Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

Burn in hell kook.

So you support Islamic terrorists blowing up, shooting and kidnapping "Jews." :eusa_whistle:

Oh poor Israel. They deserve what they get the way they treat the Palastinians people.

Do you support Christian and Jewish terrorists that blow up Arabs, shoot them and kidnap them?

Guantanamo Bay detention camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have a lot of fucked up right wing Americans here in this country. I guess to be honest with you I don't lose any sleep if/when one of you gets your stupid heads cut off. This planet would be better off if Jesus came and took you all home YESTERDAY!
Burn in hell kook.

So you support Islamic terrorists blowing up, shooting and kidnapping "Jews." :eusa_whistle:

Do you support Christian and Jewish terrorists that blow up Arabs, shoot them and kidnap them?

Guantanamo Bay detention camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have a lot of fucked up right wing Americans here in this country. I guess to be honest with you I don't lose any sleep if/when one of you gets your stupid heads cut off. This planet would be better off if Jesus came and took you all home YESTERDAY!

Not only does the GOP control this fool with racism, god gays and guns they also con him with patriotism, nationalism, American exceptionalism and I'm sure Jesus. He probably really believes that America is all good and our enemies are all bad. Basically they have you brainwashed just like I'm sure Putin has the Russians brainwashed.

Its like you guys think Muslims are stupid but you don't realize you are just their retarded older cousins the Christians. And your older retarded cousins the Jews and your youngest cousins the Mormons.
Burn in hell kook.

So you support Islamic terrorists blowing up, shooting and kidnapping "Jews." :eusa_whistle:

Do you support Christian and Jewish terrorists that blow up Arabs, shoot them and kidnap them?

Guantanamo Bay detention camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have a lot of fucked up right wing Americans here in this country. I guess to be honest with you I don't lose any sleep if/when one of you gets your stupid heads cut off. This planet would be better off if Jesus came and took you all home YESTERDAY!

It was the right wing Americans that invaded Iraq. War mongers. Murderers, Liars, Rapists, invaders, infidels, thieves, bullies, hypocrites, anti poor, pro pollution, traitors and last but not least Christians :eusa_pray:

If I go to hell there will probably be a lot of people like you there. Look at you and your black heart telling me to go to hell. I'll pray for your soul. :eusa_pray:BURN IN HELL! :badgrin: :cuckoo::eusa_shifty::eusa_angel::eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle::eusa_hand::evil:
Burn in hell kook.

So you support Islamic terrorists blowing up, shooting and kidnapping "Jews." :eusa_whistle:

Do you support Christian and Jewish terrorists that blow up Arabs, shoot them and kidnap them?

Guantanamo Bay detention camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have a lot of fucked up right wing Americans here in this country. I guess to be honest with you I don't lose any sleep if/when one of you gets your stupid heads cut off. This planet would be better off if Jesus came and took you all home YESTERDAY!

Empathy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have none.
Uh, I was never a grunt.

FYI....Saddam provided monetary support to Islamic terrorists attacking our ally Israel and he provided medical support to select AQ terrorists running from Afghanistan.

Don't even try to act like you know more than me.

"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.

Oh poor Israel. They deserve what they get the way they treat the Palastinians people.

The poor Palestinia people?? WOW. You need to read some history dude.

Just who's home was it before Palestine came along?? Which group of people all left their homes when the Jews came?? Which group of people just knew that the Arab armies would kick the Jews back out of Palestine??

That sure didn't work out for em. The Isreali's have kicked the Arabs asses in how many wars??

Poor Palestinians my ass.
Burn in hell kook.

Do you support Christian and Jewish terrorists that blow up Arabs, shoot them and kidnap them?

Guantanamo Bay detention camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have a lot of fucked up right wing Americans here in this country. I guess to be honest with you I don't lose any sleep if/when one of you gets your stupid heads cut off. This planet would be better off if Jesus came and took you all home YESTERDAY!

It was the right wing Americans that invaded Iraq. War mongers. Murderers, Liars, Rapists, invaders, infidels, thieves, bullies, hypocrites, anti poor, pro pollution, traitors and last but not least Christians :eusa_pray:

If I go to hell there will probably be a lot of people like you there. Look at you and your black heart telling me to go to hell. I'll pray for your soul. :eusa_pray:BURN IN HELL! :badgrin: :cuckoo::eusa_shifty::eusa_angel::eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle::eusa_hand::evil:

LMAO You ain't worth a piss hole in the snow you idiot. Jeeze your a joke.
Uh, I was never a grunt.

FYI....Saddam provided monetary support to Islamic terrorists attacking our ally Israel and he provided medical support to select AQ terrorists running from Afghanistan.

Don't even try to act like you know more than me.

"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.

