Iraqi Parliament Vote Partisan

Gee what a surprise....Pro Iran members of the Iraqi parliament voted for foreign troops (aka America) to leave the country. Meanwhile, the Sunni, Kurdish and some minorities withdrew. So Iran is controlling Iraq by a simple majority disregarding vast areas of the country. Sounds similar to what the Democrats tried to do in 2016.

Walid Phares to Newsmax TV: Iraqi Parliament Vote Partisan

Yet Iraq was a power in that area and did not get along with Iran (Iran-Iraq war in the 80's)

Yet When the US invade and decimated their military then we left in 2011

and a rag tag army like ISIS could come in an takes part of the country

Even Trump wanted to withdraw troops after ISIS fell

The country is divide between Shia and Sunni populations and they are like domos and repubs

Sounds like politics in any country

of course the shia are going to side with Iran which is mostly shia

The shia in Iraq have been a minority but with America's help they have a voice

Sounds politic doesn't it and is it any different than in the US with political parties

Also America policy in that regions suffers from any cohesive plan
Idiots. Our presence there was the only thing keeping the Sunnis and Shiites from wiping each other off the face of the earth.

All because one tribe slept with another tribe member's goat 1400 years ago.
They were fine under Saddam I wonder went who went there to make a big mess.
Saddam like him or not had the country under control and kept Iran busy with the help of the US. But America decided to light up Iraq and the region.

Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia

That Saddam, what a great guy. Let's arm him.

1400 years of Islamic aggression...

Battles of the Rashidun Caliphate
Ridda wars

* Battle of Yamama 632
*Battle of Zafar 632
*Battle of Buzakha 632
*Battle of Ghamra 632
*Battle of Naqra 632
*Battle of Daumat-ul-jandal 633
Byzantine-Arab Wars
Muslim conquest of Syria
*Battle of Mu'tah 629, 8 AH
*Battle of Tabouk 630, 13 AH
*Battle of Dathin 634, 12 AH
*Battle of Qarteen 634
*Battle of Bosra 634
*Battle of Ajnadayn 634
*Battle of Marj-al-Rahit 634
*Battle of Fahl 634
*Siege of Damascus 634
*Battle of Yarmouk 636
* 637
*Battle of Hazir 637
*Battle of Aleppo 637
Muslim invasions of Anatolia and Constantinople
*Battle of Iron bridge 637
Muslim conquest of Egypt
* Battle of Heliopolis - 641, 20 AH
* Battle of Nikiou - 646, 25 AH
Umayyad conquest of North Africa
* Battle of That Al-Sawari - 655, 34 AH
Arab conquests in southern Italy
Islamic Conquest of Persia
*Battle of Chains April 633
*Battle of River April 633
*Battle of Walaja May 633
*Battle of Ullais May 633
*Battle of Hira May 633
*Battle of Al-Anbar June-July 633
*Battle of ein-ul-tamr July 633
*Battle of Daumat-ul-jandal August 633
*Battle of Muzayyah November 633
*Battle of Saniyy November 633
*Battle of Zumail November 633
*Battle of Firaz January 634
*Battle of the Bridge - 634, 12 AH
* - 636, 14 AH
* - 642, 21 AH
First Islamic civil war
* Battle of Bassorah (Battle of the Camel) - 655, 34 AH
* Battle of Siffin - 657, 36 AH
* Battle of Nahrawan - 659, 37 AH
Battles of the Umayyad Caliphate
* Battle of Karbala - 680, 61 AH
* Battle of al-Harrah 683
* Zaydi Revolt
* Ibn al-Zubair's revolt - ends in 692
* Battle of the Zab Second Fitna- 750
Byzantine-Arab Wars
* Battle of Sebastopolis 692
* Battle of Carthage - 698
* First Arab Siege of Constantinople
* Battle of Akroinon 739
* Second Arab Siege of Constantinople
Khazar-Arab Wars
* 1st Balanjar - 640s or 650s
* 2nd Balanjar - 723
* Battle of Marj Ardabil - 730
* Battle of Mosul - 731
* 3rd Balanjar - 732
Moorish Invasion of the Iberian peninsula
* Battle of Guadalete - 711 CE (Tariq ibn-Ziyad)
* Battle of Toulouse - 721
* Battle of Covadonga - 722
Charles Martel
* Battle of Tours - 732
* Battle of Narbonne - 737
* Battle of Avignon - 737
* Battle of the River Berre - 737
* Battle of Nîmes - 737
Battles of the Abbasid Caliphate
* Battle of Zab 750
* Battle of Rayy 811
* Battle of Ostia - 849
* Battle of Dair al-'Aqul 876
* Zanj Rebellion
Tang Dynasty
* Battle of Talas - 751
* Battle of Anzen - 838
* Siege of Amorium 838
* Battle of Baghdad - 1258 (Hulagu Khan)
Battles of the Kalbids
* Battle of Stilo - 982
Battles of Córdoba

