Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Tell them we don't fight wars for them or so they can feel good about themselves. Bush sent them to war for oil/money. Even his father said in the first Iraq war it would be a huge mistake to go into Bagdad and Rumsfeld said if we break it we own it. Well now we can no longer afford to go back in. It was never winnable. That's why McCain said he would stay in Iraq for 100 years. Dumb fucking republicans. Not the politicians and rich ones because they got rich. The stupid middle class and poor ones. The ones who enlisted to go fight for freedom. :eusa_liar:

The soldiers aren't liars. They were lied to.

Tell them they lost. They'll get over it. If they can get over the PTSD first.

I'd like you to go find an Iraq Vet and tell him that yourself
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Tell them we don't fight wars for them or so they can feel good about themselves. Bush sent them to war for oil/money. Even his father said in the first Iraq war it would be a huge mistake to go into Bagdad and Rumsfeld said if we break it we own it. Well now we can no longer afford to go back in. It was never winnable. That's why McCain said he would stay in Iraq for 100 years. Dumb fucking republicans. Not the politicians and rich ones because they got rich. The stupid middle class and poor ones. The ones who enlisted to go fight for freedom. :eusa_liar:

The soldiers aren't liars. They were lied to.

Tell them they lost. They'll get over it. If they can get over the PTSD first.

Well said. BTW, it was Colin Powell who told Bush 41 "You break it, you own it" - then Bush 43 broke it.
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Tell them we don't fight wars for them or so they can feel good about themselves. Bush sent them to war for oil/money. Even his father said in the first Iraq war it would be a huge mistake to go into Bagdad and Rumsfeld said if we break it we own it. Well now we can no longer afford to go back in. It was never winnable. That's why McCain said he would stay in Iraq for 100 years. Dumb fucking republicans. Not the politicians and rich ones because they got rich. The stupid middle class and poor ones. The ones who enlisted to go fight for freedom. :eusa_liar:

The soldiers aren't liars. They were lied to.

Tell them they lost. They'll get over it. If they can get over the PTSD first.

I'd like you to go find an Iraq Vet and tell him that yourself

Doesn't have the balls, just another keyboard commando...
I don't think you grasp what the VA problem was about. Obama made it easier for Vietnam veterans to collect disability or increase the amounts of their disability payments at the same time Iraq/Afghanistan vets were flooding the VA for disability applications. So VA problems were caused by attempting to implement good intentions. Disability was made easier to obtain and created a deluge of applications.

The VA Disability-Claims Backlog?and the VA?s Response |

These problems can not be resolved if people don't understand what they are about. Playing political gotcha and blame games only prolongs the problem and makes it more difficult to resolve. Right at the current time VA funding is being blocked while political talking points blame Obama while McConnell blocks legislation that could help solve the problem.

That's total bullshit, Camp! The problem with the VA wasn't funding. The problem with the VA is that instead of addressing serious issues with patient care...the people running the VA fudged the numbers so they could get bonuses and promotions. So tell me who's paid the price for getting caught for doing THAT? What civil servants have gotten fired and which ones are facing jail time?

Then tell me why I should feel confident as a private citizen that government run health care for ME is going to be any better than it has been for the veterans!

I supplied a link to a three part article in TIME that gives a detailed study and report. You supplied stuff off the top of your head with no links but some talking point assertions and speculations. Like I said, the problems don't get solved when you don't recognize them, target the specific cause of the problem and construct resolutions. I'll bet you didn't bother to read a single article let alone the whole three parts.
Just curious, are you pissed off that over quarter million Vietnam veterans just became eligible for service connected disabilities that were never recognized before or that our Iraqi and Afghan vets will find it easier to obtain disability than any group of war veterans ever before?

I'm "pissed" because civil servants scammed the system and haven't been held accountable! What part of that can't you fathom? Your contention is that this situation took place because there wasn't enough money being given to the VA but the truth is...the VA's budget has been increased DRAMATICALLY! This is a systemic isn't a budget problem and it's a systemic problem that isn't confined to the VA! You've got civil servants in education fudging THEIR numbers so that they can get bonuses while not doing the job they were hired for. You've got civil servants in the IRS using their positions of power to advance their own political viewpoint.