Every Muslim nation at that time sent $$$ to Hamas, PLO, or Fatah. I won't act like I know more than you, I have already shown i know more than you. So we invaded because someone in the Iraq Baath party send band-aids to Afghanistan?
The premise of Bush Doctrine in past U.S. history:
Newsflash.... "The Japanese bombed the U.S. naval station at Pearl Harbor this morning. President Roosevelt is convening the Congress to consider a declaration of war on Argentina." you're part of the Republican Progressive Wing, Jake? Let me guess...Deanie is a member of that wing too? Sallow? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: What's the deal with all of you progressives that don't want to admit that you're die hard liberals?

:lol: Yep, you are a liar, as you back away from truth telling. You are the scum of the far right that we have been fighting for 50 years, like the JBS and the Freemen and those folks. We don't let you, and never have, define the party.

That's why your far fruit loop nuts got the shit kicked out of you in the primaries.

Tough that. :lol:
As for whether events in the Middle East are "our problem"? When gas goes to $6 a gallon and our economy goes further in the tank than it already is we can revisit this topic and you can explain why a conflict in the area that we're dependent on for oil isn't "our problem"!

Guy, murdering men women and children so you don't have to pay $6.00 a gallon for gasoline is immoral.

If you are such a self-involved, amoral asshole that you don't get this, I'm not sure if it is even worth talking to you.

The poor Palestinia people?? WOW. You need to read some history dude.

Just who's home was it before Palestine came along?? Which group of people all left their homes when the Jews came?? Which group of people just knew that the Arab armies would kick the Jews back out of Palestine??

That sure didn't work out for em. The Isreali's have kicked the Arabs asses in how many wars??

Poor Palestinians my ass.

The Zionists skum haven't won a war on their own since 1967.

So when the Arabs kick out the Zionists, you'll be good with that, right?

I know i'll be. you're part of the Republican Progressive Wing, Jake? Let me guess...Deanie is a member of that wing too? Sallow? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: What's the deal with all of you progressives that don't want to admit that you're die hard liberals?

:lol: Yep, you are a liar, as you back away from truth telling. You are the scum of the far right that we have been fighting for 50 years, like the JBS and the Freemen and those folks. We don't let you, and never have, define the party.

That's why your far fruit loop nuts got the shit kicked out of you in the primaries.

Tough that. :lol:

Dude, I'm a Rockefeller Republican...conservative on fiscal matters and moderate on social issues. I'm so NOT far right that it's laughable that you think I am.

How's this for a far right agenda! I'm pro-choice. I have zero problem with same sex marriage. I support tougher controls on guns. I'm an agnostic. As usual,'re talking out of your tuckus!

As for you? I have yet to see you favor any position that the Republican Party has in it's platform...yet you claim to be a GOP "leader"? Really? So where are you a GOP "leader", Jake? I'm dying to know...
As for whether events in the Middle East are "our problem"? When gas goes to $6 a gallon and our economy goes further in the tank than it already is we can revisit this topic and you can explain why a conflict in the area that we're dependent on for oil isn't "our problem"!

Guy, murdering men women and children so you don't have to pay $6.00 a gallon for gasoline is immoral.

If you are such a self-involved, amoral asshole that you don't get this, I'm not sure if it is even worth talking to you.

Actually, what's happening NOW is that we're walking away and leaving men, women and children to be slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist group that is even more extreme than Al Queda. The $6 a gallon gas is going to be our "reward" for not doing the moral thing and protecting those that sided with us.

If ISIS takes control of Iraq the Middle East will spiral out of control. We COULD do the right thing and protect innocent lives from these butchers and also protect a major part of the world's oil supply from being seized by people who would like that world to be returned to the Stone Age. But knowing Barry, he'll sit on his thumbs until it's too late.
As for whether events in the Middle East are "our problem"? When gas goes to $6 a gallon and our economy goes further in the tank than it already is we can revisit this topic and you can explain why a conflict in the area that we're dependent on for oil isn't "our problem"!

Guy, murdering men women and children so you don't have to pay $6.00 a gallon for gasoline is immoral.

If you are such a self-involved, amoral asshole that you don't get this, I'm not sure if it is even worth talking to you.

Actually, what's happening NOW is that we're walking away and leaving men, women and children to be slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist group that is even more extreme than Al Queda. The $6 a gallon gas is going to be our "reward" for not doing the moral thing and protecting those that sided with us.

If ISIS takes control of Iraq the Middle East will spiral out of control. We COULD do the right thing and protect innocent lives from these butchers and also protect a major part of the world's oil supply from being seized by people who would like that world to be returned to the Stone Age. But knowing Barry, he'll sit on his thumbs until it's too late.

We aren't walking away, dude. We were told to leave. The one thing that Sunnis and Shi'ites agreed upon was that they wanted us gone.

and ISIS wouldn't be in a position to slaughter anyone if that Idiot Bush hadn't taken out Saddam to start with.

frankly, you need a flow chart to track the sides. ISIS is backed by the Saudis, the Kuwaitis and Qataris, (all supposedly our allies) while the Shi'ites are supported by Iran (supposedly our enemy). But you want to stick your dick in the Hornet's nest while figuring out which Hornets are our "Friends".

