Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

Have you noticed that the progressives on here have stopped even attempting to argue that Barry is a great President? Now their argument is that he's no worse than W. Gotta love it...
Have you noticed that the progressives on here have stopped even attempting to argue that Barry is a great President? Now their argument is that he's no worse than W. Gotta love it...

Obama is a great president.

No trillion dollar invasions, no financial collapses, just smart decisions not to waste American blood and treasure on a Sunni and Shia conflict.
Have you noticed that the progressives on here have stopped even attempting to argue that Barry is a great President? Now their argument is that he's no worse than W. Gotta love it...

Obama is a great president.

No trillion dollar invasions, no financial collapses, just smart decisions not to waste American blood and treasure on a Sunni and Shia conflict.

And yet he's managed to spend more than any US President in history while overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression and is now golfing in Palm Springs while a terrorist organization that makes Al Queda look like the Boy Scouts takes over Iraq. Yeah, Barry's a great President all right... :lol::cuckoo::lol::badgrin::cuckoo:
Hey, but on the bright side...his Administration hasn't had a new scandal in almost 48 hours! YOU GO BARRY!!!
Obama should apologize to us vets for being against everything in America we would of gave our lives for.

The made up number is the "jobs saved or created" bit of smoke and mirrors that the Obama Administration treated us to when the stimulus didn't come CLOSE to creating the jobs they thought it would.

Stimulus did just fine. Unemployment hit 10% before Stimulus (which was never as much as anyone said it should be) and is 6.3% now.

The ones who are dying are the ones who supported us in Iraq, Einstein! Good luck getting anyone else to do that anywhere else! We've shown ourselves to be completely untrustworthy as a potential ally. Any one sitting on the fence on which side to choose in the coming fight (and it is coming!) is looking at what's happening in Iraq and what's about to happen in Afghanistan and asking themselves why on earth would they ever get in bed with the Americans!

Um, no, guy. The ones dying are the ones who were shooting us in the back.

Remember Cindy Sheehan? You remember who killed her son? it was the Shi'ites you guys on the right are now weeping over because they're getting killed by Sunnis who have had enough of their shit.

They didn't side with the Americans because they love Freedom and Coca-Cola. They sided with us because they thought they'd get power, and we gave it to them.

And we also gave them some pretty sensible advice on how to keep power, and guess what, they completely did the opposite of that.

Here's the real problem iwth the "coming fight". It's none of our fucking business. The Shi'ites and Sunnis and Kurds and Zionists can fight all day about who their Imaginary Sky Pixie loves best, but this really, really isn't our problem.
Have you noticed that the progressives on here have stopped even attempting to argue that Barry is a great President? Now their argument is that he's no worse than W. Gotta love it...

I don't think I ever argued he was a "Great" president.

I argued that he would be better than that Weird Mormon Robot your side tried to foist on us telling us half of us were worthless and how awesome it was they had Chinese babes behind barbed wire making him rich.

And, yeah, he's a lot better than that fuckup Dubya.
Have you noticed that the progressives on here have stopped even attempting to argue that Barry is a great President? Now their argument is that he's no worse than W. Gotta love it...

I don't think I ever argued he was a "Great" president.

I argued that he would be better than that Weird Mormon Robot your side tried to foist on us telling us half of us were worthless and how awesome it was they had Chinese babes behind barbed wire making him rich.

And, yeah, he's a lot better than that fuckup Dubya.

Turns out Romney was right on two fronts.

Iraq and the inept 49% who are to lazy to get off the couch instead ride the coat tails of true American workers

Obama should apologize to us vets for being against everything in America we would of gave our lives for.


Well, you obviously wouldn't "of" given up anything for a proper education.

Put down your gun and pick up a book.
Have you noticed that the progressives on here have stopped even attempting to argue that Barry is a great President? Now their argument is that he's no worse than W. Gotta love it...

I don't think I ever argued he was a "Great" president.

I argued that he would be better than that Weird Mormon Robot your side tried to foist on us telling us half of us were worthless and how awesome it was they had Chinese babes behind barbed wire making him rich.

And, yeah, he's a lot better than that fuckup Dubya.

Turns out Romney was right on two fronts.

Iraq and the inept 49% who are to lazy to get off the couch instead ride the coat tails of true American workers


No, Romney wasn't right on either.

the 47% comment is a complete misnomer. It refers to ONE YEAR when those who had no tax liability reached that number on income taxes, usually because they were making too little or were paying other taxes that blotted that out.

His comments on Iraq were just retarded. No Americans want to waste more lives in that country.
The made up number is the "jobs saved or created" bit of smoke and mirrors that the Obama Administration treated us to when the stimulus didn't come CLOSE to creating the jobs they thought it would.

Stimulus did just fine. Unemployment hit 10% before Stimulus (which was never as much as anyone said it should be) and is 6.3% now.

