Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

The Taliban took over Afghanistan completely you babbling idiot! It's why we had to go in there and roust them after 9/11. Or have you conveniently forgotten about that?

Well, no, they really hadn't, as the Eastern and Northern Alliances held huge swaths of the country. That civil war had been dragging on for 20 years, and we stuck our dicks in that hornet's nest. We should have been done with it when Bin Laden left. INstead, we got in the middle of their politics.

As for what technology Islamic terrorists might possess? Pakistan has nukes you drooling dumbass and it's teetering on the edge of being taken over by terrorists. Iran is building nukes and promises the destruction of both Israel and the "Great Satan" which is us in case you've forgotten! How fucking stupid are you? Seriously...are you REALLY this clueless?

Guy, the only country to use nuclear weapons against innocent women and children?

Unfortunately, that would be us. And while you revisionists will come up with all sorts of reasons why nuking Hiroshima was 'right', we really don't have any business lecturing anyone else after that.

Pakistan had nukes for 20 years, and they haven't used them on anyone. We couldn't go for more than a couple weeks without trying it.

Now, I realize that the Zionists New Services keep you in a permanent panic and shit, but I refuse to get upset about it. Frankly, having grown up under the nuclear cloud, I guess nothing phases me at this point.

We stop fucking with them, we stop getting into trouble.

Jesus Christ but you're really think that if the rest of the world turns it's back on what ISIS is doing in Iraq...turns it's back on what The Movement of the Taliban is doing in Pakistan...that they will stop fucking with us?

"Our objectives are as clear as the orders in the Qur'an, which is our constitution. Allah said in the Qur'an: 'Fight against hypocrites and apostates till there is no more fitna [sedition],'" he said. "So, until Islam is implemented in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the Caliphate is established across the world, our jihad will continue. This is our first and foremost objective."

That's the message the leader of the Taliban in Pakistan put out a few years ago. Those are the people that are actively seeking to take over Pakistan's government...establish a hardcore Islamic fundamentalist nation there and use it's nukes against any enemies of Islam.
Oldstyle, STFU, because you don't have a clue.

Only the sociopatholigcal neo-con far right believe that Baghdad will fall to the Sunnis.

And I have said for years the Bush fiasco would lead eventually to alliance between Iraq and Iran.

Staying out of this is the best foreign policy we can make.

Yeah, except for that whole 9/11 thing that happened BEFORE we invaded Iraq...something that was in the planning stages long before the Neo Cons that you idiots blame for everything were even running things in the Oval Office!

Right. So after a DECADE of trying to provoke us into getting rid of Saddam for them, the Zionists very cleverly used 9/11 to get us into a war they wanted us to fight.

Oh, yeah. Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11. He didn't have WMD's either. But the Zionists were sleeping better for a cople years, that's the important thing.

Now. Not so much.

You naive progressives don't have any more of an idea about foreign policy than you do about economics. You know what your "plan" is now? Isolationism! You buffoons think that if we hide our heads in the sand that the "bad people" will leave us alone! That's not a plan...that's a "fantasy".

Uh, guy, when you fuck up two wars and create the worst economic disaster in 80 years, it's you con-jobs who have no idea about 'economics' or 'foreign policy'.

Isolationism? Works for me. We have plenty of problems to fix in this country, we don't need to get involved in theirs.

Oh, so now Israel is to blame for 9/11 and not Islamic terrorists? LOL, you guys are simply incapable of coming to terms with reality! It's why Obama's foreign policy is such a complete cluster fuck right now!

Jesus Christ but you're really think that if the rest of the world turns it's back on what ISIS is doing in Iraq...turns it's back on what The Movement of the Taliban is doing in Pakistan...that they will stop fucking with us?

"Our objectives are as clear as the orders in the Qur'an, which is our constitution. Allah said in the Qur'an: 'Fight against hypocrites and apostates till there is no more fitna [sedition],'" he said. "So, until Islam is implemented in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the Caliphate is established across the world, our jihad will continue. This is our first and foremost objective."

That's the message the leader of the Taliban in Pakistan put out a few years ago. Those are the people that are actively seeking to take over Pakistan's government...establish a hardcore Islamic fundamentalist nation there and use it's nukes against any enemies of Islam.

Uh, guy, some weird beard spews out some crazy talk, I take it no more seriously than I took the Campus Commie who said "Workers of the World Unite" 30 years ago.

Again, I would honestly suggest you sign up for the "Freedom Legion" and get some volunteers to go over and show them how its done.

