Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

He should apologize to them on behalf of all Americans and George W. Bush for sending them to fight for nothing.

You know Dubya isn't going to do it.

Obama switched side in the GWOT

Bush's Fault

Stock in the Obama KneePad Company at a new record high
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?

I never would have left in the first place.

I said right when Obama announced he was switching side and abandoning Iraq that it takes about 20 years of training before the US Army entrusts someone with command of a division; Obama was handing over the entire nation after a few years.
I tell veterans to vote democrat unless they can name one thing a republican ever did for a working man or a veteran.

Did you sleep through the whole VA scandal thing, Jason? Smoke a fattie and miss that? I hate to break this to you but the Democrats talk a good game about helping veterans and the working man but after six years of Barack Obama and progressives running the country veterans are dying waiting for care from the VA and the working man is slowly but surely getting bled to death with higher costs and a shrinking pay check. You blindly support people who take your vote and your money and laugh at you behind closed doors.

I don't think you grasp what the VA problem was about. Obama made it easier for Vietnam veterans to collect disability or increase the amounts of their disability payments at the same time Iraq/Afghanistan vets were flooding the VA for disability applications. So VA problems were caused by attempting to implement good intentions. Disability was made easier to obtain and created a deluge of applications.

The VA Disability-Claims Backlog?and the VA?s Response |

These problems can not be resolved if people don't understand what they are about. Playing political gotcha and blame games only prolongs the problem and makes it more difficult to resolve. Right at the current time VA funding is being blocked while political talking points blame Obama while McConnell blocks legislation that could help solve the problem.
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I tell veterans to vote democrat unless they can name one thing a republican ever did for a working man or a veteran.

Did you sleep through the whole VA scandal thing, Jason? Smoke a fattie and miss that? I hate to break this to you but the Democrats talk a good game about helping veterans and the working man but after six years of Barack Obama and progressives running the country veterans are dying waiting for care from the VA and the working man is slowly but surely getting bled to death with higher costs and a shrinking pay check. You blindly support people who take your vote and your money and laugh at you behind closed doors.

I don't think you grasp what the VA problem was about. Obama made it easier for Vietnam veterans to collect disability or increase the amounts of their disability payments at the same time Iraq/Afghanistan vets were flooding the VA for disability applications. So VA problems were caused by attempting to implement good intentions. Disability was made easier to obtain and created a deluge of applications.

The VA Disability-Claims Backlog?and the VA?s Response |

These problems can not be resolved if people don't understand what they are about. Playing political gotcha and blame games only prolongs the problem and makes it more difficult to resolve. Right at the current time VA funding is being blocked while political talking points blame Obama while McConnell blocks legislation that could help solve the problem.

That's total bullshit, Camp! The problem with the VA wasn't funding. The problem with the VA is that instead of addressing serious issues with patient care...the people running the VA fudged the numbers so they could get bonuses and promotions. So tell me who's paid the price for getting caught for doing THAT? What civil servants have gotten fired and which ones are facing jail time?

Then tell me why I should feel confident as a private citizen that government run health care for ME is going to be any better than it has been for the veterans!
He should apologize to them on behalf of all Americans and George W. Bush for sending them to fight for nothing.

You know Dubya isn't going to do it.

Obama switched side in the GWOT

Bush's Fault

Stock in the Obama KneePad Company at a new record high
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?

Is Obama responsible for the dead soldiers from when he took over until when we left?
Obama switched side in the GWOT

Bush's Fault

Stock in the Obama KneePad Company at a new record high
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?

I never would have left in the first place.

I said right when Obama announced he was switching side and abandoning Iraq that it takes about 20 years of training before the US Army entrusts someone with command of a division; Obama was handing over the entire nation after a few years.

The agreement to leave was ratified and okayed by Bush and Iraq, in 2008...They were still getting help from the US..can we help it if their military members are cowards?
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?

I never would have left in the first place.

I said right when Obama announced he was switching side and abandoning Iraq that it takes about 20 years of training before the US Army entrusts someone with command of a division; Obama was handing over the entire nation after a few years.

The agreement to leave was ratified and okayed by Bush and Iraq, in 2008...They were still getting help from the US..can we help it if their military members are cowards?