So tell me who's been punished for this stuff, Camp? Who's been fired? Who's been put in jail for breaking the law? Who's being forced to make restitution to the taxpayers? The truth is...if you're a civil servant these have a license to do things that people in the private sector would find themselves facing jail time for.
That's total bullshit, Camp! The problem with the VA wasn't funding. The problem with the VA is that instead of addressing serious issues with patient care...the people running the VA fudged the numbers so they could get bonuses and promotions. So tell me who's paid the price for getting caught for doing THAT? What civil servants have gotten fired and which ones are facing jail time?

Then tell me why I should feel confident as a private citizen that government run health care for ME is going to be any better than it has been for the veterans!

I supplied a link to a three part article in TIME that gives a detailed study and report. You supplied stuff off the top of your head with no links but some talking point assertions and speculations. Like I said, the problems don't get solved when you don't recognize them, target the specific cause of the problem and construct resolutions. I'll bet you didn't bother to read a single article let alone the whole three parts.
Just curious, are you pissed off that over quarter million Vietnam veterans just became eligible for service connected disabilities that were never recognized before or that our Iraqi and Afghan vets will find it easier to obtain disability than any group of war veterans ever before?

I'm "pissed" because civil servants scammed the system and haven't been held accountable! What part of that can't you fathom? Your contention is that this situation took place because there wasn't enough money being given to the VA but the truth is...the VA's budget has been increased DRAMATICALLY! This is a systemic isn't a budget problem and it's a systemic problem that isn't confined to the VA! You've got civil servants in education fudging THEIR numbers so that they can get bonuses while not doing the job they were hired for. You've got civil servants in the IRS using their positions of power to advance their own political viewpoint.

So tell me who's been punished for this stuff, Camp? Who's been fired? Who's been put in jail for breaking the law? Who's being forced to make restitution to the taxpayers? The truth is...if you're a civil servant these have a license to do things that people in the private sector would find themselves facing jail time for.

I have not contended that the problem was or is caused by lack of funding. I pointed out that additional funding is being blocked by McConnell. The VA does indeed need more funding in my opinion. This administration is no better or worse than previous ones in regards to handling the administration and management of the VA.

There are systematic and institutionalized dysfunctions that have been going on through multiple administrations that need to be addressed. Blaming it on one administration or the other is just pissing in the wind. And looking for low level managers and administrators to jail or fine is just an excuse to take attention away from the congressman whose job it is to oversee these operations through their committees and staff investigations but instead are busy playing politics and raising money for reelection.

We are living in a era when fake scandals get investigated for fund raising purposes and real scandals are ignored.
Obama has never given a shit about the military and Vets.

He has no problem shitting all over them (see DoD cuts and VA scandal) and now shitting all over their accomplishments like creating a free Iraq only to be overrun by terrorists.

Hmmmmm, didn't Obama claim he killed all the terrorists off????
He should say, "We were there for too long, the Iraqi gov't didn't want us there any longer, and at some point they need to fend for themselves. Show of hands for those that want to stay in Iraq indefinitely.......that's what I thought. Carry on"
Obama hates the leader of Iraq on a personal level, so he is now laughing at the AQ terrorists coming to cut off the heads of Iraqis.

Obama doesn't understand he has Iraq over a barrel and can come to the rescue and dictate what happens in Iraq from here on.

Instead Obama will let his personal feelings and political cover up lies about "AQ being dead" override taking action now to eliminate a growing threat to the world. He will just leave the mess for the next POTUS like Bill Clinton did to Bush Jr with AQ and Bin Laden.....because they don't give a shit if Americans die in a 9-11 attack.
I supplied a link to a three part article in TIME that gives a detailed study and report. You supplied stuff off the top of your head with no links but some talking point assertions and speculations. Like I said, the problems don't get solved when you don't recognize them, target the specific cause of the problem and construct resolutions. I'll bet you didn't bother to read a single article let alone the whole three parts.
Just curious, are you pissed off that over quarter million Vietnam veterans just became eligible for service connected disabilities that were never recognized before or that our Iraqi and Afghan vets will find it easier to obtain disability than any group of war veterans ever before?

I'm "pissed" because civil servants scammed the system and haven't been held accountable! What part of that can't you fathom? Your contention is that this situation took place because there wasn't enough money being given to the VA but the truth is...the VA's budget has been increased DRAMATICALLY! This is a systemic isn't a budget problem and it's a systemic problem that isn't confined to the VA! You've got civil servants in education fudging THEIR numbers so that they can get bonuses while not doing the job they were hired for. You've got civil servants in the IRS using their positions of power to advance their own political viewpoint.

