Ironman 3 was horrible

Saw Ironman 3 last night.
It was horrible:
1) Many unnecessary scenes that are not relevant to the story. So the movie just sort of be-bopped along without clear direction.
2) Where is IronMan? It is called Ironman 3...but Ironman was AWOL for 90% of the film...basically Ironman was a cameo in his own movie.
3) The villain was played by some super good looking guy that couldn't act. He was not believable.
I give it a C-
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You wanna see a truly bad superhero movie? Check out the first Fantastic Four movie. Not the one with Jessica Alba, et. al. (any excuse to look at Jessica Alba can't be all that bad), but the unreleased 1994 'film.' You can find it online, but be warned that you will only be able to stomach a few minutes of it at most.
kinda like the DD movie.....many did not like it just because Affleck was DD....but the movie itself was not that bad.....

No, actually, Daredevil was pretty craptastic. :lol:

your opinion Montro..... the comic fans at Superhero Hype .....which is comments by hundreds of people who read lots of comics and have for years.....when it came out they gave it around a 75%.....and till this day it is rated at 3-4 stars out of 5....all in all the movie was not as bad as some "fans" say it is....

Ok....and the opinion of hundreds of comic fans at Superhero Hype is the same. Go look at Rotten Tomatoes. Daredevil gets a 42% audience score, from over 400k people. I also saw a list that had it making less money amongst comic book adaptations than Dick Tracey. So the movie certainly didn't have the wide appeal of some of the higher quality movies that have been made.

It also spawned that piece of garbage that was Elektra. :tongue:

I didn't care that Affleck was Daredevil, I cared that it was poorly written crap. Hell, even the action scenes were pretty badly done!
I just finished it again with my son. I liked it this time. Seeing it through the eyes of a 7 year old does wonders...

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