Instead of asking poor American working class kids to go over and die for big oil and Zionism.

Just because you're pissing your pants, I refuse to.

Oh, so now Israel is to blame for 9/11 and not Islamic terrorists? LOL, you guys are simply incapable of coming to terms with reality! It's why Obama's foreign policy is such a complete cluster fuck right now!

Naw, the Israelis just used it as an excuse to get us to take out Saddam for them.

I wish that Bush had just stayed focused on Getting Bin Laden. Which should have been our only goal. Not trying to "Bring Democracy to the Middle East".

Because honestly, if they ever had an eleciton over there, Bin Laden or someone like him would win.
Let's see how well it "works" when Islamic fundamentalists take over the Middle East and declare economic jihad against the West. You're going to be sitting there scratching your head trying to figure out why gas is 6 bucks a gallon and our economy is so bad it makes the Great Depression look like a boom.

So...who are you progressives going to blame when THAT happens? The GOP? W? Neo-Cons?
The REASON why the US looks like such complete bumblers right now is that people just as naive and clueless as you are sitting in the Oval Office trying to come up with strategies to deal with people like the Taliban and ISIS!
Let's see how well it "works" when Islamic fundamentalists take over the Middle East and declare economic jihad against the West. You're going to be sitting there scratching your head trying to figure out why gas is 6 bucks a gallon and our economy is so bad it makes the Great Depression look like a boom.

So...who are you progressives going to blame when THAT happens? The GOP? W? Neo-Cons?

Better check real quick, there's one of them ragheads under your bed and he has a loaded Koran.
Let's see how well it "works" when Islamic fundamentalists take over the Middle East and declare economic jihad against the West. You're going to be sitting there scratching your head trying to figure out why gas is 6 bucks a gallon and our economy is so bad it makes the Great Depression look like a boom.

So...who are you progressives going to blame when THAT happens? The GOP? W? Neo-Cons?


Here's the thing, guy. Do you know who is funding ISIS? The SAUDIS. Yup, George W. Bush's best pals over there. The people soaking you at the oil pump.

America's Allies Are Funding ISIS - The Daily Beast

The extremist group that is threatening the existence of the Iraqi state was built and grown for years with the help of elite donors from American supposed allies in the Persian Gulf region. There, the threat of Iran, Assad, and the Sunni-Shiite sectarian war trumps the U.S. goal of stability and moderation in the region.

It’s an ironic twist, especially for donors in Kuwait (who, to be fair, back a wide variety of militias). ISIS has aligned itself with remnants of the Baathist regime once led by Saddam Hussein. Back in 1990, the U.S. attacked Iraq in order to liberate Kuwait from Hussein’s clutches. Now Kuwait is helping the rise of his successors.
ISIS is the richest terrorist network in the world. They don't need funding from anyone. They just got 450 million dollars of their own.

Up until they robbed the bank that gave them this money, it wasn't the Saudis funding them. It was US. It was the funding we gave to ISIS in Syria to fight the legitimate president.
ISIS is the richest terrorist network in the world. They don't need funding from anyone. They just got 450 million dollars of their own.

Up until they robbed the bank that gave them this money, it wasn't the Saudis funding them. It was US. It was the funding we gave to ISIS in Syria to fight the legitimate president.

Its the same old dog and pony show. Saudi provides the money, the US provides the weapons and nothing is ever settled.
Let's see how well it "works" when Islamic fundamentalists take over the Middle East and declare economic jihad against the West. You're going to be sitting there scratching your head trying to figure out why gas is 6 bucks a gallon and our economy is so bad it makes the Great Depression look like a boom.

So...who are you progressives going to blame when THAT happens? The GOP? W? Neo-Cons?

The entire Middle East is on fire...and on purpose. These people will win, and then the stage will be set to encircle design. We know that Obama loathes Israel...he is setting the stage for it's destruction .
Obabble quit...he gave up. No surprise...he knows nothing of military strategy, leadership or negotiating from strength. A surprise to no thinking American.

do you believe that a continued presence of trainers would have prevented the isis attacks? isis didn't need the help of the us to organize, why should the iraqi army? is arming them, putting them in uniform, and training them for years not enough of a contribution?

every new nation will have its growing pains. we had ours. now it is time for Iraq to decide if the freedom from dictatorship we gave them means enough to them to fight for and keep it. we can't do that part for them.

"A republic, if you can keep it."

