Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

I hate to point out the obvious here, Jakey but if "incompetence" were grounds for being put up against a wall and shot...then most of the Obama White House would be wearing blindfolds and smoking one last cigarette.

No, you see, that would be Bush who invaded a country that wasn't our enemy and let Al Qaeda and Iran divy it up.

(Oh, I'm not Jake. Try to keep up.)

The Middle East is none of our business? Really? Let's see how whole theory works out for you if a conflict DOES break out there affecting the world's oil supplies! When the price of gasoline goes racing towards the five dollar mark and our already moribund economy grinds to a complete halt I assume you'll blame THAT on the GOP, W and Zionists? All I can say is thank God there were some areas of exploration and drilling that weren't controlled by Barry and his minions so that we've got some oil and natural gas production going here in the States. If we had the energy program you progressives wanted we wouldn't have this latest boom. Every place you guys controlled, energy production went down...

Guy, I don't feel like letting young kids get killed in the middle east because you're a selfish prick who drives a gas-guzzling Lexus SUV.

If we had a sensible energy policy, we wouldn't need to be so dependent on foreign oil.

For the record, the world economy worked fine when Iraq couldn't sell it's oil before the war or not much after the war started. So, no, this isn't the horrible crisis you make it out to be.

But I'd love to hear this conversation.

Iraqi- "Well, Saddam murdered my brother, the Americans raped my sister, and ISIS just beheaded my son! Gee, I wish you people had never messed with my politics!"

Oldstyle "But, but, but. I don't want to CAR POOL!!!!!"

Hey, maybe if we Americans stopped being a bunch of selfish pricks, we wouldn't be so hated around the world. Just saying.
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Dearest Wingnut U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4. President Barack Obama did not leave a residual force of American troops in Iraq after he withdrew US troops because Maliki would not sign a Status of Forces Agreement protecting US soldiers. Though Bush also did not negotiate a long-term SOFA, prominent Republicans, including Senator John McCain and Mitt Romney, have slammed Obama for failing to obtain such an agreement. But Fareed Zakaria reports that a senior Iraqi politician told him, "Maliki cannot allow American troops to stay on. Iran has made very clear to Maliki that it's No. 1 demand is that there be no American troops remaining in Iraq. And Maliki owes them." 7 Talking Points You Need for Discussing the Iraq Crisis | Mother Jones
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks.

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

Items 1 thru 7 are honorable reasons to invade Iraq and it would be nice if they existed before the invasion. You would have found some reason to blame President Obama for something regardless or the out come.
We went in there for one reason, Oil. We were looking out for our interests and everyone knows what that is.
Don't you remember the list that was gone though as GWB tried to justify the invasion.
To refresh your memory
The first one was because of 9/11. We had to get those people responsible and we knew who they were, Iraq. That didn't work out to well as Iraq had nothing to do with it for several reasons. Where were the people involved in the 9/11 attack from? Have you ever heard of Saudi Arabia? Well most were from there, none were from Iraq. If you check the Muslim group that was involved in the attack you'd know why Iraq would not have been involved. Iraq was on of the few Arab nations that would not all Al Qaeda to enter their country.
WMD does not stand up to well either, if you think back we found none. The only people who ever said they had them were the CIA and NSA who's existence can only be justified by war or a threat of war. Of the 2, the least trusted is the CIA. If you check history you would find that were the one that set up puppet governments in both Iran and Iraq which made a few people in the country extremely wealthy but cared nothing about the people living there. It all had to due with oil. We ended up making enemies out of friends on at least three occasions.
For the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq find out about diagonal drilling.
3 and 4 are the same and 5 is an extension if not the same as 2.
6. Secure Iraq's oil fields. We all agree with that, some of us feel it was the only reason and should be no. 1
7. We really had no choice and it makes us feel better.
8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity. We never saw that. It was a problem with three ethnic/religious groups which contains extremists. The government was never stable. If you accept that war is a part of life then you should be able to come to the conclusion that all they (the two minority groups in government) had to do is wait until the US was out and then try to make changes.
In comes Al Qaeda! Our PR and Intel have been poor in that area, never being at an acceptable level. Al Qaeda was not allowed to enter Iraq, the door is wide open. We have not done much to eliminate them and they have become stronger and better organized. If you are concerned about the five being released as being a threat, forget it. They were replaced by people that are doing a much better job than they ever did. if they end up as key members again it will be with titles; but I don't see them providing much to the organization.
Your list of 8 reasons turned out to be 5 and 4 are questionable.
Al Qaeda and the Taliban are still a threat and at no time have they not been. I made a prediction regarding Afghanistan two years ago. Here is what will happen:
Think back to when we were the before. That conflict was ended by an agreement between Afghanistan and the Taliban which the Taliban broke. It may have been more than a year ago that Afghanistan and the Taliban, have been working on their own. The USA is not included in those talks. An agreement will be reached and in a few years will be broken again and the cycle will begin again.
Extremism is the problem. Extremism is an attempt to force your will onto everyone else. I will not allow for any dialog, the reason the Tea Party is known as the No Party. I agree with some things they say they want to do; but they are the most dishonest group I've seen and do not instill either honesty or trust in anyone. I see very little difference between the Tea Party, Taliban and Al Qaeda.
oil? seriously? if we wanted oil why not attack the Saudis