* Battle of Simancas - 939
Battles of the Taifas

* Battle of Graus - 1063 (El Cid)
* Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa - 1212
* Battle of Granada - 1492
Second Crusade
* Siege of Lisbon - 1147

* Battle of Sagrajas (az-Zallaqah) - 1086
* Battle of Uclés - 1108
* Battle of Ourique - 1139
Battles of the Almohads

* Battle of Alarcos - 1195
* Battle of Jerez - 1231
Battles of the Marinids

* Battle of Rio Salado - 1340
Seljuk Turks
* Battle of Dandanaqan - 1040 (Toghrul Beg)
* Battle of Manzikert - 1071 (Alp Arslan)
Greater Seljuk
First Crusade

* Siege of Antioch - 1097
* Battle of Didgori - 1121
Crusader States
* Battle of Azaz - 1125
Sultanate of Rûm
First Crusade

* Battle of Myriokephalon - 1097
* Battle of Dorylaeum - 1097
* Crusade of 1101
* Battle of Artah - 1105
Second Crusade
* Second Battle of Dorylaeum - 1147
* Battle of Basian - 1203
Crusader States
* Battle of Marj es-Suffar - 1126
* Battle of Myriokephalon - 1176
Mongol Invasion
* Battle of Köse Dag - 1243
Zengid dynasty
Crusader States

* Siege of Edessa - 1144 (al-Malik al-Mansur)
* Battle of Harim - 1164 (Nur ad-Din)
* Battle of al-Babein - 1167 (Nur ad-Din)
Second Crusade
* Siege of Damascus - 1148 (Nur ad-Din)
* Battle of Inab - 1149 (Nur ad-Din)
Crusader States

* Battle of Sarmin - 1115
Ortoqid dynasty
Crusader States

* Battle of Harran - 1104
* Battle of Ager Sanguinis - 1119
Emirate of Tbilisi
* Battle of Didgori - 1121
Battles of the Fatimids
First Crusade

* Battle of Ascalon - 1099
* Battle of Ramla - 1101, 1102, 1105
* Siege of Tripoli - 1102-1109
Second Crusade
* Siege of Ascalon - 1153
Saadi Dynasty (Morocco)

* Battle of Alcácer Quibir - 1578
* Battle of Tondibi - 1590
Battles of the Qajar Dynasty (Iran)
* Battle of Krtsanisi - 1795
* Battle of Aslanduz - 1812
Battles of the Ayyubids
Crusader States

* Battle of Montgisard - 1177 (Saladin)
* Battle of Jacob's Ford - 1179 (Saladin)
* Siege of Kerak - 1183 (Saladin)
* Battle of Cresson - 1187 (Saladin)
* Battle of Hattin - 1187 (Saladin)
* (Saladin)
* Battle of La Forbie - 1244 (Baybars)
Third Crusade
* Siege of Acre - 1189 to 1191 (Saladin)
* Battle of Arsuf - 1191 (Saladin)
* Battle of Jaffa - 1191 (Saladin)
Fifth Crusade
* Siege of Damietta - 1218
Seventh Crusade
* Battle of Al Mansurah - 1250
* Battle of Fariskur - 1250
Mongol Invasion
* Mongol invasions of Syria
Battles of the Khwarezmian Empire (Iran)
* Mongol invasion of Central Asia - 1219
* Battle of Parwan - 1221
Battles of the Mamelukes (Egypt)
Crusader States
Mongol Invasion