So Iraq is invaded by outside forces consisting of terrorists SO extreme that Al Queda didn't want them and you're willing to let Iraq fall to them? At that point what exactly do you think will happen in Iraq? What does your naive progressive brain tell you ISIS will be doing once they take control of Iraq? Have you really thought this through? Do you have any idea how catastrophic this could be to the war we are engaged in with terrorists? Do you have any idea the death toll that will be coming from an ISIS takeover? These are not live and let live kind of folks! When they roll into Iraq they will be putting people who opposed them up against a wall and shooting them. But you're cool with that...because that's part of a "new nation's growing pains"?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
so what's your position, then? should we continue to prop up a government the people aren't willing to fight for? when does iraq take responsibility for iraq?

and would you have us commit more men and women to fight and die for them?
Look at the retard going full retard.


Uh, they were ordered to not have an offensive military by the US after WW2 thus they don't take on the evil around the world with their military (it is illegal), based on being evil themselves less than 100 years ago.

This whole situation is illustrative of the Left's naive belief that if we leave the terrorists alone that they will return the favor.

Reality is...we WILL be fighting these people SOMEWHERE. Whether it is Afghanistan...Iraq...Libya...Syria...Somalia...or some OTHER place in the Middle East, Asia or the Far East...they aren't going away and they DO want to destroy us. So put on your "big boy pants" and deal with it.

Um, when did we "leave the terrorists alone" to try this strategy out.

NOw you see, here's the thing. When was the last time you heard about Islamic Terrorists attacking Japan? Oh, that's right. You haven't.

Because Japan doesn't interfere in their politics to start with.

SO maybe we should try this new strategy of leaving the terrorists along.
do you believe that a continued presence of trainers would have prevented the isis attacks? isis didn't need the help of the us to organize, why should the iraqi army? is arming them, putting them in uniform, and training them for years not enough of a contribution?

every new nation will have its growing pains. we had ours. now it is time for Iraq to decide if the freedom from dictatorship we gave them means enough to them to fight for and keep it. we can't do that part for them.

"A republic, if you can keep it."

So Iraq is invaded by outside forces consisting of terrorists SO extreme that Al Queda didn't want them and you're willing to let Iraq fall to them? At that point what exactly do you think will happen in Iraq? What does your naive progressive brain tell you ISIS will be doing once they take control of Iraq? Have you really thought this through? Do you have any idea how catastrophic this could be to the war we are engaged in with terrorists? Do you have any idea the death toll that will be coming from an ISIS takeover? These are not live and let live kind of folks! When they roll into Iraq they will be putting people who opposed them up against a wall and shooting them. But you're cool with that...because that's part of a "new nation's growing pains"?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
so what's your position, then? should we continue to prop up a government the people aren't willing to fight for? when does iraq take responsibility for iraq?

and would you have us commit more men and women to fight and die for them?

You're so hell bent on Iraq taking responsibility for itself that you're not looking at the big picture. We have friends and we have enemies. Then there are those nations and political factions that are on the fence about who they ally themselves with. So what do you think will happen with all those undecideds who see the people in Iraq and Afghanistan who backed us marched out of their homes...put up against a wall and shot? Why would anyone in their right mind ally themselves with someone who repeatedly abandons it's allies?

I would have us commit our armed forces to protect those that side with us. It's so incredibly stupid not to that I'm frankly amazed that even you head in the sand progressives that are now advocating isolationism as a solution to rapidly spreading Islamic terror groups can't see that it's not something we have a choice on.

Reality is this...

Every time Barry has pulled back, he's left a vacuum of power which groups like the Taliban and ISIS have gladly filled. He's such a clueless idiot that he doesn't seem to grasp how his going on national television and declaring that no US boots will be on the ground to defend Iraq simply encourages the ISIS invaders to keep heading further into Iraq. Why the fuck would any military "leader" do that? You want to stop ISIS without shedding more lives? Go on TV and tell them that you're authorizing air strikes around the clock and are deploying 40,000 troops to Iraq as soon as possible! God knows the one thing this Administration is good at is lying!!! Now's their chance to use that "skill". But NOOOOOOO...NOW Barry decides that he needs to be honest! It's amateur hour in the Oval Office and it's turning the Middle East into a powder keg.
Let's see how well it "works" when Islamic fundamentalists take over the Middle East and declare economic jihad against the West. You're going to be sitting there scratching your head trying to figure out why gas is 6 bucks a gallon and our economy is so bad it makes the Great Depression look like a boom.

So...who are you progressives going to blame when THAT happens? The GOP? W? Neo-Cons?

Then we should have energy independence, yeah?