The ones who are dying are the ones who supported us in Iraq, Einstein! Good luck getting anyone else to do that anywhere else! We've shown ourselves to be completely untrustworthy as a potential ally. Any one sitting on the fence on which side to choose in the coming fight (and it is coming!) is looking at what's happening in Iraq and what's about to happen in Afghanistan and asking themselves why on earth would they ever get in bed with the Americans!

Um, no, guy. The ones dying are the ones who were shooting us in the back.

Remember Cindy Sheehan? You remember who killed her son? it was the Shi'ites you guys on the right are now weeping over because they're getting killed by Sunnis who have had enough of their shit.

They didn't side with the Americans because they love Freedom and Coca-Cola. They sided with us because they thought they'd get power, and we gave it to them.

And we also gave them some pretty sensible advice on how to keep power, and guess what, they completely did the opposite of that.

Here's the real problem iwth the "coming fight". It's none of our fucking business. The Shi'ites and Sunnis and Kurds and Zionists can fight all day about who their Imaginary Sky Pixie loves best, but this really, really isn't our problem.

Unemployment went to 10% AFTER the stimulus began. You're laughingly wrong on that one, Joe! And your 6.3 number includes all the millions of Americans who have been forced to take part time jobs because that was all they could get and doesn't include millions of Americans who have simply given up trying to find work because the economy has been so slow for so long.

Do I remember Cindy Sheehan? Better than you liberals do! Funny how Cindy got kicked to the curb once Barry was in office and doing HIS surge! Poor ole' Cindy couldn't get any media air time any more and wasn't getting invited to all the cool kid liberal parties once Bush was gone because she was STILL protesting against the war!

As for whether events in the Middle East are "our problem"? When gas goes to $6 a gallon and our economy goes further in the tank than it already is we can revisit this topic and you can explain why a conflict in the area that we're dependent on for oil isn't "our problem"!

Of course if Barry and his minions had been working as hard to produce gas and oil on lands that THEY controlled as was produced on lands they DIDN'T control we'd be in far better shape in the advent of a major conflict in the Middle East! But Barry didn't do that...because Barry is an idiot and didn't see this coming...just like he doesn't see much of ANYTHING coming until he reads about it in the paper!
1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein. Check!

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Doke! I hate being lied to!

3 Capture or drive out terrorists. Doke!Iraq is a breeding ground for them.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. Check

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity. Doke! I hate being lied to.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields. Doke! ISSIS has oil fields in the north.!

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions. check

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity. Doke! I hate bad foreign policy that ends in failure.
Obama does not have to tell Iraq vets anything. they did their job. GW Bush has to account for his stupid ass foreign policy that sent them there in the first place. Was there any doubt how this was going to end? What were going to do? Keep troops there for 100 years? And please don't compare Iraq to Germany after WWII. No comparison. USSR was in the heart of Europe and was a real threat to world stability. These ISSIS fruit cakes are not. They are a pimple on a fleas ass compared to the old Soviet Union.
Liberals not giving a damn about Iraq today and calling the wars there a waste of time.....are showing their real "non" support to the military and Vets.
Liberals not giving a damn about Iraq today and calling the wars there a waste of time.....are showing their real "non" support to the military and Vets.

how is it you conflate support of the iraq invasion with support of veterans?
Why do you pretend to be a Republican, Jake? I've never seen you argue a conservative viewpoint in any of the hundreds of posts I've seen you post here. So either you're lying...or you're REALLY confused about which party you should belong to.
The rather naive notion that Obama wasn't holding all the cards back in 2009 and is wholly responsible for his policy failures is what progressives like you, Jake have fallen back on because you can't bring yourself to admit that the man you all lauded as brilliant and a in fact neither.

Oldstyle, you of all people are not qualified to analyze anyone else's political or cultural leanings.

I have been a Republican and a party leader probably longer than you have been alive. That you don't think Progressivism has conservative and liberal wings reveals that you don't think well or deeply.

Where I have lauded Obama, you can point out, or simply admit you are a liar. Heck, I will admit it for you. :lol:
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

What should he tell them? How about we need you for possibly 4 more tours.
Given I am a Vet with 20 years military service and 4 deployments after 9-11.....shut the fuck up. :eusa_whistle:

Liberals not giving a damn about Iraq today and calling the wars there a waste of time.....are showing their real "non" support to the military and Vets.

how is it you conflate support of the iraq invasion with support of veterans?
Given I am a Vet with 20 years military service and 4 deployments after 9-11.....shut the fuck up. :eusa_whistle:

Liberals not giving a damn about Iraq today and calling the wars there a waste of time.....are showing their real "non" support to the military and Vets.

how is it you conflate support of the iraq invasion with support of veterans?

would have been easier to just say 'because i said so'

would have been more honest too.
Shut the fuck up, I look down upon scum like you that didn't serve but spew your bullshit opinion about the military, Iraq and foreign affairs.

Stick to flipping your burgers at your fast food job.

Given I am a Vet with 20 years military service and 4 deployments after 9-11.....shut the fuck up. :eusa_whistle:

how is it you conflate support of the iraq invasion with support of veterans?

would have been easier to just say 'because i said so'

would have been more honest too.

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