* Battle of Ain Jalut - 1260 (Baybars)
* Battle of Wadi al-Khazandar - 1299 (Ghazan)
* Battle of the Pyramids - 1798
Battles of the Mali Empire
* Battle of Kirina - 1240 (Sundiata)
* Creation of the Kanem-Bornu Empire - 1200s
* Modibo Adama's jihad (Fumbina, early 1800s)
* Amadu's Jihad, 1800s
Battles of the Timurid dynasty

* Battle of the Terek River - 1395
* Battle of the Vorskla River - 1399
* Battle of Ankara - 1402
* Battle of Ghazdewan - 1512
* Battle of Bajaur - 1519
* Battle of Panipat - 1526
* Siege of Sambhal - 1526
* Battle of Khanwa - 1527
* Battle of Ghaghra - 1529
* Second battle of Panipat - 1556
* Battle of Tukaroi - 1575
* Battle of Haldighati - 1576
Battles of the Ottoman Empire
Byzantine-Ottoman Wars

* - 1331
* Fall of Constantinople - 1453
Ottoman-Serbian War
* Battle of Maritsa - 1371
* Battle of Kosovo - 1389
Ottoman-Hungarian Wars
* Battle of Nicopolis - 1396
* Battle of Varna - 1444
* Battle of Kosovo - 1448
* Siege of Belgrade - 1456
* Battle of Mohács - 1526
Ottoman-Wallachian War
* The Night Attack - 1462
* - 1595
Ottoman-Moldavian Wars
* Battle of Rovine - 1395
* Battle of Vaslui - 1475
Ottoman-Albanian Wars (1444-1467)
* Siege of Petrela - 1443/1444
* Siege of Stelluzi - 1443/1444
* Siege of Sfetigrad - 1443/1444
* Battle of Torvioll - 1444
* Battle of Drin - 1446
* Battle of Oronik - 1448
* First Siege of Krujë - 1450
* Siege of Berat - 1455
* Battle of Abulena - 1457
* - 1462
* Battle of Lower Dibra - 1462
* Battle of Pollog 1 - 1462
* Battle of Pollog 2 - 1462
* Battle of Ohër - 1464
* Battle of Kumaniv - 1465
* Second Siege of Krujë - 1466
* Third Siege of Kruj
Ottoman-Venetian Wars
* Battle of Zonchio - 1499
Knights of Malta-Ottoman Wars
* Siege of Rhodes - 1480
* Siege of Rhodes - 1522
* Siege of Malta - 1565
Ottoman-Persian War
* Battle of Chaldiran - 1514
Ottoman-Habsburg Wars
* Siege of Vienna - 1529
* Battle of Preveza - 1538
* Siege of Eger - 1552
* Battle of Djerba - 1560
* Battle of Szigetvár - 1566
* Battle of Lepanto - 1571
* Battle of Keresztes - 1596
* Battle of Saint Gotthard - 1664
* Battle of Vienna - 1683
* Battle of Zenta - 1697
* Battle of Petrovaradin - 1716
Polish-Ottoman Wars
* Battle of Chocim - 1621
* Battle of Chocim - 1673
* Battle of Lwów - 1675
Russo-Ottoman Wars
* Battle of Molodi - 1572
* Battle of Stavuchany - 1739
* Battle of Cahul - 1770
* Battle of Larga - 1770
* Battle of Chesma - 1770
* Battle of Sinope - 1853
Modern Wars
* First Barbary War
* Fulani Jihad
* First Serbian Uprising
* Ottoman-Saudi War
* Second Barbary War
* Caucasian War
* Greek War of Independence
* Turko-Persian War
* First Anglo-Afghan War
* Dungan revolt
* Panthay Rebellion
* Mahdi Rebellion
* Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
* Algerian War
* First Sudanese Civil War
* North Yemen Civil War
* Turkish invasion of Cyprus
* Junagadh
* Operation Polo
* Indonesian invasion of East Timor
* Western Sahara conflict
* Lebanese Civil War
* Ogaden War
* Libya-Chad War
* Somali Civil War
* Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
* Bangladesh Liberation War
* Iran-Iraq War
* Soviet war in Afghanistan
* Al-Anfal Campaign
* Second Sudanese Civil War
* Mauritania-Senegal Border War
* Nagorno-Karabakh War
* Gulf War
* Bosnian War
* Civil War in Tajikistan
* First Chechen War
* Kosovo War
* Algerian Civil War
* Second Chechen War
Current conflicts
* Darfur conflict
* Kashmir conflict
* Iraq War
* War in Afghanistan
* Israeli-Palestinian conflict
* Fatah-Hamas conflict
* Islamic insurgency in the Philippines
* 2007 Ogaden conflict
* South Thailand insurgency
* Waziristan War
* 2007 Lebanon conflict
* Insurgency in Saudi Arabia
* Sa'dah conflict
* Kurdish insurgency in Turkey
* Civil war in Iraq
* Second Tuareg Rebellion
* War on Terrorism