As far as foreign policy, yeah, the neo-cons of both parties should be jailed.
Look at the retard going full retard.


Uh, they were ordered to not have an offensive military by the US after WW2 thus they don't take on the evil around the world with their military (it is illegal), based on being evil themselves less than 100 years ago.

Okay, and oddly, not having a military means they aren't fucking with the Muslims,a nd the Muslims aren't fucking with them.

Maybe we need to order ourselves not to have an offensive military. We'd get ourselves into less trouble.

You're so hell bent on Iraq taking responsibility for itself that you're not looking at the big picture. We have friends and we have enemies.

No, you see, guy, this is where you're wrong. We don't have any friends over there. We got some people over there playing us for fools getting us to fight their fights- The Zionists and the Saudis being on the top. But they are pretty much double dealing us at every oppurtunity.

Then there are those nations and political factions that are on the fence about who they ally themselves with. So what do you think will happen with all those undecideds who see the people in Iraq and Afghanistan who backed us marched out of their homes...put up against a wall and shot? Why would anyone in their right mind ally themselves with someone who repeatedly abandons it's allies?

First, the people who we backed in Iraq are already in bed with the Iranians. Unlikely they'll be "put up against a wall and shot" unless they are completely incompetent, in which case, no great loss. Secondly, in Afghanistan, you already have Karzai insisting he'll join the Taliban if we do things he doesn't like, so what's the difference?

I would have us commit our armed forces to protect those that side with us. It's so incredibly stupid not to that I'm frankly amazed that even you head in the sand progressives that are now advocating isolationism as a solution to rapidly spreading Islamic terror groups can't see that it's not something we have a choice on.

Reality is this...

And when you go ahead an put on a uniform and go out there to side with whatever faction the CIA has decided "sides" with us, knock yourself out.

But for the record. Saddam was a guy who 'sided" with us. So was Bin Laden. Maybe we need to get better at picking sides or not pick them at all.

Every time Barry has pulled back, he's left a vacuum of power which groups like the Taliban and ISIS have gladly filled. He's such a clueless idiot that he doesn't seem to grasp how his going on national television and declaring that no US boots will be on the ground to defend Iraq simply encourages the ISIS invaders to keep heading further into Iraq. Why the fuck would any military "leader" do that? You want to stop ISIS without shedding more lives? Go on TV and tell them that you're authorizing air strikes around the clock and are deploying 40,000 troops to Iraq as soon as possible! God knows the one thing this Administration is good at is lying!!! Now's their chance to use that "skill". But NOOOOOOO...NOW Barry decides that he needs to be honest! It's amateur hour in the Oval Office and it's turning the Middle East into a powder keg.

Again, I think you and Bill Krystol should be the first ones to go over... Maybe you can roll Charlie Krauthammer down the street to set off any IED's.

The Middle East is none of our fucking business. We need to tell the Zionists and the Oil Companies to take a flying fuck and be done with it.

You're so hell bent on Iraq taking responsibility for itself that you're not looking at the big picture. We have friends and we have enemies.

No, you see, guy, this is where you're wrong. We don't have any friends over there. We got some people over there playing us for fools getting us to fight their fights- The Zionists and the Saudis being on the top. But they are pretty much double dealing us at every oppurtunity.

Then there are those nations and political factions that are on the fence about who they ally themselves with. So what do you think will happen with all those undecideds who see the people in Iraq and Afghanistan who backed us marched out of their homes...put up against a wall and shot? Why would anyone in their right mind ally themselves with someone who repeatedly abandons it's allies?

First, the people who we backed in Iraq are already in bed with the Iranians. Unlikely they'll be "put up against a wall and shot" unless they are completely incompetent, in which case, no great loss. Secondly, in Afghanistan, you already have Karzai insisting he'll join the Taliban if we do things he doesn't like, so what's the difference?

I would have us commit our armed forces to protect those that side with us. It's so incredibly stupid not to that I'm frankly amazed that even you head in the sand progressives that are now advocating isolationism as a solution to rapidly spreading Islamic terror groups can't see that it's not something we have a choice on.

Reality is this...

And when you go ahead an put on a uniform and go out there to side with whatever faction the CIA has decided "sides" with us, knock yourself out.

But for the record. Saddam was a guy who 'sided" with us. So was Bin Laden. Maybe we need to get better at picking sides or not pick them at all.

