Iraq: What Should Obama Tell all the US Iraqi Vets?

Shut the fuck up, I look down upon scum like you that didn't serve but spew your bullshit opinion about the military, Iraq and foreign affairs.

Stick to flipping your burgers at your fast food job.

Given I am a Vet with 20 years military service and 4 deployments after 9-11.....shut the fuck up. :eusa_whistle:

would have been easier to just say 'because i said so'

would have been more honest too.
seriously. you're just looking pathetic.

now, do you have a real reason why support for the iraq war is analogous to support for the military or are you going to admit that it was a bullshit statement from the beginning? i mean from where i'm sitting supporting the military and disagreeing with the war in iraq is pretty damn easy.
Since you're an idiot, let me explain it to you.

The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists.

When idiots like you say "Iraq was a disaster, waste of money/time, etc" well you piss them off especially if they had friends die or get wounded there, nevermind being away from family for 2 years like me.

A word of advice is to keep your mouth shut and don't tell an Iraq Vet that they were part of some mistake and that you support ISIS or Iran taking over what they helped create in Iraq but what Obama squandered.

Shut the fuck up, I look down upon scum like you that didn't serve but spew your bullshit opinion about the military, Iraq and foreign affairs.

Stick to flipping your burgers at your fast food job.

would have been easier to just say 'because i said so'

would have been more honest too.
seriously. you're just looking pathetic.

now, do you have a real reason why support for the iraq war is analogous to support for the military or are you going to admit that it was a bullshit statement from the beginning?
Since you're an idiot, let me explain it to you.

The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists.

When idiots like you say "Iraq was a disaster, waste of money/time, etc" well you piss them off especially if they had friends die or get wounded there, nevermind being away from family for 2 years like me.

A word of advice is to keep your mouth shut and don't tell an Iraq Vet that they were part of some mistake and that you support ISIS or Iran taking over what they helped create in Iraq but what Obama squandered.

Shut the fuck up, I look down upon scum like you that didn't serve but spew your bullshit opinion about the military, Iraq and foreign affairs.

Stick to flipping your burgers at your fast food job.
seriously. you're just looking pathetic.

now, do you have a real reason why support for the iraq war is analogous to support for the military or are you going to admit that it was a bullshit statement from the beginning?
you're explaining nothing.
i don't care if any given veteran believes the iraq war was worth it or not. that doesn't change the fact that they served their country and deserve respect for that.

but i'm not going to change my beliefs on iraq just because a veteran might disagree with me. and if they lost friends or were wounded themselves i'm certainly not going to suddenly change my mind. iraq wasn't worth it in money or lives.

and you certainly don't have to tell me about being away from family for two years.
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Why do you pretend to be a Republican, Jake? I've never seen you argue a conservative viewpoint in any of the hundreds of posts I've seen you post here. So either you're lying...or you're REALLY confused about which party you should belong to.
The rather naive notion that Obama wasn't holding all the cards back in 2009 and is wholly responsible for his policy failures is what progressives like you, Jake have fallen back on because you can't bring yourself to admit that the man you all lauded as brilliant and a in fact neither.

Oldstyle, you of all people are not qualified to analyze anyone else's political or cultural leanings.

I have been a Republican and a party leader probably longer than you have been alive. That you don't think Progressivism has conservative and liberal wings reveals that you don't think well or deeply.

Where I have lauded Obama, you can point out, or simply admit you are a liar. Heck, I will admit it for you. :lol: you're part of the Republican Progressive Wing, Jake? Let me guess...Deanie is a member of that wing too? Sallow? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

What's the deal with all of you progressives that don't want to admit that you're die hard liberals?
The US Military laid out 8 main objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom:

1 End the regime of Saddam Hussein.

2 Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

3 Capture or drive out terrorists.

4 Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. .

5 Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.

6 Secure Iraq's oil fields.

7 Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8 Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met

The goals were met at great cost to the US and especially in terms of our men who fought and served and made it a reality. In a few short year President Obama managed to turn back almost all of the goals. The terrorist networks now run most of the country.