List of wars in the Muslim world

And we thought we had to spend millions of dollars to train them.
Wouldn’t it be great if the Democrats were pro-America, rather than pro-Iran and pro-terrorist? That is a world that we once knew, but is now hard even to imagine.
Wouldn’t it be great if the Democrats were pro-America, rather than pro-Iran and pro-terrorist? That is a world that we once knew, but is now hard even to imagine.

Pro-American is to argue to bring our troops home where they belong. That's the position of the Trump we once knew.
Gee what a surprise....Pro Iran members of the Iraqi parliament voted for foreign troops (aka America) to leave the country. Meanwhile, the Sunni, Kurdish and some minorities withdrew. So Iran is controlling Iraq by a simple majority disregarding vast areas of the country.
Hilarity. The concept of democracy is a difficult one for Americans to grasp, used as they are to the EC preventing too much of it occurring.
Gee what a surprise....Pro Iran members of the Iraqi parliament voted for foreign troops (aka America) to leave the country. Meanwhile, the Sunni, Kurdish and some minorities withdrew. So Iran is controlling Iraq by a simple majority disregarding vast areas of the country.
Hilarity. The concept of democracy is a difficult one for Americans to grasp, used as they are to the EC preventing too much of it occurring.

The definition of Democracy....5 men, 2 women. Men vote to rape the 2 women.....Men win. Women get raped....LOL
Idiots. Our presence there was the only thing keeping the Sunnis and Shiites from wiping each other off the face of the earth.

All because one tribe slept with another tribe member's goat 1400 years ago.
They were fine under Saddam I wonder went who went there to make a big mess.
Saddam like him or not had the country under control and kept Iran busy with the help of the US. But America decided to light up Iraq and the region.

Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia

That Saddam, what a great guy. Let's arm him.
He wasn't great but Iraq was stable and there no Alqaeda no ISIS and no bombings everyday. The shit hit the fan after Bush and his cronies made up a lie to go steal Iraq's oil.
Idiots. Our presence there was the only thing keeping the Sunnis and Shiites from wiping each other off the face of the earth.

All because one tribe slept with another tribe member's goat 1400 years ago.
They were fine under Saddam I wonder went who went there to make a big mess.
Saddam like him or not had the country under control and kept Iran busy with the help of the US. But America decided to light up Iraq and the region.

Iran–Iraq War - Wikipedia

That Saddam, what a great guy. Let's arm him.

1400 years of Islamic aggression...