Every time Barry has pulled back, he's left a vacuum of power which groups like the Taliban and ISIS have gladly filled. He's such a clueless idiot that he doesn't seem to grasp how his going on national television and declaring that no US boots will be on the ground to defend Iraq simply encourages the ISIS invaders to keep heading further into Iraq. Why the fuck would any military "leader" do that? You want to stop ISIS without shedding more lives? Go on TV and tell them that you're authorizing air strikes around the clock and are deploying 40,000 troops to Iraq as soon as possible! God knows the one thing this Administration is good at is lying!!! Now's their chance to use that "skill". But NOOOOOOO...NOW Barry decides that he needs to be honest! It's amateur hour in the Oval Office and it's turning the Middle East into a powder keg.

Again, I think you and Bill Krystol should be the first ones to go over... Maybe you can roll Charlie Krauthammer down the street to set off any IED's.

The Middle East is none of our fucking business. We need to tell the Zionists and the Oil Companies to take a flying fuck and be done with it.

I hate to point out the obvious here, Jakey but if "incompetence" were grounds for being put up against a wall and shot...then most of the Obama White House would be wearing blindfolds and smoking one last cigarette. :D:badgrin::D:lol::D

The Middle East is none of our business? Really? Let's see how whole theory works out for you if a conflict DOES break out there affecting the world's oil supplies! When the price of gasoline goes racing towards the five dollar mark and our already moribund economy grinds to a complete halt I assume you'll blame THAT on the GOP, W and Zionists? All I can say is thank God there were some areas of exploration and drilling that weren't controlled by Barry and his minions so that we've got some oil and natural gas production going here in the States. If we had the energy program you progressives wanted we wouldn't have this latest boom. Every place you guys controlled, energy production went down...
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks.

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Items 1 thru 7 are honorable reasons to invade Iraq and it would be nice if they existed before the invasion. You would have found some reason to blame President Obama for something regardless or the out come.
We went in there for one reason, Oil. We were looking out for our interests and everyone knows what that is.
Don't you remember the list that was gone though as GWB tried to justify the invasion.
To refresh your memory
The first one was because of 9/11. We had to get those people responsible and we knew who they were, Iraq. That didn't work out to well as Iraq had nothing to do with it for several reasons. Where were the people involved in the 9/11 attack from? Have you ever heard of Saudi Arabia? Well most were from there, none were from Iraq. If you check the Muslim group that was involved in the attack you'd know why Iraq would not have been involved. Iraq was on of the few Arab nations that would not all Al Qaeda to enter their country.
WMD does not stand up to well either, if you think back we found none. The only people who ever said they had them were the CIA and NSA who's existence can only be justified by war or a threat of war. Of the 2, the least trusted is the CIA. If you check history you would find that were the one that set up puppet governments in both Iran and Iraq which made a few people in the country extremely wealthy but cared nothing about the people living there. It all had to due with oil. We ended up making enemies out of friends on at least three occasions.
For the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq find out about diagonal drilling.
3 and 4 are the same and 5 is an extension if not the same as 2.
6. Secure Iraq's oil fields. We all agree with that, some of us feel it was the only reason and should be no. 1
7. We really had no choice and it makes us feel better.
8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity. We never saw that. It was a problem with three ethnic/religious groups which contains extremists. The government was never stable. If you accept that war is a part of life then you should be able to come to the conclusion that all they (the two minority groups in government) had to do is wait until the US was out and then try to make changes.
In comes Al Qaeda! Our PR and Intel have been poor in that area, never being at an acceptable level. Al Qaeda was not allowed to enter Iraq, the door is wide open. We have not done much to eliminate them and they have become stronger and better organized. If you are concerned about the five being released as being a threat, forget it. They were replaced by people that are doing a much better job than they ever did. if they end up as key members again it will be with titles; but I don't see them providing much to the organization.
Your list of 8 reasons turned out to be 5 and 4 are questionable.
Al Qaeda and the Taliban are still a threat and at no time have they not been. I made a prediction regarding Afghanistan two years ago. Here is what will happen:
Think back to when we were the before. That conflict was ended by an agreement between Afghanistan and the Taliban which the Taliban broke. It may have been more than a year ago that Afghanistan and the Taliban, have been working on their own. The USA is not included in those talks. An agreement will be reached and in a few years will be broken again and the cycle will begin again.
Extremism is the problem. Extremism is an attempt to force your will onto everyone else. I will not allow for any dialog, the reason the Tea Party is known as the No Party. I agree with some things they say they want to do; but they are the most dishonest group I've seen and do not instill either honesty or trust in anyone. I see very little difference between the Tea Party, Taliban and Al Qaeda.

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