Because, hey, you won't be the one doing the fighting. It'll be some poor black kid from Chicago. Or some poor redneck kid from Alabama.

Just keep me hooked up with that cheap gas, sucker!

The poor Palestinia people?? WOW. You need to read some history dude.

Just who's home was it before Palestine came along?? Which group of people all left their homes when the Jews came?? Which group of people just knew that the Arab armies would kick the Jews back out of Palestine??

That sure didn't work out for em. The Isreali's have kicked the Arabs asses in how many wars??

Poor Palestinians my ass.

The Zionists skum haven't won a war on their own since 1967.

So when the Arabs kick out the Zionists, you'll be good with that, right?

I know i'll be.

I sure don't remember the US with boots on the ground or air support for any of those wars. I do remember the Isreali's kicking ass big time.

I doubt the Arabs will ever "kick out the Zonists" but then you never know.

You seem pretty pro Arab to me. Seems you have no problem with them blowing up folks in pizza parlors, malls and anywhere else they can kill as many as they can. Hell. 9-11 must have been a high point for ya Joe.

Yup. Your a winner Joe. You hate the Jews but have no problem with the scum sucking jihadist Muslims. Your a winner boy. Perhaps you should move to Pakistan I'm sure they's love the helloutaya.
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The poor Palestinia people?? WOW. You need to read some history dude.

Just who's home was it before Palestine came along?? Which group of people all left their homes when the Jews came?? Which group of people just knew that the Arab armies would kick the Jews back out of Palestine??

That sure didn't work out for em. The Isreali's have kicked the Arabs asses in how many wars??

Poor Palestinians my ass.

The Zionists skum haven't won a war on their own since 1967.

So when the Arabs kick out the Zionists, you'll be good with that, right?

I know i'll be.

I sure don't remember the US with boots on the ground or air support for any of those wars. I do remember the Isreali's kicking ass big time.

Then your memory is faulty. Let's review, shall we.

1973. Israel gets its ass kicked in the Yom Kippur War, Golda Meier tells Nixon if he doesn't bail her out, she might do something nuclear. Nixon sends a shitload of tanks and planes to replace the ones Israel lost. Israel still ended up giving up some territory and realizing the Sinai was indefensible (which is why they gave it back as part of Camp David.

1982- Israel invades Southern Lebanon, gets bogged down, requires the US to prop up their puppet government. 243 Marines are killed in a barracks bombing. We spend years doing flyovers and negotiating to get hostages back.

1991- We take out Saddam for Israel.

2003- We finish off Saddam for Israel.

2005- Israel fights the Palestinians, eventually has to give up Gaza.

I doubt the Arabs will ever "kick out the Zonists" but then you never know.

Um, yeah, actually, it is inevitable. Just like the fall of Apartheid was inevitable.

You seem pretty pro Arab to me. Seems you have no problem with them blowing up folks in pizza parlors, malls and anywhere else they can kill as many as they can. Hell. 9-11 must have been a high point for ya Joe.

Yup. Your a winner Joe. You hate the Jews but have no problem with the scum sucking jihadist Muslims. Your a winner boy. Perhaps you should move to Pakistan I'm sure they's love the helloutaya.

You seem to miss the point. We didn't get 9-11 because we were minding our own business.

We got 9-11 because after 50 years of sticking our dicks in the Middle east Hornet's nest, we got stung.

Bin Laden didn't materialize out of nowhere. He was someone who was armed by the CIA to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, radicalized by our policies which are mostly formed around the interests of placating the Zionists and securing the profits of the oil companies.

If a bunch of space aliens invaded and took over America, I'm pretty sure that we'd be blowing up their pizza Parlors, too.
LMAO your a hoot Joe.

If the Isreali's get overrun then you'll be happy. Of course We'll have more johadists ready to kill us. Jihadist's who love Sharia Law and want to take things back the the 8th century.

I'm sure that will make you even happier.

Yep. We have space aliens in america. They are called left wing loons who think everyone is wonderful and their utopia is on the horizon.

Yep. Your a hoot Joe.
LMAO your a hoot Joe.

If the Isreali's get overrun then you'll be happy. Of course We'll have more johadists ready to kill us. Jihadist's who love Sharia Law and want to take things back the the 8th century.

I'm sure that will make you even happier.

Yep. We have space aliens in america. They are called left wing loons who think everyone is wonderful and their utopia is on the horizon.

Yep. Your a hoot Joe.

You see, here's the thing. I don't mistake the Zionist Entity's interest for my interest.

Israel gets wiped out, most of the world will cheer. Then the Arabs will go back to fighting over who owns watering holes.

Hey, did you hear about that big Jihadist attack on Japan?


Of course you didn't. Japan doesn't support Israel, doesn't invade middle eastern countries, and doesn't get involved in their problems.

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