Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

Added by Mitch (Blocks funding to the VA) McConnell.


What's your point?

That Obama significantly raised funding for the VA after becoming President.

Funding dried up after 2010 and was subsequently blocked by Conservatives.

Feel good?

Republicans always block funding for anything or anyone but corporations and multibillionaires. This is what they are, this is what they do. It's sad to see these working class right wingers voting for the plutocrat party that wouldn't give them the time of day.
Added by Mitch (Blocks funding to the VA) McConnell.


What's your point?

Nothing is Obama's fault, ever.

Well you folks seem to think that America's problems started in 2009..

Before then?

Everything was awesome!

[ame=]Everything Is AWESOME!!! -- The LEGO® Movie -- Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island - YouTube[/ame]
Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

Thanks for your service.

And um..don't aren't going back.

This message said it all:

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.[1] The pact required criminal charges for holding prisoners over 24 hours, and required a warrant for searches of homes and buildings that were not related to combat.[1] U.S. contractors working for U.S. forces would have been subject to Iraqi criminal law, while contractors working for the State Department and other U.S. agencies would retain their immunity. If U.S. forces committed still undecided "major premeditated felonies" while off-duty and off-base, they would have been subjected to an undecided procedures laid out by a joint U.S.-Iraq committee if the U.S. certified the forces were off-duty.[2][3][1][4]

The agreement expired at midnight on December 31, 2011, even though the United States completed its final withdrawal of troops from Iraq on December 16, 2011. The symbolic ceremony in Baghdad officially "cased" (retired) the flag of U.S. forces in Iraq, according to army tradition.[5]
This whole situation is illustrative of the Left's naive belief that if we leave the terrorists alone that they will return the favor.

Reality is...we WILL be fighting these people SOMEWHERE. Whether it is Afghanistan...Iraq...Libya...Syria...Somalia...or some OTHER place in the Middle East, Asia or the Far East...they aren't going away and they DO want to destroy us. So put on your "big boy pants" and deal with it.

Well actually no..

It clearly illustrates the belief of conservative that as long as you are mighty and powerful, people will fear you so much they will put up with you running their countries and stripping away their resources.

That doesn't happen in real life.

In real life? People fight back.

Powerful people who instill fear don't run countries in "real life"? God, but that is an ignorant statement, Sallow!

That's been happening since the dawn of time. It's happening around the world as we speak. The fact of the matter is that it is far better to be respected for your might and power than to be a laughingstock for your weakness and naivete. When you deal with the Putins, the Assads, the Al Quedas and ISIS's of the world might and power are the only thing they DO respect.
Camp was right. Iraq wanted to hold American troops and try them in Iraqi courts. But why we didn't get out earlier? Because it takes time to get the resources together to do it. Iraq is responsible for Iraq, not us.
Already covered.

Obama's new Iraq Strategy:

Phase I Cut N Run

Phase II Blame Bush.

explain how Obama can blame Bush when he extended the stay in Iraq

:cuckoo: this should be good, stay tuned.

Obama can blame Bush because the rest of the world blames Bush. He extended the stay in Iraq to accomplish a dignified withdrawal that honored promises made by Bush. We left because the Iraqi government demanded the right to have jurisdiction over American troops. That meant allowing American troops to be tried in Iraqi courts by Iraqi judges for alleged crimes committed while under orders during combat operations. Obama told them to fuck off and left them to their own misery. Now they are paying for choosing to depend on Iran instead of the USA.

True, Obama did not extend, he honored Bush's decision.

The U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (official name: Agreement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq) was a status of forces agreement (SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011.[1] The pact required criminal charges for holding prisoners over 24 hours, and required a warrant for searches of homes and buildings that were not related to combat.[1] U.S. contractors working for U.S. forces would have been subject to Iraqi criminal law, while contractors working for the State Department and other U.S. agencies would retain their immunity. If U.S. forces committed still undecided "major premeditated felonies" while off-duty and off-base, they would have been subjected to an undecided procedures laid out by a joint U.S.-Iraq committee if the U.S. certified the forces were off-duty.[2][3][1][4]

The agreement expired at midnight on December 31, 2011, even though the United States completed its final withdrawal of troops from Iraq on December 16, 2011. The symbolic ceremony in Baghdad officially "cased" (retired) the flag of U.S. forces in Iraq, according to army tradition.[5]

What's your point?

Nothing is Obama's fault, ever.

Well you folks seem to think that America's problems started in 2009..

Before then?

Everything was awesome!

[ame=]Everything Is AWESOME!!! -- The LEGO® Movie -- Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island - YouTube[/ame]

Which is why the Republicans lost control of Congress in 2006, because thenation was so happy with Bush. I guess it's not your fault that the best you could do in 2004 was John Kerry, but Bush was so unpopular by then that he should have been beaten by a ham sandwich.