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oil? seriously? if we wanted oil why not attack the Saudis

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

You mean other than all of the world's 1 BILLION Muslims would go to war with us for invading their holiest sites? (Mecca and Medinah)

Here's the thing you get because you aren't very bright. The Saudi Royals were set up by the British and maintained by us. The thing that keeps them in power is all the oil wealth keeps the roiling mass of their fanatic Wahhabi sect pacified.

The Wahhabi's are tolerated by the rest of Islam because they are holders of the key holy places.
I hate to point out the obvious here, Jakey but if "incompetence" were grounds for being put up against a wall and shot...then most of the Obama White House would be wearing blindfolds and smoking one last cigarette.

No, you see, that would be Bush who invaded a country that wasn't our enemy and let Al Qaeda and Iran divy it up.

(Oh, I'm not Jake. Try to keep up.)

The Middle East is none of our business? Really? Let's see how whole theory works out for you if a conflict DOES break out there affecting the world's oil supplies! When the price of gasoline goes racing towards the five dollar mark and our already moribund economy grinds to a complete halt I assume you'll blame THAT on the GOP, W and Zionists? All I can say is thank God there were some areas of exploration and drilling that weren't controlled by Barry and his minions so that we've got some oil and natural gas production going here in the States. If we had the energy program you progressives wanted we wouldn't have this latest boom. Every place you guys controlled, energy production went down...

Guy, I don't feel like letting young kids get killed in the middle east because you're a selfish prick who drives a gas-guzzling Lexus SUV.

If we had a sensible energy policy, we wouldn't need to be so dependent on foreign oil.

For the record, the world economy worked fine when Iraq couldn't sell it's oil before the war or not much after the war started. So, no, this isn't the horrible crisis you make it out to be.

But I'd love to hear this conversation.

Iraqi- "Well, Saddam murdered my brother, the Americans raped my sister, and ISIS just beheaded my son! Gee, I wish you people had never messed with my politics!"

Oldstyle "But, but, but. I don't want to CAR POOL!!!!!"

Hey, maybe if we Americans stopped being a bunch of selfish pricks, we wouldn't be so hated around the world. Just saying.

What sensible energy policy has the Obama Administration given us? If you'll recall Barry wanted $6 a gallon gas and his energy policies have done everything they can to head us in that direction. It's only because OTHERS exploited our natural gas and shale oil reserves despite dogged opposition from Barack Obama and his fellow progressives that we HAVE a surplus of natural gas and oil. Barack Obama and his minions have also waged war on Coal, threatening to shut down power plants that provide the majority of our electricity while not having the infrastructure in place to compensate. As usual...Barry and Company's incompetence have left us vulnerable to affairs happening in the Middle East at the same time that he's decided to pull out of the Middle East. In short...Barack Obama's energy policy is fully as idiotic as his Middle East policy.
I hate to point out the obvious here, Jakey but if "incompetence" were grounds for being put up against a wall and shot...then most of the Obama White House would be wearing blindfolds and smoking one last cigarette.