In addition to the major geopolitical disaster this has become, what should President Obama say to the Vets who served in Iraq now that their sacrifices were all in vain

I guess he should say that he was right in voting against it in the first place.
Since you're an idiot, let me explain it to you.

The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists.

When idiots like you say "Iraq was a disaster, waste of money/time, etc" well you piss them off especially if they had friends die or get wounded there, nevermind being away from family for 2 years like me.

A word of advice is to keep your mouth shut and don't tell an Iraq Vet that they were part of some mistake and that you support ISIS or Iran taking over what they helped create in Iraq but what Obama squandered.

Shut the fuck up, I look down upon scum like you that didn't serve but spew your bullshit opinion about the military, Iraq and foreign affairs.

Stick to flipping your burgers at your fast food job.
seriously. you're just looking pathetic.

now, do you have a real reason why support for the iraq war is analogous to support for the military or are you going to admit that it was a bullshit statement from the beginning?

I served and i think it was a fucked-up mess.
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"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.
Uh, I was never a grunt.

FYI....Saddam provided monetary support to Islamic terrorists attacking our ally Israel and he provided medical support to select AQ terrorists running from Afghanistan.

Don't even try to act like you know more than me.

"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt. are the MINORITY and Iraq only became FUCKED UP when Bush's political men in Iraq made the dumb decision to block the Sunnis from the new Iraq which caused the insurgency for a few years.

The MAJORITY of us understand the mission in Iraq and eventually it was finished until Obama decided to leave no help for the ISF which led to the mess today.

Since you're an idiot, let me explain it to you.

The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists.

When idiots like you say "Iraq was a disaster, waste of money/time, etc" well you piss them off especially if they had friends die or get wounded there, nevermind being away from family for 2 years like me.

A word of advice is to keep your mouth shut and don't tell an Iraq Vet that they were part of some mistake and that you support ISIS or Iran taking over what they helped create in Iraq but what Obama squandered.

seriously. you're just looking pathetic.

now, do you have a real reason why support for the iraq war is analogous to support for the military or are you going to admit that it was a bullshit statement from the beginning?

I served and i think it was a fucked-up mess.
"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.

I think if you take the time to educate yourself you'd find that Saddam used to send "reward money" to the families of suicide bombers. Hard to paint that as not supporting Islamic terror... Just saying...
Obama cocksucker....Obama's budget has always had less money than the GOP HoR budget for the DoD. Just because the GOP has to compromise on the budget to get anything passed doesn't mean it was their idea to cut DoD spending.

Obama has been slashing the DoD budget while increasing welfare spending these last 5 years, see obamacare.

Again asswipe....Obama hates the military and the majority of military hate his fucking guts too.

DUMBFUCK....I said "military" AND Vets.

Cuts to the DoD budget screws the US military, you stupid pile of shit.

Obama claimed AQ was dead and GM was alive. I knew he was fucking lying because I have been reading the classified reports on AQ long before his ass got into the White House and while he was lying to your face.

He knows you are stupid and will gladly swallow the bullshit he feeds you...."don't worry we can cut the DoD to pieces because AQ, Russia, China, Iran, etc are no threat to us." :eusa_liar:

Shit-for-brains, your beloved Republican party voted for those cuts. They also blocked an expansion of vet benefits. But you don't want to talk about that. You just want to blame Obama for everything - including the very war that Bush lied us into. Sit down and stfu you dishonest little twit. Pull your head out of your well-used ass long enough to take a whiff of reality.

Gotta agree with ya.

Most of the Iraq war bets I know can't stand that fuck that currently occupies the WH. Hell the only time that asshole wants anything to do with the military if a photo op is involved i.e. SEAL Team 6 and the death of UBL.

How many trips has that asshat mad to visit the troops?? Bet you can count em on two fingers.

Sure glad all my relatives are now out of the military as none of them want to consider that asshole their CIC.

So giving money to the families of dead terrorists that blew themselves up against innocent not supporting terrorism???

Guess what idiot, if you built a house, provided food, etc for any family in support of their son blowing himself up in the name of are a supporter of terrorism.

"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.