But nevermind all of that. Obama took office at noon on January 20, 2009. It became his problem to deal with then. He hasn't. All he's done since then is deflect, dodge, duck, and blame Bush. He had all the answers, he was going to fix this country, all we had to do was give him a shot. We did.

The buck stops nowhere near Obama's desk. Not now, not ever.
I tell veterans to vote democrat unless they can name one thing a republican ever did for a working man or a veteran.

Did you sleep through the whole VA scandal thing, Jason? Smoke a fattie and miss that? I hate to break this to you but the Democrats talk a good game about helping veterans and the working man but after six years of Barack Obama and progressives running the country veterans are dying waiting for care from the VA and the working man is slowly but surely getting bled to death with higher costs and a shrinking pay check. You blindly support people who take your vote and your money and laugh at you behind closed doors.
That Obama significantly raised funding for the VA after becoming President.

Funding dried up after 2010 and was subsequently blocked by Conservatives.

Feel good?

Oh..I're one of those hyperpartisans who really believe that "their" politician or "party" is "better" than the other one.

I think the communists call them "useful idiots" because they can be easily manipulated and distracted.

I don't care if it was a republican a democrat a libertarian or a whig.
The VA is fouled up and deserving veterans are not getting correct care.

To you that is secondary to politics.


All that and you manage to slip in "communist" too.

Spare me.

Since the 80s the Republicans have been on the march to the batshit crazy zone.

And recently? I think they even gone over that line.


Yes, yes...that's fall quite fascinating.

I wasn't talking about the 80's, though.
I wasn't talking about what the republicans did or didn't do then.
I wasn't talking about marching.
I wasn't talking about batshit.
I wasn't talking about crazy.

I said veterans deserve better care than they are getting. You made it political.
Oh..I're one of those hyperpartisans who really believe that "their" politician or "party" is "better" than the other one.

I think the communists call them "useful idiots" because they can be easily manipulated and distracted.

I don't care if it was a republican a democrat a libertarian or a whig.
The VA is fouled up and deserving veterans are not getting correct care.

To you that is secondary to politics.


All that and you manage to slip in "communist" too.

Spare me.

Since the 80s the Republicans have been on the march to the batshit crazy zone.

And recently? I think they even gone over that line.


Yes, yes...that's fall quite fascinating.

I wasn't talking about the 80's, though.
I wasn't talking about what the republicans did or didn't do then.
I wasn't talking about marching.
I wasn't talking about batshit.
I wasn't talking about crazy.

I said veterans deserve better care than they are getting. You made it political.

That sums it it up(.)

I said veterans deserve better care than they are getting. You made it political.
Reply With Quote

Thank you.
Hyperpartisans place party before country.
That's the problem in america today.

It'll get sorted.
Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

He should apologize to them on behalf of all Americans and George W. Bush for sending them to fight for nothing.

You know Dubya isn't going to do it.

You never accept responsibility for your own actions, do you? Obama could have pulled out when he took office. But he didn't, he completed W's timeline and mission. Why would Obama not apologize for himself that he kept them over there for years, yet still lost it? What you said is just stupid. He could have pulled out when he became President and done that. He doesn't get to keep them over there for years and lose and still just blame W.
My nephew, having been shot at in Iraq is really upset.

my Marine son in law, Afghanistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, in that order will tell you face to face exactly how fucked up it was then and IS now ... aside from having the barrel of his AR blown off and 3 broken fingers, he came out alive and unscratched so to speak
Nothing is Obama's fault, ever.

Well you folks seem to think that America's problems started in 2009..

Before then?

Everything was awesome!

[ame=]Everything Is AWESOME!!! -- The LEGO® Movie -- Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island - YouTube[/ame]

Which is why the Republicans lost control of Congress in 2006, because thenation was so happy with Bush. I guess it's not your fault that the best you could do in 2004 was John Kerry, but Bush was so unpopular by then that he should have been beaten by a ham sandwich.

But nevermind all of that. Obama took office at noon on January 20, 2009. It became his problem to deal with then. He hasn't. All he's done since then is deflect, dodge, duck, and blame Bush. He had all the answers, he was going to fix this country, all we had to do was give him a shot. We did.

The buck stops nowhere near Obama's desk. Not now, not ever.

He should apologize to them on behalf of all Americans and George W. Bush for sending them to fight for nothing.

You know Dubya isn't going to do it.

Obama switched side in the GWOT

Bush's Fault

Stock in the Obama KneePad Company at a new record high
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?

Now THAT'S a mature counter argument! :doubt:
He should apologize to them on behalf of all Americans and George W. Bush for sending them to fight for nothing.

You know Dubya isn't going to do it.

Obama switched side in the GWOT

Bush's Fault

Stock in the Obama KneePad Company at a new record high
Why aren't you enlisting and heading over there to vindicate all our dead soldiers?


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