No, you see, that would be Bush who invaded a country that wasn't our enemy and let Al Qaeda and Iran divy it up.

(Oh, I'm not Jake. Try to keep up.)

The Middle East is none of our business? Really? Let's see how whole theory works out for you if a conflict DOES break out there affecting the world's oil supplies! When the price of gasoline goes racing towards the five dollar mark and our already moribund economy grinds to a complete halt I assume you'll blame THAT on the GOP, W and Zionists? All I can say is thank God there were some areas of exploration and drilling that weren't controlled by Barry and his minions so that we've got some oil and natural gas production going here in the States. If we had the energy program you progressives wanted we wouldn't have this latest boom. Every place you guys controlled, energy production went down...

Guy, I don't feel like letting young kids get killed in the middle east because you're a selfish prick who drives a gas-guzzling Lexus SUV.

If we had a sensible energy policy, we wouldn't need to be so dependent on foreign oil.

For the record, the world economy worked fine when Iraq couldn't sell it's oil before the war or not much after the war started. So, no, this isn't the horrible crisis you make it out to be.

But I'd love to hear this conversation.

Iraqi- "Well, Saddam murdered my brother, the Americans raped my sister, and ISIS just beheaded my son! Gee, I wish you people had never messed with my politics!"

Oldstyle "But, but, but. I don't want to CAR POOL!!!!!"

Hey, maybe if we Americans stopped being a bunch of selfish pricks, we wouldn't be so hated around the world. Just saying.

Oh, so Islamic terrorists are flying jet liners into our skyscrapers because Americans don't car pool? Is that your contention? That if we'd all drive 50 mile per gallon vehicles that Al Queda would have never attacked?

Do you smoke crack...or is mainlining smack your drug of choice?
oil? seriously? if we wanted oil why not attack the Saudis

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

You mean other than all of the world's 1 BILLION Muslims would go to war with us for invading their holiest sites? (Mecca and Medinah)

Here's the thing you get because you aren't very bright. The Saudi Royals were set up by the British and maintained by us. The thing that keeps them in power is all the oil wealth keeps the roiling mass of their fanatic Wahhabi sect pacified.

The Wahhabi's are tolerated by the rest of Islam because they are holders of the key holy places.

I'm not the one who said it was about "oil"

See how stupid that is?

Even a sock troll dumbass like yourself sees how it couldn't have been about Iraqi Oil

Right, Jake?
Thanks to Obama the Jihadist control a swath of land from Aleppo almost to Baghdad.
What sensible energy policy has the Obama Administration given us? If you'll recall Barry wanted $6 a gallon gas and his energy policies have done everything they can to head us in that direction. It's only because OTHERS exploited our natural gas and shale oil reserves despite dogged opposition from Barack Obama and his fellow progressives that we HAVE a surplus of natural gas and oil. Barack Obama and his minions have also waged war on Coal, threatening to shut down power plants that provide the majority of our electricity while not having the infrastructure in place to compensate. As usual...Barry and Company's incompetence have left us vulnerable to affairs happening in the Middle East at the same time that he's decided to pull out of the Middle East. In short...Barack Obama's energy policy is fully as idiotic as his Middle East policy.

If you are what is being trotted out against the Dems, our GOP is doomed.

Once again, the butthole bushie neo-cons dealt America such hand that Obama never should have played it, just packed it in.

We have no business in the ME when we can let the shia and the sunni kill each other without our help.

You neo-cons will never get near the levers of power ever again.
What sensible energy policy has the Obama Administration given us? If you'll recall Barry wanted $6 a gallon gas and his energy policies have done everything they can to head us in that direction. It's only because OTHERS exploited our natural gas and shale oil reserves despite dogged opposition from Barack Obama and his fellow progressives that we HAVE a surplus of natural gas and oil. Barack Obama and his minions have also waged war on Coal, threatening to shut down power plants that provide the majority of our electricity while not having the infrastructure in place to compensate. As usual...Barry and Company's incompetence have left us vulnerable to affairs happening in the Middle East at the same time that he's decided to pull out of the Middle East. In short...Barack Obama's energy policy is fully as idiotic as his Middle East policy.