Battles of the Rashidun Caliphate
Ridda wars

* Battle of Yamama 632
*Battle of Zafar 632
*Battle of Buzakha 632
*Battle of Ghamra 632
*Battle of Naqra 632
*Battle of Daumat-ul-jandal 633
Byzantine-Arab Wars
Muslim conquest of Syria
*Battle of Mu'tah 629, 8 AH
*Battle of Tabouk 630, 13 AH
*Battle of Dathin 634, 12 AH
*Battle of Qarteen 634
*Battle of Bosra 634
*Battle of Ajnadayn 634
*Battle of Marj-al-Rahit 634
*Battle of Fahl 634
*Siege of Damascus 634
*Battle of Yarmouk 636
* 637
*Battle of Hazir 637
*Battle of Aleppo 637
Muslim invasions of Anatolia and Constantinople
*Battle of Iron bridge 637
Muslim conquest of Egypt
* Battle of Heliopolis - 641, 20 AH
* Battle of Nikiou - 646, 25 AH
Umayyad conquest of North Africa
* Battle of That Al-Sawari - 655, 34 AH
Arab conquests in southern Italy
Islamic Conquest of Persia
*Battle of Chains April 633
*Battle of River April 633
*Battle of Walaja May 633
*Battle of Ullais May 633
*Battle of Hira May 633
*Battle of Al-Anbar June-July 633
*Battle of ein-ul-tamr July 633
*Battle of Daumat-ul-jandal August 633
*Battle of Muzayyah November 633
*Battle of Saniyy November 633
*Battle of Zumail November 633
*Battle of Firaz January 634
*Battle of the Bridge - 634, 12 AH
* - 636, 14 AH
* - 642, 21 AH
First Islamic civil war
* Battle of Bassorah (Battle of the Camel) - 655, 34 AH
* Battle of Siffin - 657, 36 AH
* Battle of Nahrawan - 659, 37 AH
Battles of the Umayyad Caliphate
* Battle of Karbala - 680, 61 AH
* Battle of al-Harrah 683
* Zaydi Revolt
* Ibn al-Zubair's revolt - ends in 692
* Battle of the Zab Second Fitna- 750
Byzantine-Arab Wars
* Battle of Sebastopolis 692
* Battle of Carthage - 698
* First Arab Siege of Constantinople
* Battle of Akroinon 739
* Second Arab Siege of Constantinople
Khazar-Arab Wars
* 1st Balanjar - 640s or 650s
* 2nd Balanjar - 723
* Battle of Marj Ardabil - 730
* Battle of Mosul - 731
* 3rd Balanjar - 732
Moorish Invasion of the Iberian peninsula
* Battle of Guadalete - 711 CE (Tariq ibn-Ziyad)
* Battle of Toulouse - 721
* Battle of Covadonga - 722
Charles Martel
* Battle of Tours - 732
* Battle of Narbonne - 737
* Battle of Avignon - 737
* Battle of the River Berre - 737
* Battle of Nîmes - 737
Battles of the Abbasid Caliphate
* Battle of Zab 750
* Battle of Rayy 811
* Battle of Ostia - 849
* Battle of Dair al-'Aqul 876
* Zanj Rebellion
Tang Dynasty
* Battle of Talas - 751
* Battle of Anzen - 838
* Siege of Amorium 838
* Battle of Baghdad - 1258 (Hulagu Khan)
Battles of the Kalbids
* Battle of Stilo - 982
Battles of Córdoba

* Battle of Simancas - 939
Battles of the Taifas

* Battle of Graus - 1063 (El Cid)
* Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa - 1212
* Battle of Granada - 1492
Second Crusade
* Siege of Lisbon - 1147

* Battle of Sagrajas (az-Zallaqah) - 1086
* Battle of Uclés - 1108
* Battle of Ourique - 1139
Battles of the Almohads

* Battle of Alarcos - 1195
* Battle of Jerez - 1231
Battles of the Marinids

* Battle of Rio Salado - 1340
Seljuk Turks
* Battle of Dandanaqan - 1040 (Toghrul Beg)
* Battle of Manzikert - 1071 (Alp Arslan)
Greater Seljuk
First Crusade

* Siege of Antioch - 1097
* Battle of Didgori - 1121
Crusader States
* Battle of Azaz - 1125
Sultanate of Rûm
First Crusade