I think if you take the time to educate yourself you'd find that Saddam used to send "reward money" to the families of suicide bombers. Hard to paint that as not supporting Islamic terror... Just saying...
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Uh, I was never a grunt.

FYI....Saddam provided monetary support to Islamic terrorists attacking our ally Israel and he provided medical support to select AQ terrorists running from Afghanistan.

Don't even try to act like you know more than me.

"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.

Oh poor Israel. They deserve what they get the way they treat the Palastinians people.
So you support Islamic terrorists blowing up, shooting and kidnapping "Jews." :eusa_whistle:

Uh, I was never a grunt.

FYI....Saddam provided monetary support to Islamic terrorists attacking our ally Israel and he provided medical support to select AQ terrorists running from Afghanistan.

Don't even try to act like you know more than me.

"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.

Oh poor Israel. They deserve what they get the way they treat the Palastinians people.

So giving money to the families of dead terrorists that blew themselves up against innocent not supporting terrorism???

Guess what idiot, if you built a house, provided food, etc for any family in support of their son blowing himself up in the name of are a supporter of terrorism.

"The majority of people in and that served in the military believe Iraq was a good fight removing Saddam from power and cutting off his support to Islamic terrorists."
Saddam never supported Islamic terrorist. He shot them. They were a threat to his power. Educate yourself grunt.

I think if you take the time to educate yourself you'd find that Saddam used to send "reward money" to the families of suicide bombers. Hard to paint that as not supporting Islamic terror... Just saying...

Don't we pay families $100,000 when their kid dies at war?

Mother of fallen soldier denied death benefits: 'I won't ever understand it' - News -

You see a difference? Of course you do. You're an American. Only an American can invade Iraq then cry about Russia invading Ukraine.
A piece of shit like you compares US troops to Islamic terrorists.

SGLI isn't free, asswipe.


So giving money to the families of dead terrorists that blew themselves up against innocent not supporting terrorism???

Guess what idiot, if you built a house, provided food, etc for any family in support of their son blowing himself up in the name of are a supporter of terrorism.

I think if you take the time to educate yourself you'd find that Saddam used to send "reward money" to the families of suicide bombers. Hard to paint that as not supporting Islamic terror... Just saying...

Don't we pay families $100,000 when their kid dies at war?

Mother of fallen soldier denied death benefits: 'I won't ever understand it' - News -

You see a difference? Of course you do. You're an American. Only an American can invade Iraq then cry about Russia invading Ukraine.
So you support Islamic terrorists blowing up, shooting and kidnapping "Jews." :eusa_whistle:

Uh, I was never a grunt.

FYI....Saddam provided monetary support to Islamic terrorists attacking our ally Israel and he provided medical support to select AQ terrorists running from Afghanistan.

Don't even try to act like you know more than me.

Oh poor Israel. They deserve what they get the way they treat the Palastinians people.

Do you support Christian and Jewish terrorists that blow up Arabs, shoot them and kidnap them?

Guantanamo Bay detention camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have a lot of fucked up right wing Americans here in this country. I guess to be honest with you I don't lose any sleep if/when one of you gets your stupid heads cut off. This planet would be better off if Jesus came and took you all home YESTERDAY!
A piece of shit like you compares US troops to Islamic terrorists.

SGLI isn't free, asswipe.


So giving money to the families of dead terrorists that blew themselves up against innocent not supporting terrorism???

Guess what idiot, if you built a house, provided food, etc for any family in support of their son blowing himself up in the name of are a supporter of terrorism.

Don't we pay families $100,000 when their kid dies at war?

Mother of fallen soldier denied death benefits: 'I won't ever understand it' - News -

You see a difference? Of course you do. You're an American. Only an American can invade Iraq then cry about Russia invading Ukraine.

Right now somewhere on Al Jazera Internet an non religious muslim says the same thing to your radical islamic counterpart and he says to him,

"A piece of shit you compare Islamic freedom fighters to the American terrorists?"

Yes, I am able to see the similarities. It's probably what makes me and you different. Why Rush and Fox can brainwash you but not me. I'm smarter than you.

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