If you are what is being trotted out against the Dems, our GOP is doomed.

Once again, the butthole bushie neo-cons dealt America such hand that Obama never should have played it, just packed it in.

We have no business in the ME when we can let the shia and the sunni kill each other without our help.

You neo-cons will never get near the levers of power ever again.

Why do you pretend to be a Republican, Jake? I've never seen you argue a conservative viewpoint in any of the hundreds of posts I've seen you post here. So either you're lying...or you're REALLY confused about which party you should belong to.
The rather naive notion that Obama wasn't holding all the cards back in 2009 and is wholly responsible for his policy failures is what progressives like you, Jake have fallen back on because you can't bring yourself to admit that the man you all lauded as brilliant and a in fact neither.
Let's be honest...for the past several years, Barry has in essence simply been playing out the clock. He has no coherent foreign policy. He has no coherent energy policy. He has no coherent economic policy. He has no coherent policy to lower the deficit.

He's simply doing a song and dance until someone else inherits one hell of a mess...
Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

How about: We will get you jobs and health care no matter how Republicans try to block it.
Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

How about: We will get you jobs and health care no matter how Republicans try to block it.

LOL...yeah, because we all know how great of a job Barry has been doing creating jobs and with veteran's health care! :cuckoo::lol::cuckoo::badgrin::lol::cuckoo:
"oil? seriously? if we wanted oil why not attack the Saudis" Why invade the Saudis? We can get what we want without doing that.
In the 70's when we had the phony oil shortage we didn't need oil we had plenty. The oil companies switched from pumping 12 hours a day to 8 hours a day. What does that do to production? It reduces it by 33%. What was the shortage they were talking about? 30%. I have been trying to find out what percentage of wells are capped; but have been unable to do it. Oh by the way, who determines the oil reserves? The oil companies. Shall we talk about the BP Gulf Oil Spill? What were they doing to the well, other than saving a few bucks by not doing it properly? They were capping it. These companies don't have to own all the oil, all they want to do is control it. I guess you feel that loading up tankers leaving port, turning around, returning to port and claiming it was imported oil was an honest and ethical thing to do. At least it showed what these executives think of this country and the people in it. Free Trade . . . is companies are free to do anything they want and control the price by controlling the supply.
They juggle the reserve estimates to suit themselves and do it without being questioned, that is their plans at the time. When they want to raise the price of gasoline by $0.50 the raise it $1.00 let the people get rant and rave for a while and drop the new price by $0.50 a gallon. The people are happy because the price dropped, the image of the companies improved and the oil companies got what they wanted.
I don't know if the oil companies are still the ones providing the numbers for reserves as I haven't check on it for a few years. I'll have to do that.

What sensible energy policy has the Obama Administration given us? If you'll recall Barry wanted $6 a gallon gas and his energy policies have done everything they can to head us in that direction. It's only because OTHERS exploited our natural gas and shale oil reserves despite dogged opposition from Barack Obama and his fellow progressives that we HAVE a surplus of natural gas and oil. Barack Obama and his minions have also waged war on Coal, threatening to shut down power plants that provide the majority of our electricity while not having the infrastructure in place to compensate. As usual...Barry and Company's incompetence have left us vulnerable to affairs happening in the Middle East at the same time that he's decided to pull out of the Middle East. In short...Barack Obama's energy policy is fully as idiotic as his Middle East policy.

Why do you always change the subject when you can't win an argument?

Okay, one more time. HOw many American Soldiers do you want to die so you can keep driving a gas guzzler?
Let's be honest...for the past several years, Barry has in essence simply been playing out the clock. He has no coherent foreign policy. He has no coherent energy policy. He has no coherent economic policy. He has no coherent policy to lower the deficit.

He's simply doing a song and dance until someone else inherits one hell of a mess...

And yet- The deficit is half of what it was in 2009.

Unemployment has gone from 10% in 2009 to 6.3% now.

We are out of Iraq, getting out of Afghanistan, Bin Laden is fish food, and Most sane Americans are happy we don't have boys coming home in body bags.

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