Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

Obama's new Iraq Strategy:

Phase I Cut N Run

Phase II Blame Bush.

Iraq veterans, it's not that your efforts were wasted, it's just that Obama decided to switch sides in the GWOT

He will negotiate away our safety. Hey Iran, we don't care you lined the streets of Iraq with IED's. Obama needs their help in Iraq like he needed Putin in Syria and he still screws it up


Oh, so Islamic terrorists are flying jet liners into our skyscrapers because Americans don't car pool? Is that your contention? That if we'd all drive 50 mile per gallon vehicles that Al Queda would have never attacked?

Do you smoke crack...or is mainlining smack your drug of choice?

No, i'm contending that if we all drove cars that got 50 MPG, oil wouldn't be as valuable a commodity and petrodollars wouldn't be flowing to groups like Al Qaeda.

The War on Terror is the only one where the American Consumer has funded BOTH sides.

So let's look at why the terrorists flew those planes into buildings.

Well, we can look at the buldings they picked- The Pentagon and the World Trade Center. Symbols of the mlitary and economic policies of the US.

Or we can look at what they said.

Three reasons they gave.

1) We had troops in Saudi Arabia, desecrating their holiest sites.
2) We were killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis with sanctions.
3) We prop up Israel.

In short, they attacked us- get this - because we let Zionism and Oil dictate our foreign policy.
Obama's new Iraq Strategy:

Phase I Cut N Run

Phase II Blame Bush.

Iraq veterans, it's not that your efforts were wasted, it's just that Obama decided to switch sides in the GWOT

He didn't switch sides, he got out before any more Americans were killed there, trying to win a battle they have no hope of winning.
Obama's new Iraq Strategy:

Phase I Cut N Run

Phase II Blame Bush.

Iraq veterans, it's not that your efforts were wasted, it's just that Obama decided to switch sides in the GWOT

He didn't switch sides, he got out before any more Americans were killed there, trying to win a battle they have no hope of winning.

No, Obama cut and ran because he supports the demise of the American values and way of life.

Obama's new Iraq Strategy:

Phase I Cut N Run

Phase II Blame Bush.

Iraq veterans, it's not that your efforts were wasted, it's just that Obama decided to switch sides in the GWOT

He didn't switch sides, he got out before any more Americans were killed there, trying to win a battle they have no hope of winning.

No, Obama cut and ran because he supports the demise of the American values and way of life.


If War and Imperialism were American values, then we wouldn't be recruiting misfits like Bowe Bergdahl into the Army.

Again, I'm always amazed that guys like you who thump your chest about how we need to get involvedin other people's civil wars arent' walking down to the recruiting station and signing up yourselves.
Obama's new Iraq Strategy:

Phase I Cut N Run

Phase II Blame Bush.

Iraq veterans, it's not that your efforts were wasted, it's just that Obama decided to switch sides in the GWOT

He didn't switch sides, he got out before any more Americans were killed there, trying to win a battle they have no hope of winning.

No, Obama cut and ran because he supports the demise of the American values and way of life.


What - starting illegal wars and disrupting countries?
Fucking lovely values.
Obama's new Iraq Strategy:

Phase I Cut N Run

Phase II Blame Bush.

Iraq veterans, it's not that your efforts were wasted, it's just that Obama decided to switch sides in the GWOT

He didn't switch sides, he got out before any more Americans were killed there, trying to win a battle they have no hope of winning.

No, Obama cut and ran because he supports the demise of the American values and way of life.


Occupying foreign lands whose people despise should not be a way of life nor something to be proud of. But by all means, go volunteer. Are you a patriot or just a loudmouth coward?
Let's be honest...for the past several years, Barry has in essence simply been playing out the clock. He has no coherent foreign policy. He has no coherent energy policy. He has no coherent economic policy. He has no coherent policy to lower the deficit.

He's simply doing a song and dance until someone else inherits one hell of a mess...

And yet- The deficit is half of what it was in 2009.

Unemployment has gone from 10% in 2009 to 6.3% now.

We are out of Iraq, getting out of Afghanistan, Bin Laden is fish food, and Most sane Americans are happy we don't have boys coming home in body bags.

LOL...why do you continue to embarrass yourself with nonsense like what you just posted, Joe?

The deficit has shrunk because a complete lack of leadership by Barry led to the Sequester. Claiming THAT as proof of Obama's competence is laughable.

The "real" unemployment rate (U6) continues to remain high and long term unemployment is at historic rates as well.

