Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?


so says trailer trash that has never seen a classified document.


Oh yeah....he used his Jedi mind tricks to make the British intelligence agencies and Democraps in Congress to believe his claims.

Ironic post considering Bush took us into Iraq based solely on the fact that he hated Saddam, only using his WMD lie as an excuse.

No Jedi mind tricks. Just good old fashioned bogus intelligence.

so says trailer trash that has never seen a classified document.


Oh yeah....he used his Jedi mind tricks to make the British intelligence agencies and Democraps in Congress to believe his claims.

No Jedi mind tricks. Just good old fashioned bogus intelligence.

I don't live in a trailer. I live in a ranch style house. Not a bad piece of property really. But enough about me. Tell me about your security clearance that allows you to have access to classified documents pertaining to the invasion of Iraq. I'll wait............
Obama cocksucker....Obama's budget has always had less money than the GOP HoR budget for the DoD. Just because the GOP has to compromise on the budget to get anything passed doesn't mean it was their idea to cut DoD spending.

Obama has been slashing the DoD budget while increasing welfare spending these last 5 years, see obamacare.

Again asswipe....Obama hates the military and the majority of military hate his fucking guts too.

DUMBFUCK....I said "military" AND Vets.

Cuts to the DoD budget screws the US military, you stupid pile of shit.

Obama claimed AQ was dead and GM was alive. I knew he was fucking lying because I have been reading the classified reports on AQ long before his ass got into the White House and while he was lying to your face.

He knows you are stupid and will gladly swallow the bullshit he feeds you...."don't worry we can cut the DoD to pieces because AQ, Russia, China, Iran, etc are no threat to us." :eusa_liar:

Shit-for-brains, your beloved Republican party voted for those cuts. They also blocked an expansion of vet benefits. But you don't want to talk about that. You just want to blame Obama for everything - including the very war that Bush lied us into. Sit down and stfu you dishonest little twit. Pull your head out of your well-used ass long enough to take a whiff of reality.

It's all Obama's fault! Leave the GOP alone!!! Waaaa!

Do you need a tissue, little girl?
Go kill yourself, shitbag.

You're nothing but a troll...


so says trailer trash that has never seen a classified document.

I don't live in a trailer. I live in a ranch style house. Not a bad piece of property really. But enough about me. Tell me about your security clearance that allows you to have access to classified documents pertaining to the invasion of Iraq. I'll wait............

Naaah I think I'll stick around and watch you have a meltdown. Go fetch me some popcorn and a beer, boy.
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Kill yourself


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Keep it classy. There's no better way to win an argument than by going full retard :thup:
Yes, you are goofy, Siete, and a supporter of jihadism, which Bush guaranteed with the greatest fiasco in American foreign policy.

The ME is more destabilized now because of the forces Bush unleashed and Iran and Iraq grow more closely.

The neo-cons are wittingly aiding jihadism.

pssssssssssssst, I'm not a republican you moron

Pssssssssssssst, neither is he.

I am GOP, freewill is not even Texan much less Republican, and I do not care what Siete is. "The neo-cons are wittingly aiding jihadism"
It gets down to Obama not giving a shit about the military and Vets, especially being a lame DUCK (limp dick) POTUS.
pssssssssssssst, I'm not a republican you moron

Pssssssssssssst, neither is he.

I am GOP, freewill is not even Texan much less Republican, and I do not care what Siete is. "The neo-cons are wittingly aiding jihadism"

That Obama significantly raised funding for the VA after becoming President.

Funding dried up after 2010 and was subsequently blocked by Conservatives.

Feel good?

Funding for more useless bureaucrats instead of improving care for our vets, awesome job ..... :thup:

what a reactionary unfounded blathering opinion: step along

The only reactionary is your repetitive quick twitch reflex to carry Obama's water for him, step off ..........
He should say, "We were there for too long, the Iraqi gov't didn't want us there any longer, and at some point they need to fend for themselves. Show of hands for those that want to stay in Iraq indefinitely.......that's what I thought. Carry on"

General Obama -- he's the Man!

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So back when Obama was getting us out of Iraq, take note of this post, and all the thankers who agreed with it.

Agreed that it was Bush, not Obama who should get the credit for getting us out.

...and now the same crowd is BLAMING Obama for getting us out...

Classic derangement

Now it is Iraq was fine when Bush was in office, the war was won, yet Obama gets the blame for the latest war. Insane.
I see the far left pulling out all their old debunked talking points, but it was them that wished for failure in Iraq. Now they are trying to act as if they did not want it this way.

The far left should be pushed back into the extremist land just like the Taliban. The far left is far more dangerous than any terrorist organization in the world.
This whole situation is illustrative of the Left's naive belief that if we leave the terrorists alone that they will return the favor.

Reality is...we WILL be fighting these people SOMEWHERE. Whether it is Afghanistan...Iraq...Libya...Syria...Somalia...or some OTHER place in the Middle East, Asia or the Far East...they aren't going away and they DO want to destroy us. So put on your "big boy pants" and deal with it.

Um, when did we "leave the terrorists alone" to try this strategy out.

NOw you see, here's the thing. When was the last time you heard about Islamic Terrorists attacking Japan? Oh, that's right. You haven't.

Because Japan doesn't interfere in their politics to start with.

SO maybe we should try this new strategy of leaving the terrorists along.

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