You really are drunk all the time, poor thing.
Does anyone remember that there weren't any legitimate reasons to invade Iraq in the first place?
Did you sleep through the whole VA scandal thing, Jason? Smoke a fattie and miss that? I hate to break this to you but the Democrats talk a good game about helping veterans and the working man but after six years of Barack Obama and progressives running the country veterans are dying waiting for care from the VA and the working man is slowly but surely getting bled to death with higher costs and a shrinking pay check. You blindly support people who take your vote and your money and laugh at you behind closed doors.

I don't think you grasp what the VA problem was about. Obama made it easier for Vietnam veterans to collect disability or increase the amounts of their disability payments at the same time Iraq/Afghanistan vets were flooding the VA for disability applications. So VA problems were caused by attempting to implement good intentions. Disability was made easier to obtain and created a deluge of applications.

The VA Disability-Claims Backlog?and the VA?s Response |

These problems can not be resolved if people don't understand what they are about. Playing political gotcha and blame games only prolongs the problem and makes it more difficult to resolve. Right at the current time VA funding is being blocked while political talking points blame Obama while McConnell blocks legislation that could help solve the problem.

That's total bullshit, Camp! The problem with the VA wasn't funding. The problem with the VA is that instead of addressing serious issues with patient care...the people running the VA fudged the numbers so they could get bonuses and promotions. So tell me who's paid the price for getting caught for doing THAT? What civil servants have gotten fired and which ones are facing jail time?

Then tell me why I should feel confident as a private citizen that government run health care for ME is going to be any better than it has been for the veterans!

Their budget went $44 billion to over $138 billion, and ran a surplus the last few years. Why is it others won't educate themselves? And you are so right, it is a prime example of what gov't run healthcare becomes. Just as the irs, et al.
Did you sleep through the whole VA scandal thing, Jason? Smoke a fattie and miss that? I hate to break this to you but the Democrats talk a good game about helping veterans and the working man but after six years of Barack Obama and progressives running the country veterans are dying waiting for care from the VA and the working man is slowly but surely getting bled to death with higher costs and a shrinking pay check. You blindly support people who take your vote and your money and laugh at you behind closed doors.

I don't think you grasp what the VA problem was about. Obama made it easier for Vietnam veterans to collect disability or increase the amounts of their disability payments at the same time Iraq/Afghanistan vets were flooding the VA for disability applications. So VA problems were caused by attempting to implement good intentions. Disability was made easier to obtain and created a deluge of applications.

The VA Disability-Claims Backlog?and the VA?s Response |

These problems can not be resolved if people don't understand what they are about. Playing political gotcha and blame games only prolongs the problem and makes it more difficult to resolve. Right at the current time VA funding is being blocked while political talking points blame Obama while McConnell blocks legislation that could help solve the problem.

That's total bullshit, Camp! The problem with the VA wasn't funding. The problem with the VA is that instead of addressing serious issues with patient care...the people running the VA fudged the numbers so they could get bonuses and promotions. So tell me who's paid the price for getting caught for doing THAT? What civil servants have gotten fired and which ones are facing jail time?

Then tell me why I should feel confident as a private citizen that government run health care for ME is going to be any better than it has been for the veterans!

I supplied a link to a three part article in TIME that gives a detailed study and report. You supplied stuff off the top of your head with no links but some talking point assertions and speculations. Like I said, the problems don't get solved when you don't recognize them, target the specific cause of the problem and construct resolutions. I'll bet you didn't bother to read a single article let alone the whole three parts.
Just curious, are you pissed off that over quarter million Vietnam veterans just became eligible for service connected disabilities that were never recognized before or that our Iraqi and Afghan vets will find it easier to obtain disability than any group of war veterans ever before?
Obama switched side in the GWOT

Bush's Fault

Stock in the Obama KneePad Company at a new record high
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?

I never would have left in the first place.

I said right when Obama announced he was switching side and abandoning Iraq that it takes about 20 years of training before the US Army entrusts someone with command of a division; Obama was handing over the entire nation after a few years.
So you wanted the US to invade Iraq over lies and then occupy it for twenty years? You know that our soldiers would be dying over there for all twenty years, right? Is it part of the small-government fiscal-conservative Republican Teabagger party platform to invade countries over lies and then occupy them for twenty years of constant war?