So tell me who's been punished for this stuff, Camp? Who's been fired? Who's been put in jail for breaking the law? Who's being forced to make restitution to the taxpayers? The truth is...if you're a civil servant these have a license to do things that people in the private sector would find themselves facing jail time for.

I have not contended that the problem was or is caused by lack of funding. I pointed out that additional funding is being blocked by McConnell. The VA does indeed need more funding in my opinion. This administration is no better or worse than previous ones in regards to handling the administration and management of the VA.

There are systematic and institutionalized dysfunctions that have been going on through multiple administrations that need to be addressed. Blaming it on one administration or the other is just pissing in the wind. And looking for low level managers and administrators to jail or fine is just an excuse to take attention away from the congressman whose job it is to oversee these operations through their committees and staff investigations but instead are busy playing politics and raising money for reelection.

We are living in a era when fake scandals get investigated for fund raising purposes and real scandals are ignored.

So what is your point, Camp? You admit that it's not a budget problem but then you turn around and say that the solution is to give them more money? Stop arguing with yourself and admit that the problem isn't with's what's being DONE by the civil servants that administer those budgets! These are not "fake scandals"...they are real and they are systemic. Who's been held accountable by the Obama Administration for the problems at the VA? The problems at the IRS? The problems in the Department of Education? The problems at the State Department? You've got civil servants that are doing awful work and not only are they not being punished...THEY ARE BEING REWARDED! If you see THAT as a "fake scandal" then you, my liberal friend, are delusional!
Obama has never given a shit about the military and Vets.

He has no problem shitting all over them (see DoD cuts and VA scandal) and now shitting all over their accomplishments like creating a free Iraq only to be overrun by terrorists.

Hmmmmm, didn't Obama claim he killed all the terrorists off????

DoD cuts (cuts that the GOP voted for) have nothing to do with vets. But veterans health benefits do. Too bad the GOP doesn't think vets' health care is worth spending money on.

Nobody claimed the Obama administration killed all of the terrorists, but he did approve the mission that lead to the death of OBL. I know it still bothers you guys that he got done what the Shrub couldn't or wouldn't do, but there's no need to keep crying over it.
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DUMBFUCK....I said "military" AND Vets.

Cuts to the DoD budget screws the US military, you stupid pile of shit.

Obama claimed AQ was dead and GM was alive. I knew he was fucking lying because I have been reading the classified reports on AQ long before his ass got into the White House and while he was lying to your face.

He knows you are stupid and will gladly swallow the bullshit he feeds you...."don't worry we can cut the DoD to pieces because AQ, Russia, China, Iran, etc are no threat to us." :eusa_liar:

Obama has never given a shit about the military and Vets.

He has no problem shitting all over them (see DoD cuts and VA scandal) and now shitting all over their accomplishments like creating a free Iraq only to be overrun by terrorists.

Hmmmmm, didn't Obama claim he killed all the terrorists off????

DoD cuts gave nothing to do with vets. But veterans health benefits do. Too bad the GOP doesn't think vets' health care is worth spending money on.

Nobody claimed the Obama administration killed all of the terrorists, but he did approve the mission that lead to the death of OBL. I know it still bothers you guys that he got done what the Shrub couldn't or wouldn't do, but there's no need to keep crying over it.
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Despite the disaster of the past week, terrorist don't control most of Iraq. They have been able to push the Iraqi military suddenly out of 3 or 4 provinces in the north of the country. Iraq has 18 provinces and most of them are under control of the Iraqi government in Baghdad and are stable.

Its been reported today that ISIS advance has been stopped and that the Iraqi military is starting to retake territory. So its way to early to be making grand declarations about the situation!
Obama hates the leader of Iraq on a personal level, so he is now laughing at the AQ terrorists coming to cut off the heads of Iraqis.

Obama doesn't understand he has Iraq over a barrel and can come to the rescue and dictate what happens in Iraq from here on.

Instead Obama will let his personal feelings and political cover up lies about "AQ being dead" override taking action now to eliminate a growing threat to the world. He will just leave the mess for the next POTUS like Bill Clinton did to Bush Jr with AQ and Bin Laden.....because they don't give a shit if Americans die in a 9-11 attack.

Ironic post considering Bush took us into Iraq based solely on the fact that he hated Saddam, only using his WMD lie as an excuse.

Oh yeah....he used his Jedi mind tricks to make the British intelligence agencies and Democraps in Congress to believe his claims.