We are out of Iraq and ISIS and the Iranians are IN. Nice job, Barry.
That's all you do here while you sit in your own shit....tell others they are cowards that need to go fight overseas in these battles, when you have no clue many here have already served in the military unlike a pile of shit like you.

He didn't switch sides, he got out before any more Americans were killed there, trying to win a battle they have no hope of winning.

No, Obama cut and ran because he supports the demise of the American values and way of life.


Occupying foreign lands whose people despise should not be a way of life nor something to be proud of. But by all means, go volunteer. Are you a patriot or just a loudmouth coward?
That's all you do here while you sit in your own shit....tell others they are cowards that need to go fight overseas in these battles, when you have no clue many here have already served in the military unlike a pile of shit like you.

No, Obama cut and ran because he supports the demise of the American values and way of life.


Occupying foreign lands whose people despise should not be a way of life nor something to be proud of. But by all means, go volunteer. Are you a patriot or just a loudmouth coward?

I don't think we should be there; Geaux does. That is the difference. If he feels like Americans should die for a country whose people don't want us there, then he should go over there and offer his own blood. I may not have served, but I love my country, and I owe a debt of gratitude to those that have served; which is why I'm not disrespecting them by trying to keep them in a terrorist death trap indefinitely.

So when are you going, boy?
Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

That we will make sure the disabled veterans will get food stamps even if Republicans cut them.

That we ill clean up dirty hospitals left over from the Bush years.

That we will make good on our promises no matter how Republicans block everything.
That's all you do here while you sit in your own shit....tell others they are cowards that need to go fight overseas in these battles, when you have no clue many here have already served in the military unlike a pile of shit like you.

Occupying foreign lands whose people despise should not be a way of life nor something to be proud of. But by all means, go volunteer. Are you a patriot or just a loudmouth coward?

I don't think we should be there; Geaux does. That is the difference. If he feels like Americans should die for a country whose people don't want us there, then he should go over there and offer his own blood. I may not have served, but I love my country, and I owe a debt of gratitude to those that have served; which is why I'm not disrespecting them by trying to keep them in a terrorist death trap indefinitely.

So when are you going, boy?

When you force yourself on someone, it's either bullying or rape.

LOL...why do you continue to embarrass yourself with nonsense like what you just posted, Joe?

The deficit has shrunk because a complete lack of leadership by Barry led to the Sequester. Claiming THAT as proof of Obama's competence is laughable.

It also has to do with the fact that irresponsible tax increases have been repealled and irresponsible wars have been ended.

The "real" unemployment rate (U6) continues to remain high and long term unemployment is at historic rates as well.

So let's make up a new number that says what we want instead of the number everyone's agreed to for the last 30 years. Brilliant!

We are out of Iraq and ISIS and the Iranians are IN. Nice job, Barry.

Awesome. Dead Iranians are better than Dead Americans, any day of the week.
Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

That we will make sure the disabled veterans will get food stamps even if Republicans cut them.

That we ill clean up dirty hospitals left over from the Bush years.

That we will make good on our promises no matter how Republicans block everything.
sounds like tom joad guno

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

That we will make sure the disabled veterans will get food stamps even if Republicans cut them.

That we ill clean up dirty hospitals left over from the Bush years.

That we will make good on our promises no matter how Republicans block everything.
sounds like tom joad guno

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

At least you don't deny it. Guess that's progress.

LOL...why do you continue to embarrass yourself with nonsense like what you just posted, Joe?

The deficit has shrunk because a complete lack of leadership by Barry led to the Sequester. Claiming THAT as proof of Obama's competence is laughable.

It also has to do with the fact that irresponsible tax increases have been repealled and irresponsible wars have been ended.

The "real" unemployment rate (U6) continues to remain high and long term unemployment is at historic rates as well.

So let's make up a new number that says what we want instead of the number everyone's agreed to for the last 30 years. Brilliant!

We are out of Iraq and ISIS and the Iranians are IN. Nice job, Barry.

Awesome. Dead Iranians are better than Dead Americans, any day of the week.

The made up number is the "jobs saved or created" bit of smoke and mirrors that the Obama Administration treated us to when the stimulus didn't come CLOSE to creating the jobs they thought it would.

The ones who are dying are the ones who supported us in Iraq, Einstein! Good luck getting anyone else to do that anywhere else! We've shown ourselves to be completely untrustworthy as a potential ally. Any one sitting on the fence on which side to choose in the coming fight (and it is coming!) is looking at what's happening in Iraq and what's about to happen in Afghanistan and asking themselves why on earth would they ever get in bed with the Americans!

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