* Battle of Myriokephalon - 1097
* Battle of Dorylaeum - 1097
* Crusade of 1101
* Battle of Artah - 1105
Second Crusade
* Second Battle of Dorylaeum - 1147
* Battle of Basian - 1203
Crusader States
* Battle of Marj es-Suffar - 1126
* Battle of Myriokephalon - 1176
Mongol Invasion
* Battle of Köse Dag - 1243
Zengid dynasty
Crusader States

* Siege of Edessa - 1144 (al-Malik al-Mansur)
* Battle of Harim - 1164 (Nur ad-Din)
* Battle of al-Babein - 1167 (Nur ad-Din)
Second Crusade
* Siege of Damascus - 1148 (Nur ad-Din)
* Battle of Inab - 1149 (Nur ad-Din)
Crusader States

* Battle of Sarmin - 1115
Ortoqid dynasty
Crusader States

* Battle of Harran - 1104
* Battle of Ager Sanguinis - 1119
Emirate of Tbilisi
* Battle of Didgori - 1121
Battles of the Fatimids
First Crusade

* Battle of Ascalon - 1099
* Battle of Ramla - 1101, 1102, 1105
* Siege of Tripoli - 1102-1109
Second Crusade
* Siege of Ascalon - 1153
Saadi Dynasty (Morocco)

* Battle of Alcácer Quibir - 1578
* Battle of Tondibi - 1590
Battles of the Qajar Dynasty (Iran)
* Battle of Krtsanisi - 1795
* Battle of Aslanduz - 1812
Battles of the Ayyubids
Crusader States

* Battle of Montgisard - 1177 (Saladin)
* Battle of Jacob's Ford - 1179 (Saladin)
* Siege of Kerak - 1183 (Saladin)
* Battle of Cresson - 1187 (Saladin)
* Battle of Hattin - 1187 (Saladin)
* (Saladin)
* Battle of La Forbie - 1244 (Baybars)
Third Crusade
* Siege of Acre - 1189 to 1191 (Saladin)
* Battle of Arsuf - 1191 (Saladin)
* Battle of Jaffa - 1191 (Saladin)
Fifth Crusade
* Siege of Damietta - 1218
Seventh Crusade
* Battle of Al Mansurah - 1250
* Battle of Fariskur - 1250
Mongol Invasion
* Mongol invasions of Syria
Battles of the Khwarezmian Empire (Iran)
* Mongol invasion of Central Asia - 1219
* Battle of Parwan - 1221
Battles of the Mamelukes (Egypt)
Crusader States
Mongol Invasion

* Battle of Ain Jalut - 1260 (Baybars)
* Battle of Wadi al-Khazandar - 1299 (Ghazan)
* Battle of the Pyramids - 1798
Battles of the Mali Empire
* Battle of Kirina - 1240 (Sundiata)
* Creation of the Kanem-Bornu Empire - 1200s
* Modibo Adama's jihad (Fumbina, early 1800s)
* Amadu's Jihad, 1800s
Battles of the Timurid dynasty

* Battle of the Terek River - 1395
* Battle of the Vorskla River - 1399
* Battle of Ankara - 1402
* Battle of Ghazdewan - 1512
* Battle of Bajaur - 1519
* Battle of Panipat - 1526
* Siege of Sambhal - 1526
* Battle of Khanwa - 1527
* Battle of Ghaghra - 1529
* Second battle of Panipat - 1556
* Battle of Tukaroi - 1575
* Battle of Haldighati - 1576
Battles of the Ottoman Empire
Byzantine-Ottoman Wars