Obama hates the leader of Iraq on a personal level, so he is now laughing at the AQ terrorists coming to cut off the heads of Iraqis.

Obama doesn't understand he has Iraq over a barrel and can come to the rescue and dictate what happens in Iraq from here on.

Instead Obama will let his personal feelings and political cover up lies about "AQ being dead" override taking action now to eliminate a growing threat to the world. He will just leave the mess for the next POTUS like Bill Clinton did to Bush Jr with AQ and Bin Laden.....because they don't give a shit if Americans die in a 9-11 attack.

Ironic post considering Bush took us into Iraq based solely on the fact that he hated Saddam, only using his WMD lie as an excuse.
DUMBFUCK....I said "military" AND Vets.

Cuts to the DoD budget screws the US military, you stupid pile of shit.

Obama claimed AQ was dead and GM was alive. I knew he was fucking lying because I have been reading the classified reports on AQ long before his ass got into the White House and while he was lying to your face.

He knows you are stupid and will gladly swallow the bullshit he feeds you...."don't worry we can cut the DoD to pieces because AQ, Russia, China, Iran, etc are no threat to us." :eusa_liar:

Obama has never given a shit about the military and Vets.

He has no problem shitting all over them (see DoD cuts and VA scandal) and now shitting all over their accomplishments like creating a free Iraq only to be overrun by terrorists.

Hmmmmm, didn't Obama claim he killed all the terrorists off????

DoD cuts gave nothing to do with vets. But veterans health benefits do. Too bad the GOP doesn't think vets' health care is worth spending money on.

Nobody claimed the Obama administration killed all of the terrorists, but he did approve the mission that lead to the death of OBL. I know it still bothers you guys that he got done what the Shrub couldn't or wouldn't do, but there's no need to keep crying over it.

Shit-for-brains, your beloved Republican party voted for those cuts. They also blocked an expansion of vet benefits. But you don't want to talk about that. You just want to blame Obama for everything - including the very war that Bush lied us into. Sit down and stfu you dishonest little twit. Pull your head out of your well-used ass long enough to take a whiff of reality.

Oh yeah....he used his Jedi mind tricks to make the British intelligence agencies and Democraps in Congress to believe his claims.

Obama hates the leader of Iraq on a personal level, so he is now laughing at the AQ terrorists coming to cut off the heads of Iraqis.

Obama doesn't understand he has Iraq over a barrel and can come to the rescue and dictate what happens in Iraq from here on.

Instead Obama will let his personal feelings and political cover up lies about "AQ being dead" override taking action now to eliminate a growing threat to the world. He will just leave the mess for the next POTUS like Bill Clinton did to Bush Jr with AQ and Bin Laden.....because they don't give a shit if Americans die in a 9-11 attack.

Ironic post considering Bush took us into Iraq based solely on the fact that he hated Saddam, only using his WMD lie as an excuse.

No Jedi mind tricks. Just good old fashioned bogus intelligence.
Obama cocksucker....Obama's budget has always had less money than the GOP HoR budget for the DoD. Just because the GOP has to compromise on the budget to get anything passed doesn't mean it was their idea to cut DoD spending.

Obama has been slashing the DoD budget while increasing welfare spending these last 5 years, see obamacare.

Again asswipe....Obama hates the military and the majority of military hate his fucking guts too.

DUMBFUCK....I said "military" AND Vets.

Cuts to the DoD budget screws the US military, you stupid pile of shit.

Obama claimed AQ was dead and GM was alive. I knew he was fucking lying because I have been reading the classified reports on AQ long before his ass got into the White House and while he was lying to your face.

He knows you are stupid and will gladly swallow the bullshit he feeds you...."don't worry we can cut the DoD to pieces because AQ, Russia, China, Iran, etc are no threat to us." :eusa_liar:

DoD cuts gave nothing to do with vets. But veterans health benefits do. Too bad the GOP doesn't think vets' health care is worth spending money on.

Nobody claimed the Obama administration killed all of the terrorists, but he did approve the mission that lead to the death of OBL. I know it still bothers you guys that he got done what the Shrub couldn't or wouldn't do, but there's no need to keep crying over it.

Shit-for-brains, your beloved Republican party voted for those cuts. They also blocked an expansion of vet benefits. But you don't want to talk about that. You just want to blame Obama for everything - including the very war that Bush lied us into. Sit down and stfu you dishonest little twit. Pull your head out of your well-used ass long enough to take a whiff of reality.

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