You sound like an insane imperialist. You should dress up like Batman and hang yourself.
So you wanted the US to invade Iraq over lies and then occupy it for twenty years? You know that our soldiers would be dying over there for all twenty years, right?

What about the soldiers who died during the Obama administration? What's bat shit insane is to stay over there four more years and then lose anyway. The people who died during those four years deserved better. He could have left when he took office and saved those people instead of making them die for nothing.
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?

I never would have left in the first place.

I said right when Obama announced he was switching side and abandoning Iraq that it takes about 20 years of training before the US Army entrusts someone with command of a division; Obama was handing over the entire nation after a few years.
So you wanted the US to invade Iraq over lies and then occupy it for twenty years? You know that our soldiers would be dying over there for all twenty years, right? Is it part of the small-government fiscal-conservative Republican Teabagger party platform to invade countries over lies and then occupy them for twenty years of constant war?

You sound like an insane imperialist. You should dress up like Batman and hang yourself.
Obama totally fucked this up. it was HIS call to abandon the ISF before they were ready. All the commanders said it was a mistake.

no amount of hating on me takes away from your boys huge HUGE HUGE mistake.

now go get your kneepads your Messiah needs Fluffing

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
This Heritage Foundation Memo you selectively quote from claiming Military objectives met was WebMemo #261 on Iraq April 18, 2003. For fuck sakes if the objectives were met in April 2003 what the fuck does Obama have to do with anything? The Bushies had 5 fucking years to finish up their obligations and make sure the Iraqis fulfilled theirs. You should hang your empty fucking head in shame for trying to lay any portion of blame on Obama. 2003! Fuck!

Oh yeah, your silly memo (did I mention it was from 2003???) concludes with this;

Clearly, the scope of the mission objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom extends well beyond what U.S. and coalition military forces can achieve. As a result, it is now possible to determine that the military is completing its responsibilities for fulfilling the mission objectives. It is now time to start transferring responsibilities from the military to civilian authorities in Iraq. As this transition moves forward, the military presence in Iraq may be reduced in a controlled manner. As this transition takes place, the American people should rest assured that their military, along with those of its coalition partners, met all goals that were assigned to it under Operation Iraqi Freedom. The question that arises now is whether civilian authorities from coalition governments and within Iraq will take advantage what the military has made possible and meet their portion of the responsibilities for completing the mission objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Bush had more than five fucking years and you're trying to lay his debacle on Obama. How moronically typical of your thought process. Folks just ain't that stupid Frank.
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The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Tell them we don't fight wars for them or so they can feel good about themselves. Bush sent them to war for oil/money. Even his father said in the first Iraq war it would be a huge mistake to go into Bagdad and Rumsfeld said if we break it we own it. Well now we can no longer afford to go back in. It was never winnable. That's why McCain said he would stay in Iraq for 100 years. Dumb fucking republicans. Not the politicians and rich ones because they got rich. The stupid middle class and poor ones. The ones who enlisted to go fight for freedom. :eusa_liar:

The soldiers aren't liars. They were lied to.

Tell them they lost. They'll get over it. If they can get over the PTSD first.
Obama should tell vets we are not going to needlessly sacrifice more troops in a zero sum situation, that the sunnis and shia can bleed each other for some time to come.

More energy is produced here than ever before.

Reach out to Canada, Mexico, and Venezuela for more imports, and step up green power development.

We will get through without any difficulty.
Jihad is not about's about imposing religious views on others and if they resist...wiping them out. Make no mistake about it...the ultimate goal of ISIS is the destruction of all non-fundamentalist Islamic governments. They are NOT a "live and let live" group.
explain how Obama can blame Bush when he extended the stay in Iraq

:cuckoo: this should be good, stay tuned.

Yes, you are goofy, Siete, and a supporter of jihadism, which Bush guaranteed with the greatest fiasco in American foreign policy.

The ME is more destabilized now because of the forces Bush unleashed and Iran and Iraq grow more closely.

The neo-cons are wittingly aiding jihadism.

pssssssssssssst, I'm not a republican you moron

Pssssssssssssst, neither is he.

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