* - 1331
* Fall of Constantinople - 1453
Ottoman-Serbian War
* Battle of Maritsa - 1371
* Battle of Kosovo - 1389
Ottoman-Hungarian Wars
* Battle of Nicopolis - 1396
* Battle of Varna - 1444
* Battle of Kosovo - 1448
* Siege of Belgrade - 1456
* Battle of Mohács - 1526
Ottoman-Wallachian War
* The Night Attack - 1462
* - 1595
Ottoman-Moldavian Wars
* Battle of Rovine - 1395
* Battle of Vaslui - 1475
Ottoman-Albanian Wars (1444-1467)
* Siege of Petrela - 1443/1444
* Siege of Stelluzi - 1443/1444
* Siege of Sfetigrad - 1443/1444
* Battle of Torvioll - 1444
* Battle of Drin - 1446
* Battle of Oronik - 1448
* First Siege of Krujë - 1450
* Siege of Berat - 1455
* Battle of Abulena - 1457
* - 1462
* Battle of Lower Dibra - 1462
* Battle of Pollog 1 - 1462
* Battle of Pollog 2 - 1462
* Battle of Ohër - 1464
* Battle of Kumaniv - 1465
* Second Siege of Krujë - 1466
* Third Siege of Kruj
Ottoman-Venetian Wars
* Battle of Zonchio - 1499
Knights of Malta-Ottoman Wars
* Siege of Rhodes - 1480
* Siege of Rhodes - 1522
* Siege of Malta - 1565
Ottoman-Persian War
* Battle of Chaldiran - 1514
Ottoman-Habsburg Wars
* Siege of Vienna - 1529
* Battle of Preveza - 1538
* Siege of Eger - 1552
* Battle of Djerba - 1560
* Battle of Szigetvár - 1566
* Battle of Lepanto - 1571
* Battle of Keresztes - 1596
* Battle of Saint Gotthard - 1664
* Battle of Vienna - 1683
* Battle of Zenta - 1697
* Battle of Petrovaradin - 1716
Polish-Ottoman Wars
* Battle of Chocim - 1621
* Battle of Chocim - 1673
* Battle of Lwów - 1675
Russo-Ottoman Wars
* Battle of Molodi - 1572
* Battle of Stavuchany - 1739
* Battle of Cahul - 1770
* Battle of Larga - 1770
* Battle of Chesma - 1770
* Battle of Sinope - 1853
Modern Wars
* First Barbary War
* Fulani Jihad
* First Serbian Uprising
* Ottoman-Saudi War
* Second Barbary War
* Caucasian War
* Greek War of Independence
* Turko-Persian War
* First Anglo-Afghan War
* Dungan revolt
* Panthay Rebellion
* Mahdi Rebellion
* Indo-Pakistani War of 1947
* Algerian War
* First Sudanese Civil War
* North Yemen Civil War
* Turkish invasion of Cyprus
* Junagadh
* Operation Polo
* Indonesian invasion of East Timor
* Western Sahara conflict
* Lebanese Civil War
* Ogaden War
* Libya-Chad War
* Somali Civil War
* Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
* Bangladesh Liberation War
* Iran-Iraq War
* Soviet war in Afghanistan
* Al-Anfal Campaign
* Second Sudanese Civil War
* Mauritania-Senegal Border War
* Nagorno-Karabakh War
* Gulf War
* Bosnian War
* Civil War in Tajikistan
* First Chechen War
* Kosovo War
* Algerian Civil War
* Second Chechen War
Current conflicts
* Darfur conflict
* Kashmir conflict
* Iraq War
* War in Afghanistan
* Israeli-Palestinian conflict
* Fatah-Hamas conflict
* Islamic insurgency in the Philippines
* 2007 Ogaden conflict
* South Thailand insurgency
* Waziristan War
* 2007 Lebanon conflict
* Insurgency in Saudi Arabia
* Sa'dah conflict
* Kurdish insurgency in Turkey
* Civil war in Iraq
* Second Tuareg Rebellion
* War on Terrorism

List of wars in the Muslim world
World war one and two killed more than 100 million people portrayed by the best race on earth the white race. Dont get me started.
The definition of Democracy....5 men, 2 women. Men vote to rape the 2 women.....Men win. Women get raped....LOL
Thank you for giving us the American version.


No dufus, America is a Representative Republic which would never permit that. Congratulations fore completely missing the point.....Idiot.
Our presence there was the only thing keeping the Sunnis and Shiites from wiping each other off the face of the earth.

That's the best excuse for leaving that I've ever heard. Bring the boys home.
Partisan as in all of the votes were casted by Iraqi citizens......why are we still there??
Partisan as in only Shiite votes, and not even all of them, and ZERO Sunni or Kurd votes. And it's non binding and it has no time table. It's meaningless fluff.

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