Ironic How Watergate 2 Loosely Involves Hillary


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary 'got her start' working on the 1st Watergate, being released from the team after being caught intentionally submitting a false / wrong legal paper in an attempt to deny Nixon his Constitutional Right to a fair trial / legal right to council.

Decades later, here she is, loosely connected to the potential 'Watergate 2'.

The DNC / Democrats rigged their Primaries and engaged in voter fraud in their Primaries, and had even fed Hillary debate questions in advance to try to help her win...unsuccessfully.

Barry was so afraid of everything he had done in 8 years and his 'Legacy' being wiped away - worried Hillary would lose that he illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team AND (allegedly) wiretapped the Trump Towers.

So Hillary could very well be at the heart of the reason why Barry illegally ordered 'Watergate 2'...and Hillary and Obama could be to blame for the entire DNC being destroyed.

Hillary 'got her start' working on the 1st Watergate, being released from the team after being caught intentionally submitting a false / wrong legal paper in an attempt to deny Nixon his Constitutional Right to a fair trial / legal right to council.

Decades later, here she is, loosely connected to the potential 'Watergate 2'.

The DNC / Democrats rigged their Primaries and engaged in voter fraud in their Primaries, and had even fed Hillary debate questions in advance to try to help her win...unsuccessfully.

Barry was so afraid of everything he had done in 8 years and his 'Legacy' being wiped away - worried Hillary would lose that he illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team AND (allegedly) wiretapped the Trump Towers.

So Hillary could very well be at the heart of the reason why Barry illegally ordered 'Watergate 2'...and Hillary and Obama could be to blame for the entire DNC being destroyed.


Five lies in one post. Good work.
There is zero political will to pursue legal action against either Hillary or Obama for any crime, real or imagined. ..... :cool:
Zero SNOWFLAKE political will - I agree.
Neither congress or any government agency will go after Hillary or Obama.

Mainly because one is female and the other black. .... :cool:
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Hillary 'got her start' working on the 1st Watergate, being released from the team after being caught intentionally submitting a false / wrong legal paper in an attempt to deny Nixon his Constitutional Right to a fair trial / legal right to council.

Decades later, here she is, loosely connected to the potential 'Watergate 2'.

The DNC / Democrats rigged their Primaries and engaged in voter fraud in their Primaries, and had even fed Hillary debate questions in advance to try to help her win...unsuccessfully.

Barry was so afraid of everything he had done in 8 years and his 'Legacy' being wiped away - worried Hillary would lose that he illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team AND (allegedly) wiretapped the Trump Towers.

So Hillary could very well be at the heart of the reason why Barry illegally ordered 'Watergate 2'...and Hillary and Obama could be to blame for the entire DNC being destroyed.

Hillary 'got her start' working on the 1st Watergate, being released from the team after being caught intentionally submitting a false / wrong legal paper in an attempt to deny Nixon his Constitutional Right to a fair trial / legal right to council.

Uh, are lying.......that didn't's Fake History....

leaving the rest of your post.......uh......entirely untethered to even the faint Echo of Reality....
Hillary 'got her start' working on the 1st Watergate, being released from the team after being caught intentionally submitting a false / wrong legal paper in an attempt to deny Nixon his Constitutional Right to a fair trial / legal right to council.

Decades later, here she is, loosely connected to the potential 'Watergate 2'.

The DNC / Democrats rigged their Primaries and engaged in voter fraud in their Primaries, and had even fed Hillary debate questions in advance to try to help her win...unsuccessfully.

Barry was so afraid of everything he had done in 8 years and his 'Legacy' being wiped away - worried Hillary would lose that he illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team AND (allegedly) wiretapped the Trump Towers.

So Hillary could very well be at the heart of the reason why Barry illegally ordered 'Watergate 2'...and Hillary and Obama could be to blame for the entire DNC being destroyed.

Missing H. Clinton are you?
Zero SNOWFLAKE political will - I agree.
Neither congress or any government agency go after Hillary or Obama.

Mainly because one is female and the other black. .... :cool:[/QUOTE]
Ok, you make a great point there....

Another good point is that the GOP are notorious, historic, documented COWARDS who don't like to take action because it 'may cause waves / cost them their jobs'.
Hillary 'got her start' working on the 1st Watergate, being released from the team after being caught intentionally submitting a false / wrong legal paper in an attempt to deny Nixon his Constitutional Right to a fair trial / legal right to council.

Decades later, here she is, loosely connected to the potential 'Watergate 2'.

The DNC / Democrats rigged their Primaries and engaged in voter fraud in their Primaries, and had even fed Hillary debate questions in advance to try to help her win...unsuccessfully.

Barry was so afraid of everything he had done in 8 years and his 'Legacy' being wiped away - worried Hillary would lose that he illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team AND (allegedly) wiretapped the Trump Towers.

So Hillary could very well be at the heart of the reason why Barry illegally ordered 'Watergate 2'...and Hillary and Obama could be to blame for the entire DNC being destroyed.

Why is this not in conspiracy theories?
Zero SNOWFLAKE political will - I agree.
Neither congress or any government agency go after Hillary or Obama.

Mainly because one is female and the other black. .... :cool:
Ok, you make a great point there....

Another good point is that the GOP are notorious, historic, documented COWARDS who don't like to take action because it 'may cause waves / cost them their jobs'.[/QUOTE]

Another good point is that the GOP are notorious, historic, documented COWARDS who don't like to take action because it 'may cause waves / cost them their jobs'.

meanwhile.....on Planet Earth...

After a more than two-year investigation, encompassing 33 hearings held in congressional investigations and four public hearings, at an estimated cost of $7 million and counting, Republicans on the House Benghazi Committee on Tuesday released their long-awaited report on the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi that ...Jun 28, 2016
Republicans' $7 Million Benghazi Report Is Another Dud | Vanity Fair

The IRS scandal exploded in May 2013 when Lerner answered a planted question at an American Bar Association event and apologized for inappropriately scrutinizing some groups applying for a tax exemption. Her response fueled a full-on scandal within hours that shook the Obama administration. Congressional hearings were held within weeks and the interim leader of the IRS was forced from office.

DOJ closes IRS investigation with no charges -

On September 19, 2012,[120] the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz publicly released a 471-page report[1] detailing the results of the Justice Department's own internal investigations. The Inspector General's report, which had access to evidence and interviews with witnesses not permitted in previous Congressional reports, recommended 14 federal officials for disciplinary action, ranging from ATF agents to federal prosecutors involved in the Fast and Furious operation.[120] It found "no evidence" that Attorney General Holder knew about Fast and Furious before early 2011.[121] It found no evidence that previous Attorneys General had been advised about gunwalking in Operation Wide Receiver.[1

Does our sun circle your planet?
Hillary 'got her start' working on the 1st Watergate, being released from the team after being caught intentionally submitting a false / wrong legal paper in an attempt to deny Nixon his Constitutional Right to a fair trial / legal right to council.

Uh, are lying.......that didn't's Fake History....

leaving the rest of your post.......uh......entirely untethered to even the faint Echo of Reality....

Anonymous summarizes & documents 30 year crime spree of Hillary Clinton

Uh, NO, snowflake - Hillary intentionally filed a false / wrong legal brief during her stint on the Watergate team, pone designed to deny Nixon of Counsel.
Behold the Snowflakes retreating to the Safe Space Reality of their own making....

Kinda like crackheads...

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