunch of them immigrated, and it was a terrible idea.
When someone, anyone, runs for President they accept ownership of everything the U.S. Government is doing, and is involved in. If they aren't willing to do that they have no business running for President.

Obama wanted the job! Well, ownership of everything goes with that job.
No I'm not stupid. I just don't see things the way you do.

I don't hate Jews the way you do.

I do see the Muslims as more of a threat on the horizon like you don't.

Just hope neither of us are around when the shit really hits the fan where the Muslims are concerned.
Doesn't matter.

This thread isn't about Israel.

Um, everything we do in the Middle East is about Israel, and THAT'S the problem.

Well, Israel and Oil.

Joe Average just working his three jobs trying to make ends meet, frankly, that has nothing to do with me. No one is going to break into my house and impose Sharia law on me.

But we keep getting caught up in their politics because the Zionists and Oil Lobby have such an outsized influence on our government.

And sorry, picking a side between ISIS/Saudi/Turkey/Qatar vs. Maliki/Iran/Assad just seems to be the height of crazy to me.

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